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Duane Daman

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Everything posted by Duane Daman

  1. Yet not one still photo shows the Rover stowed, or being unloaded, or assembled on the Moon, which is what the Apollogists claimed to have tons of and Jack asked to see. Only one video was taken of the Rover being unloaded, allegedly on the Moon. It doesn't make much difference where the LRV was suppossedly stowed, when the photo study in question shows that neither side of the LM was unpacked, yet Rover tracks are visible in front of the LM. Thanks for withdrawling your false claim, but you still haven't told me what IRC stands for. The forum I started with elsewhere_man was an MSN Groups forum called The Apollo Hoax.. We were both administrators, with most of the hoax material coming from my own research.. I spent many hours setting up that forum in the belief that it was for the sole purpose of discussing the Apollo Hoax in a rational manner, without fear of being banned, like we both had been on the UM .. We were equal partners, until my partner decided that my wanting it to be a legitimate forum, instead of an immature mud slingling constest, did not suit his purposes or his real reason for wanting that forum.. So without any warning, he removed my ability to moderate the fowl nonsense that both he and the Apollogists were posting there.. There was no point in my staying on a forum where the only thing taking place were grade school bully insults, so I removed my material and left. Hopefully now you have all of your facts straight.
  2. How do you account for all of the things on your list? .. Try disinformation. I watched a documentary once where a few of the survivors of the Pentagon attack were interviewed .. None of them ever saw any evidence of any jet having hit the building anywhere, while they were crawling out of the wreckage.. Instead, they all described several loud explosions going off that sounded more like bombs. Even the first news reporters on the scene admitted that there was no sign of any huge passenger jet ever hitting the Pentagon. But then they were all there and you weren't, so I guess you must know better that they do.. btw, your ridicule of the "truthers" was amusing, though a tad distorted .. I'm just wondering if that tactic still fools thinking people.
  3. When I joined this discussion, one of the Apollogists claimed that there were tons of photos showing the Rover either stowed on the side of the LM, or being unloaded and assembled.. Jack then asked any of you to provide just one still photo of the Rover stowed, or being unloaded or assembled on the Moon .. but to date, none of you have been able to provide that one photo.. I don't see how that equates to "moving the goalposts", other than that excuse is often used when any of the Apollogists have lost the argument. As for Jack's study of the LM (allegedly on the lunar surface) it clearly shows Rover tracks in front of the LM before any of the equipmnet was even unpacked.. You all claim that the Rover was stowed on the opposite side of the LM.. We can't see much of what is on the other side in that study photo, but what little we can see, looks like unpacked equipment as well.. Which means there was no way the Rover could have made those tracks before being unloaded and assembled. As for Evan's claim of me being banned from a "pro hoax forum" called IRC, I'm still waiting for that "proof" as well.
  4. Repeating more silly propaganda against Bart Sibrel won't help you with this one .. There were no crops or video manuipulations in Sibrel's interview with Gene Cernan .. It was one take, showing Gene squirming, sweating, stuttering and screaming at his dogs, as he attempted to correctly answer Sibrel's questions about his alleged trip to the Moon.. Answers that were complete contradictions to that of fellow Apollo astronaut Al Bean.. None of them ever get their "moon trip" stories straight.. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or even a psychologist to see when somebody is lying.. It just takes somebody with an open mind .. Somethig that you obviously don't possess. Before judging Bart Sibrel, why not watch 'Astronauts Gone Wild'?.. It's a real eye opener into the Apollo debacle.
  5. Evan - you do agree that you're wrong about me being banned from some pro hoax forum called IRC, do you not?
  6. Yet that one Apollo 15 video still does not equal even one Hassleblad still photo, which is what Jack asked any of you Apollogists to produce. Yes, you did... again.
  7. "Truth needs no defence. Nobody - NOBODY - can ever take the footsteps I made on the surface of the Moon away from me." Gene Cernan, Apollo 17 Apparently Evan never watched 'Astronauts Gone Wild'.. Conspiracy researcher Bart Sibrel took the myth of those footsteps away from Cernan during one single interview in that documentary. The body language of liars is very interesting to observe .. That particular body language can also be observed during that pathetic Apollo 11 post flight press conference. Regardless of what anyone thinks of Sibrel's aggressive tactcs, he knew that the best way to expose the Apollo fraud was to expose the many contradictions and conflicting "moon trip " stories of the men who allegedy went to the Moon.. Along with their very revealing body language.
