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Joseph Backes

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Everything posted by Joseph Backes

  1. Correct, Greg. I didn't tell or ask Bill that he should be in D.C. handing out flyers at the MLK memorial dedication. I merely asked if he knew if anyone did so. So, he replies with a personal attack. Typical. Does anyone know if anyone was handing out flyers? Could there have been a better opportunity to mention the petition? Joe
  2. Thanks Greg, Much appreciated BK Bill, Was anyone handing out flyers about the petition, or any kind of literature, at the dedication to the MLK memorial today? If not, it was a wasted opportunity. Was there any kind of police presence or park official presence discouraging that? Thanks. Joe I'm not in DC Joe, Every opportunity must be taken advantage of. You should have been there handing out leaflets. I'm not in D.C. either, Bill. So, I'll take that as a no, no one was there. Where is COPA's HQ Bill, remind me. Joe
  3. Thanks Greg, Much appreciated BK Bill, Was anyone handing out flyers about the petition, or any kind of literature, at the dedication to the MLK memorial today? If not, it was a wasted opportunity. Was there any kind of police presence or park official presence discouraging that? Thanks. Joe
  4. Hello, Please see - http://justiceforkennedy.blogspot.com/2011/10/stuart-wexler-and-mlk-assassination.html A fair warning about a book that is going to come out. Joe
  5. Friends, Please view the following petition on the new We the People site at the White House website. To get their attention, it needs 25,000 signatures before November 13. Please go to the site yourself, register and sign it. Also, please pass this on to everyone you know who might be interested. Here is the link: http://wh.gov/2fh Thank you.
  6. Hello, I'm looking for a presentation John Newman gave about Oswald in Russia, and the U-2 program. I'm looking specifically for a point where he mentions that the Soviets only had 4 ICBMs in 1960. This may be in tape 6, or program 6 of COPA 1995. I seem to have misplaced that particular tape. It's somewhere in the house but not where I had the other videos of COPA 1995. John went into this at some length in tape 1 of COPA 1994. So, it's not that tape. I have that. The fact that the Soviets only had 4 ICBMs in 1960 was referenced again and again in the Missile Gap forum at the JFK Library as though this was brand new information. It wasn't. Thanks for any help. Joe Backes
  7. Hello, I have some information on my blog about the forums. I tell you how to get the booklet and DVD that they gave out. See - http://justiceforkennedy.blogspot.com/2011/09/missile-gap-forums.html Joe
  8. John, Have you read John Newman's book "JFK and Vietnam?" If you haven't, you should.
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zone_System There are 4 color photos of a grey jacket that NARA has made available The description in the 3rd photo is interesting: Gray man's jacket with M size collar, laundry mark 30, zipper opening, name tag created in California, MAURICE HOLMAN". On inside of jacket are initials of police officers WEB and GMD. There is also a laundry tag on bottom of jacket B 9738. Joe Backes
  10. Hello, There is a new forum that is in addition to the one on Sept 26th, which is about the false , Missile Gap story. This will be first, then they will do the already scheduled one on the Missile Gap at 5:30 p.m to 7:00 p.m. CIA Overview of the Missile Gap Monday, September 26, 1:00 to 4:45 p.m. Preceding the Kennedy Library Forum on the 50th Anniversary of the Missile Gap Controversy, there will be a special CIA-sponsored conference. In September 1961, President Kennedy was officially notified by the CIA that the United States had surpassed the Soviet Union in missiles, dispelling the notion of Soviet superiority in the arms race. The CIA has commissioned a special report to analyze this history and is sponsoring two panels on the challenges of intelligence analysis and the implications for US policy with a former CIA Director of Intelligence, a former head of CIA's Guided Missile Task Force, a former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Threat Reduction, and others. Free copies of this report, containing newly declassified documents, will be available to the public. The second forum is: 50th Anniversary: The Missile Gap Controversy September 26, 2011 5:30 PM - 7:00 PMIn September 1961, President Kennedy was officially notified by the CIA that the Unites States had surpassed the Soviet Union in missiles, dispelling the notion of Soviet superiority in the arms race. Join historians Timothy Naftali, Fred Kaplan and John Prados for a discussion of this pivotal moment in world history. Mary Elise Sarotte, Professor of International Relations at USC, will moderate. This forum will follow the afternoon panel sessions of the CIA Overview of the Missile Gap. See my blog - http://justiceforkennedy.blogspot.com/2011/09/another-interesting-forum-at-jfk.html
