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Ed LeDoux

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Everything posted by Ed LeDoux

  1. Sorry but I have interviewed the Rotary chairman and others at the brunch that day and Bush was speaking when he was interrupted by the news of the shooting and did not finish as it would in his words "be in bad taste to continue a political speech." He then left and got Barbara who was at a beauty parlor across the street and then went to the airport.....so NO it is not Bush. see my interviews on the Lancer site. Ed
  2. From Volume I, page 464 of the HSCA hearings: Mr. MCDONALD. Did you compare the FBI test bullets with your own test bullets that you recently fired out of 139? Mr. BATES. Yes, we also made a microscopic comparison of that. Mr. MCDONALD. And what did the comparison show? Mr. BATES. The results of this examination indicated that we could not determine whether the FBI test bullets were, in fact, fired from the rifle, CE-139. Mr. McDONALD. And would you please explain your answer? Mr. BATES. Based upon the microscopic comparison, there were differences in the individual identifying characteristics found within the land and groove impressions on the FBI test bullets and on the panel test bullets. NO MATCH..... A bullet was found by Darrell Tomlinson on a stretcher at Parkland hospital, where both Kennedy and Connally were taken. He gave this bullet to O.P. Wright, the hospital's security director. Neither Tomlinson nor Wright ever identified CE 399 as the bullet they handled. In fact, Wright said CE 399 "was definitely not the one handed him by Tomlinson" and that the bullet he found resembled a pointed .30, not a blunt 6.5mm like CE 399. Even if it is the bullet found at Parkland, CE 399 was most likely found on the stretcher of "two-year-old Ronald (Ronnie) Fuller, who entered the Parkland emergency room at 12:54 P.M. with a bad cut on the chin. The original "stretcher bullet," also given to the Secret Service, was not rounded but possibly pointed, Darrell Tomlinson stated; O.P. Wright, the man he handed it to, said it was definitely pointed. They were ignored, but now we have the corroborating HSCA interview of Nathan Pool, who actually found it and gave it to Tomlinson: "long, pointed and smooth." A large skull fragment, seen in the limousine at Parkland by Secret Service agent Clint Hill, and recovered from the car on the flight back to Washington by his colleague Sam Kinney, disappeared from the record after Kinney turned it in. Darrell Tomlinson, Nathan Pool and O. P. Wright could not identify CE-399 as the bullet they saw at Parkland Hospital. Both Pool and Wright claimed that the stretcher bullet was pointed, and did not have a rounded nose like CE-399. Tomlinson, who has been quoted as saying that he did not think CE-399 was the bullet he saw, has indicated that the bullet might have been pointed although he was not as certain as Pool and Wright. Unlike the round-nose 6.5mm Carcano bullets, the 7.35mm ammo is in fact pointed. Parkland personnel director O.P. Wright, said that the bullet he saw and held on the day of the assassination did not look like the bullet that later turned up in FBI evidence. That claim was in direct conflict with an FBI memo of July 7, 1964, which said that Wright had told an FBI agent that the bullet did look like the shell he’d held on the day of the murder. A declassified 6/20/64 FBI AIRTEL memorandum from the FBI office in Dallas (“SAC, Dallas” – i.e., Special Agent in Charge, Gordon Shanklin) to J. Edgar Hoover contains the statement, “For information WFO (FBI Washington Field Office), neither DARRELL C. TOMLINSON [sic], who found bullet at Parkland Hospital, Dallas, nor O. P. WRIGHT, Personnel Officer, Parkland Hospital, who obtained bullet from TOMLINSON and gave to Special Service, at Dallas 11/22/63, can identify bullet … .” Wright said: “That bullet had a pointed tip.” June 24, 1964, FBI agent Todd, who received the bullet from Rowley, the head of the Secret Service, returned with presumably the same bullet to get Secret Service agents Johnsen and Rowley to identify it. #2011 reports that both Johnsen and Rowley advised Todd that they “could not identify this bullet as the one” they saw on the day of the assassination. Robert Frazier of the FBI Crime Lab received 399 on the evening of November 22 from another FBI agent, Elmer Todd (3H428, 24 412). Todd, in turn had received it a few minutes earlier from Chief Rowley of the Secret Service, who had been given it by one of his agents, Richard Johnsen (24H412). Johnsen had attached a note to the bullet stating that he obtained it from "Mr. O.P. Wright / Personal Director of Security / Dallas County Hospital District." The chain of custody was thus established as Tomlinson-Wright-Johnsen-Rowley-Todd-Frazier. Yet, in a document released by the ARRB in January, 1996, we first learned that Gerald A. Behn, the Secret Service agent in charge of the White House detail, stated that he was in the chain of custody of CE 399. Behn claimed that he received the bullet from Special Agent Richard Johnsen then turned it over to the FBI. With Behn's statement, we have Rowley evaporating from the scene. Behn's statement is a fatal conflict in the chain of custody of this crucial piece of evidence. Any break in that chain reasonably allows for the bullet's already evident, criminal transformation from pointed to rounded. Two FBI agents initialed the bullet they received, Johnsen did not, breaking the chain of custody. (24 H 412) When we consider further that O.P. Wright, the man who allegedly gave the bullet to Johnsen, does not even mention this very important find in his report, and that Darrell Tomlinson, the man who found the bullet in the first place, stated that the bullet in government hands is NOT the bullet he actually found. The M91/38 Cal. 7.92 (the standard German caliber prior to the NATO 7.62) modified Carcanos had an "S" stamped on the breech block to designate they accommodated the 7.92 caliber. And they were, in fact, clip-fed.150 In 1905 when this caliber was adopted in Germany, the breech block of the Mauser 1898 was stamped with the "S" to indicate that the new standard caliber 7.92 ammunition was required. This practice was carried forward on the modified Carcano. Apparently the origin of the "S" was that it stood for "spitzer," the German word for "pointed." These new bullets were just that, rather than round-ended. Argentine Mausers included the Fusil Mauser modelo Argentino 1891 modificado para Bala `S' modelo 1909. Again, the "S" probably stood for spitzer (pointed). Anthony is correct that no one was interested in the bullet. O.P. Wright told CBS' Eddie Barker: "...I got hold of a Secret Service man and they (sic) didn't seem to be interested in coming and looking at the bullet in the position it was in then. So I went back to the area where Mr. Tomlinson was and picked up the bullet and put it in my pocket, and I carried it some 30 or 40 minutes. [emphasis Graf's and Bartholomew's] And I gave it to a Secret Service man that was guarding the main door into the emergency room..." Who was the first agent Wright spoke to? HSCA attorney Belford V. Lawson, in charge of the Secret Service area of the “investigation”, is the author of a recently uncovered memo in regard to an interview with hospital employee Nathan Pool conducted on January 10, 1977 and headlined “Pool’s co-discovery of the ‘Tomlinson’ bullet”. In the memo, Pool mentions the fact that two Secret Service agents were by the elevator, one of which “remained there throughout most or all of Pool’s stay”. Before we can catch our breath, a third Secret Service agent enters the picture. Although all these men were in the immediate vicinity of the discovery of the bullet, one particular agent “was within 10 feet when Pool recognized the bullet”. According to Pool, the bullet was pointed, and he added that it “didn’t look like it had hit anything and didn’t look like it had been in anything”. While it is an “official” fact that Agent Richard Johnsen gained possession of CE–399 (the magic bullet, linked to Lee Harvey Oswald) at Parkland Hospital via security chief O. P. Wright (Wright had obtained the bullet through employees Darrel Tomlinson and Nathan Pool, who had first obtained it in the presence of one or more Secret Service agents at Parkland Hospital), what has never been widely reported is the fact that Agent Greer maintained very close proximity to Johnsen and the bullet in question: a. Both agents guarded the emergency room: Greer inside, Johnsen outside. If the FBI’ report is accurate, Greer was the only agent stationed inside the emergency room with JFK. b. The FBI’s report also stated that the bullet was “found on a stretcher in the emergency room”. Officially, the bullet was found in a corridor outside of this room. c. Johnsen rode with Greer in a car on the way to Air Force One, along with fellow agents David Grant, Samuel Sulliman, Ernest Olsson, and Paul Lan- dis—and we’re supposed to believe that all of these agents remained silent about the bullet. d. Greer rode with Johnsen near the casket in the back of Air Force One, from the time that LBJ was sworn in, when the majority of agents and fellow pas- sengers were up front. http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v1n2/gtds_3.html http://www.geocities.com/jeff_l_schwartz/thesis.html www.assassinationresearch.com/v4n1/v4n1chapter08.pdf http://www.assassinationweb.com/shack3f.htm http://www.history-matters.com/essays/fram...MoreMagical.htm
