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Kathleen Collins

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Everything posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. No Thanks Andy, Now I can relax.... You can come on home now, Peter. Actually, I've had the FBI on my blog several times. But maybe they are clerks with nothing better to do. But what would attract them to my blog? The only things that could attract FBI attention are the dead ends of Donald O. Norton and Ralph Geb. I've learned no more info about either of them and probably never will. They are free to get on with their lives with no interference from me. Kathy Collins
  2. I know families. In US: Morgan, Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Murchison, DuPont, Hunt, Bush.... Kathy
  3. Karl, You are very close to the truth. To get closer, I humbly suggest that you examine and redefine/expand your current definitions of "governments." Good work. Charles Do you mean Israel? Kathy
  4. Jack, Thanks for the background on Eddowes. But I must take exception to your description of the event being an autopsy. The accused assassin, like his other alleged victims - JDT, JC and JFK, should have and may someday be subjected to a real forensic autopsy, the purpose of which is develop evidence that can be admitted in a court of law. The autopsy JFK and others received were only meant to determine the cause of death. Whatever they did to LHO in Texas at Eddowes direction, was a butcher job, and their purpose was only to determine identity, which they did to their own satisfaction. It will take someone with the determination of Eddowes to get proper forensic autopsies for the vicims of Dallas. BK Bill...the "exhumation autopsy" was performed by Dr. Linda Norton, Dallas County Medical Examiner. The press referred to it as an autopsy. Jack Where can we get LHO's first autopsy? And J.D. Tippit's? They buried Tippit so fast, didn't they? It took a Professor (and member here) $150 to get Karyn Kupcinet's autopsy. If you would indulge me -- I found out where you could request autopsies in LA. Over a span of a year, I requested it 3 times. No answer. I asked for it again and my email returned immediately -- they blocked me. The guy who runs findadeath.com emailed me and asked me if I was the woman who requested the autopsy 3 times. Yes. He said, "Is there a hurry on this?" No, she's been dead only 44 years. "I looked at it," he said. "There's nothing unusual." No, there's nothing unusual about a homicide victim who died either from having her carotid artery shut off or via a karate chop; and with a copious amount of whitish fluid in her birth canal. Apparently, he gets leads from someone there about celebs' deaths that he can use for his gay website. For some reason I don't think he wanted to do anything on KK on his site. All of a sudden he has scruples? About LHO: I believe he was a Russian agent. But he did not kill JFK. It was a conspiracy. "Harvey" was pretty stupid if he didn't know how he was being set up as the patsy. Kathy
  5. I know they're spying on us. Kathy Beckett is one. The other Kathy
  6. [quote name='Terry Mauro' post='136131' date='Feb 6 2008, 01:38 AM' Well, I think I'll just take this opportunity to cut across party lines and vote for Ron Paul, American Independent that I am. At least his take on The Federal Reserve echoes mine, and hopefully he might be able to really get something done. That is, unless someone decides to put a bullet through his head, or character assassinate him, a la Bill Clinton style. I'm pro-choice, but I won't allow that small issue to get in the way. Not if he's able to pull off what he's claiming to try and accomplish. Anyhow, your vote only really matters when it involves issues on a local level, such as state, county, or city. And, even then you've got to watch your back. Especially with regard to the state. When you really come right down to it, it's still the same old story since the late 60's. 1 party - 2 branches, and Wall Street rules. Yes, if Ron Paul got close and wanted to change the Federal Reserve, he'd be a dead man. Will never happen. Not if the likes of Clint Murchison III can, imo, kill his ex-wife, mother of his children, and walk away from it a free man. Does anyone think they'd hesitate in killing Obama or Ron Paul? Kathy
  7. Many people believe President Kennedy took us close to nuclear war, including Gore Vidal. But they should read Brothers by David Talbot. Kennedy had a very difficult time with his military joint chiefs, like Curtis Le May. These military officials were demanding of Kennedy to bomb Cuba with nuclear weapons. He said NO. His presidency was very rough. These men hated him, but Kennedy stood tall and would not give in. I would go ahead and say, imo, that the assassination stemmed from their quarters. I think the Military killed Kennedy and were financed by Texas Oil and taught new tricks by the CIA. Please read Brothers.
