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Duane Daman

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Everything posted by Duane Daman

  1. Inside Scoop: Shot Down Black-Op Seals Won't Be Talking Now Saturday, August 06, 2011 6:51 share this story 122Share122 by Julius Sequerra 31 American military personnel were killed when the Boeing Chinook helicopter in which they were flying crashed in Afghanistan. Of the thirty-one killed, twenty were members of SEAL Team 6... *Now changed to 17* More importantly, I’ve been reliably informed (by a retired Colonel, US Army intel) that these very same operatives were the men who allegedly killed Usama bin Laden recently in Abbottabad. [NB: Seal Team 6 is an ultra-elite group of "black" operatives who exist outside military protocol, engage in operations that are at the highest level of classification, and often outside the bounds of international law.] The official story is that the Taliban shot down the chopper. I have my doubts (as do many others far more savvy than yours truly). [Remember Pat Tillman, the Pro Football star who forsook a megabuck contract and volunteered to go fight in Afghanistan in the heat of the post-9/11 patriotic frenzy? The official story is that Tillman was killed in a friendly-fire incident. According to reports from several US military personnel (a few of whom I know), Pat Tillman was assassinated by his own government. Reportedly, Tillman, the quintessential poster-boy for military recruitment, was waking up to the 9/11 lie, and was beginning to get a little too loose-lipped for his own good. Word traveled up the chain fast. Three bullets to the head fired at close range killed him. Friendly-fire indeed.] "We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves." - Goethe Usama’s “recent death” brings to mind photos that made international headlines during the Iraq invasion. Remember that iconic image of cheering Iraqis helping bring down the statue of Saddam? A Marine I know told me he had a friend who was actually there, on the ground, in that town square. Evidently, there were no more than 50 Iraqis in that “cheering crowd” — and virtually all of them were paid to participate in the photo shoot. [Did you happen to notice there was only one tightly cropped shot from just one camera angle? The rest of the square was virtually empty, save for US military personnel and equipment.] Then there was that other classic shot, of a bearded and bedraggled Saddam crawling out of a hole with his hands pathetically held up in the air in a gesture of utter defeat. Remember that one? Again, rigged. I’m personally acquainted with a former Marine who knows one of the guys who actually helped stage that sordid affair. Truth is, Saddam was finally cornered in the home of one of his friends, and he fought valiantly to the last bullet. He was eventually nabbed, mussed up further (he apparently didn’t look great to begin), physically forced into the hole, and dirt thrown on him for good measure to ensure a Hollywood-grade image. That photo’s singular intent was to demoralize the Iraqi populace by showing their leader cowering in abject defeat. Usama bin Laden’s REAL Death It is generally known by military insiders (and others who look to alternative sources for their news) that Usama bin Laden died of natural causes in 2001. He had just returned to Pakistan from Dubai following medical treatment at the American Hospital. As early as March, 2000, Asia Week expressed concern for bin Laden's health, describing a serious medical problem that could put his life in danger because of "a kidney infection that is propagating itself to the liver and requires specialized treatment.” Having taken off from Quetta in Pakistan, bin Laden arrived in Dubai and was transferred to the American Hospital. He was accompanied by his personal physician and a ‘faithful lieutenant’ (possibly al-Zawahiri). Usama was admitted to the well-respected urology department run by Dr. Terry Callaway, an American gallstone and infertility specialist. Bin Laden was checked into one of the hospital’s VIP suites. While there, he received visits from many members of his family as well as prominent Saudis and Emiratis. During the hospital stay, the local CIA agent, known to many in Dubai, was seen taking the main elevator of the hospital to bin Laden's floor. A few days later, the CIA man bragged to a few friends about having visited bin Laden. Reliable sources report that on July 15th, the day after bin Laden returned to Quetta, the CIA agent was recalled to headquarters. [NB: Contacts between the CIA and bin Laden began in 1979 when, as a representative of his family's business, he began recruiting volunteers for the Afghan resistance against the Soviet Red