  11. That's incorrect. It's not hearsay evidence, classic or otherwise. If Jarman were relating what a third party told him Oswald said, THAT would be hearsay evidence. For example, Witness A in a murder trial claimed on the stand: "Witness B told me that he heard the defendant admit to killing the victim." Witness "A"'s testimony is hearsay because he didn't hear the defendant admit it, he was told by "B" of the admission. But witness "B"'s testimony is NOT hearsay because he heard the defendant make the admission firsthand. Likewise, Jarman was present when Oswald said it. He heard it firsthand. He didn't hear it from a third party. It isn't hearsay by definition and it would have been admissible for Oswald's defense attorney to use it in a trial. And if you had a full understanding of what hearsay evidence is, you'd never discount the testimony of a witness who was present when something was said. I'm not making any assumptions at all. ME saying Oswald was a shooter ? ME saying that Oswald knew where the rifle was ? ROFLMAO WHERE DO YOU GET THIS STUFF FROM ? WHERE DID I SAY THAT ? I'm the guy saying Oswald was INNOCENT !!!! I'm the guy saying that Oswald DIDN'T know the motorcade route and thus COULDN'T have retrieved the rifle. And I NEVER said that Oswald knew where the rifle was. Unless you have evidence that Jarman lied, your argument is dead. In evaluating uncorroborated evidence it's all about the credibility of the witness and any supporting facts. For example, there's no evidence that Oswald brought a 38" package to work that day. There's no evidence that Oswald brought a 38" package into the building. We've demonstrated that the purchase of the rifle was a fraud. We've demonstrated that the "bag" was made on 11/22. We've demonstrated that Oswald could not have gotten to the second floor lunchroom from the sixth floor in less time than it took Truly and Baker. We've proven that the lineups were slanted toward Oswald and that affidavits were altered. It's all here: http://www.giljesus.com In addition, we've supplied evidence that the FBI LIED in their reports regarding what the witnesses told them: NOW YOU HAVE ME SUPPORTING OSWALD'S GUILT ? Tell me you're not serious !!! To suggest that I, of all people, am a WC supporter, or that I am somehow advocating Oswald's guilt, after all of the writings I've done in support of his innocence over the years, indicates to me that you are either clueless when it comes to my research, you have a problem with me personally, or YOU believe Oswald pulled the trigger. Otherwise, I have no idea why you'd misrepresent what I am saying or suggest I have a lack of understanding when it comes to criminal procedure. I come from a family of police officers and ex-police officers, myself included. I have a degree in criminal justice and I count among my many friends members of police departments, ex-investgators and prosecutors. I've given testimony in criminal cases. I KNOW what hearsay evidence is. There's no evidence that Jarman lied about this encounter, in spite of your suggestion that he could "say whatever he wanted" once Oswald was dead. Why would he lie in defense of Oswald ? IMO, it just doesn't make sense. I believe Jarman's account in accordance with the supporting facts regarding the rifle, the bag and the "escape" and I believe that it is proof that Oswald did not know the motorcade route and thus never brought the rifle into the building and fired at the motorcade. Another point I'd like to make is whether or not it was possible for Oswald to NOT know that the motorcade was coming through Dealey plaza. Jarman testified that he didn't know the President was coming by until the morning of the 22nd. Representative FORD. When did you first learn of the President's motorcade route? Mr. JARMAN. That morning. Representative FORD. Friday morning, November 22d? Mr. JARMAN. Yes, sir. Representative FORD. How did you find out about it? Mr. JARMAN. The foreman of the employees on the first floor. Representative FORD. What is his name? Mr. JARMAN. William Shelley was standing up talking to Mrs. Lee. Representative FORD. To Mrs. Lee? Mr. JARMAN. Miss Lee, or Mrs. Lee, I think, and he was discussing to her about the President coming, asked her was she going to stand out there and see him pass. Representative FORD. About what time Friday morning was this? Mr. JARMAN. I imagine it would be