  8. Ah Craig gets it wrong again .. There's only one Apollo 15 video of the Rover allegedy being assembled on the Moon.. There are no Hassleblad still photos showing the Rover in any quad, or being unloaded or assembled on the supposed lunar surface. Apparently the Apollo astros were too busy taking meaningless pictures of their bootprints.
  9. The diagrams you're referring to only show which quad the Rover was allegedly stowed on the LM .. Meanwhile, there are no "lunar" Hasslebald photos showing the Rover stowed in any quad, much less any photo showing it being unloaded or assembled on the "Moon". Jack might be wrong about the quad number, but he isn't wrong about there being no photos of the Rover being assembled.. Even if it did take two people to assemble the buggy, there's no reason a few photos couldn't have been snapped during the procedure. But like all things Apollo, there's something wrong with this picture too .. Apparently NASA was much more interested in numerous, meaningless pictures of bootprints than anything of real importance.
  10. You agree with Lamson that it's ok to take my comment about Jack's studies out of context? .. Gee, what a surprise. Sorry to spoil your silly little game here boys, but no matter how you slice it, one Apollo 15 video does not equate to a still photograph, regardless of which quad the Rover was allegedly stowed.. Which means there are no still photos of any Rover, from any Apollo photo shoot, being unloaded and assembeled on the "moon".. Gee, what a surprise.
  11. YEP! You are finally getting it. Taking my comments out of context only proves that you have no argument.. As usual.
  12. It really doesn't matter what you believe, since you wouldn't recognize the truth if it jumped up and slapped you in the face. You never answered my question .. What does IRC stand for? .. If I'm going to be falsely accused of being banned from a pro hoax site, I would at least like to know the name of it.
  13. Oh come Evan .. The real reason I'm on moderation is because you disagree with my opinion about Apollo and I called you and your Apollogist friends a tag team of disinformationists .. I have never bad mouthed you the way you do me, behind my back, on other forums like BAUT and apollohoax.net. Half of the members of this forum post rude and unkind remarks to those they disagree with, yet I don't see any of them on permanent moderation.. You're only half way "polite" to me on this forum because you have to be, and have admitted as much on apollohoax.net.. Don't be such a hypocrite. btw, what pro hoax site was I banned from? .. If you're referring to the MSN forum I started with another hoax believer, then you have your "facts" wrong.. I left that forum on my own accord after discovering the only reason he started it was to conduct immature mud slinging contests with the pro Apollo crowd.. The only forums I've been banned from are Unexplained Mysteries and The Supernatural World... Not because I was rude, but because the pro Apollo moderators on those forums wanted me silenced.
  14. Jack got the quad number wrong!?!? .. Then I guess every photo analysis study of his must be wrong too! It's funny how you always want Jack to admit to an error, while you and your fellow Apollogists never admit to any of yours. Jack asked for ONE STILL PHOTO showing the Rover being unloaded and assembled on the Moon, yet all you produced was one still photo of the Rover attached to the LM while still in the factory.. Then Lamson tried to pass off one cheesy looking Apollo 15 VIDEO as being several still photos. Priceless!
  15. Kathy, I just read what Rich DellaRosa believes about the Apollo "moon landings" .. He can at least see that the Apollo photography was altered, though he doesn't seem to have a definative opinion as to why it was so obviously staged.. At least he knows the official Apollo record is bogus.
  16. What's a real shame is that closed minded people like you dominate this forum to the point where certain conspiraces ( like 911 and Apollo ) are impossible to discuss in a polite and rational manner. It's ok to have your own opinions about certain subjects without describing those you disagree with as being "paranoid".
