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Joseph Backes

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Everything posted by Joseph Backes

  1. God damn The New York Times. Once again we have to have an other side-ism approach. Once again, they just have to hear from Gerald Posner. Once again the book Posner did not write is heralded. Once again let's doubt there's any smoking gun in the files. The whole point of that book was to stop people from looking at any files just as the JFK Act was starting to release files. And now nearly 31 years after the passage of the JFK Act, and nearly 6 years after everything was supposed to be released he gets to dooky on the process again. The NYT quotes him "What we have learned from the C.I.A. files released this year is that they either have nothing to do with the assassination, or are only tangentially related." So, you can be only slightly guilty of killing a President of the United States.
  2. I found these documents this morning. 104-10121-10285 In it it clearly states Morales works for the CIA since 6 Dec 1954. This doc is dated 22 March, 1965. It clearly states there is an agreement between the two agencies. In 104-10121-10287 Morales is being integrated into AID. Joe
  3. Well, I don't come here to lie. The tail lights on the limo were blinking. and if you showed the Z film as a film you could see that. And if you showed the limo in other films you see that. But, no some people love to lie by omission and post a still frame, and only one still frame as if the red tail light was an indication of the brakes being applied. That is a fiction. Joe
  4. In case you think I'm making this up Newsweek - https://www.newsweek.com/chuck-schumer-declassify-ufo-secrets-jfk-records-1812978 NYT - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/13/us/politics/ufo-records-schumer.html
  5. Don Novello must be appointed to serve as the chairman of this review board. "The weather has really been something. It’s been cold all over. When I left Rome yesterday, it was two. The fountains were frozen and everything. And that’s Celsius. It’s all the way down to Celsius. In Naples it was only up to ten, and down in Reggio Calabria, home of the Marconi School of Broadcasting, my alma mater, it was twelve. It was a little warmer in Palermo, sixteen in the Conca d’Oro. Up north in Venice, a cold minus two. In the sister city of Trieste, two, too. Over in Milano, it was one degree. Bologna was three. Skies clear in Bologna tonight. A good night for spotting U.F.O.’s — “oofoes” we call them in Italy. I once saw a UFO near Bologna. I was driving from Assisi on this road here, and it was late at night, and from nowhere there were these two giant white lights and it just zoomed right past me real fast and it just seemed to disappear. It was about ten feet long I would say — real sleek looking — looked a lot like a Corvette. And as soon as it was gone I said to myself, did I see that or not? And you see, that’s what they do to you. They shoot you with something, some kind of ray gun — and it makes you doubt that you saw them. If you think you’ve never seen one, you probably see them all the time. And after what happened to me, I started carrying my camera with me at all times, just to prove to myself that I’m not hallucinating. Was just a few months ago that I spotted one again. I was in Los Angeles at the home of a friend of mine, Rainbow is her name. Fortunately, I had my camera with me. You can’t tell much from the photo, but it was kind of silvery looking. And it was in the air a long time, just kind of hovering there. And Rainbow says “Listen: all the dogs are barking.” And it was true — all the dogs were barking. And then it just kind of very slowly drifted away. I had this blow-up made of the UFO. I know what you’re thinking: you think it’s just the Goodyear blimp. That’s what everybody says. But I did some research and called the Goodyear Blimp people and they told me their nearest blimp was miles away from where I spotted this UFO. And that’s when it dawned on me. Don’t you think that if these aliens are smart enough to get here, they’re smart enough to disguise their spaceships as Goodyear Blimps? Come on — they weren’t born yesterday. They’ve been spying on us like this for years and years. And my research proves that about one out of every five sightings of Goodyear Blimps is actually a flying saucer in disguise. So, don’t take any chances. If you ever see what you think is the Goodyear Blimp, call the police, call the mayor of your town, call the president, even call your senators – you can never tell."
