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Evan Marshall

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Everything posted by Evan Marshall

  1. let's not make it unworkable-there is not a need to have 40 SS agents compromised. Let's remember none of them had been fired on before and unfortunately assignments were often granted by senority and a younger man behind the wheel might have made all the difference. do I believe there was some SS complicity-yes, but it only required one or two not a legion. I've worked a number of protective details and done alot of executive protection training-it would take a very few members of a protective detail to lose a principal.
  2. I'm not reading it right now because I have contractual agreements for books and articles that I have to get written very soon. Certainly Larry's 1st version was a superb book and one of a handful I found of value. Too many conspiracry books want to use a shotgun approach to find the "real killers". Others are impossible to finish-I've been a published writer since the mid 70's and too many books make better sleeping potions.
  3. Close up of Altens photo. when I was the training sgt for the SWAT Team we were involved in the Papal Detail when he visited Detroit-it would only a very small number of the protective detail to slow down or be out of position for the Principal to die.
  4. Of course, it is necessary to do deals in order to get elected. The point is, how far do you go? Those of us living in a parliamentary democracy, accustomed to "minority" governments, are perhaps more familiar than our US cousins with how legislation is fashioned by consensus and compromise when a government lacks a clear majority to pursue its agenda. The point is not just what deals are done to get elected, but how one gets deals done after being elected without a clear mandate. You also have to consider the consequences if you have no intention of keeping these promises. For example, JFK had meetings with Richard Bissell and Allen Dulles before he was elected. And when asked whether he'd shown either candidate favouritism in his briefings regarding the forthcoming Bay of Pigs plans, Dulles replied that each candidate had been given the same information. However, this was wholly disingenuous since Nixon didn't need any information, as he'd been a prime architect of the plans. How likely is it that Kennedy would have taken so hawkish a position against Nixon in the debates were he in possession of all the facts, only to then be faced with carrying out a program about which he had so many misgivings? It is clear that somebody's recollection is faulty. When faced with two divergent recitations of events, we are forced to choose between CIA's version and that offered by the Kennedy White House insiders. Given that the former is a suspect in murdering the latter, I am uncomfortable accepting uncritically what CIA personnel have to say. Those who disagree are free to do so. JFK promised to take a hard-line on Cuba. In fact, during the presidential election, he attacked the Eisenhower and Nixon for being soft on communism in regards to Cuba. In return, JFK was told about the plans to arrange for anti-Castro exiles to invade Cuba. I suspect he was also told about the plans to assassinate Castro just before the invasion. Even though the CIA have always denied this was part of the plan, it does not make much sense without combining the two actions. If JFK was unprepared to authorize US military participation in the invasion, do you really think he'd risk the potentially embarrassing blowback of it becoming publicly revealed his government had tried to kill Castro as part of the invasion? I have little doubt CIA planned to kill Castro, and that this was the "something" which Dulles publicly admitted they had counted on to happen which didn't transpire. Whether Kennedy knew about it is another matter entirely. JFK also did deals with the Texas oil industry, promising to leave their “oil depletion allowance” alone. And it was left alone, despite discussions to the contrary having been conducted during his tenure. JFK also sent RFK down to the Deep South to promise no legislation on civil rights. And, to his eternal discredit, he would have been as good as his word had various previously unforseen events not forced his hand. Maybe, his father even made promises on his behalf to the Mafia. The problem about making promises is that if you break them you will be punished, either by the electorate or by the pressure groups you have let down. One also has to look at the record of the JFK administration. JFK did go along with the Bay of Pigs invasion. And thereafter complained bitterly that he'd been sold a pig in a poke, as subsequent forensic investigations demonstrably proved was true. Nor did he make principled decisions about civil rights. As RFK explained, JFK sacked Harris Wofford, chairman of the Subcabinet Group on Civil Rights (1960-1962), because he was too passionate about the subject of civil rights legislation. Thank you, for this illustrates precisely what I stated above. Most importantly, JFK and RFK put Martin Luther King under a lot of pressure to call of his civil rights demonstrations. The same tactic was used against the leaders of the Congress on Racial Equality (CORE) who were causing bad publicity for the Democratic Party in the Deep South with their Freedom Rides. Thank goodness they took no notice of JFK. The truth is that the main reason black civil rights were achieved was because of the actions of people like Martin Luther King, James Farmer and Bayard Rustin and not because of the views of so-called liberal white politicians. Whatever private sympathies the Kennedys may have had for the civil rights movement, they only became public when King, et al, forced the Kennedys' hand. For me, this is the most damning condemnation of the Kennedy administration, a fact I trust will be borne in mind the next time somebody wishes to accuse me of trying to whitewash JFK's legacy. As the people of Iraq are currently finding out, you have to fight to get freedom and democracy. It is not something that you can have imposed on you. Which is precisely what the Kennedys discovered the hard way when troops were called out - as they had been in the Eisenhower administration - to preserve public order in the face of race-based insurrection. bought the book and trying to plow thru it, but find it a dificult read-having a story to tell does not guarantee you'll do it well.