  3. Quotes of Howard Leslie Brennan: “At that time there was a side entrance towards the rear of the building on Houston Street. At some point during the morning hours, the police had sealed off parking in that block and forced all cars to move. Saw horses were placed on Elm and Houston to block traffic. As I looked around I saw a lone car parked beside the Book Depository with a white male seated behind the wheel. The car was an Oldsmobile, a 1955-57 model. It is difficult to tell the exact year unless one is an expert because all those years looked nearly alike. I remember wondering why all the other cars had been made to move and this one had not. I didn’t have the chance to study the driver carefully but he was wearing civilian clothes and appeared to be middle aged.” “One thing that interested me about the car was the way it was parked. The front left wheel was pulled sharply away from the curb and the driver had the door partially open. Later I wondered if the reason for this was so the car could make a quick U-turn in a speedy departure. As I was watching the man in the car I saw a policeman who was on foot walk over towards the car and begin talking to the man in a friendly, laughing manner. So far as I could see, there was no attempt to get the man to move the car and after chatting for a minute or so, the policeman walked back to his post. It was this fact that made me think the police should have made some report about the presence of the car, but I have never seen any other account of this ‘mystery car.’” “The car I had seen PARKED there before the motorcade passed WAS GONE. Although only a few moments had elapsed and all exits were blocked except one, the car had disappeared. The policeman who had been talking to the driver was gone, but I assumed he was looking for the gunman.” “Who was the man sitting behind the wheel that day?” “if it was a ‘get-away’ car, why didn’t it wait to pick up the killer? Was it possible that he was being left on purpose?” “Howard did not report the presence of the car beside the Book Depository Building initially because he did not make an association. Subsequent to that time he had already made a formal statement and probably realized that to insert this new item might cast some doubt on his testimony. In retrospect, he acknowledged he probably should have reported it, but he wanted to be sure his testimony would stand since it was critical.” Brennan is full of beans as seen in the picture I've posted there are 3, not 1 or 2, but three, 3, trois, tres, III CARS next to the bldg.
  4. Sorry, it double posted and in trying to delete the other post I forgot to reload the image. This is not the Murray 12:35 photo but shows the Houston/East side of the TSBD and 3 vehicles parked along side of it. If you recall some of the witnesses said there was a wagon (Oldsmobile?) parked there with a gentleman who was sitting in it and was aproached by a traffic officer. The officer went back to his dutys on the corner. Was not the witness Brennan? Then there is the story of a rambler showing up in another photo (not murray) which when viewing the TSBD one can follow the edge of the bldg down to the street and there near the corner is a "Rambler"... Just have always thought due to these witness stories that only a Olds wagon or Rambler would show up along side the TSBD in photos, yet here are what appears to be 3 sedans. At the very least it is an example of how bad a witness Brennan was.
  5. I have always thought that a getaway car (Oldsmobile wagon?)parked along the side of the TSBD and was the only one there as the traffic cops would not let people park there. Yet in this photo there are not one, not two, but three parked there. Which is the older gentlemans that the cop talked too and let him stay there? I thought a Rambler was also in that area. Are either correct?
  6. please disregard.....double post. Forum Boss please remove ...thanks
  7. Is this the same uniform cap as seen in DP? What branch or service would he be with? Eastern Airlines..lol Note the similar uniform on another to the far right. Note the green epaulets on his shoulders.
  8. Hello Mr. Black Thank you for an articulate response. I do tend to shy away from threads that use too much supposition as their foundation. It is fine for minor points but not as a basis for major sticking points. I guess I am still hoping for a deductive sleuth to use logical means to unravel some of the mystery we are left with. The Jacket is a major sticking point with me, it just doesn't add up to have such a "damning" piece of evidence but it isn't photographed at the scene in situ or even with the rest of the evidence back at the station. It is not used for the lineups. It just shows up later when needed. The wallet too is another ace up the sleeve only to be pulled if absolutely needed. The hulls, smooth and slim, not pregnant and bulging. The descriptions of the shooter. The paraffin test. The bus transfer. The taxi ride. The line ups. Each of these can seem solid till you begin to look at them closely until they crumble apart. You are correct with all other factors considered, the time element just isn't that crucial. I find the tapes suspect, and would rather find an independent source to corroborate the time. In a court the tapes would be seen as solid, but I am not a court. I think I would get a better deal from a shady used car salesman (Callaway) than those tapes. I have seen first hand several local police attempts to use spliced and edited tapes to try and circumvent justice. Even when caught red handed they seem to get away with these attempts. I believe it is in the unwritten handbook/playbook ever since audio and video tapes were allowed into court, that no matter what, if it isn't on the tape it never happened. This case has too many star witnesses who didn't see anything, their best is really the worst, too many damning pieces of evidence with no chain. Was this all supposed to have fallen apart years ago and yet some dark matter is still adhering it together? Mentally on some higher plain I have moved on past even seeing LHO as a factor in this mess, he is like a common denominator which should be ignored till the end of the equation. My bottom line is that I not only do not know the time of the shooting, but the identity of the shooter was never clear. This is another discussion, tho interesting, could be carried forward endlessly and still yield no factual results. Agreed. I just want the facts. The other side (WC/HSCA/Government/etc.,) wants to fit that square peg in the circular hole no matter how many laws of nature it breaks. That is why I opine the time is closer to 1:10 than 1:15. Really I couldn't care less if Tippit was shot on the way to the morgue, it does not affect the outcome. Tippit is still dead and they got Oswald. For the time to matter LHO would have to be taking a circuitous route which just happens to put him in front of the apartment of JD's girlfriend at the exact moment Tippit pulls up. Even then no big deal just walk on. But no we are expected to swallow the story that Tippit is protecting and serving at that moment stopping every male between 20 and 30 some odd years old and just happens to strike oil. Why would the DPD be looking for a pedestrian, unless they were looking for LHO and their records show he had no license and no registered vehicle, or they just knew him, he was the mark. Tippit would know LHO as the guy eating breakfast at the same diner, but if they were strangers, a cop and your average Joe nobody, Tippit would have even more of a reason to pass him by. A familiar face of the guy at the diner, not much more. FWIW your not ANAL your just chronologically exact and that could be a liability in this inquiry.
  9. James, Would you agree that the photo showing Craig is of him on the North side of the street. The man in the background is not on the knoll or running. Therefore these pictures did not capture what Craig has said happened. Not that it did not happen, but only that these images are not at the proper time to capture Craig and the LHO suspected person. If that is the Rambler in question, would it have been delayed long enough by all the pedestrians in the street to allow Craig time to go to the South side and then still be in a position to pick up someone by the knoll? I just want a bit more gut feeling as to what you think. Thanks, Ed
  10. [What is a demilitarized zone? Sounds like something out of The Wizard of Oz, Oh, no, don't go in there. Oh-we-oh Ho Chi'Minh Oh, look, you've landed in Saigon. You're among the little people now. We represent the ARVN Army The ARVN Army Oh, no! Follow the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Follow the Ho Chi Minh Trail. "Oh, I'll get you, my pretty!" Oh, my God. It's the wicked witch of the north. It's Hanoi Hanna!] Sorry John, but every time I see Ho Chi Minh I can't help but Quote Robin Williams from "Good Morning Vietnam." It is a bad habit and don't take offense please. As you were saying.............
