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Anthony DeFiore

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Everything posted by Anthony DeFiore

  1. Pat, can we agree that the wound was an exit wound from a front shot to the head? TD
  2. Outstanding new confirmable evidence that during the assassination, Lee Bowers saw the muzzle flash and gun smoke! The gun smoke immediately waffed into Elm Street and was captured on film by the Weigman photos! PLEASE WATCH THIS SHOW ON THE TRAVEL CHANNEL / and other channels. Marrs and Baker recreated the grassy knoll shooter (helmet / hat man) firing from the parallel fence to elm street. Forget Badgeman! I HAVE PROVIDED PHOTOS AT MY BLOG:http://jfkthefrontshot.blogspot.com/ http://jfkthefrontshot.blogspot.com/ I am trying to post the photos here as well. Sunday, November 10, 2013 JIM MARRS PROVES GRASSY KNOLL SHOOTER Outstanding new confirmable evidence that during the assassination, Lee Bowers saw the muzzle flash and gun smoke! The gun smoke immediately waffed into Elm Street and was captured on film by the Weigman photos! PLEASE WATCH THIS SHOW ON THE TRAVEL CHANNEL / and other channels. Marrs and Baker recreated the grassy knoll shooter (helmet / hat man) firing from the parallel fence to elm street. Forget Badgeman! THE PUFF OF SMOKE CAPTURED BY WEIGMAN PHOTO IN CIRCLE BELOW & HELMET / HAT MAN SNIPER SEEN IN THE MOORMAN PHOTO (below Weigman photo) BY THE TREE BEHIND THE THREE MEN ON THE GRASSY KNOLL. Lee Bower view of the sniper is the final photo below. IT PROVES THE GRASSY KNOLL SHOOTER! Posted by Tony DeFiore at 7:45 AM No comments:
  3. I've emailed with Doug Horne on the front throat shot. He's done outstanding work. Didn't those FBI agents at Bethesda see a large hole in the back of JFK's head? Hasn't Dr. McClelland been insistent for decades that there was a large hole in the bottom right of JFK's head (and he made a drawing of it)? What about the nurse at Parkland - Diane Bowman, who actually and physically cleaned JFK before he was put into the fancy coffin - didn't she say there was a large hole in the back of JFK's head? In Doug Horne's series of books he listed 12 people just at Bethesda who saw a large hole in the back of JFK's head. How many folks at Parkland are on the record saying there was a large hole in the back of JFK's head? Didn't Harry Livingstone and/or David Lifton interview these Parkland doctors? That is why the FAKED X-RAYS were so critically important to the cover up of the JFK assassination. The FAKED OR FORGED X-RAYS were used to fool the Clark Panel and the experts on the HSCA. The FAKED X-RAYS were even used to play mind games with the Parkland doctors in the 1980's, no doubt intimidating some of them to change their testimony that there was a large hole in the back of JFK's head. After all, an x-ray could not be lying? Unless its an x-ray of someone else's head. Or unless it is a JFK x-ray that has been carefully doctored. The FAKED X-RAYS were critically important in extending the cover up of the JFK assassination another 20 years; it allowed the cover up artists to say all these dozens of experts, doctors, pathologists have looked at the x-rays and they did not see any "blow out wound" on the back on JFK's head. When there was obviously a major blowout wound on the back of JFK's head. As I often say, the evidentiary record of the JFK assassination is completely corrupted, cannot be trusted, because the murderers of John Kennedy were running the non-investigation into his death.
  4. Clint Hill put his hand on to the back of his head and says that there was a hole in the back "right here". He looked no different than Dr. Crenshaw, the Drs and nurses at Parkland and all the medical staff. Hill may have done this before, but he did it on TV NOW to stop all the spin!
  5. Obviously no one went to see the movie and it had limited release. I am posting here to start a discussion on any merits to the movie and ALL of its deficiencies with the truth. I will say that the authentic 1963 props, movie scenes and cinematography (sp.?) were very good except for the fact that Marilyn Sitzman wasn't standing with Zapruder on the concrete block. I assume that no one wanted to place her there because "they" wanted to censor out the truth that she spoke about seeing the Black couple run to the back of the wooden fence immediately after the shooting trying to get the assassins in the parking lot and also to invalidate her as a witness who saw EXACTLY what Zapruder had seen and filmed making his testimony the only definitive record to the infamous Z film! I am posting my pros and cons regarding the film on my blog at http://www.jfkthefrontshot.blogspot.com/ I'll join in the discussion here after I blog which will hopefully be an extensive debate.