  5. Welcome to the Forum. When I read what you posted, I smiled. My initial post back in 2005 had to do with the police in Dallas. Here is what someone named Jerry Lawson posted on the Dallas Historical Society Forum page back in September. It had to do with something called, Shotgun Squads in Dallas in the 1960's: "In the late 60's I was managing the Pizza Inn on West Davis. The manager of the store on South Lancaster got sick one night and I went to cover his shift. When I got there he called me to tell me about the shotgun squad and fill me in on their procedure. Two of them would arrive just after dark and set up behind a piece of plywood in the back dining room with a clear view of the cash register. If someone was robbing me, I was to take two steps back from the register, raise my hands in the air, and loudly say "do you want the change too?". That was the signal for them to fire. Sure enough, right after dark two Dallas police officers walked in the door with shotguns. They were arguing (in jest) about who would get the first shot that night. One of them said "well, you go ahead and take the first shot. You're going to miss anyway and I'll still have to bring him down". The night was uneventful until my district supervisor walked in the door. He stopped at the cash register, leaned over the counter and started a conversation with me about how I liked working that restaurant. I always thought my superviser was a jerk and a pain in the ass. I thought for just a few seconds about taking two steps back, raising my hands in the air, and asking him if he wanted the change too. Of course I didn't, but he'll never know just how close he came." Steve Thomas when I was assigned to the Tac Unit in the early 70's we worked some stakeouts-in Motown atleast, it was SOP for holdup men to shoot the clerk whether they resisted or not, so it was not unusual for shoot outs to occur-cops like to live too.
  6. having spent two tours in Detroit Homicde, I'm afraid Denis is far from the mark-I worked CSI in the early 70's and honesty and presentation of undoctored evidence was the rule of the day. I know most people hate cops, but I was involved in several keys cases in Detroit and honesty was always the rule of the day. cops are people who generally relfect the values of the community they work in-if people are concerned about racist, crooked cops they need to look inward as they rarely brought in from Eastern Europe to patrol the streets of your community.
  7. And that's it? - lee Velma is getting pretty brave in her old age. my experiences with the polygraph were always less than satisfactory-you're at the mercy of the operator and what he or she decides is deception.
  8. And from Paul O'Connor in the same book: O’Connor: When we started an autopsy, the first thing we always did…was to weigh and measure the body. We’d check for any scars, contusions, any abnormalities, and so on. But in this case, we didn’t turn the body over to look at the back while we were doing that. Finally we turned the body over, and there was a bullet wound—an entrance wound—in his back, on the right side of his spinal column. To emphasize where it was in proximity to the rest of his body: if you bend your neck down and feel back, you feel a lump and that’s the seventh cervical vertebra. This bullet wound was about 3 inches down and an inch or two to the right of the seventh cervical vertebra. I remember there was a big gush of surprise that nobody actually thought about turning him over right away, you know after we had done our initial investigation of the president’s body. Dr Humes took his finger and poked it in the hole---the bullet wound hole, the entrance wound hole---and said it didn’t go anywhere. There was a very big argument, a lot of consternation, that he shouldn’t have stuck his finger in the hole. Law: What difference would it make? O’Connor: Well, when you take your finger and stick it into a bullet wound, you avulse the wound. Law: You think that happened when he stuck his finger in the back? O’Connor: Yes Law: It could have create a false track: O’Connor: Well, not necessarily a false track as much as a false impression of the entrance of the missile that went into his back. Law: Who was arguing” O’Connor: Dr Finck strongly objected to Commander Humes doing what he did. He(Finck) took a sound, which is a probe, a metal malleable, non rigid probe. We started out with a rigid probe and found that it only went in so far. I’d say maybe an inch and a quarter. It didn’t go in any further than that. So we used a malleable probe and bent it a little bit and found that the bullet entered the body, went through the intercostals muscles---the muscles between the ribs. The bullet went in through the muscles, didn’t touch any of the ribs, arched downwards, hit the back of the pleural cavity and stopped. So we didn’t know the track of the bullet until we eviscerated the body later. That’s what happened at the time. We traced the bullet path down and found that it didn’t traverse the body. It did not go in one side and come out the other side of the body. Law: You can be reasonably sure of that? O’Connor: Absolutely Law: And these doctors knew that? O’Connor: Absolutely Law: While it happened? O’Connor: Absolutely. And another thing we found out while the autopsy was proceeding, that he was shot from a high building, which meant the bullet had to be traveling in a downward trajectory and we also realized that this bullet is what we call in the military a “short shot”. It didn’t have the power to push the projectile clear through the body. If it had…it would have come out through his heart and through his sternum. O’Connor: We were told(in the report of the Warren Commission) that