Army.] The LAST ‘Death’ of bin Laden What the world has been told about the recent “Death of Usama bin Laden” is pitiful and laughably absurd (especially the parts about no forensic tests having been performed, and the body quickly dumped into the sea. That last doctored photo was the clincher). Truth is, bin Laden’s bin dead a long time. The charade in Abbottabad was one massive a psyop to provide soothing peace of mind for the American public subject to full-throttle media propaganda, while continuing, unabatedly, one of the greatest, deadliest, and most expensive hoaxes of all time: 9/11 and "The War on Terror." And now, every single SEAL Team 6 member who was involved in the ‘assassination’ psyop is dead. Incidentally, I had to smile when I saw one particularly amusing headline re Usama’s latest death, in the US publication Business Insider: “Meet The 'Seal Team 6', The Bad-Asses Who Killed Osama Bin Laden” Well, all those hapless ‘bad asses’ are now dead. And dead men don’t talk. http://beforeitsnews.com/story/917/461/Inside_Scoop:_Shot_Down_Black-Op_Seals_Wont_Be_Talking_Now.html
  2. This has nothing to do with defending Alex Jones or making fun of Glenn Beck .. I could see that something was very wrong with the official bin Laden, Seal Team 6 story, before watching the the Alex Jones videos. First of all, the official story changed repeatedly as to how "bin Laden" was killed.. Second of all, no pictures or DNA analysis were ever released to the public, proving that it was really bin Laden who was murdered in cold blood at that compound. Don't you find it a bit odd that the Navy Seal team, who allegedly killed bin Laden, have now been killed in an Army Airbus, in the middle of a dangerous war zone? .. What were 22 members of that elite team doing on one of the most dangerous means of transportation the Army has to offer??? .. They might as well have put a big target on that chopper, with a message on the side of it reading, "Here's the team who killed your leader". Or if you don't buy into the official story that the bad guys hit the chopper with a shoulder launched missle, then we're left with the frightening possibility that the team was taken out by friendly fire, as a means to silence them before they had the chance to talk about who was really murdered at in that compound raid and why. So the guys who allegedly killed and silenced bin Laden have now been killed and silenced .. Plus, according the latest disinformation on Fox News this morning, the bad guys who allegedly killed and silenced Team 6 have now been killed and silenced. Sounds about as convenient as the LHO and Jack Ruby scenario to me.
  3. Seal Team 6 crash was an Inside Job.. "This is reportedly the largest one day loss of troops in the 10 year war in Afghanistan and it just happens to be Seal Team 6. So now we are to buy that the men who took out OBL died in a helicopter crash months after pulling off the raid. Our inside sources told us months ago that all the Seals on the helicopter that crashed in the so called OBL raid died, yet the Obama admin says none were killed. Witnesses on the ground in Pakistan told national News outlets that the Seals went in to the compound then came out got in a stealth craft and it exploded. The video with the witnesses is posted on Infowars.com in our news report titled "Seal Team 6 Deaths Exposed". Now the globalists may have killed off the rest of the Seal team that made it out in the other stealth helicopter from the OBL raid to tie up loose ends. Bottom line the official bin Laden raid story is a proven fraud so it is no wonder that this story does not add up."
  4. That would be my guess too .. It's not the first YouTube account to be terminated for providing the proof that 911 did not happen as advertised by the US government, and it won't be the last.. A few YouTube accounts exposing the Apollo fraud have also been terminated. Yes, it appears that Pete does have a few problems with the laws of physics .. Just like everyone else who defends the official story of the 911 attacks. Funny how ALL other plane crashes throughout history, actually leave huge amounts of wreckage behind, to be studied, and often reassembled.. Unlike the government's fiction of 911, where no significant amount of plane wreckage was recovered from ANY of the alleged crash sites.
  5. When you click on the second video that was posted today by Jim Fetzer, it shows this message. "This video is no longer avalaible because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated" Does anyone know why that account has been terminated? That bit of disinformation is almost as compelling as the one about Doug and Dave creating all the intricate crop circles in the entire world, with their trusty planks on ropes.
