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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. RFK Jr Does Agree that Lee Harvey Oswald Acted Alone RFK Jr Does Not Agree that Lee Harvey Oswald Acted Alone - YouTube
  2. The looks on Hill's and Landis' faces are priceless: "Ummm-cut! Win, redo that: there's no way Oswald could have fired the rifle THAT fast!!!" Secret Service agent Winston Lawson- too fast of a shooting sequence - YouTube
  3. 3/25/68- giggles about Lee and the rifle + Garrison subpoena. Yep, those are hilarious items of information (NOT)!
  4. David, I was very impressed with your appearance here. You did a brilliant job! Excellent! David Lifton Project (Author, Researcher of "Best Evidence") - YouTube
  5. True. The book Hit List is a compelling book on the subject of untimely deaths and "accidents."
  6. Yes. I think a lot of people also did the "go along to get along" route.
  7. Dallas D.A. Henry Wade's controversial press conference 11/24/63 - Wade's awkward and suspicious comments and interchange with regard to Jack Ruby and the evidence...but especially Ruby. Dallas D.A. Henry Wade's controversial press conference 11/24/63 - YouTube
  8. Ruth Paine - YouTube FBI agent Don Adams about Joseph Milteer 12/28/12 - YouTube Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden 2008 - YouTube
  9. rare 1964 interview withy Ruby stripper Karen Carlin - YouTube
  10. Very rare: Dealey Plaza before and after 11/22/63 - 1955, 1960, 1973, 1975 - YouTube 1955; 3/17/60; 5/22/60; 11/21/73; 9/19/75 Traffic flowed in both directions until the late 1950's in Dealey Plaza; Main Street was the main parade route from at least the 1930's (FDR visited in 1936) thru/including the early 1960's (as can be seen in this St. Patrick's Day parade from 1960). Also included: news clips from the early-mid 1970's when the depository had a different name.
  11. The Kennedy Detail Exposed: the real story about JFK's Secret Service - YouTube
  12. Take anything Hill and especially McCubbin convey about the assassination with a huge grain of salt when it comes to security matters (when it comes to the wounds or pre-11/22/63 warm and fuzzy Jackie stories, those are solid and more credible). THESE videos are all you need to know regarding those security matters (and an affirmation on the head wound): Secret Service Agent Clint Hill demonstrates JFK head wound - YouTube The Confession of Secret Service Agent Clint Hill - YouTube Lisa McCubbin - YouTube Building rooftops WERE guarded before and during the JFK era! 11/22/63 - YouTube Secret Service agents told me that JFK did NOT order them off his limo!! - YouTube
  13. Thanks. Yes-I even had someone reach out to me a couple years ago who was there. She said it was even more shocking than 9/11 (a comment I hear a lot from people of that era. My mom and dad--still doing great---say much the same thing).
  14. Boston Symphony Orchestra shocking announcement 11/22/63 - YouTube I find this very powerful and moving.
  15. good question-I will have to check. My first thought is that he was one of the official casket witnesses.
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