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Evan Marshall

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Everything posted by Evan Marshall

  1. admitted last night to the primary cardiac care unit at a local hospital and laying here in bed with wifi. lot of time to read various threads and wait for my procedure tomorrow. It's nice to still be in the loop.
  2. I know this guy and he is a fraud-I sat on an intervew board when he applied for an instructors job with a Federal Agency with WMD responsibilities-he avoided most of the questions and I recommended he not be hired. The background he gave us was significantly different than what appeared in Esquire. He worked a Dyncorp contract in Bosnia and appeared to misrepresent himself in several areas. He had to resign when it was discovered he had failed to disclose in he was legally blind in one eye and could not complete firearms instructor school. He's a legend in his own mind. should add that there were ex-spec ops guys on the interview panel and they saw right thru him too.
  3. I know this guy and he is a fraud-I sat on an intervew board when he applied for an instructors job with a Federal Agency with WMD responsibilities-he avoided most of the questions and I recommended he not be hired. The background he gave us was significantly different than what appeared in Esquire. He worked a Dyncorp contract in Bosnia and appeared to misrepresent himself in several areas. He had to resign when it was discovered he had failed to disclose in he was legally blind in one eye and could not complete firearms instructor school. He's a legend in his own mind.
  4. Maybe we get out of it what we put into it. if you know the why, the who gets much easier my basic philosophy is life is tough and then you die the fact that this is a tough nut to crack doesn't mean we should either give up or decide its unsolvable. next to my desk at Homicide was a blowup of the Z frame when JFK takes the head shot. When asked why it was there I responded I loved a good mystery. The fact is that on 11-22-63 we lost our innocence and a significant portion of our liberty. I'm convinced that LHO did not shoot anybody and those that did pull the trigger are not the important ones-they were probably dead within hrs-those who ordered it are the ones who interest me.
  5. UPS delivered it today at the shop and I've been reading it between customers-very entertaining read unlike many assassination books-will need to read it at least twice-wonder why Blakey who worked for RFK turned out to be such a dud.
  6. Yes, but not immediately. Knew a shot had been fired, but I effected the arrest and was walking the perp out when my Sgt asked me if I was ok and I said yes. He then said what about all that blood-then it hurt-alot. Like Jack I had a massive heart attack and drove myself across Albuquerque to the New Mexico Heart Hospital-no pain, just alot of pressure. Did not realize the enormity of it until just prior to my surgical procedure when the Cardologist said, "If there is anybody you'd like to talk to, you had better do it now".
  7. Can you share details of that conversation Evan. What did the former investigator say? we talked for about 20 hrs-he was an experienced Homicide Investigator and obvousily they (the investigators) were on to something-he focused on Bannister and some folks out near Lake Ponchatrain. Also said they did some serious though unpublished&unpublicized looks at the Mafia but I have to agree with him that the Mafia could not cover it up. He said Ferrie's trip to Texas to visit the roller rink was a meet with Mil Intell. also, they bumped into Mil Intell folks in NO repeatedly-some who had Agency Creds and that Werbell's name came up in some very interesting conversations that could not be resolved. They also had what looked like a good tip on shooters brought in from SE Asia. it was a good 19 yrs ago and I was in the middle of some complex dope murder investigations of my own at Homicide and had no time to follow up. I don't know if Garrison was consciously on to something, but the guy I talked to thought highly of him and I found the investigator credible and chkd his rep out with old friends of mine and it was solid. lastly, he told me that Garrison often consciously and purposely led the press down the primrose path to what he knew was a dead end to keep them out of his hair.