  6. Once in awhile, the voice of reason speaks up on this forum. How refreshing.
  7. Thanks for proving my point about your little PAB problem Steve! Okay, I've settled down now..
  8. People displaying passive aggressive behavior carry a lot of repressed anger from their childhood, now projected on the people around them. It appears as sarcastic comments, derisive opinions and blaming other people for their own shortcomings.
  9. This topic must be part of the "let's all pick on Jim Fetzer" agenda, here on the Education Forum, otherwise known as the Evan Burton Forum of Disinformation. As a proud American it's always been difficult for me to acknowledge the fact that Project Apollo did not happen as advertised, but was instead just another propaganda publicity stunt in a long list of propanganda publicity stunts perpetrated by the US government. As a Democrat it's now difficult for me to admit that Barack Obama is no better than the Republican scum who spent eight long years destroying America on every level possible. "In an address to the nation, Obama said he ordered the strike that allegedly killed Osama. The remainder of his speech followed the standard war on terror propaganda script." "Obama said the military took custody of his remains. It remains to be seen if the government will attempt to provide evidence that the remains are indeed those of Osama bin Laden." "In February, 2004, Iranian state radio claimed Osama bin Laden had been captured in Pakistan’s border region with Afghanistan “a long time ago.” Pentagon and Pakistani officials denied the report. “Osama bin Laden has been arrested a long time ago, but Bush is intending to use it for propaganda maneuvering in the presidential election,” the radio report said." "Osama bin Laden died of kidney failure soon after the September 11, 2001, attacks. In 2002, Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said bin Laden had kidney disease, and that he had required a dialysis machine when he lived in Afghanistan. That same year, the FBI’s top counterterrorism official, Dale Watson, said, “I personally think he is probably not with us anymore.” "A Taliban leader told the Pakistan Observer on December 21, 2002, that Bin Laden was suffering from a serious lung complication and died in mid-December, in the vicinity of the Tora Bora mountains. The source claimed that bin Laden was laid to rest honorably in his last abode and his grave was made as per his Wahabi belief, according to Fox News." "Alex Jones was told live on the radio in 2002 by high-level Council on Foreign Relations members that Osama Bin Laden had died of kidney failure in early 2002." “I have it from high level [sources] from inside the Bush administration…that bin Laden died of natural causes and that his family has given the body to the CIA, that they’re gonna roll him out right before the election, that he’s on ice right now. They will claim they killed him right before the election,” Alex said at the time. “Jones gave a caution that the intelligence could be disinformation but claimed that his base in Austin was extremely close to the Bush administration and similar information received in the past had been credible,” Paul Joseph Watson wrote in August of 2002. "During the 2004 election, CNN reported that Democratic insiders had been told that George W. Bush was going to use the Bin Laden body as an ace-in-the-hole if he thought he was in danger of losing the 2004 election. This confirmed the evidence that Jones had been given by the CFR and others." "In 2003, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told Fox News Channel analyst Morton Kondracke she suspected Bush knew the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden and was waiting for the most politically expedient moment to announce his capture." "Obama’s announcement follows the release of a highly suspicious birth certificate last week. Both events represent psychological operations that possibly portend more significant events in the days ahead as the U.S. dollar continues to lose its reserve status, the economy fails to recover as promised, and wars expand in Libya, Pakistan, and Afghanistan." "Obama’s propaganda stunt arrives as the Democrats kick off their leader’s presidential reelection bid against a number of Republicans contenders who have been highly critical of not only his perceived handling of the economy, but also his management of the manufactured war on terror." http://www.infowars.com/red-alert-government-had-osama-bin-laden-frozen-for-years/
  10. I believe there's a rule that all scapegoats and patsys must die so they can't spill the beans. Olsen's "phone call" was set up to let everyone know immediately that "muslim terrorists with boxcutters" were to blame for taking down America on 911.. Otherwise there would be no reason to wage war with Osama bin Boogeyman and Saddam Hussein, neither of which had anything to do with Dick Cheney's master plan to go to war for oil and profit. He and his wealthy cronies, like Silverstein, really racked up after 911.
