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Evan Marshall

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Everything posted by Evan Marshall

  1. Some of the Agency's Hanger On's thought a stop sign was an indicator of too much government interference. I met and did some training for an outfit run by a retired Green Beret master breacher and his opinion was that JFK was not shot soon enough! There is a whole other world out there! We were doing a class on hostage rescue on school buses with a couple of buds from 22SAS.
  2. After a tour in CSI and two tours in Detroit Homicide I can tell you that there is no certainty where a bullet might end up. A frangible bullet could be contained in the neck. But when the fix is in as it was at THIS autopsy who know how many bullets they actually recovered?
  3. On 11-22-63 I was a student attending Brigham Young University in Utah. Right from the beginning, it did not hang together for me. I later transferred to the University of Southern California and read the 26 volumes. I knew it was a conspiracy when I was thru with that task. Only decades later when the evidence was produced to show JFK was planning to turn the war over to the South Vietnamese. That and the Bay of Pigs have convinced that the secrets lie within JM Wave. Had a couple of buds who retired from the Agency who while working in Eastern Europe and South America, both pointed me to JM Wave.
  4. People who pontificate using ten-dollar words to explain 17 cent solutions have never been punched in the mouth.
  5. I was wondering if this book will be available in the Kindle format. I can afford the paper back but at 80 I'd just like to carry my laptop.
  6. i spent two separate tours in Detroit Homicide and found that the most hopeless open cases can be closed. Patience, humility, and hard work will succeed when ego and intellect fail! There are too many self-anointed experts in this field of inquiry. Knowing the names of the shooters may not disclose who hired them. I've long been convinced that JM Wave holds the answers.
  7. Two AR-15's and one Winchester Model 70 in .264 Magnum, JM Wave holds the answers
  8. Wondered if anyone ever checked to see if anyone made a lot of money on the stock market reacting to JFK's murder?
  9. If we start with a conclusion then all the "facts" that support that conclusion are golden but things that don't are discarded as irrelevant or simply wrong. I saw that happen time after time at Homicide when coworkers would "know" what happened and eventually find themselves with an unsolved homicide. And bullets can and will do all sorts of unpredictable things when they impact the human body AND the only time I saw anyone take three rifle rounds to the head and it was still relatively intact was when the M-1 carbine fmj was used.
  10. I read BE but waiting for its sequel reminds me of the boy who cried wolf. I wrote and published three books between 19189-2002. I've lost all interest in what DL's book might consist of.
  11. As a retired Homicide Sgt with the Detroit Police Dept who as assigned to Homicide twice with a tour at Detroit SWAT in between I've watched any number of intellectually silly or unsubstantiated "Facts". I learned quickly at Homicide if you did not look critically at what you thought you knew you would quickly end up with an unsolved Homicide. I've satisfied myself that I'm sure of what happened. Since I'm not selling things or trying to create "Evan's Marshals" I look with severe disappointment when we focus on throwing mud at each other.
  12. I've feared for decades that the biggest thing inhibiting us is ego. If we cannot admit our humanity or that we actually might be wrong!
  13. There wasn't the concern over an uncontrolled autopsy, a thorough crime scene search, a competent interrogation AND a trial for the patsy
  14. Actually, I was earlier today but no longer. The problem with some folks, like the teflon don's buddy Sammy can't keep her mouths shut once they're in.Otherwise I agree to disagree based on first hand information I possess.
  15. I've always thought that one of the reasons the conspiracy wasn't tumbled to earlier was simply the fact that we as a nation were too innocent and did not have a clue that such enthusiastic evil existed within our own government.
  16. Same for JFK. Frankly, Hoffa's death never interested me. He was a thug and we used to have serious problems in Detroit PD whenever the Teamsters were involved in demonstrations or strikes.
  17. The Code Of Silence evaporated years ago and witness protection is full of made men who snitched out their fellow slugs.
  18. Shortly before my retirement I met with the FBI's political corruption unit about my knowledge of DPD involvement in drug trafficking. When I asked them towards the end of our lengthily meeting if they knew who killed Hoffa they responded they didn't care!
  19. The question, of course, is why was a basic rule of homicide interrogations ignored repeatedly by Dallas PD?
  20. They should have been conveyed downtown and interviewed out side their comfort zone ASAP. I walked into Homicide one morning and we had 100 witnesses who needed to be interviewed.
  21. I learned a great thing at Detroit Homicide. Almost every witness has at least a speck of gold on them and sometimes with a little effort you uncover the mother load.
  22. Beto's idea of a vibe is pathetic and hardly an heir to the Kennedy I liked most.
  23. I joined the Detroit Police Dept in 1969. It was common practice to write down the appropriate info in a notebook and then towards the end of the day it would be transferred to the official run sheet.I knew coppers who kept these informal notebooks from their entire carer. And I suspect that November 22nd would be a day where such informal and unofficial records would be kept after transferred to the actual activity log. Maybe not but maybe
  24. Next he'll blame global warming and the ice age on those of us who are LDS. Grow up!
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