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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. What I have been saying. Where are the ear pieces, as well?
  2. The agents are constantly trained and retrained for incidents like this. They left Trump upright and exposed for critical moments after and now they are saying (I heard the audio) that Trump wanted his shoes?!??! This was the reason for the delay!
  4. Trump Casually Declares ‘CIA Was Probably Behind’ JFK Assassination (mediaite.com)
  5. I am trying to find the darn e-mail someone sent me a couple years ago, but someone who claims to have been privy to Lifton's wild theories claimed: 1) The Parkland doctors used a pneumatic drill to make false back wound(s)--! 2) Greer had the door partially opened on Main Street because there was an eventual driver switch
  6. @James DiEugenio Yes-- I believe the author contacted me a while ago. I forgot all about it.
  7. Hi, Pat! I agree with your take on the Z film, but I am wondering something: why would anyone blacken the back of the head if, as you believe, there was no wound there?
  8. Yes----at least I received 15 minutes for A COUP IN CAMELOT and 8 minutes for that UK documentary (with the original title) THE ASSASSINATION OF JFK. Apparently, Nigel edited most of my material out to make room for an entire episode of Judyth Baker (!) Classic line!
  9. As you are well aware from a recent post, @James DiEugenio is my favorite author and @Pat Speer is my favorite researcher. Well, Jim wrote (IMO) the greatest line ever written- from his great article The Decline and Fall of Jim Fetzer (mandatory reading): The Decline and Fall of Jim Fetzer (kennedysandking.com) Here it is (in bold): “I’ve put them in their place so many times. I haven’t seen where they’ve laid a glove on me.” –Fetzer to journalist Mike Mosedale in 2006 The above quote shows an almost astonishing lack of perspective and self-reflection. As we have seen in this relatively concise review of his public career, Jim Fetzer has had more gloves laid on him than a wealthy woman at a Gucci store in Beverly Hills." ---- Never ceases to make me laugh out loud...and so true, as well. I am in two chapters (plus) in Fetzer's 2000 book Murder in Dealey Plaza, a book that Jim DiEugenio rightfully states is Fetzer's high water mark in the JFK assassination case. I went on to meet Fetzer the next year on 8/11/2001 (yes- exactly one month before the terror attack which would change him forever in a bad way). Fetzer showed up at my door totally unexpectedly to announce that he took the liberty of getting in touch with Nigel Turner to have him film me for a new episode in 2003 of THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY. About a year later (September 2002), Turner himself also showed up unannounced at my door and we went to film for over 16 hours over 2 days (in the end, I only received 3.5 minutes of air time, but it was a start and I am grateful for it [the episode went on to huge ratings, was shown 4 times, the VHS/DVD of parts 7-9 sold over 50K copies, and my episode re-aired on NEWSMAX TV several times in 2019-2020, not to mention on You Tube to this day]). Also in 2003, Fetzer released the awful The Great Zapruder Film Hoax and it was downhill from there. But for one brief shining moment (roughly 1998-2001), Fetzer was relatively normal.
  10. Gerald Blaine and the Kennedy Detail - Was the Secret Service 'Stood Down' in Dallas? — Puppet Masters — Sott.net
  11. @James DiEugenio check out the 2:13:55 mark. You are mentioned favorably
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