  17. Um, .... The reviewer, then, has quite missed the point, LOL. The point is that the lunatic fringe, from both sides of the aisle, and including the paranoid CT'ists, are hijacking the democratic process. You might try reading it or at least glance at the sections visible at Amazon. Your reviewer attempted to hijack the book review to wax about his left wing POV. That's just another example of a fringe element stealing soap box exposure to trumpet his own marginal points.. "a war between .... truth and lies,... Good and Evil"? Just more paranoia. Duane, you are getting into the swing of things and utilizing the conspiracy theorists' MO; co-opting the sensible POV as a soap box for the paranoid fringe element. The book is not about the right or the left, but about the lunatic fringe. Peter, I have no doubt that if you wrote a book about the "lunatic fringe" element in America, it would be a best seller among the Sarah Palin/Rush Limbaugh/Glen Beck/etc. tea party crowd. Here's another book written by someone I have no doubt you would also consider to be one of "lunatic fringe", but unfortunately for all of us, he speaks the truth, even if your closed minded, state of denial, mentality refuses to beleive it. Here's a excerpt from Jessie Ventura's book about government conspiracies and cover ups. The book you’re about to read is undertaken in the same spirit. I’ve divided the book into five parts, starting out first to show links between deeds our government perpetrated in the past and what’s going on today. If you don’t know your own history, you’re doomed to repeat it. You’ll come across documents on some pretty scandalous behavior, including: • The CIA’s secret assassination manual and experiments to control human behavior with hypnosis, drugs, and other methods. • The military’s Operation Northwoods, a chilling attempt by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to stage a terror attack on our own citizens and make it look like Cuba was behind it – using a hijacked airliner, no less! • After President Kennedy was trying to get our troops out of Vietnam, the military faked the Gulf of Tonkin attacks in order to expand the war. • Our chemical and biological warfare capability back in 1969, leading you to wonder about the real origin of things like AIDS and lyme disease. Part two delves into a series of government, military and corporate secrets, opening with excerpts from two recent reports on how our military and intelligence outfits put Nazi war criminals to work after World War Two. From there, you’ll see some eye-opening documents including: • The CIA’s “Propaganda Notes” designed to shore up the Warren Commission’s lone-gunman conclusion. • How Oliver North collaborated with Panama’s drug-running dictator Manuel Noriega. • What America knew, and ignored, about the genocide happening in Rwanda in the mid-1990s. • How we still turn a blind eye to Gulf War Illness and our veterans. • The frightening background for our military to intervene in domestic affairs, set up “emergency relocation facilities” for our citizens, and establish a Civilian Inmate Labor Program. • How failed inspections and ignored science are impacting our food supply and our bees, while we push to promote Monsanto’s biotech agenda. • What our military really knows about the dangers of climate change. • How companies like CitiGroup and Koch Industries promote their “plutocracies” at the expense of the rest of us. Part Three I’ve called Shady White Houses, starting with “Tricky Dick” Nixon and his astounding plan to bring peace to Vietnam by pretending to nuke the Soviet Union! You’ll also learn about: • How the Bush White House stole the presidential elections in 2000 and again in 2004. • The Obama State Department’s call for our own diplomats to spy on the United Nations. • Whether “cybersecurity” could mean the end of the Internet as we know it. Part four focuses in on a subject I’ve explored a great deal in recent years, and that’s whether we’ve been told the truth about the terrible events of September 11, 2001. • A think tank called the Project for a New American Century anticipating “a new Pearl Harbor” to promote its agenda for “Rebuilding America’s Defenses.” • Clear warnings the Bush Administration ignored that something was coming. • The “Stand Down” order that kept our military from responding on 9/11. • Evidence that Building 7 was taken down by a controlled demolition. • The role of insider stock trading in advance of 9/11. And finally, part five examines the so-called “war on terror” and the terrible price we’re paying in terms of our liberties and the lives being lost in Iraq and Afghanistan. You’ll first read excerpts from a long memo by Bush’s Justice Department that subverts the Constitution by shredding a number of civil rights, followed by Bush’s justification for America’s torture of “unlawful combatants.” * The “Media Ground Rules” that keep the truth hidden at Guantanamo. • The torture techniques, and medical experiments, being conducted there and the paper trail on the CIA’s destruction of 92 torture videos. • Decapitation of a detainee in Iraq, by our own troops! • How the CIA “spins” the war in Afghanistan, and the fact that drugs are fueling that country’s economy. • The State