he was shot in the back and it came out his throat. That didn’t jibe with what we saw, and when I say we, I’m talking about Dr. Boswell and myself. When shown the photo of the back by Law: O’Connor: That’s a very accurate portrayal of the entrance wound to his back, which as you know, is quite a ways down from his neck. At the angle he was shot…the laws of physics will not let a bullet strike there and go up and go out his throat…I helped roll him over…one of these arms might have been mine, because I was at the head of the body and helped roll him over. It wasn’t rolled over until quite a ways into the autopsy, and that’s when they discovered the bullet wound. O’Connor: Now I had this drawing made at the University of Florida showing the back wound and this is exactly what happened. The bullet struck him in the back, it passed through the outer layer of muscle and through the inner layer of muscle between the vertebrae. These are intercostals muscles and they connect the spinal column together. This bullet came in, arched downward, and bulged against the pleural cavity, which is the protective cavity around both lungs. It did not penetrate that lung area. It just bruised it real badly. I had it highlighted showing there was bruising on the right lung. The back if the right lung was bruised, but wasn’t torn. It was bruised badly enough to hemorrhage in the tissues, but not enough to tear the lung or the cavity. I find it hard to believe that anyone these days, with the amount of information out there, would STILL believe in the SBT. RJS Richard; An excellent article, and far closer to the facts and truths than most will ever realize. I find it hard to believe that anyone these days, with the amount of information out there, would STILL believe in the SBT. In this regards, who would win the " Most Ignorant Prize"? A. Those who fully accept the WC shooting and injury sustain scenario? B. Those who believe the "Multiple Assassin" scenario? C. Those who believe the "Body Kidnapping/Wound Alteration" scenario? As regards the statements which you have attributed to Paul O'Connor: 1. As most should be aware by now, he is absolutely correct in his statements regarding the lateness in the autopsy as to when the back/shoulder wound was found. Preliminary examinations were complete, as were the X-rays, and the examination of the head injury was also virtually complete when this ENTRY wound was first located. Additionally, the fact that there was no exit path for the bullet, convinced ALL of those present at the time, that the bullet which struck, had penetrated only an extremely short distance and stopped.* And, this was the FINAL conclusion when the autopsy ended and the body of JFK was removed for burial preparation. *Although initial examination (the finger into the wound) had given this indication, the final conclusion and acceptance of this was not accepted until after the chest cavity had been opened. When no bullet could be found, yet the ending pathway of the bullet could be observed in the parietal pluera damage as well as the apex of the right lung, this was accepted as the facts. This was also borne out by the fact that the metal rod/probe was inserted down into the entry wound and when one viewed the internal (emptied) chest cavity, the tip of this probe could be observed pushing against the parietal pluera in the identified area of bruising. At the time that the autopsy ended, the following conclusions were reached: A. A bullet struck JFK in the upper back/lower neck, and penetrated only a short distance, ultimately, to have apparantly fallen out of the body at Parkland Hospital and thereafter to be found. B. A bullet struck JFK at the edge of the hairline, and through some unknown means, deflected upwards to strike the skull in the vicinity of the EOP, and thereafter exit in the frontal lobe of the brain. C. A tracheotomy in the anterior neck, at approximately the third tracheal ring had been performed at Parkland Hospital in attempt to save the life of JFK. Now! As far as the bullet pathway having been between the ribs????????????? Dr. Humes clearly placed the entrance wound as being slightly above the scapular, and although not exactly stated, he thereafter referenced the wound as being 14cm from the tip of the acromion process of the scapula. Which, (in error or not) would lead one to believe that Dr. Humes referenced the wound as being slightly above the highest point of the scapula, that being the spine of the scapula on which the acromonion process is located. Secondly, Dr. Humes clearly places the bruising of the right lung as being "supra-clavicular" and as being in the "extreme apical portion" of the right upper lobe of the lung. All of which would require the bullet pathway to have been above the first thoracic vertebrae/first rib. *It is specifically noted that these notes, as written by Dr. Humes, are in fact the "second generation" notes. Any "First Generation" notes which would have been taken at the autopsy, would have had the upper back/lower neck entrance having only gone in the short distance and thereafter stopped, just as they would have had reference to only a tracheotomy incision of the anterior neck, as this was in fact the conclusion when the autopsy ended. Therefore, Dr. Humes "excuse" as to why he burned the original notes, appears to have been as much a result of the later decision (by all three autopsy surgeons) that they had been in error, which was only decided the next day after Dr. Humes had spoken with Dr. Perry in Dallas and found that the anterior neck tracheotomy also contained a wound. Nevertheless, ALL information tends to support that the entrance wound was in the vicinity of the C7/T1 vertebrae, which was reinforced considerably when the Clark Panel first told us of the minor damage to the right transverse process of either the C7 or T1 vertebrae, as well as the probability of minute metallic fragments located in the neck of JFK adjacent to this damage to the bone. In that regards, there are additional extenuating factors which it would appear have not been taken fully into consideration in an attempt to finally place this into perspective. 