  11. Jack, And lets not forget the library or the club/restaurant which Scoggins was parked near, also the diner in that area. Or perhaps he was breaking in some new shoes from Hardy's. Lots of places to go but not much time to get there or be coming from to get to the murder spot. I agree totally if it was LHO he would need a destination, not just strolling about Oakcliff aimlessly. More than likely the Tippit murderer was known by JD and was looking for Tippits girlfriend at the apartment. It could be her ex or another paramour who knew better than go to a cops girlfriends place without protection (and I don't mean contraception). Tippit calls the apartment and gets no answer, maybe he thinks she is home and is not answering because she is in bed with another. He is furious and jealousy makes him tear across Oakcliff to her place to find someone coming out of the complex who he knows to be a rival for her affections, or has no business in the area because JD knows everyone in the building. As he is parking he sees the other guy who starts away from him, so JD calls out to him from the window. When he talks to him and doesn't like the answers he is getting he decides to use a little force to get his point across to leave his girl alone or else. Before he can do that the rival shows him who's boss and drops JD with a flurry of shots. Then to make sure he never intimidates him ever again he caps him in the brain pan. A crime of passion. Or Tippit was filling in on the assassination for Harry Olsen, and was a lose end who got trimmed. So Harry figures he is next for a dirt nap after Ruby shoots Lee and then on Sunday he takes the drive with Kathy to Henrietta to get some money to skip town from his parents and or stash something there as an insurance policy. Isn't it fun to speculate. I could do it all day and it would get us nowhere......... The bizarre midnight meeting Friday night with Ruby, Olsen and Kay outside Simon's Garage which lasted two or three hours according to Olsen is one place I would want to be a fly on the wall. Sounds like they had a lot to discuss even if it was only an hour long conversation. Back to the point that Oswald is not the Tippit shooter. Thank you Jack for using logic and common sense to prove Tippit's murderer was not LHO. J. Raymond Carroll also used a little thing called evidence, I like that and wish more of us used it. Mr. Lane too seems to use reality to base his remarks on this subject. "Charlie Black PS I would bet that mine and my wife's timepieces almost never agree....even if they were set by the same standard." This would seem to point out that you know how much your time piece differs from your wife's and how they each correspond to say the five o'clock news. I too have several time keepers and know how each is set and how they differ, the one by the TV is fast so I won't miss a show. The one on my wrist is set to the clock at work. The one on my cellular phone is set by the provider and matches exactly the time on my computer. The one on the Microwave is one minute fast but the one on the stove is right on. We all know what time it is by looking at any device designed to keep time and whether it is fast slow or right on time by repetition of use. Mrs. Markham is no different. She would know the bus driver is fast, slow, or usually right on time most of the time and would adjust her actions accordingly. The same can't be said for the WC staff who warp time to fit a certain scenario. If they were interested in the true time they would compare the witnesses time pieces to an independent device and get a common value, this of course was not done. Even you Mr. Black realize the need for this by your statement "...mine and my wife's timepieces almost never agree....even if they were set by the same standard." Only in a true investigation, though would this be done.
  12. Hi Myra, Here are a few bits on the subject of his eyes, Dennis David:....the right eye seemed to be a little more prominent than it is here in this picture. (photo 1= stare of death) William Law: More prominent as to what? David: Protruded. Law: So it was popped. David: You could say that. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul O'Connor: His right eye, as I remember, was poked completely out of the orbit, the eye casing. I remember that Dr. Boswell and I looked into the back of the cranium, looking towards the front, and the orbit-the boney casing around where the eye sits was completely fractured. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ James Jenkins: ....And the only thing is that when they were preparing the body for burial, they had to put a suture in the right eyelid in order to keep it closed because apparently there may have been some bone fracture in that area, but there was no externally visible wound or fracturing there. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Harold Rydberg: I don't think I see in the autopsy pictures--Dr. Humes told me, "make sure that right eye is blackened" because that orbital socket was fractured, and that right eye was blackened. Now even in lividity, where the blood settles to the bottom, the bruises will still show. And there is no bruise on that right eye. On that face [in the autopsy photographs]. Law: You're talking about whenyou had to do the drawings, correct? Rydberg: Yes. That was one request: "Make sure that right eye is blackened. Bruised. Like you've got a black eye." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jerrol Custer: The eye was more protruded at the time, but there's nothing to say that the eye wasn't pushed back in. Because at that time also there was a mortician ther doing his work, his job was fixing, making the body more presentable. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All above quotes are from William Matson Law's "IN THE EYE OF HISTORY", how apropos!! Great "eye" for detail Myra. I wondered why the priest did not close the eyes for the last rites, or were they already closed by the nurses or Crenshaw. MORE QUOTES: CE 387 Pathological Examination Report ...the eyes are blue, the right pupil measuring 8 mm.in diameter, the left 4 mm. There is edema and aechymosis of the inner canthus region of the left eyelid measuring approximately 1.5 ma. in greatest diameter. There is edema and ecchymosis diffusely over the right supra-orbital ridge with abnormal mobility of the underlying bone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MR. GUNN: I notice that this photo is different from the first view that we took a look at. The eye, at least on the right side, appears to be open. Actually, both eyes appear to be open. Do you recall whether the eyes were open during the course of the autopsy? DR. J THORNTON BOSWELL: I don't recall that that was a point of interest. I think we just moved back and let the photographer take the picture, and I think maybe positioning the body may have had something to do with stretching the eyelids. But I don't think we made any attempt to take the pictures with the eyes open or closed. MR. GUNN: So the difference on whether the eyes were open or closed would not be of any material significance in terms of the timing of the photographs? DR. J THORNTON BOSWELL: No. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MR. GUNN: Do you have any recollection as to whether the eyes of President Kennedy were open at any point during the autopsy? JOHN T. STRINGER: Yes. MR. GUNN: Were they open at all points during the autopsy? JOHN T. STRINGER: Well, they kept trying to close them, and they'd open again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MR. GUNN: Do the eyes of President Kennedy appear to be open in these photographs? Dr. Humes: Yes. MR. GUNN: Were the eyes, in fact, open during the autopsy, do you recall? Dr. Humes: The picture shows me that they were. MR. GUNN: If other photographs did not have the eyes open, would you be able to explain the difference in that appearance? Dr. Humes: I don't know. I might, I guess. I don't know. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arlen Specter: Upon your arrival in the room, where President Kennedy was situated, what did you observe as to his condition? Malcolm Perry: At the time I entered the door, Dr. Carrico was attending him. He was attaching the Bennett apparatus to an endotracheal tube in place to assist his respiration. The President was lying supine on the carriage, underneath the overhead lamp. His shirt, coat, had been removed. There was a sheet over his lower extremities and the lower portion of his trunk. He was unresponsive. There was no evidence of voluntary motion. His eyes were open, deviated up and outward, and the pupils were dilated and fixed.
  13. Don't tell me, it's to be called: DEAD MAN (wait he already did that) DEAD MAN'S CHEST (that's no good either) SLOW BURN (you know, radiation...shoot did that one too) 210 JUMP STREET (polonium-210) ONCE UPON A TIME IN PICCADILLY (no, too similar) HOTEL GRAY (The Millenium would not like that. A gray is the equal to US rad, 1 rad = 0.01 gray) ITSU NICE TO MEET YOU (Itsu Sushi would sue him ) Okay how about REALLY BAD FISH...or... A MEAL TO REMEMBER. Whatever the name I would give it "glowing" reviews. A nice find Myra!
