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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Yes---Epstein was largely ignored, especially compared to Lifton.
  2. Harry Connick Sr., lightning-rod longtime New Orleans DA, dies at 97 (msn.com)
  3. Thanks for the comment, Pat. Question- I cannot find your specific comment, but you said recently that not one witness saw both a small and a large hole on the back of the head...what about Roy Kellerman? History Matters Archive - MD 56 - Kellerman-Purdy HSCA Interview (8/24-25/77), pg (history-matters.com)
  4. Bonus- Completely overlooked WC reference to Crenshaw's presence on 11/24/63: 21 H 265(report by Parkland Administrator Charles Price)---“Dr. Charles Crenshaw was in the corridor and said they had been alerted. He said, ‘You’re not going to put him [Oswald] in the same room the President was in, are you?’ [I] told him I surely was glad he had thought of it and by all means, not to.”
  5. George Hickey also thought the shots were street level: 18 H 761-764: report dated 11/30/63---”After a very short distance I heard a loud report which sounded like a firecracker. It appeared to come from the right and rear and seemed to me to be at ground level...At the moment he was almost sitting erect I heard two reports which I thought were shots and that appeared to me completely different in sound than the first report and were in such rapid succession that there seemed to be practically no time element between them."
  6. Thomas Maurer Atkins, Navy White House photographer, rode in Camera Car 1 in motorcade; Shot the film "The Last Two Days", culled from his films from the Texas trip of 11/21-11/22/63 (deceased 8/24/2011): Richard Trask's Pictures of the Pain, p. 388, based off Trask’s 3/19/1986 interview]: “And to see pictures of the autopsy and what the bullet had done to the hair…those are things that just stick out in your memory.” [Emphasis added; this was said to Trask over two years before some of the autopsy pictures began appearing in books like the 1988 Carroll & Graf paperback edition of David Lifton's Best Evidence (and his appearance on Nova) and 1989's High Treason by Groden & Livingstone. Did Atkins see the photos, possibly at NPC with fellow Navy man and WH photographer Robert Knudsen, during the weekend of the assassination? 3/1/77 tabloid publication “Midnight”: article by Robert Sibley, a civilian who worked at NPC and was hired by Atkins (see also Pictures of the Pain, pp. 385-386, Crossfire, pp. 16-17, and Who’s Who in the JFK Assassination, p. 19):” The shots came from below and off to the right side from where I was…I never thought the shots came from above. They did not sound like shots coming from anything higher than street level.” Interestingly, Leonard Pullin, a civilian employee of the U.S. Navy who helped in the filming of Atkins’ “The Last Two Days,” was killed in a single-car accident in 1967 (Crossfire, p. 561, and JFK: The Dead Witnesses, p. 43) Page 386 of Pictures of the Pain: “What Atkins does recall quite clearly is that as his car was traveling down Houston Street towards the Texas School Book Depository the “shots sounded in front of me. I didn’t get the sensation that they were from up high. It sounded like in the crowd at my level. I had not even seen the grassy knoll at that point. If they were coming from anywhere, they were coming from that turn. If they had come from the grassy knoll, I don’t think they would have been near as loud, because I think the buildings there tended to throw the sound at us.”
  7. Being a federal law enforcement agent, Andy Berger recognizing a CIA agent's ID and duly noting this in an official report speaks volumes. This is huge- asset, officer or agent...aren't we splitting hairs here?
  8. CIA officer, agent, whatever: still very important and extremely overlooked. Not until little old me pointed this out in 1991 (and all my books) did people go "wow" and, even then, so many do not know of this.
  9. History Matters Archive - Warren Commission Hearings, Volume XVIII, pg (history-matters.com)
  10. Correct- as duly noted in my books. Secret Service agent Andy Berger reported it. A CIA agent! From his report in the Warren Commission volumes. I "discovered" this back in 1991.
