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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. She also appears near the beginning of Judyth's appearance on THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY.
  2. Jump to search David Harold "Dry Hole" Byrd https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Harold_Byrd In the 1930s he purchased the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas, scene of the 1963 assassination of John F. Kennedy. CIA Charles Briggs https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Charles_A._Briggs https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/washingtonpost/obituary.aspx?pid=176359949 A notable contribution was serving as liaison for the creation of the Sixth Floor Museum in Dallas, TX dedicated to the JFK Assassination. He served five years as Chairman of the Board for the Central Intelligence Retirement Association (CIRA) and also four years as Chairman of the Board for the Association of Former Intelligence Officers (AFIO). In 1999 he was awarded the distinguished David Atlee Philips Founder's Award by AFIO for sustained and exceptional contributions. In response to a query about Briggs’s role in the creation of museum, spokesperson Megan Bryant wrote in email: “The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza was saddened to learn of the passing of Charles A. Briggs, Sr. In the late 1980s, Mr. Briggs, during his retirement, worked part-time for about a year in the Washington, D.C. offices of noted museum exhibition design specialists, Robert Staples and Barbara Fahs Charles, as a researcher and writer. A well-respected member of the Staples & Charles team, Briggs along with his research partner, Abigail Porter, assisted in the development of The Sixth Floor exhibition, John F. Kennedy and the Memory of a Nation. Briggs contributions are still evident and continue to be appreciated by Museum visitors today
  3. Very cool idea! It's funny--despite all the hard feelings from some, the number of attendees at both conferences this past fall is about on par with the 1990's conferences I attended: 150 or so people. Back in 1999, Deb was the one a lot of people were weary of (it is what it is, right or wrong). 20 years later, it is someone else.
  4. I agree, by and large, with a lot of what you say. I guess I am thinking about a few people who make statements like "no one associated with CAPA should be caught dead near her conference!" Epic fail---several board members are! And Walt, perhaps Judyth's number one critic, doesn't mind the publisher association. No biggie to me, but some would say "ewww-why publish on 'her' label?"
  5. As I also noted in prior posts/comments (in response to Pat Speer's curiosity on the matter), no one took a loyalty oath at Judyth's conference...in fact, no one I spoke to even thought of it as her conference anyway! Trine Day publisher Kris Millegan was much more out front and vocal. Coupled with so many Trine Day authors, it felt like a Trine Day conference...and, judging by the reaction of the attendees, I don't think they give a *&% about all of this stuff: they were there to hear the speakers. And, again- I saw and heard a LOT of co-mingling on the knoll/plaza between CAPA conference attendees and Judyth/Trine Day attendees...no one seemed bothered there, either.
  6. I agree--it is silly for CAPA to fold. Keep going! I only pointed out Walt Brown and the board members of CAPA who speak/attend Judyth's conference to note the hypocrisy inherent in their association: if they were so up in arms about Judyth, why the association? As I pointed out before, I vividly remember (in those pre-social media days) the outrage over Deb and her JFK Lancer: "she's a spy! She came out of nowhere!! Oh my God- she has co-opted so many authors! Why would COPA speakers speak at her conferences?!?!?" Now she bonded with COPA to form CAPA and that is all a very inconvenient distant memory now.
  7. Wait a minute, wait a minute...haha...what is going on here?! I just did more "digging" and found these from the official CAPA website: https://capa-us.org/boards/ CAPA BOARD MEMBERS Tanenbaum, Newman, Cyril Wecht, son Ben Wecht, Bolden, and Benson who have all spoken at Judyth's conferences! In fact, Randy Benson was in charge of filming the entire Judyth/Trine Day conference: he was there for the entire thing filming away! I am confused at the outrage of CAPA now!
  8. Hmmm...more of Walt Brown with Trine Day: https://www.amazon.com/Other-Oswald-Wilderness-Mirrors/dp/1634242807/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1579569546&refinements=p_27%3AWalt+Brown&s=books&sr=1-1&text=Walt+Brown Paperback: 384 pages Publisher: Trine Day; None edition (April 15, 2020) Language: English ISBN-10: 1634242807 ISBN-13: 978-1634242806 Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches There are two JFK assassination publishers: Trine Day and Skyhorse; that's it, folks. There are two JFK assassination conferences: Judyth/Trine Day and CAPA; that's it, folks.