  11. Long before I ever did enough research to realize that that 911 was a false flag operation, I knew that something was very wrong with the video images of the plane hitting the South tower.. It was swallowed up whole, with no parts of it falling off at the point of impact, or any fireball on the outside of the building, which would be what would have occured if a plane really hit that steel and concrete structure.. I don't pretend to know how the plane hitting the building was faked, but it's obvious that it was.
  12. Considering the source, that comes as no surprise!
  13. What's really hilarious is your continued defense of government disinformation .. Maybe Atta didn't have a wife and kids but he obviously purchased items at that Walmart that the FBI doesn't want anyone to know about. We are also suppossed to believe that he purchased the infamous box cutters at this store as his only weapons in taking down all of NORAD and the American government on Sept. 11, 2001 .. Along with cave dweller Osama bin Boogeyman's orders, of course. Colby's replies are as laughably predictable as the government's version of what happened on 911. Here's some info on the on going cover up of what Mohammed Atta really bought at Walmart before the 911 attacks. "Atta spent 17 minutes in the store. One security picture appears to show him in the store's electronics department. He is seen leaving at 9:39 p.m., carrying a plastic bag with his purchases. The FBI refused to say what Atta bought during one of his final encounters with American capitalism. A store manager and a Wal-Mart spokesman at the company's Arkansas headquarters refused to give details of Atta's visit, and said only that they are cooperating with the FBI.” (New York Post, 10/5/01) (Cox News, 10/4/01) Comment: Why is it a secret what Atta bought? Why does Atta spend much time in the electronic department? Why is this photo not released? Would it imply what (else) he bought? “In South Portland, Atta and Alomari had found a Wal-Mart and were on a spending spree. They blew about $ 200 on T-shirts alone, and Atta was so impressed with one of the sports shirts he had bought that he put it on before he left the store. ” (Independent, 9/8/02) Comment: Most likely this account is simply BS as the security photos show Atta leaving (alone) Wal Mart with his black and white shirt on. Did the “Independent” make up the story about the buying of a T-Shirt as well? One week later the workers at Wal-Mart finally reveal a piece of info: “Staff members at the Wal-Mart in South Portland told The Post yesterday that Atta bought the $1.84 boxcutters he used to hijack American Airlines Flight 11 less than 12 hours before he commandeered the plane. (…) He got there just in time. The store closed for the day at 10. The staffers, who asked not to be identified, said they had been warned not to give details. "We all know what he bought," one of them said. "We're just not allowed to talk about it." The staffer was surprised the hijackers had not made their deadly purchase earlier. "It's unbelievable they would leave it to the last minute," the staffer said. Wal-Mart spokesman Tom Williams refused to talk about what Atta purchased.” (New York Post, 10/12/01) Comment: So, to make this clear: The hijackers wait till the very last second before buying the central weapon of their suicide mission and are even so little prepared that they have to ask the way to the Wal-Mart? Why are the workers not allowed to talk at all? Then a bit but their chief remains completely silent? Or is there another possibility? The staffer inventing the boxcutter story because it seemed plausible knowing Atta bought something else? How else to explain that they say what he bought and at the same time telling the journalist Atta bought cutters? "It was shocking to the employees that they were in the parking lot and in our store, but nobody has come out and said they saw anyone ," said Cheryl Giordano, a photo lab technician at Wal-Mart.” (New York Times , 10/5/01) Comment: Nobody saw anyone. Too bad although Atta had this eye-catching shirt. Comment: But the secrecy surrounding Atta and Al Omari and their activity on September 10 goes even further: “The FBI has ordered a blackout on how much money the men withdrew from the bank and what they bought at the Wal-Mart.” (Evening Standard, 10/5/01) “The banks have not released how much or even if Mr. Atta and Mr. Alomari withdrew money from the A.T.M.’s” (New York Times, 10/5/01) “Today in South Portland and Scarborough, employees at the Comfort Inn, Pizza Hut and other places in the chronology said they had been told not to talk. Most said they had no recollection of the men anyway.” (New York Times, 10/5/01) Comment: Again: Why this secrecy? http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=125&topic_id=30484 AGAIN: WHY THIS SECRECY???