  8. I know this won't interest most of the Americans on this board, but I don't like to leave one stone unturned. In 1979, Sir Richard Asher, father to Jane (actress), Peter (music producer) and Claire (teacher), went missing for 3 days. The cops (bobbies?) searched the huge Victorian mansion where the Ashers lived at 18 Wimpole St in London and found him dead in the basement, having killed himself with pills and alcohol. It was stated publicly that he was having financial troubles. Sir Richard Asher was an Endocrinologist on Harley St, very impressive. He was known as an "eccentric." I can't find much info on him. Could someone tell me more about this man? His wife was a music professor and gave oboe lessons. The children -- all redheads -- were put into show business at an early age. I met Jane Asher in 1971. I'm curious. Was his death ever considered foul play and for what reason? He, his wife and children were successful, creative individuals. He was knighted. Where does the suicide come from? Kathy
  9. I don't know which tape specifically is being referred to, but you can bet your bootie much of Oswald's and Marina's converstations and actions were taped and still held in Russia. I have a contact I'm trying to obtain files/transcripts from. Aside from the things they actually talked about, what languages they spoke would be most enlightening!...I think Russia is withholding them to not anger the USA on something they don't have a big stake in...IMO. [i.e. the tapes would blow the whole official version out of the water] The link below will take you to a small extract of the tape Kathy is referring to. Denis. http://www.russianbooks.org/oswald/tapes.htm ****************** Hi Denis: The DVD is called, "American Assassin" out last year...2007...... It is very one sided, you get my meaning, but there is much information within ... It is available at Amazon but the best price is at http://www.cduniverse.com/productinfo.asp?...rm=frooglemovie People will just have to break open that piggy bank and order it... Ernst Titovetz , his closest friend while there, also states what you have, in the past, they were young men and fooling around one day with a tape machine, and LHO was trying to put on an accent....there was much kabitzing going on.... B..... Thanks Bernice, I didn't even realise the DVD existed, It's a definite buy for me. Thanks again, you little font of knowledge you. Denis. Denis, can I ask you a favor? When you get the DVD, could you tell us if that tape is included and how long it goes on? I'm waiting for a credit approval. Kathy
  10. Actually, today the best price for the DVD is at Amazon as Used - Very Good: $7.44 plus $2.98 = $10.42. As for Ernst and Oswald, I don't buy that they were just fooling around -- I think this is disinformation. What I heard was a man struggling to read English. I'll see what is on the DVD, even though, according to Bernice, it's slanted. I don't want to hear how Oswald killed Kennedy. Kathy
  11. I don't know which tape specifically is being referred to, but you can bet your bootie much of Oswald's and Marina's converstations and actions were taped and still held in Russia. I have a contact I'm trying to obtain files/transcripts from. Aside from the things they actually talked about, what languages they spoke would be most enlightening!...I think Russia is withholding them to not anger the USA on something they don't have a big stake in...IMO. [i.e. the tapes would blow the whole official version out of the water] Part of the tape you can hear online. It's the voice of LHO or Harvey trying to read English. The same voice is heard on the 2 shows Oswald did for radio and at Dallas PD. His command of the English language 3 years since Minsk is much better. I think the man who arrived from Russia is a Russian man. As for transcripts of tapes, the KGB bugged Marina and Harvey's rooms. Much of their conversations and fights are translated in Norman Mailer's book, Oswald's Tale. There are no audio tapes to hear. Marina constantly put Oswald down. Kathy
  12. Fellow members, I have been in touch with Gary Mack today via email about the Oswald Russian tape. He told me the tape hasn't been released by the KGB. The Museum doesn't have it. Gary would like it if someone would donate the book Harvey and Lee to the 6th Floor Museum in Dallas. I think it's a historic book and should be donated to any organization -- despite personalities -- regarding President Kennedy Assassination Research. Kathy Collins
  13. Denis, recently I posted a theory about the death of actress Karyn Kupcinet. I'd like your opinion: Next, was Karyn Kupcinet. I believe there was a contract out on her. Mafia bigwig, Paul Dorfman, realized that some kind of major happenstance in Chicago was needed to take the pressure off the Mob and Jack Ruby. He spent the weekend of Kennedy's death in Palm Springs, CA. Karyn Kupcinet was also in Palm Springs for the weekend. Did Dorfman see her? Somehow, her father, Irv Kupcinet, got in touch with Dorfman in Palm Springs, and asked about Ruby. I think Dorfman had a brainstorm: kill Karyn Kupcinet, who was Irv Kupcinet's daughter, so well-known in Chicago. That headline would overpower anything about Jack Ruby and the Mob. A distraction, needed to get the heat off the Chicago Mob. I think the killer cut off her carotid artery in a headlock and placed her face down on the couch. The face down was an additional insult, especially to a woman. The blood would center in her face and leave her discolored. Then her father flew to West Hollywood and had to identify her. Only, in Kup's case, a close family friend did it for him. Irv, prominent columnist and talk show host, wouldn't have Ruby on his mind. Kathy
  14. Denis, or anyone, where can I find the longer Minsk tape of Oswald that supposedly lasts 2 hours? Kathy