  8. To clarify my earlier post, I don't believe Garrison to be a fraud. I do, however, understand why Sheridan and others would think so. Here, Garrison was spouting to the press that he'd "solved" the case. At first he was leaning toward Cubans, then a gay thrill-kill cult, then the CIA, then the CIA with LBJ, blah blah blah. It kept getting bigger and bigger. And YET, the one group Garrison avoided implicating, LIKE THE PLAGUE, was the mafia. Garrison's case was strongest against Ferrie and Banister, BOTH working for Marcello in November 1963. Oswald's uncle had also worked for Marcello. That Garrison avoided Marcello, while visiting Vegas and pointing in most every direction, is indeed suspicious. Someone predisposed to suspect the mob, such as RFK and Sheridan, would have a hard time watching Garrison's high-wire act without wanting to puke. Indeed, many CTs were later to conclude that Jimbo's road show did a lot more to hurt the chances of a new investigation, than help. Garrison did regain some measure of respectability when the HSCA looked into some of his leads, and found them credible, but that was almost a decade later. Pat, you may not believe that he was a fraud but your post above, at least to me, makes it clear that you are attempting to marginalize the contributions of Jim Garrison. In attempting to do so, you've over-simplified and mis-characterized some of the facts. First of all, in giving your timeline of Garrison's suspects, you omit entirely the military-industrial establishment. I refer you to Garrison's Playboy interview or his book A Heritage of Stone. Could you document where Garrison was leaning toward a gay thrill kill cult before he suspected elements of the Central Intelligence Agency? You claim that his case was strongest against Ferrie and Banister and mention their relationship with Marcello. You did not mention that both also had extensive ties to factions within the intelligence community. And no matter how strong Garrison's case against them, it's hard to prosecute dead men. I'm not debating Garrison's real and alleged shortcomings. Authors and researchers far more knowledgable than I have done that. Without listing all of the advances the New Orleans D.A.'s investigation spawned in the face of enormous resistance by powers at the very highest level of our government, I will mention distribution of so-called bootleg copies of the Zapruder film to the American public, the testimony of Pierre Finck under oath, and the Clinton sightings to name a few. Anyone that values the truth should be able to acknowledge Garrison's efforts in advancing same. Garrison knew, understood and said the Mafia did not have the means to effect the murder alone and then effect the massive, unprecedented ensuing government coverup. He was right, of course. Garrison realized early on that Oswald had an intelligence background. As did some of the Cubans that Oswald was seen with in New Orleans. Pat, to me your characterization of the Garrison investigation as a whole, and your desultory references to it as a high-wire act and a road show are not consistent with many of your other posts in terms of accuracy and reasoning and informed speculation. And yes, I did read your last sentence. From Brothers, page 320: As Garrison began investigating Oswald's ties to local Kennedy haters, he zeroed in on the peculiar office building at 544 Camp Street where a former FBI agent and far-right zealot named Guy Banister and his eccentric associate David Ferrie oversaw a buzzing beehive of anti-Castro activity that included the young man later arrested for Kennedy's murder. The prosecutor came to the conclusion that Oswald was a pawn in a complex plot, framed as a Castro-loving Marxist to take the blame for the assassination. The real masterminds behind the conspiracy, he decided, could be found in the CIA and Pentagon (emphasis added). "President Kennedy was killed for one reason," Garrison began to tell the press. "Because he was working for reconciliation with the [soviet Union] and Castro's Cuba.....President Kennedy died because he wanted peace." And from page 327: Throughout his years as a district attorney, Garrison gave Carlos Marcello a pass, going so far as to insist that the mobster, who called himself a tomato salesman, was a "respectable businessman." In his 1988 memoir, Garrison wrote that he never came "upon evidence that [Marcello] was the Mafia kingpin the Justice Department says he is." He conceded that the Mafia sometimes acted as a shadowy partner of the CIA, but the only significant role he believed the mob played in Dallas was a convenient scapegoat for the agency. [Robert] Kennedy had a more astute understanding of the way power in America worked; he recognized that insitutions like the CIA sometimes became so entwined with the criminal underworld, it was difficult to tell them apart at the operational level. Agree with your comments on Garrison Michael. And since we now know that you're reading "Brothers," care to tell us what you think? I was always conflicted over Garrison until I met one of his former investigators at a police training conference and we had some marathon discussions-I think Mellon's book was a mess with a few pearls uncovered. It certainly makes one wonder why if he was so far from the turth why such massive attacks were launched against him. I'm still not convinced of his real motiviation but he certainly exposed such important folks&facts.
  9. Allen Dulles: "Americans don't read." By and large, we've proven him right. no reason for the owner of the gun to hide, but some one not connected with it would want to hide it long enough to get off the 6th floor w/o being caught.