  14. >by crackie! this is a much more indepth investigation than the WC. how on earth could the WC be so blind? woops, dare it is. what a way to run a railroad. lol< Donald, I call it the Oswald Express. All aboard, no stops, and full steam ahead. Now passing Truth, soon to pass Judgement. Ed
  15. Or a car like the new "Ford Pardon" If he were still alive I would give him a pat on the back, but he would report it as the neck. Ed
  16. Thank you Lee, >that the whole Oswald bus scenario may have been James Worrell - mistaken as Oswald? - too bad we can't ask him.< Oh we CAN ask him, but just don't expect an answer without a ouija board. I'd also be curious to know the description of the clothing left by Vaganov in the phone booth - does that exist anywhere?Are you talking of "turk's" Dark grey suit, white shirt, blue tie, red printed vest with pearl buttons from FBI report; or what he left the apartment in , khaki trousers, white shirt, light jacket (tan?)? Tell me more, I maybe missing something about the clothes and phone booth... I get so side tracked with your great replys. >I said the Rambler station wagon was light green. The Warren Commission: Changed to a white station wagon; < I said the driver of the Station Wagon had on a tan jacket. The Warren Commission: A white jacket; Was Craig color blind or did the Rambler look that color in shadow? Or am I trying to fit Wing's Rambler into the scenario again? More later, Ed
  17. >Another view of his clothing< john, Thats a cool shot. Colorized? His clothing or just his head.... Ed
  18. "Oswald and the Amazing Technicolor Jacket" ..and the chameleon like qualities of the alleged assassins coat. Marina Oswald said Lee had only two jackets - one Dark Blue and one a lightweight Gray. At least two witnesses at the scene of Tippit's slaying reported his killer wore a White jacket. One of these, Helen Markham, was shown Oswald's gray jacket by a Warren Commission attorney who asked, "Did you ever see this before?" Despite having been shown the jacket by the FBI prior to her testimony, Markham replied: "No, I did not....that jacket is a darker jacket than that, I know it was." Witness Domingo Benavides was shown a jacket by Commission Attorney David Belin, who said, "I am handing you a jacket which had been marked as Commission's Exhibit 163, and ask you to state whether this bears any similarity to the jacket you saw this man with the gun wearing?" Benavides responded: "I would say this looks just like it..." The problem here is that Commission's Exhibit 163 is Oswald's dark blue jacket. The gray jacket is Commission's Exhibit 162. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ON THE BUS? The driver, Cecil McWatters, and passenger Roy Milton Jones said the man who boarded the bus was wearing a jacket. Jones said the jacket was LIGHT BLUE in color. Interestingly, the cab driver initially said the man who rode in his cab during the time in question was wearing a faded BLUE jacket. The WC said the man in both instances was Oswald, but the commission also insisted Oswald wasn't wearing a jacket after he left the Book Depository. The commission had to deny the accounts of a light blue jacket because it claimed Oswald left his blue jacket at work that day, where it was "found" WEEKS later, and because that jacket was not light blue. (WCR p. 163). Roy Milton Jones described this man as follows: Races White Sex. Male Age. 30-35 Height. 5'11" Weight. 150 Builds Medium Remarks. wore no glasses and no hat Hairs. Dark brown, receding at temples Dress. Light blue jacket and gray khaki trousers Mary Bledsoe describes Oswald's shirt, that is was undone, dirty, had a hole in the sleeve at the elbow. Why is Bledsoe the only one who notices this? Only Bledsoe described such a shirt. No one else who saw Oswald that day referred to Oswald as wearing a ripped or torn shirt. McWatters and Jones said Oswald was wearing a jacket. (2H 264;277, CE 2641, also Meagher p.81) McWatters thought he was identifying a man who most closely resembled Jones. McWatters testifies, "...he was the shortest man in the lineup...and the lightest weight one...the rest of them were larger men....he kind of had a thin like face and he weighs less than any of them...I really thought he was the man who was on the bus...that stayed on the bus." (2H281) Mr. Ball.- "Were you under the impression that this man that you saw in the lineup and whom you pointed out to the police, was the teenage boy who had been grinning?" Mr. McWatters.- "I was, yes, sir;" Bledsoe never went to a line up. She identified Oswald from photographs shown to her by the Dallas police of Oswald holding a gun. ( Meagher p. 80) Only Bledsoe gives the condition of his shirt as undone, ripped, torn, dirty, and missing buttons. If Jones and McWatters saw Ozzie wearing a jacket then how did Bledsoe see the shirt? Was she on a different bus altogether? Mr. Ball - "What bus did you catch?" Mrs. Bledsoe - "Well, I don't remember whether it was the Marsalis or the Romana." Later counsel asks this pointed question: Mr. Ball. - "Did you remember seeing him get on or are you telling me something you read in the newspapers?" <6H410> Then comes this exchange about the shirt: Mr. Ball.- No, I am talking about---I am showing you this shirt now, and you said, "That is it." You mean---What do you mean by "that is it"? Mrs. Bledsoe.- That is the one he had out there that day? Mr. Ball.- Who had it out there? Mrs. Bledsoe.- Some Secret Service man. Mr. Ball.- He brought it out. Now, I am---you have seen this shirt then before? Mrs. Bledsoe.- Yes. Mr. Ball.- It was brought out by the Secret Service man and shown to you? Mrs. Bledsoe.- Yes. Mr. Ball.- Had you ever seen the shirt before that? Mrs. Bledsoe.- Well--- Mr. Ball.- Have you? Mrs. Bledsoe.- No; he had it on, though. (6H413) To recap; Oswald is said to be on the bus with Bledsoe, then goes home and changes his clothes, takes off ripped torn shirt (WCR 604-605, 622), gets arrested and somehow has on the same ripped torn dirty shirt which is shown to Bledsoe. Right. More plausible Oswald did not go home he rode by bus all the way to the theater. He wore only the clothes he had on when he left work, the same clothes he was arrested in. Or... in a Rambler. Oswald was under the impression that he left Dealey Plaza in "Mrs. Paine's" station wagon. Bert Sugar and Sybil Leek apparently had information that Paine borrowed a car similar to the one seen in Dealey Plaza. What was not mentioned, however, was that they claimed she "sometimes borrowed" the car from Jack Ruby. 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN THE CAB? Cabdriver William Whaley, who reportedly drove Oswald home from downtown Dallas. Whaley identified the gray jacket as the one Oswald was wearing in his cab. Yet the Warren Commission, based on testimony from Earlene Roberts, stated that Oswald put on the jacket AFTER arriving at his lodgings. At the police lineup, Whaley picked out eighteen-year-old David Knapp instead of twenty-four-year-old Lee Harvey Oswald ( Knapp did not even resemble Oswald). Whaley had said that Oswald was number two in the lineup he witnessed. The numbers were from left to right and clearly visible; each man in the lineup had a number that was clearly visible to the man trying to identify the ‘suspect’. The Commission, however, said that Oswald was number three. Trying to explain this problem (this really meant that he didn’t identify Oswald but the man next to him), he said that he had counted from the right to the left, ignoring the numbers that were put there to aid identification (why make it easy when it can be done in a more difficult way?). This could mean, of course, he identified number 5, since he believed there were six people in that lineup. Mr. Ball. Did you notice how he was dressed? Mr. Whaley. Yes, sir. I didn't pay much attention to it right then. But it all came back when I really found out who I had. He was dressed in just ordinary work clothes. It wasn't khaki pants but they were khaki material, blue faded blue color, like a blue uniform made in khaki. Then he had on a brown shirt with a little silverlike stripe on it and he had on some kind of jacket, I didn't notice very close but I think it was a work jacket that ALMOST MATCHED THE PANTS (EMPHASIS MINE- MEANING A FADED BLUE JACKET). He, his shirt was open three buttons down here. He had on a T-shirt. You know, the shirt was open three buttons down there. Whaley’s identity as the man who drove that taxi, however, is not an ‘open and shut’ issue. Henry Wade said that man was “Darryl Click”. The mistake was explained as Wade having misunderstood “Oak Cliff” as the name of the cabdriver. On November 27, Click became Whaley. Another cabdriver, Charles Kimerlin, however, would later say he was the man who took Oswald to his boardinghouse. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whaley and TWO jackets? Mr. Ball. Here is Commission No. 162 which is a gray jacket with zipper. Mr. Whaley. I thank that is the jacket he had on when he rode with me in the cab. Mr. Ball. Look something like it? And here is Commission Exhibit No. 163, does this look like anything he had on? Mr. Whaley. He had this one on or the other one. Mr. Ball. That is right. Mr. Whaley. That is what I told you I noticed. I told you about the shirt being open, he had on the TWO JACKETS with the open shirt. Mr. Ball. Wait a minute, we have got the shirt which you have identified as the rust brown shirt with the GOLD stripe in it. Mr. Whaley. Yes, sir. Mr. Ball. You said that a jacket-- Mr. Whaley. That jacket now it might have been clean, but the jacket he had on looked more the color, you know like a uniform set, but he had this coat here on over that other jacket, I am sure, sir. Mr. Ball. This is the blue-gray jacket, heavy blue-gray jacket. Mr. Whaley. Yes, sir. (EMPHASIS MINE) How accommidating Mr. Whaley is. So it was both jackets, or either jacket, you choose Mr. Ball, but it still did not match exactly. Even the shirt changed from silver striped to a gold striped one! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Per FBI report: MARINA OSWALD was interviewed at 11611 Farrar, A faded blue cloth Jacket with padding bearing label "Sir Jac" with zipper front was exhibited to MARINA. She immediately identified this jacket as being the property of her husband, LEE HARVEY OSWALD. She said she recognized the jacket because she has handled it and washed it for OSWALD. Does this dark blue jacket look faded? Why is the FBI altering the description of this jacket? picture of LHO dark blue jacket* ---------------------------------------------------------------- Testifying to the Warren Commission, Earlene Roberts said: "He (Oswald) went to his room and he was in his shirt sleeves...and he got a jacket and put it on - it was kind of a zipper jacket." Mr. Ball.- "You say he put on a separate jacket?" Mrs. Roberts.- "A jacket." Mr. BALL.- "I'll show you this jacket which is Commission Exhibit 162---have you ever seen this jacket before?" Mrs. Roberts.- "Well, maybe I have, but I don't remember it. It seems like the one he put on was darker than that. Now, I won't be sure, because I really don't know, but is that a zipper jacket?" Ruby associate Bertha Cheek was the sister of Earlene Roberts, the housekeeper at Oswald's rooming house. Ruby and Mrs. Cheek could have been involved in Cuban arms sales of which Oswald gained knowledge through his efforts to infiltrate the anti-Castro Cubans." 2 Mrs. Cheek was the sister of Earlene Roberts, housekeeper at 1026 N. Beckley, where Oswald was living at the time of the assassination. 3 Barbara Davis, another witness at the Tippit slaying, also could not identify Oswald's gray jacket to the Warren Commission. In fact, she stated the killer wore- "a dark coat...it looked like it was maybe a wool fabric...more of a sporting jacket." Cabdriver William Scoggins also failed to identify Oswald's jacket, saying,-"I thought it was a little darker." Despite these problems of identification, the Commission went right on asserting that the jacket belonged to Oswald. Virginia Davis did not see a gray jacket. Mr. BELIN.- "Do you remember what he had on?" Mrs. DAVIS.- "He had on a light-brown-tan jacket." Mr. BELIN.- "Do you remember what color his trousers were?" Mrs. DAVIS.- "I think they were black. Brown jacket and trousers." Ted Callaway ran from the car lot and saw the man with the gun. What does he say about the jacket? Mr. Callaway.- "I told them he had some dark trousers and a light TANNISH gray windbreaker jacket, and I told him that he was fair complexion, dark hair." Mr. Ball.- "I have a jacket here Commission's Exhibit No. 162. Does this look anything like the jacket that the man had on that you saw across the street with a gun?" Mr. Callaway.- "Yes; it sure does. Yes, that is the same TYPE jacket. Actually, I thought it had a little more TAN to it." (EMPHASIS MINE) More Commission deception occurred in its reporting of the discovery of the jacket. The Warren Report stated: "Police Capt. W.R. Westbrook...walked through the parking lot behind the service station and found a light-colored jacket lying under the rear of one of the cars." However, in his testimony, Westbrook was asked if he found some clothing. He replied: "Actually, I didn't find it - it was pointed out to me by... some officer..." According to the Dallas Police Radio log, a "white jacket" was found by "279 (Unknown)" a full 15 minutes before Westbrook arrived on the scene. The Commission made no effort to determine who really found the jacket, if a jacket was actually found or if it was a white jacket which only later was transformed into Oswald's gray jacket. Recently, the owner of the Texaco station where the jacket reportedly was found told Texas researchers that no one - neither the FBI, Dallas police nor the Warren Commission - ever questioned him or his employees about this important piece of evidence. In addition, the jacket identified by federal authorities as belonging to Oswald carried inside a laundry mark "30 030" and a dry-cleaning tag "B 9738." A full-scale search by the FBI in both Dallas and New Orleans failed to identify any laundry or dry cleaners using those marks. (a fact not mentioned in the WC report) Oswald's wife, Marina, testified she could not recall her husband ever sending his jackets to a cleaning establishment, but that she did recall washing them herself. (CE 1843). Yet in CE 3000 Leslie Lawson, the owner/manager of Gray's Cleaners, 1209 Eldorado, Oak Cliff, (that location is only a hundred yards from Oswald's rooming house) stated that he has seen Lee Harvey Oswald on one particular occasion and possibly on other occasions. Mr Lawson said that approximately a month earlier, Oswald handed in a tie, white shirt and black pair of trousers for cleaning. Two days later, when Oswald called to collect these items, he had been charged $1.25 and had complained about being charged 25 cents for the cleaning of his tie. Lawson stated that he had seen Oswald at Reno's Speed Wash. A former Reno's employee, Joseph Johnson, was interviewed by the FBI on 28th July 1964 and stated that on the evening of 20th or 21st November 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald was 'washing laundry at Reno's Speed Wash. Oswald remained there, reading magazines, until midnight. (CE 3001) Further investigation by the FBI turned up no laundry or dry-cleaning tags on any of Oswald's other clothing, and did not connect the laundry tag to any establishment. If the jacket doesn't fit. Oswald wore a size "small" shirt and jacket, all his clothes are size small, the "jacket" is a MEDIUM size, which adds to the suspicion that it was not his jacket. . If he had attorney Johnnie Cochran to represent him can you imagine what he would say?(sARCASM MINE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Officer J. M. Poe interviewed Mrs. Markham, she told him Tippit's killer had bushy hair. She said the killer was "a white male about 25 years old, 5'10", slender build, bushy hair, wearing a brown jacket" (Myers, With Malice, p. 118, emphasis added). The jacket that the police claimed Oswald discarded after allegedly shooting Tippit wasn't even close to being brown in color. The police initially said the jacket they reportedly "found" was white. The jacket that was finally submitted as evidence was gray with a slight touch of blue. Mr. BALL. Did he have a jacket or a shirt? The man that you saw shoot Officer Tippit and run away, did you notice if he had a jacket on? Mrs. MARKHAM. He had a jacket on when he done it. Mr. BALL. What kind of a jacket, what general color of jacket? Mrs. MARKHAM. It was a short jacket open in the front, kind of a grayish tan. Mr. BALL. Did you tell the police that? Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, I did. Comment: But the first police radio report on Tippit's killer, which was supposedly based at least partly on Mrs. Markham's description, said he was wearing a white jacket (CE 1974; Meagher, Accessories After the Fact, p. 272). In fact, three minutes after this report went out over the air, a police officer, who remains unidentified to this day, radios that he had the killer's white jacket in his possession. It would have been very hard to mistake Oswald's gray jacket for a white jacket after holding it and having a chance to look at for even just a few seconds. To add to the confusion, one of the witnesses, Barbara Davis, said Tippit's killer was wearing a black coat. Is it not odd, and in fact astounding, that the "policeman" who allegedly "discovered" the killer's coat has never been identified (see Meagher, Accessories After the Fact, pp. 276-279; Lane, Rush to Judgment, pp. 203-204)? Mr. BALL. Does it look like, anything like, the jacket the man had on? Mrs. MARKHAM. It is short, open down the front. but that jacket it is a darker jacket than that, I know it was. Mr. BALL. You don't think it was as light a jacket as that? Mrs. MARKHAM. No, it was darker than that, I know it was..... to Mark Lane: Jacket :LIGHT GRAY looking jacket Trousers :kind of dark trousers Shirt :didn't see colour of shirt in the men who killed kennedy (with her emphasis that she can exactly remember) Jacket :BROWN jacket Trousers :light gray trousers Shirt :a light shirt In his official report, Poe wrote that: "We were met by a white female who identified herself as being Helen Marsalle, 328 E. 9th St., who stated she witnessed the shooting of the officer. When she went to his aid the suspect threatened to kill her and she ran. She identified the subject as a white male about 25 years old, 5'10", slender build, bushy hair, wearing a BROWN jacket"... "There were approximately six to eight witnesses, all telling officers that the subject was running west in the alley between tenth and Jefferson Streets" Later in the day, Poe filed a Supplementary Offense report (Box 7, Folder # 2, Item # 37). Here he wrote: "We were met by a white woman who identified herself as being Helen Marsille of 329 E. 9th Street who stated that she witnessed the shooting of the officer be an unknown white male of about 25 years of age about 5'10" wearing a BROWN jacket and dark pants. When she went to the aid of the Officer, the suspect threatened to kill her"... "6 or 7 witnesses said that the suspect was running east in the alley that was between Tenth and Jefferson". Here is radio transcript that shows when poe got to the scene: 1:22 Dispatcher Remain in the downtown vicinity, 26. Clear. 1:22. 26 (Ptm. G.W. Hammond) 10-4. 75 (Ptm. E.G. Sabastian) 75 Clear. 85 (Ptm. R.W. Walker) 85. Dispatcher 85. 85 We have a description on this suspect over here on Jefferson. Last seen about 300 block of East Jefferson. He's a white male, about thirty, five eight, (siren) black hair, slender, wearing WHITE jacket, a white shirt and dark slacks. (Sirens) Dispatcher Armed with what? 85 Unknown. 602 (ambulance) 602 in service. 105 (Ptm. J.M. Poe and L.E. Joz) 105. Dispatcher 105. 105 We're at the location now. Dispatcher 10-4. So its Walker(85) who gives out description of white jacket before Poe talks to Markham. ------------------------------------------------------------------ The following exchange is logged at about 1:25 p.m. 279 (Unknown): "279, 279." Dispatcher: "279" (Unknown). 279 (Unknown): "We believe we've got the suspect on shooting this officer out here. Got his white jacket. Believe he dumped it on this parking lot behind this service station at 400 block East Jefferson, across from Dudley Hughes (Funeral Parlor), and he had a white jacket on. We believe this is it." Dispatcher: "You do not have the suspect, is that correct?" 279 (Unknown): "No, just the jacket on the ground." per Ian Griggs: "Incidentally, radio call sign 279 is one of the difficult ones. It appears that it was allocated to at least two officers that day - three-wheel motorcyle officers J.R. Mackey and J.T. Griffin." I agree the Lawrence exhibit (wh20) shows it assigned to both officers that day and shift. Why does not the other respond when he hears his number being used by the other? Griffin on parking duty and Mackey was at Stemmons Service Road & Industrial with W.E. Wilson and R.J. Kosan. Calvin “Bud” Owens, Tippit’s supervisor from 10H79 Mr. OWENS. Yes--we were informed by a man whom I do not know, that the suspect that shot Officer Tippit had run across a vacant lot toward Jefferson, and thrown down his jacket, I think he said, WHITE, I'm not sure. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At 1:40PM Westbrook transmitted - "We got a witness that saw him shed his jacket." Did Westbrook ever tell us who this witness was who saw the jacket shed by the suspect? No. Captain Westbrook's testimony at 7H 116-118: "Yes; behind the Texaco service station, and some officer, I feel sure it was an officer, I still can't be positive - pointed this jacket out to me and it was laying slightly under the rear of one of the cars." Now we find out it the witness maybe an officer but he is not sure who pointed it out. Mr. BELIN. I am showing you Commission Exhibit 162, which appears to be a jacket with a zipper. Does that look like the Jacket you saw? Mr. HUTSON. That looks like the jacket that was picked up by the officer behind the Texaco service station, behind the cars parked on the lot. Mr. BELIN. Do you know the name of the officer that found it? Mr. HUTSON. No, sir; I don't know. Mr. BELIN. Do you know who he gave it to? Mr. HUTSON. No, sir; I don't. Mr. BELIN. You don't know if he gave it to Captain Westbrook? Mr. HUTSON. I don't know. Captain Westbrook was there behind the house with us, and he was there at the time this was picked up with the man, but I don't know who had it in their hands. Interrogations of Oswald do not mention any jacket; nothing in the official record indicates he was questioned about or confronted with the white jacket by the DPD, FBI or SEcret service. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IN THE TSBD? Marion Baker said in his report, "...as we reached the third or fourth floor I saw a man walking away from the stairway. Not second. Third or fourth. No lunchroom. No door with a glass panel. Just walking away from the stairway. With regard to a description of this person, Baker said it was "a white man, approx 30 years old/5'9"/165 pounds, dark hair and wearing a LIGHT BROWN jacket." Not a description of LHO, but one fitting Brennean's and Rowland's description of the man they saw. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- More witnesses Frank Wright in interview. Wright;"I was the first person out, and caught sight of Tippit in time to see him roll over once and then lie still." I saw a man standing in front of the car(Tippits) He was looking toward the man on the ground, the man who was standing in front of him(Tippit) was about medium height. He had on a LONG COAT, it ended just above his hands(?)I didnt see any gun. he ran around on the passenger side of the police car, he ran as fast as he could go, and GOT INTO HIS CAR, the car was about 1950-1951, maybe a Plymouth. He got in that car and drove away as fast as he could. I know what I saw, nothing in the world is going to change my opinion." (emphasis Wright's) Jimmy Burt, across the street from the construction site where W.L Smith was working, watched the same man as he came from the direction of the Town and Country Cafe and continued walking west on 10th. Burt described him as a white male, approximately 5'8", wearing a light colored short jacket (interview of Burt by SA Christianson and Acklin 12/16/63). Burt watched as the man passed them and continued walking west toward Patton. As the man approached Tippit's patrol car, Tippit rolled down his passenger side car window and spoke to this man. William Arthur Smith was with Burt at the time and described the same man seen by he and Burt as "a white male, about 5'7" to 5'8", 20 to 25 years of age, 150-160, a white shirt, light BROWN jacket and dark pants (interview of Smith by SA Ward and Basham 12/13/63). Both Burt and Smith watched this unknown man as he walked toward Patton, approached the squad car, spoke with Tippit, and then shot him. (emphasis mine) Jack Roy Tatum was driving east on 10th St. As he "approached the squad car, he noticed this young white male with both hands in the pockets of his zippered jacket leaning over the passenger side of the squad car". "It looked as if Oswald and Tippit were talking to each other. There was conversation. It did seem peaceful." Tatum swore "he had on a light colored zipper jacket, dark trousers and what looked like a t-shirt on". He also remembered Oswald "as having dark hair, dark eyes of medium build and around 5'10". At the point where Tatum drove slowly past Tippit's squad car, he was less than 10 ft from Oswald. Tatum did not see Oswald wearing a brown shirt, just a white T-shirt (HSCA --- Moriarty 2/1/78) Ted Callaway described Oswald to DPD Officer HW Summers as "white male, 27, 5'11",165 lbs, black wavy hair, fair complected, wearing LIGHT GRAY Eisenhower type jacket, dark trousers and a white shirt" (CE 705, pg 27). When interviewed many years later, Callaway again said "he had on a WHITE Eisenhower type jacket and a white T-shirt" --- again no brown shirt, just a white T-shirt.