  14. Wow Matthew, you sure are quick on the draw for someone who claims not to post on this forum that much anymore, or for someone who has just a passing interest in conspiracies.. Since you obviously have much more time to devote to this subject than I do, why don't you post the PROOF that My Pet Goat was not upside down? Then PROVE that Bush is not a xxxx.. Good luck.
  15. There might not be a reason to doubt what they said, but there's very much reason to doubt what they really saw, or more like, really didn't see. My opinion about what took place on 911 is not some "strange fantasy", as much as I'm sure you would like people to believe that .. Unfortunately for people like you, and for the US government, millions of people all over the world have discoverd that 911 was a false flag operation, orchestrated by certain people within the government.. There's even evidence that the lead "terrorist", Mohammad Atta, was an under cover CIA agent who had been trained in Germany by the US government.. He was set up, just like Le Harvey Oswald was, for a crime he didn't commit. I think what really clinched it for me that Atta and company had been placed on those planes to take the fall that day, was the fact that he and his fellow "terrorists" were video taped at a Wallmart, buying presents for their wives and kids, the night before the attacks.. Men who know they're going to die the next day don't buy presents that their family's will never see.. Nor do they cancel orders for porn movies at the hotel they were staying at, because they cost too much .. Why would they care what something cost, if they knew they were going to be with Allah and 40 virgins the very next day??? I have no idea what the CIA was thinking when they allowed that type of information out about the "terrorists", but it was not a very wise thing to do.
  16. Of course Bush lied .. as did Dick Cheney, Donald Rumseld and every other creep who was involved in making sure that 911 was carried out as planned.. Your excuse of him "sloppy speaking" is as absurd as the rest of the silly excuses you post here. No, I'm not backing off of anything .. I just said that if the book was upside down, it's irrelevant, as it only helps to prove how distracted he was.. What IS even more relevant is that Bush got caught telling a whopper of a lie about seeing the first plane hitting the first building on an imaginalry TV set at the elementary school. Usually people have no reason to lie unless they have something to hide.. Or in that idiot's case, something to try to help cover up.
  17. I was only referring to the list of 19 witnesses you linked me to, when I claimed that only one of them claimed to have seen the plane actually impact the Pentagon.. The rest of thoses "witnesses" were actually told what they had seen after the fact.. It's understandable to say that you saw a plane hit the buliding if you saw a plane fly too low over the building, and then saw a huge fireball, coinciding with a loud explosion .. Under those circumstances I'm sure most people would would have assumed the plane hit the Pentagon, instead of a cruise missile. No, math is not by best subject.. Music and psychology are. As for the other alleged "104 witnesses", where is the proof that even exist, much less really saw a plane impact the Pentagon? .. They could have also assumed that's what they saw, considering the circumstances. I still don't follow your 'defender of 911 lies' logic..Here's Walter's claim again.. Let's go back to Mr Walter's words on the day itself - “Huge explosion, great ball of fire, smoke started billowing out...”. Does that sound anything like “I saw... ...the actual jet going in with the wings folded back”? Of course it does not. Apparently Mr Walter subsequently developed x-ray vision and travelled backwards in time to see through the “great ball of fire”. Mr Walter's estimate of the airplane's speed is also fatuous. By what standard, one must ask, did he judge the speed of the airplane to be “about 500mph”? ‘Misjudge’ would perhaps be a more appropriate word to use since a large passenger jet airplane simply cannot in any case travel that fast that close to the ground. At the impossible speed that Mr Walter claims the time the airplane would take to travel through its own length would be one fifth of a second (0.2 sec). Even at a more realistic speed, say 200mph, that time would be a mere one half of a second (0.5 sec). And yet in that time Mr Walter now claims to have seen the wings “folded back” and, despite necessarily having become detached from the fuselage, get dragged inside by the fuselage. Given that the soft-nosed fuselage could not have penetrated the hardened bunker-concrete Pentagon wall in the first place, is any of that credible?