about--I think it was between 8:30 and 9:00. I am not sure. Representative FORD. You hadn't read about it in the papers the night before or that morning? Mr. JARMAN. No, sir. ( 3 H 209 ) BTW, any comments made about me personally are just nonsense. The title of this thread is ridiculous. You claim to have proof that Oswald didn't know the route of the motorcade. And you cite only one thing, the testimony of Jarman. It's not proof of anything. I said and repeat there is no real proof that such a conversation actually occurred or that the words you attribute as coming from the conversation were exactly what Jarman and Oswald actually said. You think you can dismiss such criticism with circular logic, "I would suggest that the proof the conversation DID occur is in the sworn testimony of James Jarman..." You don't understand what the word "proof," means. You don't understand circular logic. Within the construct of your argument that Oswald didn't know the route of the motorcade you wrote, "Without this information, there's simply NO MOTIVE for him to retrieve the rifle." So, that would have to mean he has a rifle and he is a shooter. There's no other interpretation. We're in a hypothetical argument that he is a shooter within a discussion of the value you give to Jarman's testimony. So, don't give me this "ROFLMAO, WHERE DO YOU GET THIS STUFF FROM ? WHERE DID I SAY THAT ?" I'm staying within the parameters of this thread/discussion started by you. You're conflating criticism of your argument that you have proof that Oswald didn't know the motorcade route with whatever your opinions or conclusions, and/or any thoughts you have on the entire JFK assassination case. I don't give a damn whether you believe in a conspiracy or if you're a lone nut. You have failed to provide sufficient proof that Oswald didn't know the motorcade route. And I stand by that criticism. Jim DiEugenio remarked at his presentation at last year's JFK conference, "you know, the old Carl Sagan line, “extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence,” if not, it’s just a claim. And in it’s worst state it’s just cheap sensationalism." So far this thread is just cheap sensationalism. Joe Backes
  12. Hello again, And the news just keeps getting better. According to my local NBC affiliate, Channel 13, there was a tornado today near Amsterdam, NY. We had a lot of rain today, with more rain coming. There's more info on how to help on the Channel 13 site. See - http://wnyt.com/index.shtml Video of the tornado - http://amsterdam.wnyt.com/news/weather/78788-video-shows-thruway-tornado It's an impressive video that captures how loud thunder can be. You will see the tornado at about 5:50 into this 7 minute video. "This video of the storm that blew through the Capital Region late this afternoon was shot by Lindsay Pillips of the Albany Weather Examiner and was posted on our Facebook page at Facebook.com/NewsChannel13. Meteorologist Tim Drawbridge tells us the National Weather Service now confirms that toward the end of the video -- shot from the Thruway rest stop near Amsterdam -- it shows a tornado crossing Interstate 90." Joe
  13. Hello, As many of you know Hurricane Irene caused a lot of damage in the Northeast of the U.S. You probably saw that it knocked down an oak tree near JFK's grave at Arlington National Cemetery that was over 200 years old. It caused a lot of damage in many rural counties in New York, Massachusetts, and Vermont. Some sections of Vermont are hilly and mountainous. So, when the rainfall is said to be 5 inches of rain it can quickly become 20 inches of rain or more as the rainfall gets funneled through narrow creeks and valleys. My local paper ran a story on how people can help. Now a lot of that information is geared to my local area. They were looking for people to not only donate money but to donate their own personal time and labor to help sweep out mud and help clean up. These areas near me have been going through economic hard times for decades, long before the recent down turn in the economy, and now this hurricane came along. This hurricane was a lot of wind and rain. It washed away a lot of houses, roads, bridges, crops, farms, and farm animals. Fortunately, there were not a lot of deaths. There are hundreds still who have no electrical power. In some cases repair crews can't get there because the roads are gone. I would like to make folks aware of how they can help. I have some info on my blog. Thank you. See - http://justiceforkennedy.blogspot.com/2011/09/how-to-help-those-suffering-from.html Joe
