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Kathleen Collins

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Everything posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. I agree with you about Muhammed Ali. There was never anyone like him and never will be. I just wish he hadn't gotten involved with that crazy religion. This religion states that white people were invented by black people way back when. And that white people were an experiment gone wrong. According to Louis Farrakhan, the Mother Ship is coming to take the black people to a new place. A cloud follows Farrakhan wherever he goes. Inside this cloud is the Mother Ship that will take him soon to Paradise. Though I think Farrakhan will outlive us all. Back to Ali: When he won a certain boxing match and yelled into the camera, "I'm the Champion of the world!" It brings tears to my eyes. He was so bright and funny. My great uncle, Jackie Farrell, was Jack Dempsey's manager. About Ali and Frazier my uncle said, "To me they're both bums and neither one of them could step into the ring with Dempsey." Oh, well. Kathy
  2. Hillary really beat Obama in the Florida primary. A very strong lead over him. Did the Kennedys endorsing him the day before put the whammy on Obama? Did people see him as a dead man, as I did? Or does the public hate the Kennedys so much that they voted for Hillary? Kathy
  3. Thank you for posting this article. It is good to know that the case is still alive. I think it is the first time the traditional media has identified Ron Pataky as the "Out of Towner" in Lee Israel's book. Some will remember Lee's discussions with me on this forum where she was originally reluctant to confirm this information that I had posted on my website. This information had come from David Herschel who had tracked down Pataky when he was a student studying journalism. He could not get the article published so he posted it on the internet in the 1990s. It was the great Penn Jones who first told the story of Kilgallen's friend who died at the same time as her. It appeared in Forgive My Grief (1967): Tom Howard knew too much from Ruby and he knew too well how the Dallas power structure and Police Department worked. Howard had to die. At the Ruby trial in Dallas during March of 1964, Dorothy Kilgallen had a private interview during one of the noon recesses with Judge Joe B. Brown. This was immediately followed by a thirty minute private interview with Jack Ruby in Judge Brown’s chambers. Even Ruby’s bodyguards were kept outside the Judge’s chambers. Joe Tonahill and others thought the meeting room in the jail was “bugged,” but it is doubtful if the Judge’s own chambers would be bugged. Judges have the power of contempt of court for such irregularities. This then, was the second person Ruby had talked to who could know for whom Ruby was acting; therefore Miss Kilgallen had to be silenced along with Tom Howard. Shortly before her death, Miss Kilgallen told a friend in New York that she was going to New Orleans in 5 days and break the case wide open. Miss Kilgallen 52, died November 8, 1965, under questionable circumstances in her New York home. Eight days after her death, a ruling was made that she died of barbiturates and drink with no quantities of either ingredient being given. Also strangely, Miss Kilgallen’s close friend, Mrs. Earl E.T. Smith, died two days after Miss Kilgallen. Mrs. Smith’s autopsy read that the cause of death was unknown. Many skeptical newsmen have asked: “If Miss Kilgallen knew anything, surely as a journalist wouldn’t she have left some notes?” This is a legitimate question. Possibly Mrs. Smith was the trusted friend with the notes. No one will ever know now. Unfortunately, Penn Jones, was unable to find out who Mrs. Earl E.T. Smith was. Her name was Florence Smith, the wife of the ambassador to Cuba when Castro seized power. Professionally, she always used the name Florence Pritchett. Penn Jones would have been fascinated by the fact that Florence Pritchett had been having an affair with John Kennedy since 1943 and was still going on at the time of his death. It was Florence who introduced Dorothy to JFK. Florence was also one of her important sources on JFK. Kilgallen was also well informed about Cuba (she was the first journalist to break the story that the CIA and the Mafia were working together in a plot against Castro). It is indeed puzzling that Sarah Jordan does not mention Florence Pritchett in her article. She clearly knows about the story as she must have visited my web pages on Dorothy Kilgallen (it is number one at Google when you type in her name). She also has visited this forum because she quotes Lee Israel's online statement about Ron Pataky that appeared on the forum on 20th December, 2005. John Simkin: Does Florence Pritchett’s son object to his mother being named as the long-time mistress of JFK or by the suggestion that she might have been one of Kilgallen’s sources? Lee Israel: Yes. He says his mother lay dying of leukemia for months so she couldn't have been Kilgallen's source on anything but side effects of medication that was scarcely available then. John Simkin: In your book you do not mention that Pritchett was JFK’s mistress. Is that because you did not know or was it a case of you protecting