  9. And why would Walt, a vociferous foe of Judyth, have a book published by her very same publisher? Because of what I said above: "The hour is way late and the choices are very few."
  10. Wow. I knew (from seeing it firsthand) that the Stone/Judyth meeting was going to be huge news, but I didn't think it would come to this. Authors Dick Russell, John Newman, Robert Groden, Cyril Wecht, Mel Hyman, Robert Tanenbaum, etc. etc. etc. speak at her conferences. Being that there are only two conferences on the planet, our choices are narrow. I did see quite a few CAPA folks smiling and intermingling with people from the "other" conference on the knoll during the ceremony. The public at large doesn't know or care about any of this infighting and so forth. The hour is way late and the choices are very few. Gone are A.S.K. , COPA, Lancer, Jerry Rose's Third and Fourth Decades conferences, the Midwest Conferences of the 1990's, etc. Ironically, even Walt Brown, a former COPA board member who wrote a book against Judyth, is a TRINE DAY author! Oops... Product details Paperback Publisher: Trine Day (1831) ASIN: B01FIZESVS https://www.amazon.com/Mickey-Mantle-Murder-Brown-2015-07-01/dp/B01FIZESVS/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=walt+brown+mickey+mantle&qid=1579568282&s=books&sr=1-1 Product details Paperback Publisher: Trine Day (1831) ASIN: B01FIZESVS
  11. Thanks! I discovered/ "popularized" this back in the early 1990's and noted it in my first book.
  12. I would think a fair amount did have some form of credentials to present to authorities and so forth if they had to. I think you are over-analyzing the language there, my friend. He was unidentified UNTIL he produced his credentials. The agent who wrote the report, Andy Berger, is long gone, so we probably will never know any more than we do know on this.
  13. Fascinating, is it not? I think it would be interesting to see what Colonel Bishop looked like back then. There is a photo of Hudgins/ Howell in Bill Sloan's 1993 book JFK: Breaking The Silence and we can rule him out as the mystery man in the shades.
  14. The few agents that are left are not friendly toward me now LOL. I am persona non grata with them because of my book(s)
  15. 18 H 795: Secret Service agent Andy Berger---writes in his SS report that "AN UNIDENTIFIED CIA AGENT" who had "CREDENTIALS" made himself available at Parkland while JFK was there (this is separate from FBI agent Vincent Drain, who identified himself and was sent via Hoover, and an "unidentified FBI agent" who did NOT have credentials! Unidentified male in sunglasses (inside the hospital wearing sunglasses?) that some people want to believe is a Secret Service agent. I do NOT recognize him at all (and I am much aware of what all the agents from the Dallas field office and White House Detail look like): [caption created by Linda Zambanini] ------------------------------------- From https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth184662/ DescriptionBookmark this section Original black and white photographic negative taken by a Dallas Times Herald staff photographer showing Dallas Police Officer H.B. McLain (at right, wearing white helmet) speaking with an unidentified man outside of Parkland Hospital on November 22, 1963. The man on the left is an unidentified Secret Service agent. Physical DescriptionBookmark this section 1 photograph : negative, b&w ; 35 mm. Creation InformationBookmark this section Dallas Times Herald November 22, 1963. ----------------------------- Extreme blowup of Stoughton photo depicting Agent Andy Berger driving the hearse containing JFK's body with agent Stu Stout (in shadows) sitting between him and ASAIC Roy Kellerman, 11/22/63 A- ANDY BERGER B-FLOYD BORING
  16. I assume it is those two, but I am also hearing Aynesworth, too!
  17. From his Facebook page: "8 years ago. Wow! Where has the time gone? Got this from Professor Dave’s page today. -bwf"
  18. I was excited...until I saw who he has been working with. See above.
  19. 2 pillars of virtue and truth: Gus "not Perry" Russo and Dave "not Malcolm" Perry...yuck.
  20. His Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Wheelman1963/ AND when I met him this past November:
  21. I am not thrilled at who he is working on the book with: And his caption: "July 20, 1990 | The day that started it all with Professor Dave! (From L to R) Gus Russo, myself and Dave Perry! 29 years and 10,701 days... This game joyous and the story behind it is in the book! - BWF
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