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Kathleen Collins

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Everything posted by Kathleen Collins

  1. I believe it did have something to do with the Assassination. It served to distract people, so the other "actors" could get in position. For instance, Lee Oswald (of Harvey and Lee) entered the TSBD and went up to the 6th floor. He did shoot out the window at Kennedy's back, in an attempt to frame Harvey. Since we don't have Lee's account, we don't know how the murder weapon got there for him to use. Kathy
  2. Investigations such as that being conducted into the conspiratorial murder of JFK depend for ultimate success upon, among other components, the development of testable hypotheses. Absent the application of the creative process, or "deductive reasoning" in matters such as these, investigators have zero chance of solving "mysteries" (see below). Given the previously stated, reasonable proposition of the conspirators' "kill at all costs" approach, it is reasonable to suggest that redundant communications systems at the ambush site and a Parkland coup d'grace were essential components of the plot (And for the record: There is no mystery whatsoever regarding "how" JFK was killed. Our focus rightly should be on the "who" and "why" questions.) Charles The Secret Service surely knew the route to Parkland. And, yes, I wouldn't be surprised if someone was stationed there, in case anything went wrong. And the rest of the SS were out cleaning the crime scene, under LBJ's edict. Kathy
  3. In this photo, which was taken on Stemmons Freeway, you can see a man on a roof with a rifle. I don't recall who first posted this photo, but it wasn't long ago. What I'd like to know is: Who was the photographer? And what building was the man with the rifle standing on? Kathy
  4. Where was this supposedly taken and when? It looks a bit like President Kennedy (actually it looks more like John Jr.) Kathy
  5. I'm a Harvey and Lee woman. Lee Oswald shot at the President and was in the company of another man. Lee walked through the TSBD, knowing he looked enough like Harvey, to frame Harvey. I don't know if anyone noticed him, except when he ran out the backdoor, looking for the car that would pick him up, drive him to a small airport, where he flew who knows where. IMO, the conspirators, in "good conscience," picked Harvey to be the patsy because he was really born in Russia. Maybe his real name was Alek Hidell. Kathy
  6. Kathy, it's the blurred Bronson photo, seen on the back cover of POTP. The descrepances you see are all consistant with movement of the camera as the shutter was depressed. But please don't take my word for it, I'm just giving you my opinion that it's not a great photo to begin with(at least not good enough to see the details we are asking from it). Even though it is blurred, we can still see the sign and its shadow. How can the sign really be there when TGZFH says the sign was inserted later and proved this by the sign in the film showing a different "pin cushion" effect than the rest of the film? Maybe the sign was there and the "authorities" only removed it because it had taken a bullet? Which version is correct? Kathy
  7. This photo has been tampered with in my opinion. See the solid shadows of the Stemmon's Sign and Umbrella Man. Note the Dark Complected Man casts no shadow. Also note, it looks like he has no feet! The shadows are solid, but the Umbrella, which is a solid object, is scarcely there. Now, the Stemmons Freeway sign casts a shadow there, yet according to The Great Zapruder Film Hoax, the Stemmons Freeway sign was "inserted" into the film to hide things, namely the trajectory of the object that caught Kennedy in the throat. The Stemmons sign was moved the next day, I believe, and never replaced. Though not in this picture, but in the Z-Film, and I believe in Altgens famous picture, President Kennedy's fingers are clasped shut as with tetany and he can't open his tie. Then he starts to lean over, possibly losing consciousness and is shot again fatally from the right front. If the Stemmon's Freeway sign made a solid shadow, then it presumably existed right there. Unless the shadows were "painted in" and the umbrella somewhat erased, though we can see it in the Z film. Any comments? Kathy