1. The upper back/lower neck entrance wound was fully excised, down to the base/bottom of the wound. Slides were made of this, and although not examined until later, these slides demonstrated the nature of the wound, as well as the critical element of information that considerable fabric from the coat and shirt of JFK had been carried down into the wound by the penetrating bullet/projectile. Had the ending point of this wound actually been deep enough that it penetrated between the posterior space between ribs, one would have hoped that Dr. Humes/Boswell/& or Finck would have seen such and brought this into consideration when determining the entrance location for the projectile. 2. Dr. Humes clearly identified the entrance angle into the back of JFK as having been on a downward angle of between 45 degrees to 60 degrees downward. An entry of anywhere near this angle, working backwards from the bruising to the supra-clavicular/extreme apical bruising of the lung, absolutely could not place the entrance wound down among the thoracic vertebrae. 3. Lastly, without a full re-examination of the skeletal structure of JFK, this can never be resolved. Everyone tends to assume that we are all built the same. Not so!. Although rare, there are those who possess an 8th cervical vertebral bone, which of course is lower than would be a C7. And although this condition is considered rare, it can not be totally eliminated from consideration. Likewise, and even more common, is what is known as a "Cervical Rib" which in fact extends from the C7 vertebrae. Therefore, with the chest opened and the lungs removed, a probe pushing through from the back side could, when viewed from the interior chest cavity, appear to be pushing between two ribs, yet actually be pushing between a C7 cervical rib and the T1 first true rib. Who Knows??? What we have are the known and presented measurements as given by Dr. Humes, as well as their later revelations, along with the now known damage to what appears as either a C7/T1 vertebrae, coupled with the damage to the anterior throat which was located at approximately the third tracheal ring. let's remember after decades of denials, Humes finally admitted destroying critical evidence-I don't think he was incompetant just morally corrupt.
  9. And that's it? - lee why would anybody run anywhere in public with a rifle? Even if they has creds, an excited officer could have shot them before they had the opportunity to display them. In two tours in Homicide, the skull was always cut by the medical examiner-the mortician in Dallas would have no need or probably even authority to perform such a procedure. this guy appears to be a publicity hound of the 1st order
  10. I can attest to the truth of this statement from Mr. Grey, since he accuses me of being a CIA disinformation asset on the very Diem thread he cites in his most recent post. I am glad John Simkin has opened up this topic. As Clemenza said in The Godfather, it's good to shed a little blood now and then, it clears the air. It also raises the question: Are Ashton Grey's thought processes truly rational? If Mr. Grey's reasoning that I am a CIA asset was rational, and if he respected the rationality of his readers, he would have provided something in the way of evidence to support his accusation. So far Mr. Grey has not provided even a scintilla, beyond the fact that I made him angry when I pointed out that he was defending E. Howard Hunt against the well-proven charges that Hunt was guilty of Forgery and Uttering a Forged Document in an attempt to posthumously assassinate the character and reputation of JFK. It is still not clear whether Hunt was acting on his own or on someone else's behalf, or both. So the humour of it all is that Mr. Grey accuses me of being a CIA asset in the same breath that he defends Howard Hunt. Go figure. no wonder the National Debt is so high-we're all on the Agency's payroll-my checks late-again
  11. Some might count you among them, Jack. I wish you wouldn't be so coy, Jack, and would just come out and say who you think such disinformation agents are. I've made no bones about my own opinion on that count. And speaking of "count," I have no idea whether you are counting me in that august number, but I am going to point out for the record here—again—that I have made a matter of record the rather extraordinary database of over 10,000 records that I've had the good fortune to have had made available to me. And I've made absolutely no secret of the fact that quite a few people have contributed over the course of many years bringing the thing into existence, some of whom continue to update and add to it constantly. Not only have I made a record of this primary research tool that I use, I've actually posted a copy of the exact same database engine itself populated with a few JFK-related records, and urged, begged, pleaded with people to use it to timeline the JFK assassination data, in the topic I started: JFK Timeline Database and Hopeful Thoughts. I've just used that very database (the full version, not the limited JFK-related version I posted) to extract the West Virginia-Pat Price-CIA-NSA timeline that I just posted in response to Myra. It took me all of ten minutes, maybe, to search on "Pat Price" and "West Virginia," sort