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Vince Palamara

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Everything posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Tony Marsh June 1991 1:00:15 mark: JFK Assassination Fredonia Conference June 28 30 1991 2 - YouTube
  2. I presented along with Tony Marsh at both Fredonia June 1991 and COPA October 1995. Here he is at COPA 1995 (1:09:50 MARK ONWARD) COPA 1995 Program 7 Investigative Leads in the JFK Assassination - YouTube
  3. Good points. I always remember newsman Eddie Barker telling of his astonishment that some fella at the Trade Mart sat there quietly eating his steak dinner when everyone else was crying and not eating, worrying about the president who never came to speak, then hearing that he died. How that guy could eat a meal at that time is actually disturbing (and, no-he was never identified).
  4. One lone-nutter, Todd Vaughan, is livid at Buell for his 57-year old revelation about the gunman he allegedly saw.
  5. Give it a rest, "friend" (I don't even know you LOL). That error in a very long book is insignificant to both the book as a whole and to my suspicions about the Paines. It makes 0.0 difference either way and played no part whatsoever in my assessment of the Paines, pro or con. Those two bums Nixon and Trump both visited CIA headquarters...many honorable people also served in the CIA...some visited CIA headquarters, some never did (just as many FBI informants never visited headquarters; many police informants never visited police headquarters...get it?). Whether Ruth or her sister visited the actual main CIA headquarters is irrelevant to the big-picture question(s) about the Paines. I know this game, as I have seen it played over and over again online for literally decades now (since the mid-1990's): someone points out an error (usually not a game-changer or significant to the overall article/book/program) and then smells "blood in the water", attempting to make a huge issue out of it and call into question other matters. I won't play that game with you, so any further pontifications or questions about this will go unanswered. As the saying goes from the movie Frozen: "Let it go."
  6. The sad reality is this: even IF true, any lone-nutter (or lawyer) worth a lick will dismiss it as a over-57-year-old revelation that is impossible to prove. It is footnote material at best.
  7. I will say this: if Frazier added that bit to boost sales, epic fail- my own new book has enjoyed much better daily Amazon rankings than his (although Tink Thompson's new book is blowing BOTH of our books away. Tink is a super star, I am "known" but not a super star, while Frazier's book was released very low key and does not, at first glance, look like a JFK assassination book). I am surprised that Dave Perry, Gus Russo and Hugh Aynesworth allowed that bit to appear in his book, as it is (obviously) very pro-conspiracy and such a late-date revelation. I think Buell made a mistake allowing his book to become too much of an autobiography. Let's face it: no one gives a rat's behind that he loves baseball and coached a little league team! Details, details, details...about Oswald and the assassination are what we want to read about. Then again, if he did not include his Warren Commission and Clay Shaw testimony at the end, without the biographical detail, there may not have been enough for an actual book, per se; more like a magazine article.
  8. JFK assassination conference: "The Lone Assassin Theory - Photographic Evidence" 2004 - YouTube
  9. JFK assassination conference: "The Lone Assassin Theory - Photographic Evidence" 2004 - YouTube
  10. Thanks for that. Keep in mind, my book is roughly 480 pages and is massively footnoted and documented and, out of necessity, relies on MANY sources from others (see, for example, the massive bibliography). Nothing is knowingly false. I have an errata page on both my major blogs (since March and I haven't posted anything above them, so they remain the newest entry) for the world to see (both my blogs have over 250K views. In fact, one is at over 880K views). The specific line about Ruth herself visiting CIA headquarters will be removed in future printings- the rest will remain.
  11. Deb responds: "I believe info about Ruth’s trip is in Douglass’ “JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters.” The road-trip Ruth took to visit her sister in 9/1963 is common knowledge; I believe it’s a part of Ruth’s WC testimony or HSCA testimony because it pertained to her dropping off Marina, et al, at LHO’s place in LA. Ruth’s sister’s name was Sylvia Hoke & her employment with CIA is a matter of record. I do not recall saying that Ruth visited her sister at CIA headquarters. She may have. But Ruth stayed with her sister in VA, according to Ruth. IOW, Ruth visited her sister who worked at CIA headquarters. Whether or not Ruth traipsed across the seal on the floor of CIA headquarters is unknown. Here is documentation of Ruth’s sisters’ CIA employment. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=103906&fbclid=IwAR3u75a7Jr-POgREbYJ7A0Dl1io8DWznFHZsix3O4qc-PhqJxsieGZXadpQ#relPageId=7 Ruth’s sisters’ full name was “Sylvia Hyde Hoke.” I don’t know if she is still living. Ruth’s father also had intelligence connections. Ruth still admits to visiting her sister in Sept. 1963. This is from a Village Voice article July 29, 2020. Seems Ruth is still pumping her cover story.
  12. Inside Report 1990 Fred Newcomb Perry Adams Robert Groden Harold Weisberg - YouTube Tyler Newcomb 2011 JFK assassination lecture with audio excerpts - YouTube
  13. Hello! Thanks a lot. As for your questions: I spoke to Bouck on 9/27/92 and he believed there was a conspiracy, so I got that straight from the horse’s mouth. As it turns out, Bouck also said the same thing to the ARRB (although he added that Oswald was the assassin). I admittedly added that bit from Fulton because it was enticing and directly related to Bouck (of course). As for the merits of the book itself, whether there is any additional novelizations added, highly respected author Dick Russell stuck his neck out and contributed to the book, so that, coupled with what Bouck told me (and the ARRB) and the actual photos and documentation at the end of the book concerning other matters (correspondence with Secret Service agents, photos of him with several important persons, etc.), was enough for me to duly note what Fulton reported about Bouck. The bottom line: since Bouck said what he said to me AND the suspicion about the Cabell brothers is a valid one, I “took a chance” with Fulton and noted what he alleges in his book. Deb’s father both worked on security for JFK’s trips to Billings, Montana in 1960 and 1963 (there are photos of the two together) AND was a CIA agent (I have seen the documentation- Deb is working on a book about her late father so I am not at liberty to share anything as of yet or you know I sure would: I am very open with sharing much documentation, photos and videos galore through the years/decades). So, with that in mind, I trust Deb, as she is a meticulous researcher who has helped me on other matters. That said, I will ask her where she specifically got that (if not from her father). As for Newcomb and Adams (and Murder From Within): much aware of them and their book. I corresponded with Fred Newcomb and I am Facebook friends with his son Tyler (who came out with the 2011 version of the book). That Greer-shot-the-president theory is pure crap. Vince
  14. Ramsey Clark, attorney general under Johnson, dies at 93 (nbcnews.com)
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