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Evan Marshall

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Everything posted by Evan Marshall

  1. Only a fool would call a grown man, "Boy". I spent 20 yrs in the Detroit Police Dept where my assignments included-Tactical Unit, CSI, Homicide, and the Special Response Team. After my retirement I worked for Israel Military Industries and the National Nuclear Security Administration's Office of Secure Transportation, training the federal agents who transport nuclear weapons. Joseph Smith said it best, "People can leave this Church, but just can't leave it alone." It's too bad that such bigotry exists here-I just finished "Nexus" and find it more enlightening that a printed tirade by an Ex Mormon.
  2. Boy, you can learn more here about JFK assassination, by reading the 1990 manuscript/book CROSSTRAILS written by a resigned Mormon.
  3. there is no need to get permission from anybody to pursue a carrer or office. There is no connection between the Church and the JBS. It amazes me that people woild be so foolish as to take an outsidders "view" of the Church instead of simply exploring the doctrines of the Church from the Church and deciding if they have any relevance in their life. If I was thinking about buyong a Chrysler what kind of recommendation do you think I would get from a Buick dealer? I come here to learn more about the JFK murder not the "Conspiaracies" laucnhed by some imagined secret team in my Church. If this the sort bigotry that is allowed to flourish here the crime will never be solved. Grow up and move on.
  4. Harry, I agree. And I don't want another ex-governor of The Independent Republic of Texas for our President, either... --Odd Tommy As an active Mormon the above is a bunch of crap. Go to LDS.org and read what we really believe. I have known the Romney family for yrs and remain unimpressed. Huntsman is a fraud. The Church will stand or fall on its actual beliefs. I was at BYU on 11/22/63 and quickly realized something was amiss. Yr later as a Homicde Sgt with the Detroit Police Dept I realized it was not really investigated. I knew it was a conspirarcy when Jack Ruby corrected the DA on Oswald's affiliation. I suggest we focus on the JFK assassination. I refuse to critisize others belief and I fully expect the same courtsy.
  5. no exact length-Detroit had to be the last big city in the US to get a SWAT Team and I was asked to be the training Sgt because of weapons training I had done outside the dept and being regularly publishd in the law enforcement press. Once the Team was spun up I went back to Homicide. Had to take an early retirement due to my cooperation wih the FBI.
  6. I spent 20yrs with Detroit PD including two seperate tours in Homicide-having read all 26 volumes several times and a whole lot of other materials I can assure everybody the Dallas Investigation was a joke. I've never read any dependable material that showed the relevance of drugs with Dallas. I had homicides involving drug dealers in Detroit where I talked to more people than Dallas Homicide did. They never secured the crime scenes and never interviewed the whole DC crowd before they left town. They were either intimidated or bribed by the Feds and frankly I don't think Dallas Homicide AT THAT TIME could have found an elephant in a bath tub. Current Dallas Homicide has some really sharp folks. Every witness to a crime has at least a few specks of gold on them and if they are approached correctly, that spek can lead to the mother load
  7. Hi Jim, Do you mean that you were wondering if the reason ONLY 3 shots were heard by some is that the remaining shots were unheard as a result of the relatively inaudible air gun sound? I think that's what you are asking. IMO, the amount of mass that a projectile would need to possess in order to inflict the kind of damage that JFK suffered exceeds the upper limit of 1963 "air power" technology. IOW: the mass of the bullets required to do the job was too high for "air" alone to power. Again, that is my opinion only. Although I have a fairly good working knowledge of the subject, I'm no expert by any means. Greg/Jim you are looking at over 1000 FPS for a .22 but some home(overgassed) gas powered can reach double that figure. But with such a small (throat wound type )projectile penetration would be a problem.Unless just delivering to blood supply levels in the Derma . Ian there's a much simpler answer-Mitch Werbell invented the Sionic supresser and Jack Cannnon the Glaser Safety Slug which would look vwey similar to the many projectiles seen on the XRays. They along withn George Nonte make an interesting combination. All 3 had connections to intelligence. A friend who retired from CIA told me the old China hands were pretty extreme.