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong. Wasn't Wes Frazier about the only one who said (Harvey) carried curtain rods to work on the day Kennedy was killed, i.e., Harvey had a rifle in the long brown bag? I think this would support knowledge of the living arrangements in Paine's house. I don't know how I missed this in reading Harvey and Lee -- that Lee lived there 5 days a week and Harvey was there 2 days (I presume weekends). If Marina looked underneath Oswald's eyelid, this would imply that Lee and Harvey had different eye colors. Also, John Armstrong found school documents and residences for Harvey Oswald growing up. I think this young man went to Russia and a Russian man came back in his place. Imo three voice recordings support this: A tape of Oswald "teaching" English to a Russian friend in 1960 on the Internet. And it's Oswald who's learning English. He has this odd British accent that, imo, denotes that someone British had taught him a lot of English. Three years later you can hear the same voice on 2 radio shows, also on the internet, but now Oswald's English is very good. So I believe Harvey, whom Ruby shot, was really Alik (please forgive my spelling) Hidell. The wallet that Lee dropped when he killed Tippit had the ID of this Alik Hidell. Was Lee trying to expose Harvey as being a Russian spy who killed the President and Officer Tippit and shot at Gen. Walker? Did Harvey know Lee was in the TSBD, shooting from the 6th floor? Did Harvey know that Lee was in the Texas Theater, at the same time as he? Lee was in the balcony and Harvey was downstairs. I posted the links before. I'll look them up. Kathy
  9. But, you know what, it had been raining earlier that day, so an umbrella wouldn't be out of the ordinary. Kathy Collins
  10. The numbers of people who were alive when the Kennedy Assassination occurred are dwindling down. We must never forget this crime, nor the overthrow of govt. What we must do is continue to talk about the slaughter that happened November 22, 1963, so generations to come will not be ignorant of it. Let's not allow the Gerald Posners, Mark Fuhrmans and Vincent Bugliosis of the world have the last say. I know members are angry when an "old" issue is brought up again. But you have to realize there are people here who never knew what President Kennedy's Administration was all about. I suggest they read Brothers by David Talbot to see what Kennedy was up against. Kathy Collins
  11. Let me blow my horn for a minute. I was the one who first posted the newspaper article on the nuclear warheads being transported over the U.S. Tim Gratz pooh-poohed it. Now look how long this thread is. Here's my initial post: Member No.: 5645 "Nuclear Bombs Mistakenly Flown Over US By PAULINE JELINEK,AP Posted: 2007-09-05 23:11:46 WASHINGTON (AP) - A B-52 bomber was mistakenly armed with six nuclear warheads and flown for more than three hours across several states last week, prompting an Air Force investigation and the firing of one commander, Pentagon officials said Wednesday. The mistake was so serious that President Bush and Defense Secretary Robert Gates were quickly informed and Gates has asked for daily briefings on the Air Force inquiry, said Defense Department press secretary Geoff Morrell. He said Gates was assured that "the munitions were part of a routine transfer between the two bases and at all times they were in the custody and control of Air Force personnel and at no time was the public in danger." Rep. Ike Skelton , chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, called the mishandling of the weapons "deeply disturbing" and said the committee would press the military for details. Rep. Edward J. Markey , a senior member of the Homeland Security Committee, said it was "absolutely inexcusable." "Nothing like this has ever been reported before and we have been assured for decades that it was impossible. According to the officials, the weapons are designed with multiple safety features that ensure the warheads don't accidentally detonate. Arming the weapons requires a number of stringent protocols and authentication codes that must be followed for detonation. And they are designed to withstand a significant impact, including an aircraft crash, without detonating. The Air Combat Command has ordered a command-wide stand down on Sept. 14 to review procedures, officials said. They said there was minimal risk to crews and the public because of safety features designed into the munitions." --How scary is this? And the Air Combat Command has been given a command standdown and they even announce the date. Kathy I write this only to show members that I'm not undiscerning, ill-informed, crazy or just a gossip. Kathy
  12. I don't understand the alterationists regarding the Z-Film. That white object could have been colored out of the film. They could have painted it green. Fortunately, they didn't. I am aware that a lot of the gore has been removed and contained in one or two frames. The significance of this white oval object, which is definitely flying through the air and is not bouncing around on the grass: Is it indicative of a shot from behind or 2 shots, one from the right front and one from behind, hitting his head simultaneously, which flew the Harper Fragment forward? Kathy