  10. A hunter is not a professional killer of people and why is everybody who's so anxious to blame the Agency so aghast at the thought of some one in the military performing a similar act. I had a partner in the Tac Unit who had been a Green Beret in Vietnam attached to Phoenix-his hatred of JFK was extreme and he assured me his was a commonly held opinion. Certainly 99.9% of the military are great folks, but its silly to dismiss a possibility because it doesn't fit our preconceived notions. Additionally, there were plenty of Bay of Pigs Veterans who had both the ability and the anger to get involved. As the orginial Training Sgt for the Special Response Team I can tell you that you need alot more than just excellent marksmanship skills to be a sniper-not everyone can drop the hammer on some one on command.
  11. Does anyone see the fake "ledge" in front of the 5th floor window (middle), obscuring the windows partially? There is also a "ledge" painted similarly to the above mentioned, partially obscuring the Oswald window in the Hughes Film. This is certainly proof of photo alteration. Kathy In re the "ledge" -- It can be interpreted as a horizontal appendage that spreads from the top right of a vertical artifact that may be an automobile antenna (on the advance car?) or a lamp pole. It is not part of the building, yet does seem to mirror vertical structures on the TSBD facade. If this is evidence of image tampering, then perhaps we have to consider Robert Morningstar's theory of gestalt editing -- which we might also think of as a sinister trompe l'Oeil. Perhaps a clearer version of the full frame would help resolve this issue. Charles anyone ever find out by the SS car directly behind LBJ has the back door open?
  12. I typically don't believe anything a CIA type says since they're professional murderers and liars. But if I make an exception and believe anything Hunt said I'd believe that he made lies of omission rather than commission, and gave genuine names but withheld other guilty names like Dulles, Cabell, etc. The son was just on Glen Beck and they played exerpts of the tape-did not find it credible-the CIA had plenty of folks who could shoot a rifle with skill and the US military is as far as they needed to "stray".
  13. if they imported any shooters they were probably US precision rifleman from Vietnam-after all, the shooters were most likely expendable-they could be quickly returned from "R&R" and killed in combat.
  14. Charlie, There was NOTHING in Stephen's post directed against you. In fact your post is attacking him. This was a shocking horrible tragedy and I don't think it could have been forseen. No conspiracy- just an angry and evil guy. NO friends, not even in high school. Anger that built up. At what we don't know. He probably watched a lot of violence. I will not watch his video, and find it deplorable that the media ran even parts of it. This is what he wanted: infamy. This is not news. It's not educational. It's just ratings and so hurtful for the victims' families. My husband Erick ( a member here)- has guns, but they are locked up. 1st-for the last time-what has this got to do with JFK? 2nd-I'm armed as I write this-as a retired cop, firearms instructor, and ccw holder-the world we live in in full of violence and I intend to die of old age not at the hands of som one Society simply wants to dismiss as crazy-they're are genuinely ans enthusiascally evil people out there. Calling him crazy eliminates any need to come up with a solution to the problem.
  15. I still can't figure out what this has to do with who killed JFK. I carry mutliple handguns daily based on 20yrs in Detroit AND my perfect knowledge that evil abounds
  16. Of course things like this happen in other countries. However, as I pointed out, on average the US has 80 gun killings a day. No other country in the world comes close to this. I know this is all part of your idea of freedom but you have to accept the risks that comes with such a policy. Finally: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,266460,00.html Freedom will always bring a risk, but as long as people who committ gun crimes are not appropriately punished there is no deterance. In 20yrs in Detroit I saw one crime committed by the owner of a legally registered handgun-all the other crimes I saw were committed with stolen guns.
  17. I agree, John. Just couldn't resist the crystal ball line. I came across the newsgroup post looking to see if the NRA had started to blame it on a conspiracy by the gun control lobby yet, just as they did in the Port Arthur case. people are convenientally forgetting Dunblane (spelling?) Scotland, Beslan, Ma'Lot in Israel and the female students slaughtered in Montreal. The gun did not hypnotise the Asian kid into committing murder-I sell hundreds of handguns a yr and none have been used in a crime.