Department’s revelation that Saudi Arabia is actually “a critical source of terrorist funding.” • A report by the Rand Corporation showing that military force has never worked in combating terrorism. Following the 63 documents, you’ll find an Epilogue of Internet resources to use in your own pursuit of the truth about what’s going on behind-the-scenes. Here’s what should concern us all: if you look back at the US Patriot Act that Congress passed almost unanimously in the wake of 9/11, the Bill of Rights was already in peril. Let me offer a brief outline of how things changed: The First Amendment is about freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the right to assemble. The Patriot Act says that the government is free to monitor religious and political institutions without any suspicion of criminal activity. The government can also prosecute librarians or the keepers of any other records (including journalists) related to a “terror investigation.” The Fourth Amendment speaks to our right to be secure “against unreasonable searches and seizures.” The Patriot Act says the government can search and seize Americans’ papers and effects without probable cause. The Sixth Amendment entitles anyone accused of a crime to “a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury.” The Patriot Act says the government can jail Americans indefinitely without a trial. The Sixth Amendment says an accused person has “compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.” The Patriot Act says the government can monitor conversations between attorneys and clients in federal prisons and even deny lawyers to Americans accused of crimes. The Sixth Amendment also says an accused criminal must “be confronted with the witnesses against him.” The Patriot Act says Americans can be jailed without even being charged, let alone face any witnesses. What troubles me more than anything is how Congress can simply vote to supersede the Constitution. They’re not allowed to do that, to vote in new rules arbitrarily. Changing the Constitution requires you to go through many hoops. How can we allow this kind of unprecedented change to happen? At the same time, it’s recently been reported that our government is building up a huge domestic spying network to collect information on us all, involving local police, state and military authorities feeding information into a database on people who’ve never been accused of wrongdoing. Homeland Security has given billions of dollars in grants to state governments since 9/11, and there are now more than 4,000 organizations in the domestic apparatus. The FBI keeps the ultimate file, with profiles on tens of thousands of Americans reported to be “acting suspiciously.” (I’m sure I’m one of them.) Also the technologies we’ve developed for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are now being used by law enforcement agencies at home – hand-held fingerprint scanners, biometric data devices, unmanned aircraft monitoring our borders with Mexico and Canada. In other words, we the taxpayers are funding our own government to keep tabs on what we do! This is outrageous, but it’s been a long time coming. Our tax dollars have paid for mind control experiments and assassination attempts and fake attacks to draw us into war. Our tax dollars have funded drug runners and “extraordinary rendition” of detainees. And they’ve not been used in places where they should be going – like to help our veterans cope with Gulf War Syndrome and to keep the nation of Rwanda from mass genocide. What right does the government have to abuse our money like that? This is diabolical! I’ve put together this book because it’s become crystal-clear that our democracy has been undermined from within and it’s been going on for a long time. We the people have got to wake up and start demanding accountability! Let’s never forget the words of Patrick Henry: “The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.” http://piersmorgan.b...nt-you-to-read/ As for your belief that the battle between truth and lies and good and evil, is just "more paranoia" all I can say is that the word naive doesn't even begin to describe your particular mindset.
  18. This reviewer got it right when he posted this on the web site promoting this book. By Charles F. Lantz (San Francisco) This review is from: Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe is Hijacking America (Paperback) By pretending that the battle between the current Right and Left political wings is somehow an even battle, between two equally honorable foes, is naive' in the extreme. Simply put, this is a war between right and wrong, truth and lies, and good and evil. If you talk to a right-winger long enough, whether he or she is a member of the Tea-Party, a hard-core Republican, or a self-titled (and most likely fake) "independent", nine time out of ten you'll find a racist, a hater and a champion of ignorance. The fact that someone like Olbermann fights back against the hypocrisy of the Right as ferociously as the Right dispenses that hypocrisy does not make him a "wing-nut" by any stretch of the imagination.
  19. Happy Birthday Evan.

    No wonder we've always locked horns.. We share the same Aries the Ram, April the 3rd birthdate!!

    Have a good one!

