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Joseph Backes

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Everything posted by Joseph Backes

  1. I want to point out that Nechiporenko came to one of the JFK conferences in Dallas in the 1990's. I think it was one of the A.S.K. conferences. 1993. This was in the main ballroom. An hour or two presentation. One thing I remembered, if I'm remembering correctly, about it Peter Dale Scott asked Nechiporenko about something that was removed from his book. And Nechiporenko seemed surprised about this, asked for is book, looked in it and seemed to confirm something was indeed removed from his book. Exactly what this was and how Scott knew it I don't know. I don't know if this was during a presentation and recorded on video or not. One Thing I have to do is recreate the transcript of John Newman's 1999 JFK Lancer presentation. This presentation was John's best work and essential to understanding Mexico City. It was on the JFK Lancer site but that got hacked and is now gone. In the meantime I want to emphasize John's 1994 A.S.K. presentation which I transcribed. Oh, yeah. Newman talked about Scott and Nechiporenko. There must have been a copy of Nechiporenko's book printed in Russian. And when it was translated into English in the West a name was removed. Oh, an overlooked book that all good JFK researchers should have in their library is one by Clarence Kelly, "Kelly: The Story of an FBI Director." He was the FBI Director after Hoover. In it he's convinced Oswald was in MC. Anyway, what's important is in the book we learn the FBI had their own separate wire tapping / phone tapping operation going on. This was totally separate from the CIA's. If the real LHO was there how he got there is a big problem. And as with his escape from Dealey Plaza they put him on a bus. And like Mc Watter's bus story it don't work. It's a fiction. If the real LHO was there how he got there is unknown but probably by plane. I firmly believe there was a physical impersonation. And there was an impersonation of him and of Sylvia Duran via the phone. The person who impersonated him in person was not the one who did it on the phone. The phone impersonator has no information about what the physical impersonator did and what happened inside the Soviet and Cuban consulates when the physical impersonator was in there.
  2. And I had just bought a copy of that beloved Russian farce, "Tsary, What Was That?" BTW, DO NOT BUY THIS IDIOTIC BOOK! And then Little Miss NOT SEE goes off. So, we will NOT SEE anymore posts.
  3. JFK was assassinated. Nixon did himself in. The idiot recorded himself committing a crime. His own behavior eventually destroyed any chance anyone in Congress could save him from impeachment. And the senate Republicans would have voted to confirm the impeachment. The "October Surprise" of not releasing the U.S. embassy hostages held by Iran until after Reagan won and then to occur as Reagan was being sworn in was real. It was always real. Ben Barnes confirmed it. And guess who helped with those secret negotiations? Former Governor of Texas, John Connally. There is no such thing as the "Deep State." Trump lost because the people saw what a Fascist idiot he was about everything. There is no off switch on that idiot. The most idiotic, destructive POTUS ever! 6'3" and 215 pounds. Maybe on a planet where the sun is plaid. It will take decades to recover from what Trump did to this country. If we ever do.
  4. My response - https://open.substack.com/pub/justiceforkennedy/p/cant-see-the-forrest-for-the-trees?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
  5. No, I don't think so, Paul. Again, people who only read the headlines are aware of Angleton. I'll bet 99.999% of the JFK research community had never heard of Bruce Solie before John Newman's work. I'll bet if asked name 10 people who worked at CIA between Jan 1961 and Jan 1964 whose names are not Dulles, Phillips, or Angleton 99.999% of JFK assassination researchers couldn't. And even still with the hierarchy within CIA's Office of Security explained by Newman that McCord is Solie's Boss, and Solie is above Angleton people still think Angleton is the top dog at CIA and therefore able to give orders to Solie and McCord. People just will not give up on the false idea of Angleton being the supreme being at CIA. He wasn't. The top mole hunter at CIA was Solie who was the very mole Popov warned his CIA handler about. It's just like the plot of Stalag 17, the guy put in charge of finding the mole the Nazi's put in with the American prisoners to foil their escape plans was the Nazi mole. Why do people here think "The Spy Who Would Be Tsar," is holy gospell? The book is about a guy that thought he was the brother of Czar Nicholas II who miraculously survived being rounded up and shot dead with the rest of the Rommanov's. So, he should be the new Czar. This putz is revered and Pete Bagley is a bum?