the found records by date, export the found records as a tab-delimited text file, and format it for posting with a few words of introduction. Such is the power of the thing, which I've tried desperately to get others to understand, and to use the damn thing, which has been freely supplied in the topic linked to above with no strings for anyone who wants to pursue it and use it any way they see fit. So far, the only person who has demonstrated any real interest is Bill Kelly, who, to his eternal credit, is trying to get the many random timelines all compiled and into such a useful form. I even was in touch briefly with the Mary Farrell Foundation, and offered to do anything I could to get her chronologies converted for import to that engine. I supplied all the technical information that could make it possible—and then that contact went dead as a hammer. Don't ask me why. So my own "research methods" are about as secret as Toys'R'Us locations. And since I have spent much of my life developing a career in which I'm my own boss and make my own schedule, I'll invest as much of my time as I choose in any pursuit I choose, without apology or requests for permission (and also stir the soup on my way through the kitchen). Ashton Gray At risk of sounding paranoid, it would be assumed that I too have a "reserved seat" in the Dis-information/CIA Boat". If so, then it would appear that this would leave only one seat left available. Bill Miller, come on down! By the way Jack, although I can not speak for others, my homework and research was done long, long ago. Therefore, I do not have to have anyone "feeding" me the information as we go along. Had you ever taken the time and effort to either read and understand the WC Report, or at least have someone explain it to you, then perhaps you too would have known were to look for many of the answers to the JFK assassination, back in the 1990 time frame or so. The Internet, coupled with the computer & scanner, along with virtually the entire WC on line, merely makes it quite simple to locate and provide the information of which some 13 to 15 years ago I made many, many copies of and thereafter tabulated in various folders. It's called "Research" Jack. Perhaps you should try it some day and hopefully suprise yourself as regards what one can actually learn if they try. I think that we need to remember that even the most agenda driven individual can stumble over the truth. I found at Homicide that almost every witness had a speck of gold on them somewhere and sometimes it led to the mother lode. I haven't been able to decipher Garrison to my own satisfaction, but he did find some interesting things-I once had a jury convict the right guy of Murder 2 for all the wrong reasons. We have much more in common than we do in disagreement-if everyone involved in genuinely looking for the truth-I have much more in common with an individual who sincerely believes Oswald did it alone than I do with the individual who see's well known Agency folks with rifles all over the Plaza. I personally believe elements of the Agency were involved, but no one who could have been traced back to the Agency would have been there and possibly arrested through bad, dumb luck.
  12. Some might count you among them, Jack. I wish you wouldn't be so coy, Jack, and would just come out and say who you think such disinformation agents are. I've made no bones about my own opinion on that count. And speaking of "count," I have no idea whether you are counting me in that august number, but I am going to point out for the record here—again—that I have made a matter of record the rather extraordinary database of over 10,000 records that I've had the good fortune to have had made available to me. And I've made absolutely no secret of the fact that quite a few people have contributed over the course of many years bringing the thing into existence, some of whom continue to update and add to it constantly. Not only have I made a record of this primary research tool that I use, I've actually posted a copy of the exact same database engine itself populated with a few JFK-related records, and urged, begged, pleaded with people to use it to timeline the JFK assassination data, in the topic I started: JFK Timeline Database and Hopeful Thoughts. I've just used that very database (the full version, not the limited JFK-related version I posted) to extract the West Virginia-Pat Price-CIA-NSA timeline that I just posted in response to Myra. It took me all of ten minutes, maybe, to search on "Pat Price" and "West Virginia," sort the found records by date, export the found records as a tab-delimited text file, and format it for posting with a few words of introduction. Such is the power of the thing, which I've tried desperately to get others to understand, and to use the damn thing, which has been freely supplied in the topic linked to above with no strings for anyone who wants to pursue it and use it any way they see fit. So far, the only person who has demonstrated any real interest is Bill Kelly, who, to his eternal credit, is trying to get the many random timelines all compiled and into such a useful form. I even was in touch briefly with the Mary Farrell Foundation, and offered to do anything I could to get her chronologies converted for import to that engine. I supplied all the technical information that could make it possible—and then that contact went dead as a hammer. Don't ask me why. So my own "research methods" are about as secret as Toys'R'Us locations. And since I have spent much of my life developing a career in which I'm my own boss and make my own schedule, I'll invest as much of my time as I choose in any pursuit I choose, without apology or requests for