her privacy? Lee Israel: It was totally irrelevant. I didn't drop the name Judith Campbell Exner, either. John Simkin: You do not mention that Pritchett was married to Earl E. T. Smith, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Cuba (1957-59). Did you know that at the time you wrote the book? Is it not possible that Pritchett passed on information to Kilgallen as a result of her relationship with her husband and JFK? Lee Israel: Yes, I did know that. I also knew that when Kilgallen visited New Orleans and Dallas, the poor ambassador was preoccupied with his dying wife. John Simkin: In your book you make a lot of Kilgallen’s relationship with the man you call the "Out-of-Towner". In fact, you imply that he was in some way involved in her death. Is it correct that the man’s name is really Ron Pataky? Lee Israel: Yes. John Simkin: Did you find any evidence that Ron Pataky was working for the CIA? Lee Israel: No. Only that he dropped out of Stanford in 1954 and then enrolled in a training school for assassins in Panama or thereabouts. John Simkin: Do you believe that Ron Pataky murdered Dorothy Kilgallen? Lee Israel: He had something to do with it http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKkilgallen.htm http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKsmithF.htm I just want to say: Be wary of Penn Jones. He would get dates wrong, etc, and this served to make the subjects he "researched" trivial. For instance, he couldn't get the name of this woman, Smith. How did he find out about her and did he exaggerate too? A lot op people have such awe regarding Penn Jones, Jr. I've yet to see why. Also, how old was Ron Pataki when he was going out with Kilgallen? And: Kilgallen's husband, I've read, killed himself in 1970. Any connection? Kathy
  4. Thank you for providing the link to Kilgallen's article about Oswald. It was obvious she knew then that there were 2 Lee Harvey Oswalds. And/or his photos didn't all look like him. Two different men? Or trick photography? Did Ruby tell her about 2 Oswalds? Offhand, I forget the date she spoke to Ruby. Kathy
  5. I believe I was the first person to say Obama will be killed on this Forum. I got chastised a bit for bringing up a subject like that. As I said in Myra's thread about Obama, I couldn't vote for him today because it would be like voting for a dead man. They -- the zllionnaires -- could poison him as was done to Yushenko in the Ukraine -- a horrible thing. He'll die in a small plane crash. He'll be shot by a nut or he'll crack up and shoot himself -- they better find out if he's left or right-handed. He'll be in a horrendous car crash or be hit by a car. There are many methods. THEY will never let a black man become president, especially as he's an Arab. NEVER! NEVER!!!!!! Kathy
  6. This morning I voted in the Primary. Of course, I voted Democratic. The Kennedys getting behind Obama really impressed me. And even as I walked to the building where I was to vote, I couldn't let myself vote for Obama. Because voting for him is like voting for a dead man. He's in the crosshairs. So I voted for Hillary and we'll find out this evening how she did. Kathy
  7. Here's Phil Ochs at DP. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...mp;#entry108817 http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...mp;#entry105964 I tried looking it up on the search engine, but I don't get anything I'm looking for. Another thing -- Sometimes I can't see the photos someone has posted. Kathy
  8. Nat, I don't think you have to worry. Obama will not get in as President or even close. The powers that be, who decimated the Kennedy family, will have turned their blood-shot gaze on Obama. No way will a black man be President. Do you think the Rothschilds, the Morgans, the Bushes, the DuPonts, the Rockefellers, the Murchisons would allow that? Obama was raised in the Islamic faith. Now after 9/11, do you think anyone wants an Arab in the Presidency? Have people forgotten? They want to strike us from within (with help from the wealthy oil barons). Keep us in line. Keep us afraid. And I am afraid -- due to the Bushes of the world. But don't worry about Obama getting into office election day (if he's still alive). Another awful thing is going to happen. And Ted and Caroline have frosted the cake. Kathy
  9. Here's Phil Ochs at DP. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...mp;#entry108817 Thanks, Bill. Much appreciated. Do you think Phil Ochs was murdered? Kathy http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...mp;#entry105964