  14. I would suggest that the proof the conversation DID occur is in the sworn testimony of James Jarman, which I quoted above. And I think it IS a big deal if Oswald was unaware of the direction of the motorcade route, or that it was even going to pass through the plaza. Without this information, there's simply NO MOTIVE for him to retrieve the rifle. More importantly, this conversation occurred AFTER the rifle was allegedly already in the building, meaning that either Oswald was "playing dumb" as someone suggested, or someone else brought the rifle into the building. Although I agree that the record of the interrogations is pretty sad, none of the officers who were present during those interrogation sessions ever quoted Oswald's reference to this Jarman encounter. If Oswald was using this "ace" to prove his innocence, it was a card he never played. To suggest that the topic may have been discussed because the record is incomplete is IMO, speculative. The fact remains that there is no EVIDENCE that Oswald ever brought it up. No, the testimony by Jarman of what he says Oswald said is NOT proof of anything. It's classic hearsay, and not allowed in a normal criminal investigation. The "voice," of Oswald is not direct from Oswald, it's from Jarman. That's why I called it what it is, the passive voice. We see the passive voice a lot when, for example, John Connally, gives his (many) versions as to the origins of JFK's trip to Texas. One of the key criticisms of the passive voice is that it is often used to avoid responsibility. You see the passive voice in regards to Bledsoe and her testimony as well. The Secret Servie people use the passive voice when stating that JFK made the decision to not have the bubbletop on the limo. And they use the passive voice when they say JFK ordered agents not to ride on the back of his limo. That well known and false quote, "Keep those Ivy League charlatans off the back of my car," is a lie. JFK never said this. This is Floyd Boring saying JFK said this. It's not direct from JFK. It's uncharacteristic of JFK. There is no other reference to JFK referring to any member of his own Secret Service detail as "Ivy League Charlatans." There's no document from JFK where he orders agents off "his car." It's a lie to avoid responsibility for the weak protection JFK got from the Secret Service. If you had a full understanding of what the passive voice is you would not fall for a lot of Warren Commission nonsense. Jarman's testimony cannot be used to tell us anything about what Oswald knew or did not know. You're making a lot of assumptions. That Oswald is a shooter, that there is a rifle in the TSBD and Oswald knows where it is because he brought it in. This is all hypothetical crapola. Your opinion on the value of the absence of a reference to a conversation for which there is no proof that such a conversation even took place is ridiculous. We can't ask Oswald about it because he's dead. Jarman, or anyone else can say absolutely anything in reference to a conversation with Oswald once Oswald is dead because then there's no way to corroborate it. You can't comment on what was said or not said when Oswald was questioned because of the incomplete record. You can't turn around and place value of the very incompleteness of that record as proof of anything. Joe Backes
  15. Build up an alibi for what? I agree with Mr. Kelly. If Oswald was planning to use this encounter with Jarman as proof of his innocence, why didn't he use it when he was interrogated ????? "How could I have killed the President when I didn't even know the motorcade route----just ask Junior Jarman !!!" There's no evidence that he ever said anything like this during his interrogation or that Oswald tried to use this encounter as proof of his innocence. To believe that this ingenious criminal mind would think of covering his ass BEFORE the event in such a fashion, only to leave behind a rifle connected to him through a paper trail, then kill a policeman and leave his wallet at the scene, is just silly IMO. The Dallas papers posted several versions of the motorcade route before the 22nd. Is it that strange that someone disinterested in the President's arrival would not know the motorcade route ? Gil, Sorry, but this isn't proof of anything. I'm reminded of something George Michael Evica once said, I'm paraphrasing but it's essentially like this, "It's the passive voice, and when you hear the passive voice suspect what is going on." There is no proof this conversation actually occurred or that these were the exact words used. And there's really nowhere to go with it. Even if it did occur and these were the exact words used, so what? Jarman may have had some type of conversation about the motorcade with Oswald. Big deal. We don't know what questions were asked, or what answers were given when Oswald was questioned. We have a very incomplete record of those interrogations. "The rifle," seems to change it's size, shape, and appearance, every time it's described. The paper trail about it has more holes in it than a sponge. As for the wallet, Oswald leaves his wallet at 1026 N. Beckley, and another wallet at the Tippit murder scene, and has another one on him when arrested, and I think yet another when they search him again at Dallas Police HQ. Joe Backes