permission (and also stir the soup on my way through the kitchen). Ashton Gray At risk of sounding paranoid, it would be assumed that I too have a "reserved seat" in the Dis-information/CIA Boat". If so, then it would appear that this would leave only one seat left available. Bill Miller, come on down! By the way Jack, although I can not speak for others, my homework and research was done long, long ago. Therefore, I do not have to have anyone "feeding" me the information as we go along. Had you ever taken the time and effort to either read and understand the WC Report, or at least have someone explain it to you, then perhaps you too would have known were to look for many of the answers to the JFK assassination, back in the 1990 time frame or so. The Internet, coupled with the computer & scanner, along with virtually the entire WC on line, merely makes it quite simple to locate and provide the information of which some 13 to 15 years ago I made many, many copies of and thereafter tabulated in various folders. It's called "Research" Jack. Perhaps you should try it some day and hopefully suprise yourself as regards what one can actually learn if they try. I think that we need to remember that even the most agenda driven individual can stumble over the truth. I found at Homicide that almost every witness had a speck of gold on them somewhere and sometimes it led to the mother lode. I haven't been able to decipher Garrison to my own satisfaction, but he had find some interesting things-I once had a jury convict the right guy of Murder 2 for all the wrong reasons. We have much more in common than we do in disagreement-if everyone involved in genuinely looking for the truth-I have much more in common with an individual who sincerely believes Oswald did it alone than I do with the individual who see's well known Agency folks with rifles all over the Plaza. I personally believe elements of the Agency were involved, but no one who could have been traced back to the Agency would have been there and possibly arrested through bad, dumb luck.
  13. they may not kill them any more but they don't kill them any less either
  14. ************************************************************** Don't worry, John. I think any of us who've been independent thinkers over the years have been accused, at one point or another, of possibly being assets, if not agents, ourselves. Have you gotten our pictures, yet? You can post them if you'd like, and let the members view some of your American contingency in the U.S. Terry [posting from Dawn's rig, again] Have a few friends who are retired Agency - you should be flattered - they're some of the best people I know-people like Phillips, Morales, et al - are in the distinct minority. Besides, I have it on good authority that you're actually a Taliban Recruiter.
  15. - TSBD - multiple shooters, including decoy shooter. Mac Wallace as potential shooter. Fingerprint analysis, Loy Factor account, etc. Oswald as piss-poorly set-up Patsy. What went wrong? - DalTex - 2nd floor window, possibly Nestor Izquierdo as spotter. Shooter as a white male - Saul Sague? As per MacDonald, spotter as per Gerry Hemming. Broom closet rented as storage possibly by Jennifer Juniors. - Top of Underpass - Cuban, at storm drain. Used sewers as escape route. 16" diameter pipes replaced originals during construction some point after 1963. - Behind picketfence, near corner, maybe a Corsican - possible Paul Mondolini. Seen by Ed Hoffman, possible by Lee Bowers as well. Could also have been Military sniper. Delivered fatal headshot. - On stairs at Elm, under Texas Live Oak, Cuban - Possible patsy. Maybe Luis Posada. North Peristyle, unclear. No south knoll shooter. No 'flachette' from umbrellas, pens or cigars. No James Files - at least, not as a shooter. No shot through windshield to throat. Minimum 2 shots to Kennedy's head, if not three. Evan - can you expand? This is very intriguing. What exactly would have compelled the cover-up? - lee simple their patrotism was appealed too and they were decent Americans who thought they were helping their govt. knew a Brit who thought he was helping British Intelligence and did some questionable things for the Aparthaid SA govt. unfortunatelty, such behavior by intelligence agencies of all govts is not unknown-a Bud had 1st hand experience with how ruthless British Intellignece was during WW II.
  16. Anthony, You've got to be joking. So when Ruby killed Oswald, was he acting on behalf of the KGB? FWIW, I think the shooting teams were shipped in from Europe, probably France--freelance mercenaries, the best of the best, their contracts brokered by Mossad and underwritten by wealthy domestic parties---Texas oilmen spring to mind, and maybe a media baron or two. The Joint Chiefs gave the plan their approval and best wishes and they 'helped out' with the autopsy. The photographic record of DP incriminates Rip Robertson and some of the Interpen guys but, eternal skeptic that I am, I suspect none of them were members of the shooting teams. Of course it's nearly certain that they knew something was afoot, which would make them accessaries. I speculate that the real experts were whisked in a few days before the hit and disappeared from the scene (and the photographic record) almost instantly. When it comes to suspicious individuals, it seems that almost every man and his dog was in Dealey Plaza that day. A useful ploy for blurring the picture and spreading confusion. If any of the assassins were photographed, they were just 'faded' from view. The whole show was a magic trick, after all. Kruschev alledeglly commented that the US and USSR ought to combine their intelligence agencies since they were both paying the same people anyway.