  10. JD Tippit. Did Lee Oswald kill him because Tippit thought he was Harvey and would have killed Lee? Then Oswald. Jack Ruby shot Harvey. But what happened to Lee? Next, was Karyn Kupcinet. I believe there was a contract out on her. Mafia bigwig, Paul Dorfman, realized that some kind of major happenstance in Chicago was needed to take the pressure off the Mob and Jack Ruby. He spent the weekend of Kennedy's death in Palm Springs, CA. Karyn Kupcinet was also in Palm Springs for the weekend. Did Dorfman see her? Somehow, her father, Irv Kupcinet, got in touch with Dorfman in Palm Springs, and asked about Ruby. I think Dorfman had a brainstorm: kill Karyn Kupcinet, who was Irv Kupcinet's daughter, so well-known in Chicago. That headline would overpower anything about Jack Ruby and the Mob. A distraction, needed to get the heat off the Chicago Mob. I think the killer cut off her carotid artery in a headlock and placed her face down on the couch. The face down was an additional insult, especially to a woman. The blood would center in her face and leave her discolored. Then her father flew to West Hollywood and had to identify her. Only, in Kup's case, a close family friend did it for him. Irv, prominent columnist and talk show host, wouldn't have Ruby on his mind. Mary Pinchot Meyer -- shot several times. Main suspect was acquitted and case went unsolved. Dorothy Kilgallen -- found propped up in bed with full make-up on, apparently reading a novel -- though she had told someone she had already read it. An overdose of sleeping pills and alcohol. I'll admit she was alcoholic. No sign anywhere of her file on President Kennedy's Assassination. It took 8 days to complete the autopsy -- why? Then her best friend, F. Pritchard Smith, a woman who lived a few blocks away from Dorothy in NY, died right after Kilgallen. Dorothy supposedly left her file on JFK with this woman. Other strange deaths in the sixties: Phil Graham, a Manic-Depressive Washington D.C. journalist, supposedly shot himself in his bathroom without any warning. Probably not connected, but was a suspicious death. There was the military photographer, Pitzer, who had in his office negatives of President Kennedy's autopsy photos. If I remember correctly, he shot himself in the head, but with the wrong hand. Kathy
  11. I believe it was on this Forum that a very colorful man posted some photos of Phil Ochs near the Dal-Tex building during the Assassination. It's always been a mystery (since the man shared the story), at least to me what he was doing there. Ochs was aligned with Left-Wing radicals. How did he get to Dealey Plaza that day? (He was born in Texas.) I find his death by hanging in April 1976 highly suspicious. I had saved the photos on a hard drive that I can't use, evidently. Can anyone post those pictures? I don't remember the man's name who posted them and was friends with Phil Ochs. Thanks, Kathy
  12. For some reason, in my blow-up, it really looks like Oswald. This program is from AOL and you can only view it large, but not save it or send it large. I also have a digital resizer, but it seems I have to save the picture and shut down my computer and then it appears in the directory. He certainly isn't hiding. John Armstrong said this was Lee Oswald, as opposed to Harvey Oswald who worked in the building. Kathy
  13. -- Robert Howard.While this Adminsitration [illegal and unelected] is an extreme and should have awoken all, this process has been underway overtly since Dallas and covertly before. It will continue no matter who is the next President. -- Peter LemkinMr. Simkin says we can ask questions here. First, let me say that there is an audio tape of "Harvey" Oswald in Russia, obviously learning English. Three years later, it is the same voice on the 2 radio shows before the assassination and the same voice of the patsy in the Dallas Police Station, as he answered reporter's questions. Only by 1963, he has English down pat for the most part. McAdams might have these audios. This is why I believe Harvey Oswald was Russian and wasn't related to Robert Oswald, etc. My question concerns Peter's quote above, that it doesn't matter who the President is, it'll still go on, getting control of world govt. Someone told me that during Clinton's Presidency, 200 political murders were committed -- I don't know how accurate that is. I find it hard to believe that the Clintons themselves put this in motion. Vince Foster was probably the first. Now, the Clintons' knowing this, knowing they didn't have control -- why would they want to remain in office? Why seek another term? According to what someone told me, when Clinton took office, he asked Military Brass to inform him as to the Kennedy Assassination and, separately, UFOs. He was told he "didn't have high enough clearance." So Clinton walked into the Presidency wide-eyed and bushy (no pun intended) - tailed. Why seek a second office? Who were they going to kill next? So, on the same note, why is Hillary running? She must know she would have no power. If anyone has an answer to this, I'd be willing to read it. Kathy Collins
  14. Here I plug the book again. Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong. My probable theories: 1. Did the "birth" Oswald leave his family and go to Russia and never came back? 2. Instead a Russian "agent" came back and pretended he was Marguerite's son and the Oswalds had to accept him as family. To cover up the difference in appearance, Robert Oswald said (paraphrase), "I couldn't believe how much hair he lost!" 3. Over the years, Robert Oswald has never contacted Marina or her kids by the Russian Harvey. Because Robert is not related to those kids. A blood test would prove this. 4. We have few pictures, if any, of Lee Oswald, brother to Robert. 5. Marguerite has said that her son worked for Intelligence and died for his country. I believe at one point she said it wasn't her son in that grave. 6. Donald Norton portraying Lee Oswald? Or actually being Lee Oswald? The resemblance is scant. These are the things I turn over in my head everyday. I would enjoy anyone's input. Kathy Collins