  6. Washington, D.C. – Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD) are leading an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act which would mandate government records related to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) carry the presumption of disclosure. The Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Disclosure Act of 2023 is modeled on the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 and will create a UAP Records Collection. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD), Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Cybersecurity for the Armed Services Committee, are leading an amendment – Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) Disclosure Act of 2023 – along with Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) Vice Chairman of the Intelligence Committee; Senator Kristen Gillibrand (D-NY), Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities for the Armed Services Committee; Senator Todd Young (R-IN); and Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM) which would increase transparency around Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) and further open scientific research. The legislation introduced as an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that will be on the Senate floor next week, would direct the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to create a collection of records to be known as the UAP Records Collection and direct every government office to identify which records would fall into the collection. The UAP Records Collection would carry the presumption of immediate disclosure, which means that a review board would have to provide a reasoning for the documents to stay classified. During his time in Congress, former Majority Leader Harry Reid sponsored a project to investigate incidents surrounding UAPs. After that project became public, Senators, Congressmen, committees, and staff began to pursue this issue and uncovered a vast web of individuals and groups with ideas and stories to share. While these stories have varying levels of credibility, the sheer number and variety has led some in Congress to believe that the Executive Branch was concealing important information regarding UAPs over broad periods of time. Congress recognizes that these records – if they exist – were likely concealed under the good faith goal of protecting national security. However, hiding that information from both Congress and the public at large is simply unacceptable. Our goal is to work cooperatively with the executive branch to responsibly disclose these documents and bring the topic into the public sphere in a process that the American people can trust. “For decades, many Americans have been fascinated by objects mysterious and unexplained and it’s long past time they get some answers,” said Leader Schumer. “The American public has a right to learn about technologies of unknown origins, non-human intelligence, and unexplainable phenomena. We are not only working to declassify what the government has previously learned about these phenomena but to create a pipeline for future research to be made public. I am honored to carry on the legacy of my mentor and dear friend, Harry Reid and fight for the transparency that the public has long demanded surround these unexplained phenomena.” “Our goal is to assure credibility with regard to any investigation or record keeping of materials associated with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs),” said Senator Rounds. “Relevant documents related to this issue should be preserved. Providing a central collection location and reputable review board to maintain the records adds to the credibility of any future investigations.” “There is a lot we still don’t know about these UAPs and that is a big problem,” said Vice Chairman Rubio. “We’ve taken some important steps over the last few years to increase transparency and reduce stigmas, but more needs to be done. This is yet another step in that direction, and one that I hope will spur further cooperation from the executive branch.” “Understanding UAPs is critical to our national security and to maintaining all-domain awareness,” said Senator Gillibrand. “When Senator Rubio and I created the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), we sought to increase transparency to the American people and reduce the stigma around this issue of high public interest. Declassifying previous records related to UAPs is part of that mission and I’m proud to support this important amendment.” “The American people deserve transparency on all issues related to UAPs. Our bipartisan effort will protect and better organize government materials related to UAPs and promote disclosure of this information,” said Senator Young. “The American people deserve transparency. And the federal government needs to be able to explain what is happening in our skies,” said Senator Heinrich. “This legislation will devote real resources and take a unified approach to gathering data to fully understand UAPs and better address their national security implications.” After the UAP Records Collection is created, the legislation will create a UAP Records Review Board, an independent agency, which would consider if a UAP record would qualify for postponement of disclosure. Additionally, the federal government shall have eminent domain over any and all recovered technologies of unknown origin (TUO) and biological evidence of non-human intelligence (NHI) that may be controlled by private persons or entities in the interests of the public good. After the Review Board has made a formal determination concerning public disclosure or postponement, the President will have the sole ability to overturn or concur such determination. At the latest, each UAP record must be publicly disclosed in full and made available in the Collection no later than 25 years after the law is enacted, unless the President certifies that continued postponement is necessary because of a direct harm to national security. The amendment will be modeled on the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 which required that documents regarding the Kennedy Assassination be made public no later than 25 years later after enactment. ###
  7. We'll do it live, we'll do it live The Mary Ferrell Foundation sponsors the largest online collection of searchable JFK records . The Mary Ferrell Foundation will hold a news briefing about its lawsuit against President Biden and the National Archives at 11 a.m. PST (2 p.m. EST) on Wednesday, July 12. The briefing will be held the Federal Bar Association Media Center on the first floor of the Phillip Burton Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, 450 Golden Gate Ave., in San Francisco. Reporters, podcasters, and bloggers are welcome to attend in person. If you want to watch the briefing remotely, join us via Zoom by clicking here. Mary Ferrell Foundation attorney Bill Simpich, foundation vice president Jefferson Morley, and author David Talbot will speak and answer questions about: · the legal theory behind MFF v. Biden; · the latest revelations from the JFK files; · the politics of JFK’s assassination in the 2024 election. And if you want to support the Mary Ferrell Foundation in the continuing fight for full JFK disclosure, click here.
