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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. I explored this in a little more detail than noted about in my 1997 article in my first book. At the end of the day, I am inclined to believe Lifton's take on this: a ruse of some kind in order to invoke federal jurisdiction, as the death of a SECRET SERVICE AGENT was a federal crime but, in 1963, the murder of a president was not. There's a remote possibility that the agent was a field office agent from afar (away from the assassination site), but it is doubtful.
  2. notice the radio microphone up to Roberts' mouth Emory Roberts was LBJ's receptionist while still an active agent--this is unheard of; never happened before! Agents are supposed to be apolitical!
  3. That is what I heard, as well. (Bart- your You Tube channel is excellent. When you can, please post more videos)
  4. I firmly believe (based on my second book- the compilation of all medical statements/evidence) that the back wound was on the back, NOT the back of the neck, and it did not penetrate the chest (and, of course, it did not come out the front of the neck). I further believe the neck wound (where the tracheostomy was located) was an entrance wound from the front. I also believe that the occipital-parietal area of the head was blasted out and that the shot came from the front. I do not rule out another shot to the head from behind. I also believe there was AT LEAST one missed shot. Finally, I believe Connally was hit by a separate shot so, obviously, I think the SBT is crap.
  5. haha---there IS A Thomas Jefferson nearby where I live AND one in Virginia, too. I believe Judyth worked with Oswald. I actually read her book from cover to cover and, if she is making everything up, she should get an award, as it is amazing beyond words how she deftly weaved herself into situations with Oswald, etc.. I also believes she 100 percent believes what she is espousing. Now, before Pamela et al pummel me, just as S.T. admitted he did not read her book, I have NOT---repeat, have NOT---studied the alleged errors, discrepancies and other parts of her story that supposedly don't add up. I am only interested in the Secret Service and medical areas of the case, so I am no New Orleans expert (I have read a fair amount, but those aren't my areas of specialty interest). Researcher Martin Shackelford and I are not friends, to put it mildly. Yet, I respect him and he was an early backer of her claims. To my knowledge, he hasn't reneged on them. As I stated before, MANY people cast aspersions on Deb Conway of Lancer back in the mid-late 1990's and onward as a female who came out of nowhere to take over the case and run a competitive conference (SOUND FAMILIAR???????). Yet, today, she partnered with her old rival COPA to become CAPA and no one seems to even remember those troublesome times. I had people saying to me "ewww-Vince: why are you attending HER conference [1997]? She is a spy, I don't trust her, she is only in it for the money" etc. ------------------- My view on Judyth is the same as CAPA (or COPA or Lancer): the fact that there are multiple conferences in Dallas to attend is a good thing. Here are the things that neutralize people's disgust with just her conference: -quite a few people attended BOTH conferences- THIS year and previous years; -Wecht and Groden spoke at both conferences (Wecht this year; Groden another year); -no one took a loyalty oath upon signing up for Judyth's conference. Quite frankly, NO ONE SEEMED TO CARE one way or the other...only some disgruntled people here do; -Oliver Stone was at Judyth's conference and...the rest you know. What are you going to do now? Throw away your copy of the JFK movie? -Judyth's face wasn't on the conference banner, program or in the conference hall itself. She was very quiet before, during and after much of the bulk of the conference. In fact, if you were unaware of who she was and the controversy, you would think she was downright inconspicuous. -many Trine Day authors were there (including me) and viewed this as a Trine Day conference. In fact, publisher KRIS MILLEGAN was infinitely more outspoken and conspicuous than she was by a country mile.
  6. Hey, I am NOT complaining (I love it), but what happened to David Von Pein? His last log in was August. Was he given the boot?
  7. Not Craig. Note the color of the pants...and it just doesn't look like him and, ultimately, it cannot be proven that it was him anyway: You wrote "Murray 1-19 allegedly shows Craig (which I doubt) at 12:40 PM looking at the station wagon seen in the previous photo. " A good thing you doubt it--it's not him. In fact, it looks like James Tague. Using a horrific-quality clip, you state at 1:17 that "a man looking like Roger Craig"...uh, it's not. An infinitely better quality clip of this exact film was used in The Men Who Killed Kennedy (I just saw it last night. I think it was in The Witnesses; one of the early ones) and the man is a reporter with a pen and pad to boot: The rest of your page baffles me--unlike with the Babushka Lady, your Roger Craig page seems to (very) begrudgingly corroborate Roger, THEN you seize on a small discrepancy or what someone ELSE said about Roger, etc. -you depicts several photos/ film excerpts acknowledging it is ROGER CRAIG; -"he was very credible in the first days following the assassination. Indeed. This sort of reminds me of Peter Whitmey's blood lust in trying to debunk Jean Hill, who did undoubtedly exaggerate some things. However, at the end of the day, many of the essential details of her story/ statements ARE corroborated by what she said via the media/ television/reports (shot from knoll, etc.); -My conclusion is that Craig did see a man looking like Oswald getting into a car. - Three citizens had similar stories: Marvin Robinson, Roy Cooper and Richard Carr. Craig’s story was reported on NBC later that afternoon and Chief Jesse Curry was also asked about it. -Craig admits he does not know foreign rifles---But the other officers on the scene did. -The only rifle found on the 6th floor was this Carcano. No photo of a Mauser was ever seen because none exists. Yes, but, by that logic, you are calling the other beloved members of the DPD/ law enforcement XXXXX, too, not "just" Craig. It doesn't put Craig in an exclusive club all by himself. Others identified a Mauser. For the rest, see Jim's comments, above. If anything, your page strengthens my feelings about Roger-thanks! :)
  8. Yes. Craig's original statements (the reports based on them) are very good and hold up well. I would stick with the Babushka Lady, Denis. I went over your page several times and I failed to see how Craig was making up stories. Quite frankly, several of your photos are misidentified (not Craig). It sounds like you have a specific bone to pick with Roger and anyone who goes against the Dallas Police, Sheriff, or FBI point of view. In addition, I am not convinced at all by several of your arguments/ time 'synchronization' with regard to photos. Also (as one of literally millions of examples): Hall of Fame baseball legend Roberto Clemente was often called both negro AND Latin; not an error to refer to someone as one or the other.
  9. I agree---the WHCA tapes/lines should have been investigated.
  10. I'll do you one better, Jim: your latest book is my favorite book of all time, while Destiny Betrayed is up there, too: https://vincepalamara.com/my-top-25-plus-favorite-jfk-assassination-books-favorite-dvds-and-more/ It was correspondence with Doug Horne (and Dr. Aguilar) and James Douglass that set me straight. That was an embarrassing few months. My heart never left, but my head was all messed up haha
  11. I read a little about her, but my knowledge and interest is nothing special. I study the Secret Service and the medical evidence primarily.
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