  17. Antii-they would not have known who hired them and certainly not their real names. there would have been no way to connect them to the sponsor and zealots are often great patsies but poor triggermen. worked with a guy while a contract trainer for the Feds-he was retired Agency and while not involved in JMWave he said there were alot of people who honestly thought they were working for the agency who in fact worked for the Mob in Miami. again, I thik the why will id the who-worked two Mafia hits and while we never id'd the trigger men we were able to id the sponsor's though no one would testify against them. I worry that the folks who did this keep sending us off to chase our own tails. I just don't think the Mob had the horsepower to control the investigations and the AGENCY AS A WHOLE was not involved though remember people are routinely "sheep dipped" and people like Harry Holmes continue to intrigue me.
  18. two tours in Detroit Homicide taught me the why would tell you the who. I doubt any of us have ever heard of the actual shooters and they were probably back in Vietnam, dead, or on another continent within hrs. Was the Agency involved at some level? probably, but people need to understand the people on the sharp end of the stick were relatively unimportant. they were there because they could shoot not because they could have been arrested by happenstance and tracked back to CIA. having worked some admitedly less complicated murder conspirarcy cases, I've found the shooters are one of the least important links in the chain.
  19. BUT REACHED THE SAME SILLY CONCLUSION ANYWAY. it was junk compared to either the M-1 Garand Oswald was issued or a number of commercial rifles such as the Winchester Model 70 which were available in 1963.
  20. Today was the first time i had seen this image below. Look in the backround of this image: Mobile phone 1960's style. The man with the PRESS ticket on his suit coat. Is this what many people have reffered to as the Press Car Phone. ? Thanks for the pic Robin, I think it might well be. Never seen that type of contraption before. Imagine lugging that around. Wonder how it worked. I'm still surprised there was any type of mobile phone back then. Today was the first time i had seen this image below. Look in the backround of this image: Mobile phone 1960's style. The man with the PRESS ticket on his suit coat. Is this what many people have reffered to as the Press Car Phone. ? Thanks for the pic Robin, I think it might well be. Never seen that type of contraption before. Imagine lugging that around. Wonder how it worked. I'm still surprised there was any type of mobile phone back then. Btw, does anyone know who the two men on the left of this photo are, in sunglasses and big hats? They look rather ominous but I probably have a suspicious mind.... remember, we're alot closer than we used to be. what really bothers is me is that the Sheeple don't care that a President was murdered amd those responsible were never brought to justice.
  21. Actually the topic's subject, if it is to be relevant, is Lee Oswald's shooting ability in November 1963, not his ability some 5 or so years earlier, when he was practising regularly. Mr. Purvis: why do you keep avoiding the question I posted earlier on this thread, namely, "Is it not the case that even a skilled marksman needs regular practice to maintain his skill, just like a violinist or a trumpet-player? Lee Oswald's life has probably been scrutinized in greater detail than any other private citizen in history, but where is the evidence that he practised marksmanship in the weeks/months preceding the assassination?" not a Marine Sharpshooter, just a former police sniper, swat instructor, and former contract instructor for a Fed Agency with direct counter-terrorist responsibilities. shooting at a target below you thats moving away from you is not the same as shooting from a rest at a target a known distance away. If Oswald was so high speed why did he try and do it with a piece of junk rifle instead of just stealing a quality rifle. evan marshall www.stoppingpower.net
  22. I was a very young boy, glued to the television that November weekend in 1963. I was still in a numb shock, a state of disbelief at what had happened to President Kennedy and the United States of America. My young mind could not comprehend how Oswald could escape the building, make a clean getaway, and manage to be captured shortly after in a theatre. Nothing that weekend added up. Oswald's protestations of innocence resonated with me because of his demeanor. His body language and facial expressions and voice tones did not seem consistent with guilt. I was watching when Ruby murdered him. Within hours, they were reporting that no records were kept of Oswald's interrogation. How could that be? What was going on? I remember a disquieting notion that Oswald would never be able to tell his side of the story. Because my mother had told me about the McCarthy era, I was not too quick to accept that Oswald was a Communist. When I went back to school on Monday morning, everyone was talking about Oswald and Russia. When I offered that Oswald might be innocent, I remember being ridiculed. If anyone agreed with me, I don't remember that. When it was announced that a bipartisan group of respected men headed by Chief Justice Earl Warren had been appointed, I was thinking that surely they would get to the bottom of things. How wrong