  18. The lack of a single word? .. You have to be kidding! .. Bush clearly stated that he saw the first plane hit the tower on an imaginary TV set at the elementary school he was visiting that day.. It was a blatant LIE.. When he realized he had said something he shouldn't have, he stuttered and stammered and tried to cover his lies with even more lies. If you prefer to believe the official version of 911, that's your prerogative, but at least stop making yourself look foolish by defending Bush's LIES. Whether the 'My Pet Goat' book was upside down or not is rather irrelevent, considering the fact that Bush LIED about what really took place at the school that morning, and then lied some more to cover his ridiculous lies. I assume you meant to say agree with me .. I'm glad we can finally agree on something, but Bush's lies prove much more than the fact that he's a xxxx.. It proves that he forget to get his story straight about what really happened on 911.
  19. The irony of that statement is also priceless!.. Along with the government disinformation "documentation" of your claims. btw, the sunglasses really do suit you, considering your preconceived beliefs..
  20. Mission Impossible now? .. Well, that explains your sunglasses then. I don't need to discredit all of the ALLEGED 104 ( does that number keep changing?) "eye witnesses", when discredting only one will do .. Along with discrediting Mr. Rumsfeld of course! "Let's go back to Mr Walter's words on the day itself - Huge explosion, great ball of fire, smoke started billowing out.... Does that sound anything like I saw... ...the actual jet going in with the wings folded back? Of course it does not. Apparently Mr Walter subsequently developed x-ray vision and travelled backwards in time to see through the great ball of fire. Mr Walter's estimate of the airplane's speed is also fatuous. By what standard, one must ask, did he judge the speed of the airplane to be about 500mph? Misjudge would perhaps be a more appropriate word to use since a large passenger jet airplane simply cannot in any case travel that fast that close to the ground. At the impossible speed that Mr Walter claims the time the airplane would take to travel through its own length would be one fifth of a second (0.2 sec). Even at a more realistic speed, say 200mph, that time would be a mere one half of a second (0.5 sec). And yet in that time Mr Walter now claims to have seen the wings folded back and, despite necessarily having become detached from the fuselage, get dragged inside by the fuselage. Given that the soft-nosed fuselage could not have penetrated the hardened bunker-concrete Pentagon wall in the first place, is any of that credible? What is more, Mr Walter was looking at the western face of the Pentagon, which was in deep shadow in contrast to the background of a dazzlingly bright sky with the morning Sun in the same quadrant. It is well known that in such circumstances it is impossible for the human eye to see what is in the shade because of the extreme contrast. None of this is to say that Mr Walter did not see a large airplane flying low overhead. He undoubtedly did see a large twin-engined airplane, the one that felled the lamp-posts to clear the attack path of the incoming cruise missile, the one that subsequently overflew Porter Goss's press conference at the Capitol. However, the physical evidence of what hit the Pentagon does not include an airplane, planted stage-prop evidence on the lawn notwithstanding." A Cruise Missile at The Pentagon 10. Donald Rumsfeld Mike Walter was not the only person to use the word missile in describing the object that hit the Pentagon. On October 12th 2001 then U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld gave an interview to Parade magazine. Parade: This is a question that's been asked by many Americans, but especially by the widows of September 11th. How were we so asleep at the switch? How did a war targeting civilians arrive on our homeland with seemingly no warning? Rumsfeld: There were lots of warnings. The intelligence information that we get, it sometimes runs into the hundreds of alerts or pieces of intelligence a week. One looks at the worldwide, it's thousands. And the task is to sort through it and see what you can find. And as you find things, the law enforcement officials who have the responsibility to deal with that type of thing ­­­ the FBI at the federal level, and although it is not, it's an investigative service as opposed to a police force, it's not a federal police force, as you know. But the state and local law enforcement officials have the responsibility for dealing with those kinds of