  18. Perp: Asian, student age (whatever that means), maroon hat, leather jacket, most likely armed with [2] 9mm automatics 15 round clip- 1 round chamber for a total of 16 rounds per weapon... alleged gunman DEAD at scene total confirmed dead at Noon PST -- 31 mostly students, some faculty one thing I learned at Homicide is not to assume or presume anything-the facts will come out
  19. wondering if there's any photos of this and an exact location-as a retired Homicide Sgt I remain appalled at the incredibly shabby job Dallas Homicide did-Fritz's "questions" are even more disappointing-he obviously couldn't solve the theft of a bicycle.
  20. The arcane early twentieth century near silent "no silencer necessary" developed by Finnish poachers "the cat's sneeze". http://www.guns.connect.fi/gow/arcane1.html The loading of a near silent assassins cartridge is old 'technology'. Often used in a Mauser. EDIT:: PS> It had already been used in assassination early 1900's. The nature of the first shot fits the specs of a 'cat's whisper'. Fire cracker and short penetration. Also the shape of the back wound when the shoulder is not held as in the back autopsy photo, pulling the skin, could very well be like the shape of a cat's whisper bullet striking side on. It is short, and while accurate to say 30 meters, tends to tumble and perhaps 35% of the time will strike side on or near side on. The purpose of it is to cause maximum internal damage while not penetrating the body and harming others.(as well as protecting the user from discovery) This would be an ideal choice for the first shot, where the shooter could be located amost anywhere, including amongst or immediately behind the main body of spectators. Marry this with a simple WWII flash cone, and perhaps a diversionary event like a real fire cracker, and you can have a simple (handgun sized) near silent weapon that could be easily concealed under a coat, in a box type thing like a camera, or on top of the cleaning van amongst the things on its roof rack. I'm sure it all involves: Jack Cannon-the inventor of the Glaser Safety Slug and a serious killer in his own right, George Nonte&Mitch Werbell. Rifles, not pistols. evan marshall www.stoppingpower.net
  21. LOL, Do I detect a dry sence of humour Mr Simkin. Could her story be true? as the prophet said, anything's possible, and as PT Barnum said There's one born every minute. There are more hucksters, shysters, con men, swindlers, scam artists and outright liars surrounding this case than you could shake a stick at, IMO, a complete waste of precious research time. Just My opinion though. for the record, I think her story is 100% nonsense
  22. True to form. Uniformed, wrong and nasty. just like Garrison's disaster, it possible to find a seed of truth among the manure. Thumper's Mother said it best, "If you can't saything nice, don't say anything at all". why there is such rancor is beyond me and I was a Detroit Cop for 20yrs!
  23. __________________________________ Fascinating stuff, Bernice. Thanks for posting that link! Not only has left-handed Lt. Pitzer's "suicide" has always seemed suspicious (a self-inflicted shot to the right temple by a left-handed man? gimmie a break), but it also appears that he somehow managed to shoot himself twice in the head with a .45 cal revolver-- once in the right side (from at least 3 feet away-- no powder burns or residue) and once again in the left side of his skull for good measure, I suppose. Also fascinating is the evidence that he may very well have electronically "captured" (and later transferred to film) the videotaping (on a system set up for medical-student training) from Walter Reed to Bethesda, the altering of the wounds which was very likely being performed on JFK at Walter Reed Hospital. Then, JFK's mutilated corpse was delivered in a shipping casket right across the street to Bethesda Naval Hospital (some 30 minutes before Jackie escorted the ornate-but-empty casket taken off of Air Force One to Bethesda). And the rest, as they say, is (Warren Commission) history... One reason I find it so damn plausible is that it fits in very nicely with David Lifton's theories and conclusions. No wonder Lt. Pitzer was "suicided." --Thomas __________________________________ if I had a buck for every real suicide I handled at Homicide that family and others thought were a homicide I could probably buy an island somewhere-everything I read about Pitzer's tells me it was a suicide and I've seen no convincing evidence he was left-handed. we keep getting sent on a snipe hunt and I wonder if its not on purpose-was there a conspirarcy-yes? but let's focus on who had the power to coverup-it wasn't the Mafia and it was not the extreme right wing.
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