  6. I don't know why it's so hard to conceive of McCord taking money from the Soviets. There is an abundance of evidence of hard Right-wing Republicans taking money from Russia today. Anyone remember Rep. Dana Rohrabacher? see - A GOP Congressman Received “Sensitive Documents” From Russian Officials in 2016. Another example see 2018 DMN article - How Putin's oligarchs funneled millions into GOP campaigns Anyway, Wikipedia's entry for McCord mentions how he rose to become director of the CIA's Office of Security. And the citation for that is, I think, an odd one, namely Edmund Callis Berkeley (1972). Computers and Automation. Edmund C. Berkeley and Associates. I always think of Richard E Sprague ( the good Richard Sprague of the HSCA days ) when I hear of Computers and Automation. Here is the referred to issue - http://bitsavers.trailing-edge.com/magazines/Computers_And_Automation/197208.pdf At the time, 1972, of this issue McCord was working for Nixon's Committee to Re-elect the President, known as CREEP. He was making $1209 a month, which was $14,508 a year back then. Google says to multiple that by 7.31 Today that would be $106,053.48. Things to remember he was involuntarily retired from CIA in August 1970, well before Watergate. See - https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10224-10006.pdf McCord had a military permit for a special passport while he was living in Frankfurt, Germany 1954 to 1956. See 104-10224-10006. He certainly would have been a target for recruitment by the KGB around the time. I eagerly await what John will have for us in the digital update to his Popov book. Joe
  7. I believe John has posted on Facebook that there was even more to the podcast and he's working on bringing more information out.
  8. A grand total of 21 documents. Pathetic. 104-10105-10271 104-10120-10293 104-10172-10108 104-10180-10155 104-10218-10013 104-10226-10024 104-10302-10000 104-10332-10023 104-10408-10416 104-10433-10209 124-10290-10051 124-10290-10052 124-90055-10231 124-90137-10284 157-10005-10360 177-10001-10305 178-10002-10480 180-10141-10238 180-10141-10239 180-10143-10275 180-10145-10245
  9. For reasons only known to Douglas if he can read it, then it's real. Cleary, Douglas needs to be ignored.
  10. You inform yourself that there is an issue with whether or not the document is real, Douglas. That's the whole point. People who are ignorant that there is an issue keep finding it and posting it online thinking they are friggin' Sherlock Holmes and are entitled to a parade when they do. NARA sent people to try and find it in their collections. They couldn't. They think it's a fake. That it was given to Dick Russell and he put it in his book means nothing. So, I would advise not using it to base any conclusions on. Unfortunately, Robert Groden who thinks it was found once at NARA ( no proof of that ) and now it cannot be means there's something wrong with NARA and not the document. And printed it in his book because he wants it to be true. Joe
  11. It's murky. Someone gave it to him. I think when it was given to Dick Russell was some years before the publication of "The Man Who Knew Too Mush." Well, many people think LHO worked for the CIA or ONI or both when he was in Japan, and people have thought the "defection," to Russia was bogus the second they heard it. The document seems to support EVERYTHING people think is the real truth of LHO. So, naturally rational people are skeptical of the doc. It should not be used as if it's real until its provenance can be truly ascertained. And that may never happen. Joe
  12. Okay, this is part of the backstory of this document. The copy people have and have been posting online was Dick Russell's copy of the document. He stamped his personal copy confidential because he knew this doc was too good to be true and wanted to research it further. That's the story I heard. That's perfectly acceptable. Many researchers scribble things onto their copy of a document. Bart Kamp is always putting "Not Online," on docs he's scanned from Malcolm Blunt when he finds one not on MFF or anywhere else online. Dick Russell couldn't quite establish where he got this from, if memory serves. He got it way before the days of the ARRB when researchers would just get docs "from a guy," or in the mail. In order to verify it you would have to find it in NARA, in the original NARA building, which would be very difficult to do in the 70's or 80's. And I wouldn't take it into the original archives to do a page by page visual comparison if I was lucky enough to find it. I would be anxious about my copy being taken from me or someone asking where I got it. I'd leave it home and commit to memory what it looked like and try and hunt it down. Now anyone claiming it is real would have had to have seen it PRIOR to that stamp being there and they should have plenty of experience in looking at similar documents to know that that "Confidential" stamp is damn odd. I have that experience. I know it is unique. No other document had such a stamp mark. No agency uses anything that looks like that. So when anyone says they saw this document and they're ignorant about the stamp, in other words they do not say they saw it without the stamp, then I know they're lying. Joe
