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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Sorry to hear this. I have uploaded a whole bunch of videos from the 1980's-1990's and it is alarming just how many witnesses and authors have left us. Nothing unusual, per se (after all, that is the scheme of life and death), but still eye-opening just how much time is not a friend.
  2. FBI agent James Sibert talks about JFK's wounds and the autopsy - YouTube
  3. Buell Wesley Frazier does NOT believe Oswald did it - YouTube
  4. Earle Cabell and General Edwin Walker 12/13/61, Adlai Stevenson 10/24/63, etc. - YouTube
  5. The Third Decade conference from 6/28-6/30/91 (my first conference and also my first presentation), in the lead up to the Stone film, was an exciting and amazing event. Authors George Michael Evica and Harry Livingstone get into it here. Harry was a lightning rod for controversy during the whole conference. Other prominent people there were John Davis, Jerry Rose, Peter Whitmey, Bob Cutler, Tony Marsh, Martin Shackelford, etc. Authors battle: George Evica Vs. Harrison Livingstone June 1991 JFK assassination conference - YouTube
  6. Inside Report 1990 Fred Newcomb Perry Adams Robert Groden Harold Weisberg A very short-lived ripoff of Inside Edition that actually aired a Greer-shot-JFK silly program that is still interesting for who was involved. Inside Report 1990 Fred Newcomb Perry Adams Robert Groden Harold Weisberg - YouTube
  7. Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig - corroboration via Chief Jesse Curry 11/22/63 - YouTube
  8. Secret Service agent Dick Roth (never a White House Detail agent for JFK) brings up this issue in 1993 without firmly blaming Kennedy, while audio of the agents I spoke to totally debunk this fraudulent notion SAM KINNEY, GERALD BEHN, FLOYD BORING, DON LAWTON, ETC Secret Service agents told me that JFK did NOT order them off his limo!! - YouTube
  9. The limo bubble top removal was Sam Kinney's decision- Betty Harris, Forrest Sorrels, etc. had nothing to do with it! Betty Forsling Harris (with zero authority to do so) says she had the top removed (!); newsman Jim Lehrer said Secret Service agent Forrest Sorrels (a Dallas agent without the authority to do so) had the top removed; Secret Service agent Sam Kinney, the driver of the follow up car in Dallas, Florida, and countless other trips, was adamant to me on three occasions between 1992-1994 (this audio excerpt is from 1994) that HE (SAM) was solely responsible for the top's removal on 11/22/63 and JFK, O'Donnell, etc. had NOTHING to do with it! ALSO included is a large segment of the trips (OFTEN IN GOOD WEATHER) wherein a smiling JFK used the top. The limo bubble top removal was Sam Kinney's decision- Betty Harris etc. had nothing to do with it! - YouTube
  10. late day witness to armed man running out back of Book Depository 11/22/63 late day witness to armed man running out back of Book Depository 11/22/63 - YouTube
  11. Dallas cab driver Ray Cummings: saw Oswald & David Ferrie together Dallas cab driver Ray Cummings: saw Oswald & David Ferrie together - YouTube
  12. See also the featured video that plays as soon as you enter my You Tube channel (my 11/22/19 conference presentation)
  13. As I explored in depth in my first book, the Secret Service was ultimately responsible for all of the changes made.
  14. Simply put, this is an instant classic. Truly, this is a superb book in every respect. Frankly, I am surprised no one is discussing it unless I missed the thread. Amazon.com: Last Second in Dallas (9780700630080): Thompson, Josiah: Books
  15. Bo Byers of the Houston Chronicle; Mary Woodward of the Dallas Morning News (who also said the shot came from the knoll) and presidential aide Dave Powers Presidential limousine almost came to a dead stop 11/22/63 (JFK assassination) - YouTube
  16. Tom Dillard of the Dallas Morning News confirms his 1964 Warren Commission testimony in 1993 about the press photographers flatbed truck (which normally rode directly in front of the presidential limousine) that was cancelled at the last minute at Love Field on 11/22/63 (JFK assassination) Press photographers flatbed truck cancelled at last minute 11/22/63 JFK assassination - YouTube
  17. Top JFK Secret Service agents…on game shows?! - YouTube Top JFK Secret Service agents…on game shows?! 1) SAIC Gerald Behn (JFK/LBJ era; in Secret Service 1939-1967): What’s My Line 12/27/59 2) SAIC Gerald Behn (JFK/LBJ era; in Secret Service 1939-1967): To Tell The Truth 2/26/62 3) Deputy Chief (and former OSS) Paul Paterni (JFK/LBJ era; in Secret Service FDR-Nixon): To Tell The Truth 1/28/62 4) Chief U.E. Baughman (Chief 11/22/48-January 1961; replaced by Rowley): To Tell The Truth 4/9/57 5) Chief U.E. Baughman (Chief 11/22/48-January 1961; replaced by Rowley): What’s My Line 11/27/55 Behn-took first vacation of the JFK era during the week of the JFK assassination! Baughman-“retired” by the Kennedy brothers (around the very same time Dulles, Bissel and Cabell were let go) because he did not believe the Mafia existed! Made the Chief 11/22/48 Paterni-former OSS man who worked with Ray Rocca (liaison to the WC) and James Angleton during WWII; involved in critical limo inspection; had been up for replacing Baughman
  18. Correct! I never thought that discredited Jean Hill in any event. She may have even mistaken the (non-rose) flowers as a little dog, as celebrities like Zsa Zsa Gabor and others travelled with a little dog beside them while travelling.
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