  6. Good point. If Oswald was a Lone Nut, how would 10 or 10,000,000 wiretaps have helped uncover "the plan"? Chris, I agree. It would make more sense if Nixon was talking about a plan for Oswald, not by Oswald. --Tommy I think he knew of the existence of the Milteer tape. I believe he might have been saying that if Bobby Kennedy had been given the wiretap (tape recording) of Joseph Milteer he might have been made aware of the "Oswald plan".
  7. Unfortunately, the family does suffer. Environmentally and perhaps by their nature. But can you see how JFK with the Dr. Jacobson shots, steriods and amphetamines, he had the biggest set of balls to go after ALL the true degenerates in politics and crime! Just think if they missed killing him in Dealey Plaza (of course 4 to 11 shots made that difficult). He was going to give all the riff raff an enima! Hoover, LBJ, Mob, LeMay et al. CIA and Vietnam wouldn't have happened.
  8. Chris, "The Plan": the fake 201 File, The Patsy Plan, and the people pulling his strings. If Oswald was a Lone Nut, how would 10 or 10,000,000 wiretaps have helped uncover "the plan"?
  9. I was AMAZED when Spook Bob Woodward exonerated Castro on Face The Nation! I'm reading Roger Stone's book on LBJ. Many interesting points. His Nixon perspective interests me but the Trick plays just as dirty as LBJ in the book. Personally, I think that Nixon's comment on one of his tapes, "If Bobby Kennedy would have had more wiretaps he might have uncovered the Oswald plan." FROM www.jfkmurdersolved.com: He (Nixon) claimed that Robert Kennedy, as attorney general, had authorized a larger number of wiretaps than his own administration. "But I don't criticize it," he declared, adding, "if he had ten more and as a result of wiretaps had been able to discover the Oswald Plan, it would have been worth it."   =  
  10. Now let's see who they push the assassination blame to now! It's a discussion on the CIA, NSA, etc. Woodward just exonerated Castro! Woodward just said, "SECRET GOVERNMENT".
  11. Congrats Vince. Well deserved, well researched, well done. No one should ever believe a written or spoken word from these ss agents again! Your book is the definitive work again.
  12. Brethren, I can tell you that the new research by Thompson and Fitzgerald, Jim DiEugenio, Groden, and the vibrant talks from Cyril Wecht and Robert Tannenbaum were only but a few of the great presentations made this past week. As for Jim DiEugenio, his presentation (all documented!) on JFK's Foreign Policy shows beyond a doubt that he was no Cold Warrior nor was he EVER going to put us into Vietnam! As for Thompson, Fitzgerald and Groden, I tell all of you to view Zapruder frame 328 and the entire sequence after Z 313. President Kennedy WAS HIT IN THE HEAD (HSCA hole in the head) after Z313. It is very clear when the blood from his brain explodes downward into Jackie's lap in Z328 (thru the sequence). Brethren, this new research may remove "Badgeman" from our lexicon or at the very least, "badgeman" did not fire the throat shot. The amount of information presented, discussed and debated has worn my brain out! But it was a terrific experience! Kudos to Ben Wecht for such a well run symposium, and a thank you to Dr. Wecht for his continued inspiration.
  13. Hi Anthony, I wonder if you could do me a favor? Would it be possible you could keep a mental note of how often the following question is asked from the podium at Wecht: "What happened to the bullets that caused JFK's throat and back wounds?" I've pledged to donate $1 to a local charity every time that question is asked at Wecht. I've got a jug-full of pennies, and I could use an excuse to cash them in, although I seriously doubt I'll need to, or that my favor will tax you in the slightest. Thanks in advance Cliff Sardonic or genuinely asked, I believe that you should get a hand full of dollars ready for your charity! LOL!
  14. Is anyone heading out and interested in joining me for some good food, plenty of drinks and some JFK talk? I've lived in and out of Pittsburgh all my life, and I know some nice restuarants and watering holes. Send me a message if you can join me. TD defiorejfk@gmail.com
  15. Horse Dump on the Hudson. Good vocabulary; Bad logic. What can you expect? His plurality is dwindling with every new born in America!
  16. Vince, The truth is like your cold feet when the blanket won't reach them. Not until you finally get the warmth of the truth will anyone be satisfied. Your book, the countless others, my research will always be poking at the truth until somewhere between Logic, LBJ and Science, the truth will be known to all. B of A cables and the unfulfilled democracy are the unknown reality. But with information travelling at the speed of light these days, the herd won't be excluded from knowing the conspiracy in short order. Call it a hunch, call it ESP or Call it God having angels whisper in my ear, This one is far from over. EX. my 13 year old daughter is having me speak to her 8th grade class on the JFK Assassination soon. I would pay anything to be at the dining room tables at those kid's Thanksgiving to hear the conversation! “The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dream shall never die.” ― Edward M. Kennedy
  17. Since I started my blog and dropbox to send my research to many of you, I have been attacked relentlessly by cyber malware. Have any of you been attacked after you may have coincidentally made a comment or conducted research? To those who sent the malware: ...the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die...EMK
  18. The photos of JFK's throat wound and the quotes from the doctors do not lie. I posted concrete analysis on my blog www.jfkthefrontshot.blogspot.com My 303 page research compilation (it keeps growing!) on the front shot to JFK'S throat is available to any one interested. Please email me at defiorejfk@gmail.com for a free copy by email or snail mail.