  13. "...I have had to post the first half of the book's chapters online..." Where online? Joe
  14. Thanks Larry for posting the site with my comments on this. I drove down to Archives II from Albany as soon as I heard of this doc. A RIF # given to me for it did not match it at all. NARA tried to find it in the Collection and they are of the opinion it is a fake. The Classified stamp was put upon it by Dick Russell and not by anyone in the intel community. That stamp is the biggest red flag. I ran into Malcolm Blunt when I got to Arcchives II and I showed him my copy of it. We both knew the stamp was definitely questionable and not anything like it on any doc we've ever seen. It's provenance cannot be ascertained. Robert Gordon unfortunately clings to it thinking it's real. I don't think it is real. But It has not been 100% proven to be a fake as fas as I know. Joe
  15. I believe Jim DiEugenio introduced Len to this Right-wing nutcase Jimmy Dore. It’s embarrassing that these two are so gullible as to not only listen to but believe Jimmy Dore’s crap. So, on the latest show, #1160, Len has Ray McGinnis on. And one of the links under the Ray McGinnis segment is to a Jimmy Dore show. By the way, it doesn’t belong there, at no time does McGinnis reference Jan 6th or Ray Epps. McGinnis talks exclusively on some Canadian protestors dubbed “the Couts four” who have been held for over a year. If you’re interested listen to it. Len is just adding things he thinks are similar injustices so he references a specific Jimmy Dore show in which Dore taking his cue if not daily orders from FOX and in this specific instance Tucker Carlson regurgitates the lie that the entire Jan 6thinsurrection is not Trump’s fault nor any of his enablers, oh no, it’s all because of this one one guy, Ray Ebbs. Now Ray Ebbs was singled out on videos of the Jan 6th insurrection by FOX and other Right-wing media as seemingly orchestrating and provoking people to attack the Capital. Tucker Carlson concocted a lie and devoted more than a dozen episodes of his show demonizing Epps. Dore claims the mainstream media is protecting Epps. Dore is a dufus who says with a straight face that Jan 6th was an FBI psy/op to attack the Capital and make MAGA illegal. The truth? Tucker Carlson LIED about Ray Epps. It was one of the reasons FOX fired him. Epps was a Trump supporter. Epps was there on Jan 5th talking about wanting to go into the Capital. And Epps was there on Jan 6th. But there is absolutely no evidence Ray Epps is why people came to D,C. on Jan 5th and 6th. No evidence anything would have been any different had Ray Epps not been there. And no evidence Ray Epps worked for any federal agency. There is just a video of some masked goons pointing at Epps and calling him a Fed. That’s it. And that video is taken as if it proves Epps was a Fed. Tucker Carlson lied about Epps for over 2 years. Epps and his wife had to flee Arizona, sell their home and abandon their business. Keith Olbermann told the true story on the July 11th, 2023 episode of his Countdown podcast. He called July 11th “Comeuppance Day!” because so many Right-wing BS false stories blew up in their faces. ( Who Rep. Jamie Comer's alleged Biden "whistleblower" really bribed is worth noting. ) Olbermann, “I think you know the Ray Epps conspiracy theory. He’s seen on video egging on the January 5th crowd, and then the January 6th mob as well, but though he urges them to march with him and enter the capital on January 6th he never goes in. And suddenly he’s out there beginning to plead for calm. And since prosecutors did not charge him, as Epp’s lawyer notes they have not charged him yet, Tucker Carlson concluded in 2021 to quote the Times that there was no rational explanation Mr. Carlson told his audience why this ‘mysterious figure,’ who quote helps stage managed the insurrection unquote had not been charged. Carlson had decided that it was because Ray Epps was a plant. He smeared Ray Epps in 18 different episodes of his little fiction carney show, based his entire attempt to exonerate Trump on Ray Epps, depicted Ray Epps as a government plant, as a federal agent, went so far as to make a graphic in which the logo for FedEx had been reworked to read FedEpps and Tucker Carlson was according to the lawyer planning to do yet another segment on Epps the day FOX fired him. There is one notable postscript to the Ray Epps suit pending against FOX and I should point out this is the pre-lawsuit the point of the Times story is to give FOX a little public grief on behalf of Epp’s attorney and also to give FOX a last warning, a last off ramp before it’s filed. But, nowhere in the story does Epp’s attorney specifically say he