  13. Jack, you got to it before I did. I would ask: Were there 2 men sharing the identity of Lee Harvey Oswald? Was Harvey (as I believe) a Russian born spy? Lee knew Harvey existed; he helped set him up. But did Harvey know of Lee's existence? I've never read anything about Harvey knowing Lee or not. What happened to Lee Oswald? Who is Donald O. Norton? How close to the assassination was Chicago gangster Paul Dorfman? Did he instruct Jack Ruby to kill Oswald? Was Dorfman keeping a low profile in Palm Springs during the entire 4 days of the Kennedy Assassination? Kathy
  14. You need to substantiate these claims, otherwise that's all they are, or ever will be. I don't think I can verify my claims. No one would believe me. The policeman who took the phonecall that August night is probably dead by now. I don't remember the names of my neighbors. I only lived there a year. I do remember my best friends who witnessed this with me. Their names were Lawrence. I don't remember their mother or father's name. The kids were Cathy, Patty, Richie and Brian Lawrence. Palisades Park, NJ. 1967. My mother left my father that October. We snuck back to the house to get our stuff one day. I went to my friends' house and there were other people living there. No forwarding address. I think the mother left the father, as he was a violent alcoholic like mine. Both families disappeared into the blue. I don't remember the date of the UFO sighting. The second one I saw was metallic and was about 10 feet away from me. I could have touched it with a broom. I stared at that Goddamned thing to memorize it. Then it began to fade into the blue sky, seemingly without moving, until I couldn't see it anymore. Kathy
  15. I noticed that there are Baptist websites that believe the Vatican killed Kennedy. Kathy
  16. I disagree in part because I saw 2 UFOs, once with a small crowd of people and once alone and very near to me physically. I believe what I saw last was our technology. What I saw first was some kind of hologram projected against the sky, in my opinion. It was definitely playing with us and scaring us. And the police lied when they told us it was a weather balloon. Bill Kelly brought up that Kennedy's Daily Briefs haven't been declassified. Why? Kathy
  17. Terry, I'll admit that when I saw your name as the latest person replying to my post, my heart was in my throat. And then I found out you actually felt the same way. We agree on something -- the Holy Roman Empire! Thank you because your opinion means a lot to me. Maybe it shouldn't, but it does. Do you believe the Jesuits were involved in President Kennedy's assassination? I find on the Internet that a lot of people do -- but many of them are bible-thumpers, spouting a different religion. I remember Malachy Martin, a former Jesuit, who wrote books in the '70's about what he saw going on in the Vatican. I haven't read his books, but plan to do so. Kathy
  18. Sorry. I think it's generational: The same wealthy, powerful, right wing elements that killed President Kennedy are still in force today "... by a new generation, born in this century..." This was a political murder in my opinion, so that W could ascend the throne. It's like all the "dead witnesses" after the Kennedy slaughter. It's like Vince Foster. Although I will probably vote for Hillary Clinton, I think the Clintons are globalists like the Bushes, and capable of withstanding anything. And I believe there were numerous "suicides" during the Clinton Administration. I don't think the Clintons ordered these murders, but someone behind the scenes was orchestrating them, starting with Vince Foster. Kathy
  19. That is your opinion, Tim. But I say it tells more about Catholic and Protestant-run religions than I could ever have imagined in my wildest dreams before this stuff became news. Tim, I think you are trying to undercut the significance of these molestations. It wasn't a rare incident. It involved hundreds of kids and billions of dollars. Think of these Archbishops who hid these crimes and moved their priests to other parishes. This definitely impugns the Catholic Church, as these crimes were known in the hierarchy. And the molesting priests donned their collars in their new parishes and received instant respect from their believers. Like I said, if I made up this story and turned it into a novel, readers would think it improbable. I don't even think a publisher would buy it. Even Midnight magazine wouldn't touch it! It seems to me that the higher ups who