  15. I have found this on jfk-info: In the widely read book on the JFK assassination, Crossfire (Carroll and Graf: NY) by Jim Marrs, he includes a chapter entitled, "Was Oswald Really Oswald?" dealing with the numerous "Oswalds" that seemed to be in several places at once, along with a summary of the events surrounding the exhumation of Oswald's remains in 1981 initiated by Eddowes with the eventual support of Marina Oswald Porter. It is interesting to note that, according to researcher Gary Mack, "three language experts at Southern Methodist University in Dallas studied tape recordings made of Oswald. They were not told the identity of the man whose voice they heard. All agreed that the English words spoken seemed acquired later in life - that English was not the native tongue of the man on the tape."(108) Marrs also quotes Mrs. Jeanne DeMohrenschildt, widow of George DeMohrenschildt, as recalling that Oswald "spoke in deliberate and precise terms, rarely ever using slang or curse words"(108) and certainly didn't sound like a boy brought up in the South. Kathy
  16. I would love to find the longer version of the Russian tape. I'll have to keep plugging along. Norman Mailer was able to learn a lot of info from the KGB when Russia split. Why not the tape? Donald O. Norton is a puzzle to me. These yearbook photos -- why do we have them if they're not relevant? And the photos I found of Norton and Geb as adults? I guess the initial photos John Armstrong discovered. But Norton isn't mentioned in Armstrong's book, Harvey and Lee. Someone, probably a long time ago, identified these pictures as Lee Oswald, who escaped Dallas. But if Lee resembled Harvey, why does he have red hair? The origin of all this puzzles me. Maybe Jack White knows they're relevance. They are true redheads, not dyed. How could they resemble Oswald? Basically, where did these photos come from? What happened to the real Lee Oswald? Would he be able to walk around and tell Mae Brussel he was Donald O. Norton/Lee Oswald? Supposedly John Judge and others saw this man and were struck with his resemblance to Harvey. Was this man they saw deluded, believing he was connected to the Kennedy Assassination? He supposedly was sending Mae Brussell money and recited word for word Harvey's words from his radio show appearance. I guess he would make a good mate to Judyth Baker. I'm going to try and find the longer version of that Russian tape. Kathy
  17. Duncan, not that it matters, but I'm 100% Irish descent. If you'll listen again to that tape from Russia, he speaks in a weird British accent mixed with another accent. He seems to be a native Russian or Hungarian, and somone with a British accent early on began teaching him English. It's bizarre. Then when you listen to Oswald in America, on the 2 radio broadcasts and at the Dallas Police Station, it's the same voice, only now, after 3 years, he's got a good command of American English. Your Friend, Kathy
  18. Can any members, Jack White maybe, post a photo of the real Lee Oswald (as opposed to Harvey) that you are sure is Lee? I was reading old posts on Phil Ochs, and the writer, Mr. Glover, said after the assassination he saw a man looking like the man they had in custody (Harvey) but taller. And I read Judyth saying Harvey was brought up in the US and came from the Cajun-French section of Louisiana, and that that's where he got his accent. I believe Harvey came from Russia. As I said before there's a tape of Harvey stammering over English words with a weird British accent. It was the same voice of the man Ruby killed. But his English was now fluent. Judyth also said there was a lot of inbreeding in Cajun, LA, and a lot of men looked like Harvey. (She calls him Lee.) Where are the Lee pictures? The one in the classroom, in which he's showing his missing tooth, I believe is Lee. But what about when he was older? Kathy
  19. What kind of a--h--- govt employee, knowing he's got the most historic film in the world, is going to make a mistake by splicing the Zapruder film? His head would roll too. It was done deliberately IMO. Kathy
  20. Did anyone see Bill Clinton stumping for his wife yesterday? He referred to 9/11 and said that the Conspiracy Theorists were wrong, that 12 (?) Saudi Arabians brought the towers down and that other countries laugh at us because we believe our own country did it. He said if you believe in these conspiracy theories get away from here. We don't want you. I wonder how he felt when Vince Foster was found dead. Someone told me an anecdote; maybe someone here knows its origins. When Clinton took office, he got together his military chiefs and said, "I want to know everything about the Kennedy Assassination and I want to know everything about UFOs." One of them replied, "You don't have high enough clearance." That must have been a kick in the head. Kathy
  21. If govt forces, NWO and illuminati are not wacko... You say wacko individuals -- Like Lee Harvey Oswald? Kathy
  22. Who's selling the book? It's non-fiction? Kathy
  23. The military man mentioned as having the autopsy photos was Pitzer, I believe. Ruby shot Oswald on November 24th. Karyn Kupcinet was killed early November 28th. In the meantime, Irv was digging. Who knows who else he spoke to? But the thing is, he covered the Kennedy funeral in his column. That I can verify. I don't know if he mentioned Ruby. And in later years he was vehemently against the film JFK by Oliver Stone. He was against conspiracy. The mob wanted Ruby and themselves out of the headlines. I believe Paul Dorfman sent a hitman to kill Karyn Kupcinet in her apartment the night of Nov. 27/28. This served to shock Chicagoans and make them forget their one-time resident, Ruby, for awhile. Get the heat off the Mob. Do you see how close her murder was to Oswald's? She had 2 male friends in her house thet night she died, was upset about her ending love affair and was killed when the 2 guys left -- perfect timing. They would bear the brunt of this murder as suspects. Easy as pie. Irv did not have anything on Ruby yet. Dorfman wasn't going to tell him anything. But he was digging. She was killed mainly as a convenient distraction. My theory. The info about Phil Graham came from the book Katherine Graham. I am having a difficult time locating it in my house. I'm not sure who the author was. Also the book about Mary Pinchot Meyer may have mentioned Phil Graham. A Private Woman by Nina Burleigh. May have spelled the last name wrong. Kathy
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