  20. The still camera takes one photo each time the user presses the shutter button. A typical movie camera continuously takes 24 film frames per second as long as the user holds down the shutter button, or until the shutter button is pressed a second time. What's highly entertaining is your continuned pretense of "beating Jack into the ground", when in this instance, it's he who has beaten you .. All he asked for was ONE SINGLE STILL PHOTO OF THE ROVER BEING UNLOADED AND ASSEMBLED ON THE MOON.. but so far all you and your Apollogist pals have provided is ONE cheesy looking Apollo 15 VIDEO, which is NOT the same thing as a still photo .. but of course you already knew that being a "professional" photographer, right? When it comes to judging character, your pychological projection towards Jack is more amusing than anything else you've ever posted here.. Perhaps you should have studied Psychology 101 instead of Photography 101. On second thought, maybe you need to take some refresher courses in Photography 101, since you don't seem to understand the difference between a still photograph from a video.
  21. Did HAARP take out Sen. Ted Stevens for exposing Obama’s weather war? Top US Senator Assassinated as Obama ‘Weather War’ Plunges World Into Chaos By European Times Union A new report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by Russia’s foreign military intelligence directorate (GRU) states that a former top United States Senator, Ted Stevens, was assassinated this week after he attempted to gather evidence “proving” that President Obama has unleashed America’s devastating “weather weapons” against the world. As we had previously reported on in our August 3rd report titled “Russia Burns, China Drowns: US To Blame?” Russian research scientist Dr. Andrey Areshev has joined the ranks of international scientists and experts stating their belief that the extreme weather chaos currently battering our planet is being caused by the Tesla technology based weapons systems directed from Alaska’s High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, otherwise known as HAARP. Now according to this GRU report, Senator Stevens was approached less than a fortnight ago by his longtime friend and Alaskan bush pilot Theron “Terry” Smith whose son-in-law, Alaskan Air National Guard Major Aaron W. Malone, was killed on July 28th after having his C-17 US Military aircraft “targeted” by a HAARP “Tesla Beam” while in the air over Anchorage, Alaska causing it to crash and explode upon impact killing all aboard. [Note: The Russian translation for “targeted” as used in this report does not assign HARRP blame as it includes an “accidental” verb component.] Upon Senator Stevens beginning his investigation into HAARP’s causing the crash of the Major Malone’s C-17, this report continues, he enlisted the aid of two powerful Washington power brokers, oil fortune heir William “Bill” Phillips Sr. and former NASA administrator Sean O’Keefe. Phillips was a longtime ally and supporter of Senator Stevens and as the heir to the Phillips Petroleum fortune is said in these reports to have in the past used his vast fortune to privately finance US intelligence “activities” to support his country’s efforts to gain access to global oil reserves. Phillips had long warned Americans that the United States does not have any big oil companies. And it’s true: the largest American oil company, Exxon Mobil, is only the 14th largest in the World and is dwarfed by the really big oil companies — all owned by foreign governments or government- sponsored monopolies — that dominate the world’s oil supply. With 94% of the world’s oil supply locked up by foreign governments, most of which are hostile to the United States, the relatively puny American oil companies do not have access to enough crude oil to significantly affect the market and help bring prices down. Thus, ExxonMobil, a “small” oil company, buys 90% of the crude oil that it refines for the US market from the big players, i.e., mostly-hostile foreign governments. O’Keefe was the former administrator for the Untied States space agency NASA from 2001-2005, and whose reign included the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster that occurred on February 1, 2003, when upon its reentry into Earth’s atmosphere disintegrated over Texas, and which this report says O’Keefe “always” blamed on HAARP because at the exact time of this tragedy it had begun transmitting in what is called “deep sea communication mode”. [background Note: During the "Navy Deep-Sea Communication" operational mode, the shortwave radio pulses are all, with military precision, exactly 6.25 seconds long with either exactly 15 or 30 second spaces between pulses. Those long and short binary spaces in between the pulses are actually the coded message. Something like the dits and dahs of very slow Morse code. In this mode, the power is usually at maximum. Unlike the research mode, which mostly runs at night, the US Navy communication mode can be at any time of the day or night, any month of the year. The transmissions may run continuously for about 10 to 30 