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Evan Marshall

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Everything posted by Evan Marshall

  1. !st, i did not bring your name up and the inability to express oneself without obscenities indicates a serious issue.
  2. This proves my point. Too much ego, too much dogma and we'll never get to the truth.
  3. "Most human truths are fiction to God'" me
  4. We possessed the humility to really listen to others with opposing views and perhaps even admit we were wrong?
  5. I did two separate tours in Detroit Homicide and found that two investigators are the max you want wiht the suspect. More than that and they want to outshine the rest.
  6. It seems to be at the root of a conspiracy would be the desire to go uncovered. When you start looking at who could control the route, the evidence, the autopsy, and any federal investigations you're far beyond a bunch of red necks burning crosses or even wealthy citizens outside the federal government. We may salivate on the Mafia or the radical right but it doesn't bare close scrutiny. Having known a number of feds their mantra is don't embarrass the bureau or the agency. Nor would they be content in such a case to hook up with folks who would rat them out. And I continually see folks advocating a conspiracy the size of Maine. It would not only be unworkable but unnecessary. When I was a trainer at NNSA we table toped scenarios where we could basically shut the country down with less than 50 people. Our bosses got so alarmed they classified the whole project!
  7. JM Wave and a military sniper brought in from Vietnam and two of the three died of old age, in bed. The 3rd is still alive far I know.
  8. JM Wave. Israel would only be a distant memory had they moved against the US in such a fashion.
  9. If maybe there was more than one team operating independently in Dealy Plaza? Might explain some of the conflicting observations by witnesses. I'm aware of an assassination plan in Africa where the Special Air Service realized they were across the street from some South African Special Ops folks that were there to assassinate the same leader and so both groups left without taking any action.
  10. No, Skippy&Cupcake, all witnesses are not equal and closer is not necessarily better. There were a couple of combat veterans in Dealy Plaza and I consider their testimony important. If you're secret service agent who can't differentiate between fire works and rifle shots perhaps a career change might be a splendid idea. The Dr's in Parkland ER I consider extremely valid as they saw gun shot wound on a daily basis. Bethesda? Maybe, if their goal had been the truth. Bud sadly they were not.
  11. When I worked CSI as a police officer, we were instructed to put our initials on the gun not on something that could be removed easily. This was in the early 70's.
  12. IIRC, Colt made a 4" .38 Special called the Commando, so think this was a name attached by the seller.
  13. One point the barrel was not rechambered though I believe they were cut back from 4"
  14. Thanks-the honesty in this case is surprising.
  15. Done some searching but am in the middle of another book project. I understand why they could not get any rifling results as the gun was originally made in .38 S&W and then the cylinders were bored out to hold .38 Special rounds to make them more marketable. The .38 S&W had a slightly larger bore than the .38 Special so the bullets kind of just skittered down the bore. The cases, however, would bare firing pin marks that would have been distinctive and I'm sure if they did they would have shouted it from the roof tops. Sor my question. Is there any evidence they attempted to match the firing pin indentations?
  16. It's easy to speculate but without testing one one can only chase their tails AND if we are not careful we end with a conspiracy the size of the 82nd Airborne
  17. Agreed, but those are those who insist was hired by others to murder JFK.
  18. We have 32 grandkids and he is the oldest. Served an LDS Mission in Bulgaria and then joined the USMC. Went to the Monterrey Language School were he graduated 1st. He is currently serving in counter intelligence and awaiting his first daughter, our 2nd great grand child! Derek has always kept his own counsel.
  19. My oldest grandson recently graduated from Boot Camp with the top score with the M16 with the Acog sight. Oswald's scores were not near as good as his positions.
  20. Oh, I agree he was led and used, but which of us have never been? Anyone who selected him for anything other than patsy would have demanded a refund. I was simply pointing out he had been trained on a superb battle rifle and would selected a better rifle if he had actually been playing to shoot anyone.
  21. We could debate Oswald's skill with any sort of firearm, but the reality is that he was a Marine when great emphasis was on shooting skills AND He was trained on the M-1 Garand, a .30 caliber semiautomatic rifle that held 8 rounds without a reload. If his goal was to assassinate the president he could have stolen an M-1 Garand if he lacked the funds to buy one.Semi auto means he could launch 8 rounds quickly from a very accurate rifle. I have one and agree with George Patton that it was a superb battle rifle. Remember Oswald was not stupid or crazy.
  22. Sorry, but I've not found Tosh convincing. As we saw in Dealy Plaza there was a lot of confusion about the source of shots. And depending how they were dressed and we've seen at least one sample of apparently phony creds and a successful escape might have appallingly simple.
  23. One of the first things I was taught in sniper school was to pick a position with the greatest field of fire and that the hardest shot should be the first and to let the target come closer and closer rather than further apart. CIA buds told me that two shooters were from JM Wave and the third was a sniper from Vietnam who was flown right back afterwards. Sniper was in the Dal Tex building the the shooters from JM Wave were both behind he fence line.
  24. The last time I read all 26 volumes was in the late 60's and a number of other things happened in life was it did with all of us, Got married, graduated with a B.A, in History, became a cop in Detroit whose assignments included CSI, Tactical Unit-twice, Homicide-twice, and the original firearms and tactics instructor for the SWAT Team, And, of course, I kept being drawn back to Dallas. I was also a trained and qualified sniper. Also picked up an MA in Education. I learned something very valuable early at Homicide-the truth hangs together and does not need tweaking. The WC does not hang together and Warren's comment that this report of a lone discontent with no connections to the government who was shot by a person with no ties to organized crime whose evidence will not be released in our life time. I solved murders with less clues than that! I'm personally convinced that I know what happened and where the shooters were drawn from based on statement from two buds who were retired CIA who were recruited from the Green Berets. Operators not analysists. As I said earlier I'm not charging admission or collecting dues so I see no need to explain or justify my beliefs.
  25. Well, I think it is a bit of a stretch to say everyone from certain groups told the truth. One thing I learned working Detroit Homicide twice was that people lie for all sorts of reasons AND every witness has at least a speck of gold in their observations and sometimes you hit the mother lode. I'm afraid, however, just like the WC, too many critics are driven by ego and the old "I know something you don't know!" position.
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