  15. Could someone post pictures of the South Knoll where Tosh says he was under a tree during the assassination? I believe I had those photos before, but they were on a hard drive that went bad. Kathy Collins
  16. Peter, could you post that photo of the 2 men in the shadow of the tree? I didn't know there were steps on the South Knoll. Kathy
  17. I like the poem. Bill, thank you for including Karyn Kupcinet. I wish to correct your typos here: Her name is spelled as in above line. She was murdered on November 28, 1963 (early Thanksgiving) and not discovered till late Nov. 30, 1963. Kathy
  18. You're right. I should have referred to Harvey and Lee. In that book I understand John Armstrong believed Lee Oswald killed Tippit because Tippit mistook Lee for Harvey and was about to kill him. Instead Tippit was killed and Ruby had to kill Harvey. Kathy Collins
  19. I shouldn't have made the remarks I did and I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings. You can tell Ed is a remarkably intelligent man. I don't usually see what he sees. I was a little giddy last night and I apologize for it. I hope Ed knows many members of this forum take him seriously and try to understand what he is showing. I give "permission" for Kathy Beckett to delete my posts here. Kathy Collins
  20. Bernice, if I ever posted a photo like that and tried to claim significance, I'd be outta here and especially so on that other forum. I never heard anyone come to my aid when I posted LHO was a "punk," etc. over there. I was called an agent provocateur. Was I entitled to my opinion? Not to some people. Kathy Collins
  21. I've noticed something else about the Yearbook picture. Norton has Harvey's left ear. Kathy Collins
  22. It looks a lot like Tippit, especially the "widow's peak" hairline. So did Lee Oswald kill this man? Or is "Lee" Oswald really J.D.Tippit? It would solve the disappearance of "Lee" Oswald -- dead. And there was only one LHO: he went to Russia and "Harvey" came back and was killed by Ruby. But Mailer mentions there were 2 Oswalds at the Texas Theater -- I have to look at Harvey and Lee again about the theater. Tippit was dead by then. Neither looks like Donald O. Norton. My goal is to find out what happened to "Lee" Oswald. Another problem: Could Tippit be BadgeMan? This is another theory, but I don't buy it. Harvey Oswald was arrested in New Orleans for giving out fliers re FPCC. This is supposed to be his mugshot (unless it's Lee's). That's an awfully good picture of him; Harvey didn't have much eye appeal. If you put sunglasses on him, would he look like the Tippit gif? ********************************************************** That's Harvey's mugshot, IMHO. The ears appear to be placed lower on the head in your picture of Harvey, than those on the super-imposed pictures of Duncan's Tippit. Also, take into consideration Duncan's super-imposed sunglasses on his B/W photo of Tippit, and remember that the "arms" of the ear "part" of the glasses frames, when in place on some people, have a tendency to cause their ears to appear to "bow" out, making the case for Duncan's Tippit all the more feasible in its comparison. In other words, had Duncan been able to superimpose the arms of the glasses frame over the ears of his B/W Tippit, the ears would be even more in line with the color picture of Tippit and Files, accounting for the slightly bowed-out appearance. At least, that's how I'm interpreting it. Then again, I could be wrong, too. Such is the enigma of this case. I hope I haven't confused anyone? It's early in the morning here, and I'm rushing to get off to work. Good show, BTW! I have a feeling that I know who he is. Compare the mystery man's photo to Donald O. Norton's. Look at the man's smile. The upturned lip on his left side matches the Yearbook picture of Norton's! He also has a bucked tooth that a photo of Donald O. Norton has. But look at that lip! Instead of Donald Norton dyeing his hair red, what about if he dyed it dark in 1963? That could be very natural looking. His nose doesn't match Avon Pk's Donald O. Could Armstrong have stumbled onto something? If Lee killed Tippit, could this be Lee Oswald? I, for one, don't feel we have many pictures of Lee Oswald. This man doesn't look like Lee Oswald, but his mouth, with the missing tooth (here discolored) and a bucked tooth and that upturned lip. Maybe that's why Armstrong followed Norton around, believing he was Lee Oswald. Compare. Kathy Collins PS: Please compare Norton with the jpeg in an earlier post, not the gif.
  23. Now, that's better! I understand the whole assassination by that one ink-spilled concoction. Ed, when it comes time to play in the darkroom, please put the cork in the bottle and leave it outside. Kathy Collins
  24. When did Marguarite say that wasn't her son in the burial plot? That her son was an Intelligence member? Kathy
  25. I just noticed (though I may have noticed this sooner but forgot) that the fellow in post #2 on the left has his hair cut like the yearbook picture of Donald O. Norton. As a matter of fact the photos do seem to be of the same person. Kathy Collins
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