hours, or from one to several days. Following the 9-11 World Trade Center attack, and just minutes after the President declared the highest Defense Condition Four (DefCon4), HAARP began transmitting at highest power for 18 hours in "deep-sea communication" mode. This is the only way to communicate the DefCon4 condition and updated battle commands to the US nuclear submarines on station miles deep in the ocean.] The various transmission ranges of HAARP are important to note, this report says, as “immediately prior” to Senator Stevens’ plane going down Russian satellites orbiting over the Arctic detected a “powerful” 3.39 megahertz signal emanating from HAARP’s Copper Valley Area, Gakona, Alaska base and “directed” over the region this tragedy occurred in. According to US news reports Phillips was killed in this crash and O’Keefe is in hospital in critical condition, and with Senator Stevens being killed also means their investigation into HAARP has died along with them. To the chaos erupting all over the World as the result of Obama’s allowing the use of these catastrophic HAARP “weather weapons” it can only be described as being “biblical” in the apocalyptic destruction it is causing, and which includes: ■The greatest heatwave and destructive fires Russia has experienced in over 1,000 years. ■The greatest flooding Central Europe has experienced in over 800 years. ■Flooding in Pakistan so epic the United Nations has named this megadisaster as being worse than the 2004 tsunami that shattered the Indian Ocean basin. ■Flooding so catastrophic in China the death toll is soaring into the thousands. ■A heatwave so terrible in Japan it has caused its hospitals to be flooded with over 21,000 heatstroke victims. ■A heatwave of unprecedented proportions that has gripped the eastern and southern parts of the United States this summer and shows no signs of abating. ■Temperatures so low in the western United States that farmers in California are now reporting their fruits and vegetables are being destroyed. ■A catastrophic drought hitting Africa that has put over 10 million people in immediate danger of starvation death. ■A catastrophic winter occurring in South America that has killed in Bolivia alone between 3-6 million fish and thousands of cattle in Brazil, and hundreds of people. To what is linking these global weather catastrophes we can read as reported by Britain’s Channel 4 News science correspondent Tom Clarke who in his video report titled “Turbo-Charged Monsoon Confounds Forecasters” states: “Normally the jet stream is a giant loop of high speed winds that whip round the upper atmosphere. The jet stream isn’t involved in day to day weather – it’s too high up – but because it pushes the atmosphere around it’s very important in steering large scale weather patterns below. “The stream has split in two. One arm has gone north, another south. The patch in the middle is Russia’s drought. A circulating pattern of air has been sitting over Russia for far longer than normal, causing the extreme temperatures and wildfires they’ve had there. “But what’s happening over Pakistan is even stranger. The southern arm of the Jet stream has looped down so far it has crossed over the Himalayas into north western Pakistan. Experts at the Met Office tell me this is very unusual. “And the result is that the fast moving jets stream winds high up has helped suck the warm, wet, monsoon air even faster and higher into the atmosphere – and that has caused rains like no-one can remember. It has turbo charged the monsoon if you like. They’re not sure that’s ever happened before.” To HAARP’s ability to affect our Earth’s jet streams we can further read from a report prepared in the 1990’s by the US Air Force and which, in part, states: “HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), being constructed for the Air Force and Navy by an ARCO subsidiary, is such a project. Touted as scientific research, HAARP is a thinly disguised project to ‘perturb’ the ionosphere with extremely powerful beams of energy to see what military uses it can serve. According to the HAARP RFP, these energy beams will be used to ‘control ionospheric processes in such a way as to greatly enhance the performance of C3 systems (or, to deny accessibility to an adversary).’ That sounds like a weapon to this writer. Other such projects go by the code names BIME, RED AIR, CRRES, EXCEDE, CHARGE IV, WISP, ACTIVE, HIPAS, RADC, AIM, etc.. More here. http://coto2.wordpress.com/2010/08/13/did-haarp-take-out-sen-ted-stevens-for-exposing-obamas-weather-war/
  22. Possibly because they are all on different frequency levels and HAARP and chemtrails are designed to effect only certain technologies. Electromagnetic Frequency Spectrum http://donsnotes.com/tech/em-spectrum.html What do HAARP, Chemtrails, and Global Warming all have in common? http://mrscottyl.blogspot.com/2010/09/what-do-haarp-chemtrails-and-global.html
