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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. I hate to be the bearer of bad news (there is some good news, so bear with me), but interest is waning and "they" are winning (or perhaps they have even won). Public opinion polls are still "on our side" but nowhere near the large margins they once were from roughly 1988-2003ish (and witness public comment sections on any related articles littered with "Oswald did it-get a life" kind of statements). Time has not been a friend. Since 2013, the mainstream media has really shut down dissent on the case and it is now very common to see Oswald listed as the assassin, not even the alleged assassin, with no note of any theories or discrepancies and so forth. So many principals have passed on since 1963. Think about it this way: 30 years ago (!), when the JFK movie came out, Jackie, Teddy, JFK Jr, the Connallys and a score of others were still alive. From 1988-1993 (and off and on until 2003), talk shows and even some mainstream programs catered to pro-conspiracy shows...no longer. The Men Who Killed Kennedy was a regular feature on the A & E Network and the history channel from roughly 1991-2003...no longer. New crap books by Carol Leonnig and Dan Abrams are massive best-sellers that trot out Oswald as the assassin, Ruby as a lone-nutter, the agents ordered off the limo myth, etc. The only real "good" news: the internet still displays a fair amount of interest and pro-conspiracy sites, forums and views abound. Also, Josiah Thompson's book (and, to a lesser extent, my book) has been selling very well. There is also the new Stone documentary that we hope sees the light of day in America/ on television/DVD. In addition, the 2017-2018 file releases garnered some positive press and revelations. But you know that old saying: "yesterday's headlines wrap tomorrow's fish." The constant meme/ soundbite culture we live in (thanks to social media) is relentless and makes people forget things quickly. Finally, the whole Covid mess has probably been a distraction, as well. Another aspect that did irreparable damage: the whole false flag/dirtying of the term "conspiracy theory." Alex Jones and James Fetzer trotted out that obscene Sandy-Hook-is-a-hoax fraud and it has carried over into so much else ever since, not to mention all the silly 9/11 theories. Trump and his minions only dowsed fuel onto the flame via the whole Qanon/ Pizzagate/other obscene theories muck (including Ted-Cruz-dad-knew-Oswald). As I state in my new book, hope springs eternal, but time has not been a friend.
  2. A very interesting and compelling new book by author Bruce de Torres! https://www.amazon.com/GOD-SCHOOL-11-JFK-Killing/dp/1634243498/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=bruce+de+torres&qid=1622850007&s=books&sr=1-1
  3. Good points. It appears she actually interviewed a few former agents like Clint Hill and Gerald Blaine and took their side on the issues, then she used one of my books for one non-JFK related item (about one of the attempts on Gerald Ford) probably so it could appear that "Yes-I took Mr. Palamara's research into account."
  4. I received the book today and, to my amazement (shock), while she ignored my JFK research, she referenced my fourth book for other info!
  5. Thanks! Yes---I am already seeing major movement in a good way on a couple books and even on some of my You Tube videos!
  6. Thanks! Yes---thank God for Google. She definitely had to have purchased the book. In any event, I agree with you- I wish she didn't rely on them, but it was (quite frankly) shocking in a good way to see my fourth book mentioned!
  7. Thanks a lot! I am definitely seeing major movement in a couple of my books and even some of my videos on You Tube!
  8. The plot thickens---#158 book I am in (that I know of)...and it is a doozy! OMG! I am in "the number one best-selling book on planet Earth at the moment", according to CNN (and as echoed by other networks)!! The three-time Pulitzer Prize winning author (who is getting massive publicity, as she did for her #1 book on Trump) appeared, at first glance, to have ignored my work. She thanks Clint Hill, Gerald Blaine, Tim McIntire, Larry Newman, Win Lawson and several other non-JFK era agents. After a quick perusal, it looked like nada for me...then I get to page 504..., referencing my last (fourth) book! Not happy about the blaming-JFK part (no doubt influenced by her personal interviews with Blaine et al), but I cannot lie (and sorry if this seems hypocritical or contradictory): this is kinda cool (!)
  9. ZERO FAIL IS AN EPIC FAIL (long version) JFK did NOT order the agents off his limo! THE AGENTS SPEAK - YouTube ZERO FAIL IS AN EPIC FAIL (long version) JFK did NOT order the agents off his limo! THE AGENTS SPEAK: Secret Service agents Sam Kinney, Floyd Boring, Gerald Behn and others debunk the claim in ZERO FAIL that President Kennedy ordered the agents away from the limo
  10. Definitely. I have the book on pre-order and am still curious if I am mentioned in any way, as she does criticize them for the drinking incident.
  11. I am very disappointed that someone of her pedigree would fall for that mythology. I spoke to and corresponded with many of the agents years before her book was even a thought and they all denounced the JFK-ordered-us-off-the-car crapola.
  12. THAT is what I am waiting for (I have the book on pre-order). See my comment above. If she just literally ignored me like I didn't exist, I would be greatly disappointed in this 3-time Pulitzer Prize-winning writer.
  13. Yep; thanks. I am much aware of this book and I even have it on pre-order. I am extremely disappointed that the author is taking the false blame-the-victim mantra as a hyped part of her book (the myth that Kennedy ordered the agents off his limo). When one has Random House as their publisher and a massive publicity campaign, it is hard to counteract an author's false claims.
  14. I DEFINITELY felt a big crackdown after 2013, both on the media wanting to shut down the notion of conspiracy, in general, and my Secret Service online presence being hidden, in particular. Gone are the halycon days of the late 1980's/early 1990's when it was commonplace to see pro-conspiracy talk shows and programs.
  15. One more thing (I can't let it go LOL): as I mentioned a few weeks back, all my Amazon reviews were deleted a couple years ago (hundreds of them) and I can no longer write a review. I know a couple other authors that this happened to. They also got rid of their old Listmania feature-I had dozens on there. Finally, someone got rid of a lot of my Secret Service-related Wikipedia contributions, although a few remain. Trust me, along with today's hack and the harassment I received at work (and online) via a Blaine & Hill friend or two, I am being monitored (I don't say that in a paranoid, tin-foil-hat way LOL...but it is what it is).
  16. Postscript on censorship: for many moons (roughly 1998-2013), when one Googled secret service jfk, my work came up quite prominently. Since 2013, next to nothing of my work appears! This was during the time that former agents Clint Hill and Gerald Blaine had very high quality websites put up online. As someone told me, it is probable that they messed with HTML and other factors to wipe me out; meaning, they probably encoded "reroutes" of my name to THEIR sites, as they come up now in a big way. Only a prominent Vanity Fair article that mentions my work and an Irish Central article mention me/ my work now.
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