issues. They [find a lot] and any number of terrorist efforts have been dissuaded, deterred or stopped by good intelligence gathering and good preventive work. It is a truth that a terrorist can attack any time, any place, using any technique and it's physically impossible to defend at every time and every place against every conceivable technique. Here we're talking about plastic knives and using an American Airlines flight filled with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building [the Pentagon] and similar (inaudible) that damaged the World Trade Center. The only way to deal with this problem is by taking the battle to the terrorists, wherever they are, and dealing with them. The evidence of the statements of Mike Walter and Donald Rumsfeld does not seem so tenuous and the statements themselves are not so easily dismissed as metaphorical when viewed in the context of the flight characteristics of the UFO and of the smoke trail that followed behind it. Both statements may well instead have been unintended slips of the tongue that reveal the true nature of the object. That would not be Donald Rumsfeld's only slip of the tongue regarding 9/11... The people who... ...shot down the plane over Pennsylvania - Donald Rumsfeld (December 24th 2004, Iraq) In vino veritas - Pliny the Elder http://www.odeion.org/cruisemissile/index.html
  21. What you obviously can't figure out is that the real myth is that a handful of Muslim "terrorists" attacked America on 9/11/01, when all of the evidence proves otherwise.
  22. Bush's tense is very clear and it proves he got caught in his lies about 911. Bush lies TWICE about seeing first plane hit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPcqfoErA-8 Evidence that George W. Bush had advanced knowledge of 9-11 Why link a web site showing a different book on a different day that's an obvious fake, if not to obfuscate the truth?.. That is indeed disinformation. Here's the book and the day I was referring to. Bush Reads 'My Pet Goat' Upside-Down On 9/11
  23. Apparently you didn't hear Bush's little screw up speech, where he claimed in front of a live audience that he actually watched the first plane hit the tower on an imaginary, turned on TV set, at The Goat Book School. btw, just because snopes makes a claim, doesn't mean it's true. It might not have been called The Goat Book, but after Bush got word that the WTC had been attacked, the book was upside down, and it was on that day .. That is unless you have some information that Bush returned to The Goat Book school at a later date to finish reading to the kids.. Edited to add... You linked the WRONG picture .. That is not the book Bush was reading on that day when the WTC was attacked.. Talk about posting disinformation! Here's the name of the book that idiot was attempting to read on that day. The Pet Goat" (often erroneously called "My Pet Goat") is a children's story contained in the book Reading Mastery II: Storybook 1 by Siegfried Engelmann and Elaine C. Bruner. The book is part of the thirty-one volume Reading Mastery series published by the SRA Macmillan early-childhood education division of McGraw-Hill. It uses the Direct Instruction (DI) teaching method, which was originally developed by Engelmann and Wesley C. Becker.[1] The story gained notoriety in 2001 after U.S. President George W. Bush continued reading the book with an elementary school class for seven minutes after being informed of the September 11 attacks. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pet_Goat
  24. Apparently you only believe what suits you, instead of the truth.. So here it is again, not that it will matter to someone like you. "Apologists for the ‘9/11 Commission Report’ invariably misrepresent witness statements, characterizing them as “hundreds of eyewitnesses to a plane hitting the Pentagon”. This is, of course, the employment of a non-sequitur to mislead the unwary, the reality being that all such witnesses firstly saw the large plane and then quite separately heard an explosion after the plane had moved out of their fields of vision. The fact is that, with the sole exception of Mr Walter, none of them actually saw anything hit the Pentagon for the very simple reason that none of them could see the Pentagon. Two others who claim to have witnessed an AA 757 hit the Pentagon were at that time Pentagon employees, hence their testimony must be set aside because of the distinct possibility of it being spurious. In other words, they would say whatever their employer ordered them to say; an employer that is not exactly famous for telling the truth."
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