  11. I was continuing to read the new and outstanding book THE JFK ASSASSINATION CHOKEHOLDS THAT PROVE THERE WAS A CONSPIRACY by Jim DiEugenio, Paul Bleau, Matt Crumpton, Andrew Iler, and Mark Adamcyzk and I came across a very interesting entry concerning Lee Harvey Oswald, Leonard Hutchison and a 189-dollar check that Oswald---or a double---attempted to cash which is a whopping 1,896 in 2023 dollars, a huge amount for the broke Oswald (Page 152; for the Warren Commission reference: 10 H 335) [see all corresponding images at the bottom of this post] 189 dollars? Hmmm. I knew I had heard of this unique check amount before with regard to events connected in some way to Oswald and the assassination. And I had, indeed (18 H 672-673): JFK Secret Service agent Andy Berger ALSO tried to cash a 189-dollar check in the Dallas/Fort Worth area like Oswald in November 1963! This is also a huge amount for the mostly broke Secret Service agents (read Gerald Blaine's whining about their low pay in The Kennedy Detail) Secret Service agent Andy Berger was one of the agents who caroused at both the Fort Worth Press Club (drinking alcohol against regulations) and The Cellar into the early morning hours of 11/22/63 (18 H 683). Berger would later drive JFK's body in the hearse out of Parkland Hospital and on to Love Field and Air Force One. Berger was also part of the shift that involved working with fellow agent Richard Johnsen, the keeper of CE399 (18 H 680). As I discovered years ago, Berger was also the agent who reported the presence of a CIA AGENT at Parkland Hospital, as well as the presence of FBI agent Vince Drain, "a doctor friend of his", and an unidentified FBI agent who had to be restrained by Berger from entering the emergency room (18 H 795-796)! The unidentified FBI agent turned out to be J. Doyle Williams (JFK: From Parkland To Bethesda, page 87) [J. Doyle Williams [see Reasonable Doubt, pp. 71-72 (based on Feb. 1983 interview); see also 18 H 795-796 (Berger), 798-799 (Johnsen); 21 H 261 (Price); RIF#18010082-10454: 1/31/78 HSCA interview of SS agent Tim McIntyre; Also: Bloody Treason, pp. 90, 91, 93, 96, and 110; 5 H 132, 144; 18 H 96 and Pictures Of The Pain, p. 105: photo of Williams; 22 H 841, 910; 23 H 681; 24 H 523; No More Silence, pp. 130 and 164. Doyle Williams was also the man who portrayed Connally in the Arlen Specter/follow-up car (limousine) re-enactments, wearing Connally's actual jacket] Deathbed confession? FBI Doyle Williams planted CE399-? - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum (ipbhost.com) From another forum today [5/29/17]: "James Suggs--- The oddest thing I'm from Ft. Worth, Recently I was talking about JFK with an old friend I trust. He said his friend had told him that his uncle, Doyle Williams, who had been an FBI agent back then, had made sort of a deathbed confession that he had been the one that had placed the bullet found on the gurney at Parkland Hospital. Can Mr. Williams being an agent then, here(?), his whereabouts on 11/22/63 and whatever else be confirmed perchance." J. Doyle Williams was also the FBI "stand-in" for John Connally during the May 23 - 24, 1964 Warren Commission reconstruction in Dallas. Item 26.pdf (hood.edu) test 
  12. Custer IS on record late 1970's (Lifton interviews) up to/ including 1992 stating that the back of the head was gone. THIS is why this whole issue is confusing- even Clint Hill (a BOH witness from 1963 to 2013) has been recently moving the wound to the side. I think it is clearly a case of some of the witnesses realizing the ramifications of what they said and are retreating at a late date (Dr. Jenkins "I never did say occipital"; Carrico did an about face on the issue; among others). Look where Paul Landis places the wound!
  13. William and I both interviewed Custer over two days in March 1998. Custer passed away in 2000, as did Tom Wilson. Myself, Custer and Wilson are all from Pittsburgh, PA. I had also interviewed Custer on 11/22/91 (again, on video) with Harry Livingstone (and Tom Wilson) for High Treason 2:
  14. I like this sentence especially: "the autopsy photos and x-rays are clear-cut proof for more than one shooter, and are most certainly accurate." I hope your health improves, Pat. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family.
  15. This is good to hear, Pat. For a second I was thinking you were in the no-conspiracy category. I know Matt Douthit is bummed that you do not believe that the back of JFK's head was missing.
  16. Pat, in one sentence: where was the head wound located at?
  17. Pat, it sounds like you do not believe one single doctor that stated that the right rear of the head (either lower, middle or upper rear) was missing. What about Dr. Boswell before the ARRB and the skull drawing and diagram? Do you believe the head wound was only on the right side?
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