I was. When it was leaked that they were going to agree with the FBI that Oswald acted alone, before they were finished, I was angry. Thanks to my mother, I had access to publications like Ramparts and A Minority of One, where some of the first views that dissented from official findings were published. When Mark Lane's book Rush to Judgement became a best seller, I felt that the Warren Commission's findings were proven to be demonstrably lacking. As each new book came out, I read it. When news of Jim Garrison's investigation became public and I saw him on televison, I was convinced that the American government's negligence was going to be exposed. When Shaw was found innocent, I was crushed. Not that the man Shaw was acquitted, but that Garrison had failed. By then, Dr. King and Senator Kennedy were dead, so were Hendrix, Morrison, and Joplin. And Richard Nixon was President. That was the irony of all ironies. Vietnam was raging, young people were dying for reasons that seemed unnecessary. Watergate didn't cause me to distrust our government, it merely confirmed what I already knew. Things were f___ed up. Kennedy's death, while an irremovable part of my psyche, had faded into the background of my mind, until a young man named Robert Groden appeared on the Geraldo Rivera show. Like almost all Americans, I saw the Zapruder film for the first time. Suddenly everyone was talking about the Kennedy assassination again, and this time there was not the universal acceptance of Oswald's lone guilt, as there was in 1963. Then there was the Church Committee making startling revelations, and the forming of the HSCA. This time, I was sure that the goverment would correct the wrongs of the Warren Commission. There was a spate of new books and I read them. When the results of the HSCA's findings were released, I took little solace in the acoustical evidence. When I read of all the deaths of people scheduled to testify, it was like "deja vu all over again." Essentially, I resigned myself to the fact that the murder of John Kennedy would never be solved. I read the occasional book. I never understood why Americans were not more outraged. Then, Oliver Stone made his movie and there was an attendant resurgence of interest in the JFK assassination. A flock of new books, some useless, a few very good. The formation of the Assassination Records Review Board. I was glad to see a renascence of interest but remained extremely cynical. There was no doubt in my mind that any smoking gun in those files had long been sanitized, if they had ever existed in the first place. I knew what they did to Oswald's military records. Fast forward to now. This Forum keeps me interested in the current state of research. I get to see what other people think. That is the most fascinating thing of all. Many of the people here have obsessions about finding the truth, just as I do and did. I listen and I learn, and I throw in my two cents worth from time to time. I am not a researcher. Just a reader. I am heartened that books are still being published, Bill Kelly is pursuing the formation of a grand jury, conferences are still held annually and that there are a lot of people that are more familiar with things than I. In summary, I think I have had a lifelong obsession with the murder of John Kennedy and the ensuing coverup. After all these years, I still can't understand how they got away with it. The coverup actually mystifies me more than the actual execution in Dealey Plaza. The unbelievable amount of evidence and events and people and circumstances pointing to a still unproven conspiracy is sometimes more than my mind can comprehend. He's still dead, isn't he?
  23. Mark; Not unlike the sling/holster strap & holster, somewhere I have information relative to the ONLY location in Dallas which was dealing in the WCC 6.5mm Carcano ammo. That this was not fully followed (or if it was, it has not been fully reported on), is indicative of much of the manner in which "blinders" were applied in resolving many of the issues surrounding LHO and his acquisition of the weapons in his possession. For those who are not aware of it, a considerable number of expended 6.5mm Carcano casings were found by various persons and thereafter turned in to the FBI for examination to see if they had been fired from the Carcano found on the sixth floor of the TSDB. And although, according to FBI documents, none of the casings appeared to have been fired from the TSDB Carcano, it demonstrates that someone around Dallas was shooting a considerable amount of Carcano ammo. None of which appears to have been followed up on by the FBI, other than some 7.35 casings and the box in which they came in that was found at an abandoned gravel pit. Lastly, since LHO/the shooter fired from what was virtually a "bench rest" position (book cartons & window sill), there was little usage for a sling in providing stability for a shooting platform. Therefore, the sling provided another function, and for those familiar, it should be relatively obvious. Wait, Wait, Don't tell me - It's so the US Army Air Force sidearm holster could be traced to Curtis LeMay - Right? BK he was in the service and sometimes things get "liberated" and taken home-the bigger question is why some one who had been in the Marine Corp when such great emphasis was placed on weapons skills, just not steal a quality rifle to do the deed.
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