  16. See - http://stupidschmucks.blogspot.com/2011/07/can-someone-introduce-thomas-ricks-to.html Thanks, Joe
  17. Guys, I don't know why you're spending anytime trying to figure out what Landis said he saw. I would argue that Landis couldn't see anything clearly. He stayed out drinking until 5:00 a.m. in Ft. Worth. He stayed up all night drinking Everclear, which is 190 proof alcohol. He got no sleep at all the night before. He showed up for work still drunk. He wasn't the only one either. Go to my blog - http://justiceforkennedy.blogspot.com/ and put in Paul Landis in the "Search this blog," section on the right and you'll see what I wrote on this. Landis cannot be believed. I would not put any stock in what he says. Joe Backes
  18. Thomas, If I understand you right you have a full size copy of the survey plat of Dealey Plaza that was done for the Warren Commission. Did you get this from the National Archives? If you're looking for someone to scan it and make a copy may I suggest that you contact Mr. Ben Rogers at Baylor University. He gave a presentation at the JFK Lancer conference in 2010 that I made a transcript of. In it he mentioned that they have a wide format scanner that can handle a 6 foot by 10 foot document. You can contact him at - Ben_Rogers@baylor.edu If you live in Texas in the Dallas / Ft. Worth area I think it would be a good thing to bring your original over and meet him. Then Baylor can have a copy of this and make it available to JFK researchers, probably much cheaper than the 6th Floor might charge. My transcript of his presentation is here - http://justiceforkennedy.blogspot.com/2011/04/ben-rogers-presentation-from-nid-2010.html Also, a final survey plat would have to be recorded and a copy kept with the County Clerk, I assume. So, I would think anyone could get a copy from the Dallas County Clerk of the plans of whatever the 6th Floor is up to. The Dallas County Clerk is Mr. John F. Warren Contact info: Records Building 2nd Fl 509 Main St, Suite 200 Dallas, Texas 75202-3551 Phone: 214-653-7099 214-653-7176 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M.-4:30 P.M. Joseph Backes
  19. Thomas, If I understand you right you have a full size copy of the survey plat of Dealey Plaza that was done for the Warren Commission. Did you get this from the National Archives? If you're looking for someone to scan it and make a copy may I suggest that you contact Mr. Ben Rogers at Baylor University. He gave a presentation at the JFK Lancer conference in 2010 that I made a transcript of. In it he mentioned that they have a wide format scanner that can handle a 6 foot by 10 foot document. You can contact him at - Ben_Rogers@baylor.edu If you live in Texas in the Dallas / Ft. Worth area I think it would be a good thing to bring your original over and meet him. Then Baylor can have a copy of this and make it available to JFK researchers, probably much cheaper than the 6th Floor might charge. My transcript of his presentation is here - http://justiceforkennedy.blogspot.com/2011/04/ben-rogers-presentation-from-nid-2010.html Also, a final survey plat would have to be recorded and a copy kept with the County Clerk, I assume. So, I would think anyone could get a copy from the Dallas County Clerk of the plans of whatever the 6th Floor is up to. The Dallas County Clerk is Mr. John F. Warren Contact info: Records Building 2nd Fl 509 Main St, Suite 200 Dallas, Texas 75202-3551 Phone: 214-653-7099 214-653-7176 Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M.-4:30 P.M. Joseph Backes
  20. John, See - http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=4055&st=45 Apparently the source was page 244 of Bill Turner's Rearview Mirror. Moldea provides the most detailed account of Cesar's background. On page 200 of "the Killing of Robert F. Kennedy" he says: "Cesar was born on February 28, 1942, in Kansas City, Missouri. He is a mixture of English, French and German stock". Joe Backes
  21. Hello, Jim DiEugenio's presentation from NID 2010 is now online. http://justiceforkennedy.blogspot.com/ Joe Backes
  22. But, on the other hand... Thanks a lot Tom, So, this is RIF# 104-10428-10023. I was able to compare your scan with what the Mary Ferrell website had. Joe
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