  23. Connection Between Chemtrails, Geoengineering, GMO, and HAARP What are chemtrails and how do chemtrails and HAARP work together? CIA Project Cloverleaf was the initial aerosolized heavy metal chemtrail spraying op. Chemtrail barium salts absorb electromagnetic radiation, aluminum dioxides reflect it. Chemtrail spraying allegedly commenced over N.A. by the early 1990s, using commercial & military airplanes and being sold as a Greenhouse gas/global warming mitigation strategy of the skies, which was & still is primarily in the hands of the U.S. military. Barium, aluminum, thorium and selenium were/still are processed into sub-micron particles and ionized with a special electrical charge, for chemtrail spraying. Theoretically, the partial science fraud sold to local gov’ts and inquiring sheople in N.A., was/is that the chemtrail heavy metal spraying will block and/or reflect the sunlight from entering the earth’s atmosphere, so that dangerous UV radiation levels will decline. But it appears chemtrail spraying is actually be used with HAARP to create weather modification and/or climate change as a military tool, to gain control of targeted populations. Microwaves, ELF, VLF and EMR/EMF-based systems are transmitted into the atmosphere, reflected by the ionosphere and back to earth’s atmosphere, polluted with chemtrails which contain various airborne, chemical particulates and other electromagnetic frequency absorbers and/or reflectors which are used to push or pull the JET STREAMS from their normal course and hence this will change weather patterns. Drought induction occurs by heating the stratosphere (second major layer of the earth’s atmosphere) with microwaves, placing airborne chemical particulates in the airspace and thereby changing the base-line moisture gradients via microwaves from HAARP and desiccating chemically with barium, aluminum and potassium mixtures. The severe drought in southern Russia along with the severe flooding in Pakistan in the summer of 2010 was allegedly created by likely a HAARP-like/scalar/ionospheric heater facility in Russia or Norway which split the JET STREAM over part of the world and turbo-charged it over Pakistan while diverting it away from southern Russia. More here. http://aircrap.org/connection-between-chemtrails-geoengineering-gmo-and-haarp/33578/
  24. DID HAARP CAUSE THE EARTHQUAKE IN JAPAN? The earthquake and tsunami in Japan was caused by HAARP and not by solar or other natural activity argues a Swedish reader in his report below. A look at the induction magnetometer charts from last year’s earthquake in Haiti as well as from the recent earthquake measuring 9.1 on the Richter scale that triggered a tsunami and destruction on the Japanese east coast show surprising similarities that point to an artificial cause and the use of HAARP technology. In the case of Haiti, low frequency signals of 2,1 Hz were detected for 40 hours before the earthquake occurred while in the case of Japan something similar happened. Low frequency signals of 2,5 Hz were detected for about 55 hours before the earthquake occurred off the coast of Japan as well as for 4 hours afterwards. Check out the time-frequency spectrograms at this link for actual dates:http://maestro.haarp.alaska.edu/cgi-bin/scmag/disp-scmag.cgi Viewing these charts, it is reasonable to ask if the low frequency (LF) or more specifically extreme/ultra low frequency (ELF/ULF) magnetic flux induced signals of about 2 to 2,5 Hz really emanated from solar activity and other such natural sources or whether they were, in fact, caused by HAARP activities either in Gakona or Poker Flats facilities. A steady signal lasting for so many hours at such a low frequency is highly likely not caused by natural activity in space but by some type of artificial ”human-made” activity. It is especially interesting that this signal stopped abruptly at full swing on January 11 at ~01:00 hrs UTC only to resume with full amplitude again at ~03:30 hrs UTC as if it had been switched off and on at full power! Check out that episode at: Also the pulse analysis and text in this link: http://www.assassinationscience.com/HERFData1.htm with HAARP signal content of 2.100 respectively 2.500 Hz recorded by an amateur is interesting because it happens to be exactly a multiple of x1000 of that which can be seen on the charts when the Haiti and Japan earthquakes occurred. (The signal was recorded in 2000 when 1000 times higher frequencies may have been used.) So does HAARP work to produce an earthquake? Imagine a ”virtual” mirror is created in the ionosphere (before transmission starts of the ELF waves) by heating up the ionosphere to a plasma with very high frequency (VHF ~2-10 MHz) signals in order to lift part of the ionosphere higher up and shape a bulged reflecting mirror for ELF pulsating signals. Mirror sustaining VHF signals of short duration are then followed by a long ELF portion in a combined pulsating wave train. The ELF waves are bounced back to earth where a selected area is affected in a push pull mode or repeatedly ”hammered” from above. Compass direction and elevation of beam from A to B is carried out by applying phased array firing technique on grid arranged groups of antennas at the facility. Check out this illustration: http://www.outlawjournalism.com/news/?p=2648 Bernard Eastlund