(emphasis mine) Mary Brock was the next person who identified Oswald's clothing. She said Oswald was wearing "light clothing, a light colored jacket and with his hands in his pocket" (interview of Brock by SA Kesler and Mitchem 1/22/64). FBI statement of Mary Brock: "The man wearing a WHITE shirt AND jacket hurried west on Jefferson and passed the Ballew Texaco Station. Mary Brock said an individual with a "light complexion" and wearing "light clothing" walked passed her at a fast pace with his hands in his pockets." (emphasis mine) DPD dispatch 1:22 PM: Last seen about the 300 block East Jefferson. He's a white male about 30 5'8". Black hair, slender, wearing a WHITE jacket, white shirt and dark slacks. DPD dispatch 1:33 PM: w/m/30 5'8", very slender build, black hair, a WHITE jacket, white shirt and dark slacks. (emphasis mine) The police broadcast of Tippit's killer described him as a "white male, 5'8", black hair, wearing a white jacket and shirt." Oswald passed Hardy's Shoe store and slipped into to the Texas Theater. Julia Postal, the cashier, called the police. Police broadcasts reported the suspect in the balcony of the theater. When the police arrived, they were told by a "young female", probably Julia Postal, that the man was in the balcony. All policemen who entered the front of the theater went to the balcony. They were questioning a young man when more police entered the main floor of the theater from the rear entrance. They were looking for a man in a white shirt and white jacket in the balcony, but they arrested a man on the main floor wearing a brown shirt. Captain Westbrook told the officers to "get him out of here as fast as you can and don't let anybody see him". Harvey Oswald was brought out the front entrance, placed in a police car and escorted to jail. The police homicide report of Tippit's murder read "suspect was later arrested in the balcony of the Texas neater at 231 W. Jefferson". Detective Stringfellow's report states "Oswald was arrested in the balcony of the Texas Theater". But the man in the balcony was not arrested. He may have been escorted out the rear of the theater and driven away in a police car. Bernard Haire, owner of a hobby shop two doors from the theater, witnessed this event. For 25 years Mr. Haire and other witnesses thought they had witnessed the arrest of Oswald at the rear of the Texas Theater. Who was this person if not Lee Oswald? Three police officers were directed to obtain the names and addresses of all theater patrons, but no list exists. There is no police report, no record of arrest, nor mention of any person taken from the rear of the theater. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Did they gather the names of theater witnesses? Mr. Ball. Were you the senior officer there? Mr. Westbrook. Possibly--I don't think there was another captain there. There was a lieutenant and then I ordered all of them to be sure and take the names of everyone in the theatre at that time. Mr. Ball. We have asked for names of people in the theatre and we have only come up with the name of George Applin. Do you know of any others? Mr. Westbrook. He possibly might have been the only one in there at the time the rest of them might have been working there, because I'm sure at that time of day you would have more employees than you would have patrons. Mr. Ball. You didn't take the names of any of the patrons? Mr. Westbrook. No, Sir. Mr. Ely. Yes; I have one. Captain, you mentioned that you had left orders for somebody to take the names of everybody in the theatre, and you also stated you did not have this list; do you know who has it? Mr. Westbrook. No; possibly Lieutenant Cunningham will know, but I don't know who has the list. From a FBI report: Lieutenant CARL DAY of the Dallas Police Department furnished a rifle slug which, according to his records, had come from the residence of General EDWIN A . WALKER, 4811 Turtle Creek, Dallas, Texas, on April 10, 1963, being contributed by Detective D.G. Brown . _-The slug was identified by a cross and the word, "DAY" which Lieutenant DAY stated he had placed on the slug . He advised that Detective D.G. Brown had been at the WALKER home and had obtained the slug from an officer, whose identity he does not know, but whose identity is known to Lieutenant CUNNINGHAM of the Forgery Bureau of the Dallas Police Department . So if you don't know something, blame it on Cunningham? Was he ever questioned by the WC? NO. Out of twenty odd witnesses in the theater we are left with Evangelist Jack Davis, and two other witness in the theater at the time, only because they testified, George Applin & John Gibson. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S.: Dr Liquori certified Tippit dead at 1:15 PM. That was at Methodist Hospital! per R.A. Davenport's report (note he changed it from 1:00 to 1:15 by typing over the :00) picture of changed report by Davenport* Per E.E. Taylor report: I along with Lt. Cunningham and J.B. Toney remained at the theater and took the names and addresses of the occupants of the theater. But several witnesses placed Oswald, wearing a brown shirt, in the Texas Theater at 1:15, not at 10th and Patton. Theater concession operator Butch Burroughs sold Oswald popcorn at 1:15. Dallas Evangelist Jack Davis said Oswald was sitting next to him while the opening credits to the movie were running--at 1:20 p.m. Perhaps some of the twenty four theater patrons would have remembered Oswald, but a list of their names and addresses, taken by Dallas Police, disappeared. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4:45 PM At a Lineup for Helen Markham, Witness to Tippit Murder Oswald said: "It isn't right to put me in line with these teenagers. . . . You know what you are doing, and you are trying to railroad me. . . . I want my lawyer. . . . You are doing me an injustice by putting me out there dressed different than these other men. . . . I am out there, the only one with a bruise on his head. . . . I don t believe the lineup is fair, and I desire to put on a jacket similar to those worn by some of the other individuals in the lineup. . . . All of you have a shirt on, and I have a T-shirt on. I want a shirt or something. . . . This T-shirt is unfair." (what jackets did the others "cops" have on, what color?) Why would Oswald want to wear a jacket if he had discarded the one he was wearing when he shot Tippit? And why didn't police facilitate the identification process by making him wear the "WHITE" jacket in the lineups? In the end there was "No jacket", "One jacket", "Two jackets" and was "Black", "Brown", "Tan", "Blue", "Light Blue", "Grey", "Blue-Gray" and lastly "White." As the saying goes "The FBI always gets their man" no matter what he is wearing,4 or what color................With all this, in addition to a broken chain of evidence, the jacket cannot be considered evidence of Oswald's guilt in the killing of Officer Tippit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks to Steve Thomas, Ian Griggs, Joseph Backes, Todd Teachout and others for your research efforts as this did help me with this multiple-multi-colored jacket phenomenon. Ed "Now facts are all very well but they have their little weaknesses. Americans often assume that Facts are solid, concrete (and discrete) objects like marbles, but they are very much not. Rather they are subtle essences, full of mystery and metaphysics, that change their color and shape, their meaning, according to the context in which they are presented. They must always be treated with skepticism, and the standard of judgment should not be how many Facts one can mobilize in support of a position but how skillfully one discriminates between them, how objectively one uses them to arrive at Truth, which is something different from, though not unrelated to, the Facts."—Macdonald, Critique of the Warren Report, Esquire, March 1965, p. 61. other references- 1. Sugar with Leek, The Assassination Chain, p. 113. 