refrained from molesting kids, still understood the nature of the priesthood and the priests. That is why the priests were allowed to continue their ways, but in different parishes. I'm trying to say a grand majority of the higher ups are inclined in the same fashion. Maybe they should have turned it into a sacrament. Even Mother Angelica couldn't explain it. She said, paraphrased, "There's sex all over the media. Our poor priests have more temptation than ever." She was talking heterosexuality. What could she say to the child molestation? The media shows child molestation all over the place? No wonder she is sick. Holy Orders is a sacrament. She probably wonders how can they be breaking their vows. That old devil Lucifer. My maternal aunt was a nun, a Sister of Charity. In her parish a priest was found to be having an affair with a 13 year old boy. He also was caught stealing money from the Rectory safe. With these funds he was buying drugs. My aunt couldn't accept it. She said to me, "A prophet isn't known in his own land." Just couldn't accept it. I'm glad she didn't live to see all the destruction these priests have caused her religion. She broke down once and cried that because many priests are gay, people now think nuns are lesbians. Kathy
  20. TEXAS WOMAN WHO ACCUSED BUSH OF RAPE IS FOUND "SUICIDED" A GUNSHOT WOUND TO THE HEAD by voxfux [left-wing site] The 38 year old Texas woman who, last December, filed a sexual assault lawsuit against President Bush was found in September, murdered by a gunshot wound to the head. A Republican coroner of Harris county, loyal to George Bush ruled the murder a, "Suicide." Margie Schoedinger of Missouri City, Texas filed a bizarre sexual abuse lawsuit last December alleging that Bush had drugged and raped her. The lawsuit was so bizarre and convoluted at first glance that voxfux gave it a thumbs down as being at best, a disinformation campaign by the Bush team designed to drown out the Sherman Skolnick story about Bushes alleged long standing homosexual relationship with a college buddy. At worst, I thought the woman might be a kook. However in light of the new developments I believe I may have been wrong to have written off this story prematurely. The case was about to go to court - someone didn't want that to happen. There has been ZERO mention of this explosive story in the major media. www.voxfux.com Kathy
  21. www.voxfux.com/archives/00000096.htm Left-wing News website. Who killed Kennedy and why? Not the actual shooters but the money and the power behind it. I must say I'm a bit biased but... You never hear this often: The purpose of the expose' of the Twentieth Century is to prove the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, ordered by the Jesuit General and executed by Pope Paul VI, was carried out by "the American Pope", Francis Cardinal Spellman. Spellman, being the Archbishop of New York, was "the American Military Vicar" and therefore used his most obedient soldiers - certain Knights of Malta, Shriner Freemasons, Knights of Columbus and Mafia Dons - in carrying out his orders from Rome. The single reason for the President's assassination was his interference with the purpose of the Jesuits' Fourteenth Amendment American Empire created in 1868. That purpose was to restore and maintain the worldwide Temporal (political) Power of that Jesuit Creation of 1870 - the "infallible" Pope. In resisting the Pope's Temporal Power, he threatened the monopoly of the Jesuits' Federal Reserve Bank by enacting Executive Order 11110 (4 June 1963) thereby injecting into the economy nearly five billion dollars (4.7) in interest-free "United States Notes", only to be recalled the day after his burial. The President also attempted to break the foremost international intelligence arm of the Vatican's Jesuits - the evil Central Intelligence Agency - "into a thousand pieces." In 1963 the CIA was manned by many of Hitler's old warriors - the Jesuit-controlled Nazi SS - turned "cold warriors". According to the great Frenchman, Edmond Paris, in his The Secret History of the Jesuits, it was the Jesuit Bernhardt Staempfle who wrote Hitler's Mein Kampf. This fact is further confirmed by one of the founders of the Nazi Party, Roman Catholic Otto Strasser, in his revealing book, Hitler and I. It was Roman Catholic Hitler who said of the Roman Catholic Himmler having modeled the SS after the Jesuit Order, "I can see Himmler as our Ignatius of Loyola." And lastly, one of the main posts of the feared SD, the Central Security Service of the SS (after which the American CIA would be modeled with the help of the repatriated Nazi General, Reinhard Gehlen), was manned by a priest - a former teacher of the evil Council