explored beaming High Frequency (HF) and Extremely High Frequency (EHF) waves, of extremely high power (over a billion watts), directly at a point on the ionosphere. As a result, the ionosphere became heated from the accumulating electrical energy. You might think of it as “cooking” the atmosphere. The heated portion of the ionosphere expands like heated plastic and is lifted to a higher altitude, causing an atmospheric “bulge.” Eastlund discovered that this bulge was highly reflective when it came to radio waves. Because of its altitude, it could bounce high frequency radio signals to points well beyond the horizon. Even efficient ELF and microwaves signals, which normally would pass through the ionosphere into space, could be deflected without much loss of strength. He called this heated “bulge” the “lens effect.” Check out this link: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/scalar_tech/esp_scalartech02.htm The ELF signals illustrated above are very similar in their effect to “Woodpecker” burst waves and close to the earth’s own natural resonant frequency, the Schumann resonance frequency at around 10 Hz. It is well known from physics that if a body (or system) of any kind is excited continuously in its own resonant frequency (or multiples thereof), the swing amplitude will increase until the body disintegrates. Unfortunately there is, and for obvious reasons, not so much literature with schematic illustrations to better understand and explain the technique and procedures for various warfare applications which HAARP is said to be capable of. However, this Scalar Wars article is informative: http://www.prahlad.org/pub/bearden/scalar_wars.htm. More here. http://birdflu666.wordpress.com/2011/03/26/did-haarp-cause-the-earthquake-in-japan/
  25. Non-traditional Nuclear War in progress On Sunday, Alfred Lambremont of Expolitics TV interviewed nuclear scientist Leuren Moret who explained that the recent earthquake and nuclear events in Japan were intentional and caused by military-grade high-tech weaponry equivalent to dropping a million nuclear bombs. HAARP weaponry triggered the earthquake in Japan, an applied Environmental Modification (ENMOD), silently and invisibly, appearing to be a "natural event." Moret is a geoscientist who worked at the Lawrence Livermore Nuclear Weapons Laboratory on the Yucca Mountain Project, and became a whistle-blower in 1991 by reporting science fraud on the project and at Livermore. She is an independent and international radiation specialist, and the Environmental Commissioner in the city of Berkeley, California. Moret has visited Japan four times to work with Japanese citizens, scientists and elected officials on radiation and peace issues. "Was there any pre-warning that this disaster could have taken place so that precautions could be in place?” ask many including Northerntruthseeker. (http://northerntruthseeker.blogspot.com/2011/03/fukushima-nuclear-disaster-japans.html) As explained in Lambremont's Expolitics interview, Leuren Moret warned people in 2004 in her article in the Japan Times that an impending disaster was in store for Japan if they did not change their nuclear power policies. A series of earthquake attacks have occurred in various nations according to Lambremont who worked with Dennis Kucinich to ban this type of Environmental Modification weaponry. ENMOD refers to any technique for changing - through deliberate manipulation of natural processes - the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space. (Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, United Nations, Geneva: 18 May 1977 cited in What are environmental modification techniques? Human Rights info 101, Dupre, Examiner, Dec. 6. 2009) Japan's earthquake was a military strike, a tectonic attack using HAARP weapon system secretly developed by the United States and Russia under the cover of defense according to Moret. (See: (Video) What is H.A.A.R.P.? Human Rights info 101, Dupré, D., Examiner, April 7, 2010) The United States and Russia were secretly developing this for weaponry. Evidence gathered by Moret indicates that the Japanese earthquake was a military attack using the secret sophisticated HAARP weaponry. H.A.A.R.P. stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. It is a geophysical weapon that is so powerful, it is a geophysical weapon of mass destruction. It is only one among many of such installations across the globe's superDARN Highway, the array of High Frequency (HF) radars that now cover most of the northern and southern hemispheres. This weapon has been a "secret" due to "national security." (What is HHARP: Human Rights Info 101) The United States H.A.A.R.P. is jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, the University of Alaska and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and is operates a major Arctic facility, known as the HAARP Research Station, on an Air Force owned site near Gakona, Alaska. More here. http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/haarp-caused-japanese-earthquake-nuclear-bomb-video
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