2. CD 23, CE 2694, CD 853, cited in George Michael Evica, And We Are All Mortal: New Evidence and Analysis in the John F. Kennedy Assassination, (West Hartford, CT: University of Hartford, 1978), p. 112. 3. Canfield with Weberman, Coup d'état in America, pp. 50-52. 4. Kelly and Wearne, Tainting Evidence post script: The only thing I may have left out is the fiber evidence in the sleeves, BUT that does not say it was LHO's shirt in the jacket to the exclusion of all other shirts. FBI Memo, Jevons to Conrad, 12-3-63. FBI RIF 124-10009-10499 is the one they sat on for 35 years. There has to be a real problem with the fiber evidence for this to be buried. After the blanket was lying next to the bag at DPD (contamination), who knows what went on with the jacket and shirt. Looking at the DPD photo CE738 I would be more concerned if they did NOT find fibers from the blanket or the shirt on other evidence. Debra Conway said: "If the jacket doesn't fit...you must acquit. I had to say it." Deb Gary K Meyers said: Mabye it was made by a color blind tailor who couldn't measure correctly. Bill Cheslock said: Ed, I can comment on the fiber evidence that the Commission tried to use against Oswald. After FBI expert Paul Stombaugh testified, there was no way that the WC could say that Oswald's shirt was the one that left fibers in the butt of the alleged assassination rifle, as the following exhcange between Eisenberg and Stombaugh illustrates: Stombaugh: "There is just no way at this time to be able to positively state that a particular small group of fibers came from a particular source, because there just aren't enough microscopic characteristics present in these fibers. We cannot say, 'yes these fibers came from this shirt to the exclusion of all other shirts.' " Eisenberg: "We appreciate your conservatism, but the Commission, of course, has to make an estimate, and what I am trying to find out is whether your conservatism, whether your conclusions, reflect the inability to draw mathematical determinations or conclusions, or reflect your own doubts?" Stombaugh: "No." Eisenberg: "Can you tell us which that is?" Stombaugh: "There is no doubt in my mind that these fibers could have come from this shirt. There is no way, however, to to eliminate the possibility of the fibers having come from another identical shirt." (WCH IV, p. 88) How's that, Ed, for a very vague argument that the fibers taken from the butt of the rifle matched the shirt that Oswald was alleged to have worn during the assassination? Stombaugh could not, and would not state what Eisenberg was desperately trying to get out of him; that the fibers taken from the rifle butt exactly matched the shirt Oswald was alleged to have been wearing during the shooting. All Stombaugh could give Eisenberg was the FACT that the fibers could have come from any amount of other shirts. So much for the shirt fiber argument. Bill C Anthony Frank said: "Excellent research, Ed. Domingo Benavides, who worked at "Dootch Motors" and who identified the wrong jacket, was a really great witness." Belin - Taking you back to November 22, 1963, anything unusual happen that day? Benavides - On the 22d? Belin - 22d of November 1963? Benavides - This would be embarrassing. Was that the day of the Assassination of the President? Belin - Yes. Benavides - I was thinking it was the 24th. Well, nothing except it seemed like a pretty nice day. Belin - Do you remember what day of the week it was? Benavides - I don't remember. Belin - Do you remember the day that the President was assassinated? Benavides - No. Belin - Do you remember that he was assassinated in Dallas? Benavides - Oh, yes; I remember this. Belin - He was going south on Patton Street? Benavides - Yes; do you know Dootch Motors? Belin - Do I know Dootch Motors? Benavides - Yes, sir. Belin - Now, the first time that you saw him, what was his position? Benavides - He was standing, the first time I saw him. The man that shot him? Belin - Yes. Belin - What color hair did he have? Benavides - Oh, dark. I mean not dark. Belin - Average complexion? Benavides - No; a little bit darker than average. Belin - My complexion? Benavides - I wouldn't say that any more. I would say he is about your complexion, sir. Benavides kept saying that the guy who shot Tippit looked like Belin, so Belin finally says, "I might say for the record, that I was not in Dallas on November 22, 1963." Benavides was at the scene of the Tippit shooting because some guy "stalled this car in the middle of the street and asked me if I would fix it" and after Benavides went to get a carburetor part, he "forgot the number of the carburetor," so he went back and was driving by when Tippit got shot. Tony ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thus ends the chameleon like qualities of the alleged assassins coat.
  19. >The forum software had created a duplicate post for some reason, thus I deleted it.< Hi Bill, I believe previewing your post alleviates this strange phenomenon. Nix frame and 337 Please use the "click to view the full image" Ed
  20. Does anyone besides me think that the points I tried to make in this earlier post are more important than whether or not the person completely inside the red oval (n the upper of the two photos) with hands on hips is a man or a woman??? (FWIW, I think it's a man. lol ) --Thomas If you wanted to discuss the other points why did you keep asking me who is a woman and who is a guy and nothing about whats in the jacket or how he maybe cuban, etc.,??? I don't mind speculating on gender but yes other things are more relevant. So don't complain when you are the one who messaged me twice about who is a guy or girl. LOL If you don't think its a female great. Next. Can we get back on topic about the jacket and what he has in it? First is it a jacket? The back portion looks like a sleeve with a cuff. Or maybe its a "blanket" he borrowed from Oswald. He could be listening to something or just scratching. Are the others he is talking to a group of workers, like Cabbies or Bus Drivers? Ideas? Ed
  21. Weigman is a clock. He shot 36 unedited seconds of film from after the second shot. He ran to the knoll with his camera running. He is a gauge for when the Zman and Sitzman did what and when. Take a look. If you start the Weigman film and time it it takes 36 seconds. Many others have timed it not just me. He started filming after the second shot was heard by him. He gets out of the camera car and runs to the knoll with the camera (clock) running. When he finishes he runs to the passing camera car and gets back in. Believe me this is one thing I have looked at A LOT in trying to find Lem Johns in the plaza. Okay if weigman is a clock and is only shooting 36 seconds of film the we know within a few seconds what and where everyone else is. As you can see he is to the knoll and shooting the Hesters(Mr and Mrs H) on the ground in 20 seconds, no gaps. if you look at the other photo beside it (arrow "same") you will see Zapruder and Sitzman are off the pedestal. The next image "25 sec" is Z and Sitz walking towards the Hesters, perhaps to talk to them or tell them something, But anyways they do not go all the way to them as Weigman is filming them and Z isn't in the frame. As you mentioned Mr. H gets up hugs the column for a few seconds and then Weigman turns away to film the Newmans. So if Mr. H gets up while Weigman is filming, it is in the first 20 seconds of the last rifle shot, they (the Hesters) are on the ground in that pose. Mr H does not get back down on the ground with her, agreed. He (Mr H) goes to the cupola, and she follows behind in a few seconds. agreed. As he hugs the column she (Mrs H) is getting up to go to him. Thats when Weigman turns the camera on the Newmans. After a few frames of the Newmans (4 seconds), Weigman pans the street and back to the area where the H's WERE and we see the Chisms running Southwest to the sidewalk. So Weigman is facing North. In my collage the image "weigman 30 sec" is when he is filming North (see Mrs Chism just entering the frame on the right) Just visible is Z or Mr H in the cupola (the sign hides Mrs H). In my collage the image "Weigman 36 seconds" he has finished filming and is starting to head for the passing camera car. Mr Z is in the cupola and Mrs H is almost in. all this happens within the first minute after the second shot is fired. Ed
  22. Thomas, Do you see the lady slightly forward and right of him with her hands on her hip in the top image?
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