will file against Tucker Carlson even though Carlson no longer works at FOX. But it is instructive to note that the next defamation suit pending against FOX the $2.7 billion one from Smartmatic voting machines specifically targets FOX, and Janine Piro by name as a separate defendant, and Maria Bartiromo, by name as a separate defendant, and Lou Dobbs by name. Smartmatic filed that suit on February 4th, 2021. FOX fired Lou Dobbs on February 5th, 2021. But, Smartmatic did not, has not, and will not drop Lou Dobbs from the suit. Have a nice time under oath, Tucker, because remember not only is it comeuppance day but during a multimillion dollar defamation suit it all becomes comeuppance year!” I want you to be better than this, Len. Jim DiEugenio mentions using Duck, Duck, Go instead of Google and Len then goes “Thank Goodness for Elon Musk!” Len actually said that. Shocking. And sad,at around the 1:18:50 mark. Len believes there is something real about Elon, ( Elmo to the rest of us ) and Elon’s “Twitter Files.” Len thinks its real. As if they were the Pentagon Papers. Oh, FFS! I don’t have the time nor strength to slap the stuff out of fools who think Elmo fights for truth, justice and the NOT SEE, err, um, American way. Len, c’mon. X. That’s Elmo’s bright idea. The highly creative Elmo, Apartheid Clyde. X We’ll call it X. You remember on Earth X the Nazi’s won WWII, right? Joe
  16. I wouldn't go this route. I didn't see a recommended JFK assassination researcher. There are many JFK records that do not have RIFs. Tell them you want 4 interviews conducted by the Southern Research Corporation as mentioned in the ARRB memo. See - 082395.WPD. So, all 4 should be in the Wegmann Papers, Box 3, in the Carlos Bringer / Carlos Quiroga file folder. It should be easy peasy to find them. They are dated from March to May of 1967. Mention the guide to the Wegmann Papers and who he was because they'll give this job of fetch and photocopy to a kid who doesn't know a damn thing about the JFK assassination, Garrison etc. or who in the hell Wegmann or Bringer were. Joe
  17. Most of the JFK Records Collection is not online. If you're only looking for four interviews write to NARA andgive them as much info on the specific documents as possible. That's your best option unless you can afford to go there in person. Joe Backes
  18. Here it is - https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/256916916/reuben-ezra-efron
  19. Linda, Your attachment doesn't work. A .png might be too big. Try using Google, put in "convert .png to .jpeg" and then upload the .jpg to here. Joe
  20. John will make a new, updated digital version of "Uncovering Popov's Mole," later this year.
  21. No, you NOT SEE. I'm not interested in your reply. You are now ignored. You are a person I can NOT SEE anymore. GOOD BYE.
  22. Oh, if only people loved Nixon, and if only more people voted for Nixon, and if only Nixon was elected in 1960, boo, hoo, hoo, then the world would have been beautiful and full of flowers all year 'round! Yea for Nixon! Melvin is living a totally absurd and non-investigative life. He cannot or will not name the title or author of the article he says he "read." "Kennedy did promote the idea of reestablishing American domination over post-Mafia Cuba under Fidel Casto." - FALSE! This is pure RIGHT-wing spin. There is no truth to it at all. When did JFK ever advocate for the American domination of any country? What is true is that JFK was briefed on the invasion plan by Dulles and then spoke about getting tough in Cuba during the first debate. This came as a surprise to Nixon who had to denounce Kennedy as being reckless to protect the plan. The BOP invasion was sabotaged from within by the CIA. There is an abundance of evidence on this now. And you can start learning about this, Martian, with the CIA Inspector General's report. I don't know what story of LBJ and Vietnam is a fake to Melwyn. Does he think LBJ bares no responsibility for the decisions he made starting with reversing JFK's decision to withdraw? Is Merwin suggesting that from Nov 23, 1963 to the war's end in 1975 is all JFK's fault? That the three presidents after JFK bare no responsibility at all? What a putz. JFK's murder cannot be separated from his political enemies who despised his policies both foreign and domestic, and despised JFK personally. They saw his constant talk of peace as weakness. They wanted to use force everywhere, they wanted to invade Cuba and kill Castro, they wanted to invade Laos in 1961, they wanted a war in Vietnam. They wanted to use nukes in Cuba, in Southeast Asia and against the Russians. JFK was a rational man surrounded by ruthless power mad war mongering idiots.
  23. I suggest writing to the NYT and asking them directly if the quote you're looking for was published in any edition on the 22nd, 23rd or 24th. Don't do it in an email. Actually write a letter and snail mail it. Joe
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