  19. Tip of the hat to you, John. I say that we are looking for the truth, and it ain't a sandbox around here! We grow it up, and we find the truth through the sharing of ideas here. TD
  20. Brethren, I have posted an excerpt from my research compilation regarding the eye witness testimony to the ENTRANCE bullet hole in the Presidential Limousine. Doug Weldon's interview and the subsequent testimony of George Whittaker of the Ford Motor Company are the most compelling evidence. If you would like a copy of my research compilation regarding the front shot to JFK's throat, please email me at defiorejfk@gmail.com, and I will forward the work to you via email or snail mail. www.JFKTheFrontShot.blogspot.com
  21. programming@current.com In light of all the propaganda being hoisted on the Military Channel, Discovery or whatever the History Channel has become, if a flood of programming requests for shows or videos depicting the conspiracy ~ The Men Who Killed Kennedy, etc. ~ get to Current TV, they will show them to counter the mass media denial. Small strokes fall great Oaks!
  22. Just listened to it. Just think how sick Lyin was. Masterminded her husband's death, and then can't wait to sleep with his wife. Like a stray animal. I think Lyin's grandmother was right. Read Power Beyond Reason: The Mental Collapse of Lyndon Johnson by D. Jablow Hershman, and it is all too clear. As for Jackie, she was reaching out to anyone for comfort at the time. I hope no one ever gets to that point in their lives. A week before she was holding her husband's brains in her hand after his head exploded in front of her. I think she earns a pass on the "flirt" chart.
  23. The mind bending is ferocious. Whether it is spread across a billion blogs, buried by search engines or shunned by the mass media, change always creates openings ~ the one constant in our lives...
  24. Jim, Thank you just the same. I tend not to miss fast balls down the middle of the plate. But hundreds of hours in FBI tapes with his cell mate is going to turn a lot of heads if it is admitted into evidence. Senility is going to be hard to prove now after the fact. "A droplet of civility goes much further than a bucket of vinegar" - TD Anthony: Maybe you missed this, but the "tapes" Waldron trumpets as a "confession" in his crappy book Legacy of BS, oh excuse me, Legacy of Secrecy,were not declassified in 2007 or whatever. They were declassified much earlier during the ARRB. Waldron just found them a decade later. Peter Vea, unlike Waldron, was a great archives researcher,and he sent them to me at that time. I did some research on them. Why? Because what Waldron does not tell you is that in those documents, the prison guards recorded some very bizarre behavior by Marcello while he was incarcerated. I mean, the guy was doing things like ramming his head against a wall and talking to himself at length. When I got these documents from Peter, he headed them, "The Great Confession by the Senile, Nutty old Carlos". Well, I did some research on the issue. I talked to John Volz, who had prosecuted Marcello. I then got some clippings from the local papers from when Marcello died. And his relatives talked about Marcello's mental condition when he got out. Once you piece it altogether, its pretty obvious that Marcello was at the very least senile, at the most, in a stage of Alzheimer's at the time he talked to this FBI snitch. I don't agree with VInce Bugliosi very often on this case, but I do here. Marcello was mentally out of it. For Waldron to present this and to leave this angle out is both cheap and sensationalistic. And if you then analyze the content of this so called "Confession" it shows a guy who is pretty much fantasizing. In fact, its ridiculous. He actually says Oswald killed JFK, and that he then called Ruby to his house to arrange to kill Oswald. LOL! ROTF! Yeah sure, and the commission would Ok such a crazy plan. Waldron was shameless to present this along with his other phony confessions, including the one by Trafficante's lying lawyer which Tony Summers shredded to pieces in Vanity Fair. Waldron and Hartmann presented that one like it had not been shown to be BS. This is how desperate they were to pin the JFK hit on the Mafia. GIorgio DiCaprio cannot claim he does not know this stuff. He does. Paul Schrade and I presented him with a thick three ring binder full of withering criticisms of all the lies and distortions in the Waldron/Hartmann books. He knew it all and he is still proceeding as if he does not. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. But I will be writing about this at length. They can run but they cannot hide.
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