  8. ------------------------------------------------------ 5) DiEugenio says his research has led to discussion of a third rifle, more appropriately identified as a first rifle, found before the Mauser. JG OK, you got me hooked. Tell me more about this THIRD [first?] rifle discovery...or direct me to more information, please. ----------------------------------------------------------- Hi Mark, I apologize for not having the specific Black Op Radio archived program from 2009 on which I heard Jim DiEugenio say this. But I have written to the email address on his CTKA site and gotten a response on another matter, so I recommend dropping him a line. Good Luck, JG I don't know when Dallas went to the CSI concept but my dept, Detroit PD, went to it in 1971 and I was in the 1st class for CSI. Prior to that in Detroit, Central Photo would do the pictures, Latent Prints would handle print evidence and the Crime Lab would handle the blood and other body fluids. We went to a CSI approach because there was a tendency to miss stuff. My partner and I handled a number of mutliple homcides and homicide was much happier the way they were handled by one unit. Dallas Pd certainly deserves alot of criticism for their work on this case, but perhaps a portion of the problem was a number of different people from different units responsible for various components of the scene. We often spent 24hrs or more processing a scene with the thoroughness required and we never had a dead President.
  9. Doug Horne is an able writer and this short paragraph could easily refer to much of Bugliosi's writings on conspiracy and the murder of President Kennedy. clusioDuring two tours in Detroit Homicide I reached the conclusion that people who jump to conclusions usually end up landing on their posterior. I don't have time at the present to read Doug's work so I haven't bought it but I will. I would suggest that people read it several times before getting overly excited about what's there. Remember he's on our side! Do I hae my ownv opinions about who were behind the JFK homicide? Yup, but as long as some one thinks the Warren Commission was a fraud I'll treat him with kindness without all these paranoid accusations and if some one agrees with the WC I've found its possible to disagree without being disagreeable. Unfortunately, ego often trumps common sense when it turns the subject of what happened to JFK. I've written three controversial books on ammunition perfromance and tell people they can do one of three things with my effortis: 1.accept it 2. reject it 3. or be like my wife and ignore it. Civility has become an endangered species
  10. there sadly seems to be little correlation between educational levels and polite and respectful discourse. Evan Marshall Sgt, Detroit Homicide, retd
  11. We need to remember that nothing effects cops worse than the death of another officer. I was on the job in Detroit 1969-1989 and the death of a cop placed at Oswalds feet in 1963 should have guaranteed Oswald DRT (Dead Right There) instead of arrested.
  12. I spent 20 yrs as a Detroit cop and always felt that people who want to committ crimes ought to to be atleast as much at risk as I was. good guys are safe and bad guys are no longer in a position to put good guys at risk-my kind of results. Do I believe JFK, RFK, MLK, and Malcom X were murdered by conspiracies? you bet. do I believe in UFO's?-nope. spent severals week at the Nevada Test Site which is next door to Area 51-saw alot of "things" in the air at night-convinced they are CFO's-classified flying objects, not UFO's. not everything is a conspiracy and often is simply what it appears to be-evil people, doing evil things.
  13. they can be seen at www.stoppingpower.net, and I'm not sure of the relevance here except in a very limited way.
  14. Bill-while there is no statute of limitations on murder, God apparently has put his own statute of limitaions on defendents and witnesses. We all ought to be able to agree that we would like to know the truth whatever is turns out to be. I certainly have my own views of what happened, but I could we wrong-I have been before and unless I die in the next 10 seconds, I will be again. Our egos are our biggest foe not the anti-conspiracy folks. if well intentioned folks of any ilk could put their pet theory on hold and start from a point of agreement, EVEN only if it's JFK died in Dallas and we kept our sarcasm and ridicule inside our heads instead of on the tips our tongues AND focus on finding the truth we could move slowly towards an understanding of what really happened. If it's LHO on the 6th floor or David Phillips, Mitch Werbell, George Nonte and some old China hands on the grasy knoll, or Colonel Mustard in the drawing room with a candle stick-we could move IF we could establish an "Ego Free Zone" but I'm more skeptical about that happening than I am about who really killed Malcolm X. I've written three books and know what it's like to be the deflator of people's pet theories that they gained fame AND/OR money with. People are puzzled why I don't respond angrily when attacked in print. It's really very simple. My need to be loved, respected, admired or even tolerated ends with my youngest grandchild.
  15. Don, I wasn't specific because you make so many assumptions of things which you say are undeniable facts. For example, you say that Josiah tells us that the Zapruder film does not show the umbrella man pumping the umbrella up and down, well he's 100% correct, it doesn't show any pumping movement, it shows a twirling of the umbrella from left to right, and nothing more. If you have footage which shows the pumping movement, I'd love to see it. As for researchers abandoning their positions, I don't see anything wrong or sinister about that at all, it's called evolution of their opinions based on their research and consideration of other research sources over the years. Duncan could we atleast agree we have not been given the truth? Or do we spend decades argung how many lone gunman can dance on a grassy knoll?