  8. Also, I don't think the news conf will be streamed live online. If anyone knows otherwise please post details. Joe
  9. President Biden's June 30 edict on the last of the U.S. government's files related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy faces a challenge in San Francisco federal court this week. The plaintiff is the Mary Ferrell Foundation (MFF), sponsor of the internet's largest searchable database of records related to the assassination of the 35th president some 60 years ago. The Foundation is non-profit, non-partisan organization, based in Ipswich, Massachusetts. The Foundation is seeking an injunction to block Biden's approval of a CIA-authored 'Transparency Plan' that keeps thousands of JFK documents out of public view indefinitely. The Foundation is represented by attorneys Bill Simpich, a Bay Area civil rights lawyer, and Larry Schnapf, a New York environmental lawyer. Judge Richard Seeborg, senior judge in the 9th circuit of the federal courts, has canceled oral arguments, originally scheduled for Thursday, July 13. Attorneys in the case expect Judge Seeborg to rule within thirty days. For more information on the MFF v. Biden lawsuit, see the Foundation’s JFK Records Lawsuit page. News Briefing The Mary Ferrell Foundation will hold a news briefing about the lawsuit on Wednesday July 12 at 11 a.m. in the Federal Bar Association Media Center on the first floor of the Phillip Burton Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, 450 Golden Gate Ave, in San Francisco. Attorney Bill Simpich, Mary Ferrell Foundation vice president Jefferson Morley, and author David Talbot will speak and answer questions. Reporters, podcasters, and bloggers are welcome to attend. Simpich, Morley, and Talbot will talk about the legal theory guiding MFF v. Biden, the latest JFK revelations, and the politics of JFK in the 2024 election. If you want to support the Mary Ferrell Foundation in the fight for full JFK disclosure, click here. From me: I don't think the cancellation of oral arguments is a good sign. We'll see. Joe
  10. Robert seems to think everyone needs to kiss his butt for some reason and or was part of sending him off this forum. No, and no. I've heard of Gehlen before. I've heard of the National Socialist connection before. When you say you're posting something brand new that has never been posted before, and that's easily shown to not be true does he think no one is going to notice? And when he tries to tell me how Archives II works? That's adorable.
  11. Wow, you got quite the chip on your shoulder. Yes, it's on MFF. The latest version, June 27th, 2023 release. The document has been published before. I did not comment on your writing. I'm not Bill Simpich. MFF has a cryptonym page with an entry for WIROGUE. It has not been updated with the June 27, 2023 released version of 104-10182-10052. However, the previous version of 104-10182-10052 was 15 Dec 2022. That version did have p. 113 unreacted. So, the name Ernest G. Maycrink was there. It also had p. 154 where the name Hauptmann Georg Reiner appears unreacted. So that name was there. Page 141 and 190 were unredacted in the 15 Dec 2022 version, too. So even what you're drawing attention to is not new to the June 27th version of the doc. If you were highlighting what's new in the June 27 2023 release and you were the first to write about it, then you deserve praise. Perhaps you were with the 15 Dec 2022 release, again you would deserve praise. But I didn't suppress that. As I said, I'm not Bill Simpich. Why not email Rex Bradford? He runs MFF, not Bill Simpich. That the world doesn't stop to applaud you isn't suppression of anything. It's just life. Joe
  12. Well, yes and no. MFF did have this doc mentioned on its page on WIROGUE. But, did not have a hotlink to the doc. What they had you had to copy & paste into your browser and then it took you to NARA's version. Not sure which NARA release this was. Joe
  13. It's the tail light of the limo. Why he posted an image with an arrow pointing to it is anyone's guess.
  14. And that documentary should be out right around the time the sum turns plaid. Study the off white area says the aptly named Sir Not Appearing In This Film.
  15. So, the thing you want us to look at is not in the image you've posted. 🤔 Reminds me of the highly valued Marvel Comics No Prize.
  16. Robert, Don't attack me. I didn't kick you off anything. I've done plenty of work in Archives II, thank you. And I'm glad and impressed you went there. There's enough there to keep any adult busy for decades. My correspondence with the ARRB fills 2 boxes at NARA. I did my best to tell people about ARRB releases long before there was a MFF. Those reviews are here. Requesting info is not a personal attack, nor a sign anyone is lazy. The Collection is HUGE. It's difficult and expensive to get away from home and job to be able to do any research at Archives II. So, be kind and share what you can. The more we share the better. And thank you for sharing what you have. Joe
  17. Context helps. You have to read and know a lot about this case to know when there's something good in the document releases.
  18. Well, you don't have to read them all now. So, bookmark it and read it at your leisure. The one most people are interested in is the part 5, I'm doing this from memory. So, that's item #8. Joe
  19. Is this him? https://www.dignitymemorial.com/obituaries/falls-church-va/joseph-murphy-10248080
  20. Do you have more info on your Mr. Joseph Murphy? A middle name? Approximate date of birth, etc?
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