of Trent at the Court of Bavaria, one of the Jesuit General's favorites, a superior officer of the SS and the uncle of Heinrich Himmler - the Jesuit Himmler, who controlled Hitler's every move through Martin Bormann! Secreted out of Europe through the Vatican's Ratlines, these murderers escaped their rightful punishment as war criminals who, during the Jesuit Crusade in Europe and Russia, killed millions of Russian Orthodox People and Jewish People pursuant to the Jesuits' evil Council of Trent, which, after condemning freedom of conscience and freedom of the press, concluded with these words: "Accursed be all heretics. ACCURSED!! ACCURSED!!" Lastly, President Kennedy began to end the Vatican's hoax known as "the Cold War", the American CIA and Russian KGB having secretly worked together since World War II. He also began to end that Jesuit Inquisition in Vietnam, as its future highpoint would be "Operation Phoenix", the CIA mass-murder of 60,000 Vietnamese "in cold blood" according to its Director, William E. Colby. The President interfering with Rome's Holy Office of the Inquisition could not be tolerated! Millions of "heretic" Buddhists were to be exterminated, the international drug trade would explode, American patriotism and liberty would further be destroyed and Vietnam would be reunited under another communist military dictator loyal to the Pope - like Stalin, like Chairman Mao, like Castro, like George H. W. Bush and son -, Ho Chi Minh. Waged under the guise of "fighting godless communism", Cardinal Spellman championed America's most disastrous conflict known as "Spelly's War" overseen by Spelly's General, the Roman Catholic and CFR member, William C. Westmoreland. (Remember, according to Col. L. Fletcher Prouty in his JFK, the forced movement of over 600,000 Roman Catholics on U.S. Navy transport vessels from North Vietnam into South Vietnam was "one of the root causes of the Vietnam War." The arch-Catholic Secretary of the Navy responsible for implementing that Jesuit-agitation was the Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, Francis P. Matthews. Knight Matthew's Master was America's "Military Vicar", Francis Cardinal Spellman. Later, Spellman made several visits to the war-front calling the American troops "the soldiers of Christ", fighting the Pope's Crusade against "godless Jew Communism"!) The outcome was 58,000 dead, 80,000 post-war suicides and a 220 billion dollar debt to the Jesuits' Federal Reserve Bank. All these acts of President Kennedy were proper assertions of national sovereignty and therefore infringed on the Pope's Temporal Power. As the "infallible" Vicar of Christ and thus, "the Universal Monarch of the World", the Pope, through the religious, political and financial power of the Jesuit Order, fully intended, then and now, to ultimately rule all nations through his loyal kings and dictators from Solomon's rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. For when the Pope is crowned during his coronation these words among others (having never been taught to us in the Public Schools) are spoken: "Take thou the tiara adorned with the triple crown, and know that thou art the father of princes and kings, and art the governor of the world." Kathy
  22. Maybe we all have clouds over us like Louis Farrakhan. And they're big because they contain the Mother Ship and they will take us all away when they so choose. Kathy
  23. I'm sorry I missed all this. The reason people want to know about UFOs from their govt is because they want to know, deep down, if their religion is a fraud. I was brought up in the Catholic religion. If extraterrestrials exist, there goes Jesus and the Trinity. "Man was made in the image and likeness of God." I think this is all bull----. No one knows who we are, where we are, how we got here and who invented us. We don't know a damn thing. I believe in an afterlife, but that belief might be a false one. With all the molestations these priests did to little boys over the years, and the billions of dollars spent to try to rectify it, coupled with a govt admittance that ETs exist, the Catholic Church is finished in my opinion. They have been trying to make a comeback recently regarding abortion. They might as well give up. I don't think the majority of once-Catholics care about the Church's notions about anything deemed immoral. I think this is it for them. We're going to find out that ETs are on this planet and are further developed than we are (except for their looks). So what's going to happen is a mass exodus from organized religion. I just hope people don't start worshipping the aliens as their God. I guess we're Pagans. Kathy
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