  16. what bothers me is that there are too many in love with pet theories and cannot disagree without being extremely disagreeable. I found during two tours in Detroit Homicide that I was often wrong and had to back up and view the murder in question from a different angle. We often sat down as a squad and ran it from different perspectives until we reached a consensus and then divided up the things that needed to done and did them. Did we always solve them? no, but atleast we examined and explored alternative theories. until people can muzzle their ego's, we'll rarely make genuine progress-and that's the tragedy
  17. I joined Detroit PD in 1969 and we had similar boards that contained a list of stolen cars and we could attach flyers on wanted folks. Additionally, many would attach a spring clip to hold mug shots of wanted people. I've always been of the opinion that Tippit was murdered to encourage the cops to kill his killer as nothing angered cops more than to see one of their own slain and a dead Oswald in the Theater was have made everything "tidier". Additionally, I've never been convinced by Oswalds involvement in this event.
  18. I carried a 2nd gun daily for 20 yrs and still carry two today. Also carried an N Frames in both uniform and plain clothes until I went to SWAT and was issued a 9MM pistol. The biggest problem in this whole event seems to be that the securing of crime scenes and processing them correctly was an unknown art in Dallas. If both shootings had been processed and investigated like Homicides we would know alot more today. I did two tours with Detroit Homicide and have rounded up more witnesses in the murder of a drug dealer than Dallas PD did in both. Tippit's murder puzzles me as cop killings in Detroit were always worked thoroughly and tons of "evidence" was always collected. The problem is that it wasn't done right at either the TBD or at Tippit's murder scene and once you've lost control of the scene you're screwed. evan marshall www.stoppingpower.net Evan, Your experience in developing crime scene evidence is appreciated. But don't you think after botching things two, three, four times, it's apparent that the DPD, DA, et al, intentionall botched things up? Also, would you consider going over the evidence available today, if a grand jury would review it? Thanks for your imput. Bill Kelly I don't know about the initial work, but I agree that subsquent "investigations" had an agenda. Have to appreciate the enormity of what happened on 11-22-63. During the Republician Convention in Detroit I was involved in keeping traffic moving along the back of Cobo Hall. Many of my young coppers were excited to see the various Canitdates. I reminded them we were there to keep an eye on those is close proximity to the cantidates not the cantidates. Not having been there (Dalls) I have no idea how overwhelmed people where by what happened. I'd be happy to look at the evidence but I'm not sure there is anything super significant that we can prove a chain of custody on. I may be outside of the US soon for a longish period-trying to find a job inside the US but there isn't alot of market for my sort of work.
  19. I carried a 2nd gun daily for 20 yrs and still carry two today. Also carried an N Frames in both uniform and plain clothes until I went to SWAT and was issued a 9MM pistol. The biggest problem in this whole event seems to be that the securing of crime scenes and processing them correctly was an unknown art in Dallas. If both shootings had been processed and investigated like Homicides we would know alot more today. I did two tours with Detroit Homicide and have rounded up more witnesses in the murder of a drug dealer than Dallas PD did in both. Tippit's murder puzzles me as cop killings in Detroit were always worked thoroughly and tons of "evidence" was always collected. The problem is that it wasn't done right at either the TBD or at Tippit's murder scene and once you've lost control of the scene you're screwed. evan marshall www.stoppingpower.net
  20. when I was a rookie Detroit Cop in 1969 I was issued a Colt Official Police .38 revolver that had been in dept inventory for years. I eventually saved enough money to buy a personal Magnum which I could legally carry The Tyler T Grip adaptor was not a safety device-it fit between the grip panels on the front of the frame to fit the end user better. We had a number of negligent discharges annually but I never saw or heard of a genuine accidental discharge
  21. what a bunch of nonsense. I was born in Salt Lake City and been a Mormon all my life-I know a number of retired CIA folks and only one of them is LDS. I also served a Mission for the Church and our focus was on sharing our message. people don't agree-fine but the Church did not gain from JFK's assassination and remains poliitcally neutral. Why not focus on fields of investigation that have some merit?
  22. I'm continually appalled by the anger and ridicule that exists among those that feel we don't know Who killed JFK nor who lead the cover up. We're too busy arguing over how many lone gunman can dance on the head of a pin instead of bringing something edible to the table. Do I have a theory? You bet! As a retired Homicide cop I think the whole thing smells. Can I prove my pet theory? No, but I bet if more people checked their egos at the door we might make some genuine progress. While I'm poltically far to the right of almost everyone here, I'm convinced we stopped being a free nation on 11/22/63. No, I don't believe in UFOs even though I spent several weeks at the Nevada Nuclear Weapons Test Site (next door to Area 51) and saw alot of curious things in the night air. I do believe in CFO's-Classified Flying Objects. Anyway, maybe we could crank it down three notches and focus on the goal.
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