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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Jim, it is OUTSTANDING! You weren't kidding. Very impressive. The old site was very good but this one is worthy of any major news outlet or network. Very easy to navigate and INVITES one to search. I love the name, as well.


    Love it!




    P.S. Excellent job on the redirect links from the old site. I was worried there would be a mess of dead links.

  2. "But a Secret Service agent who was supposed to be guarding the life of the president, who dropped the ball big time that day, and who goes around shilling that moment, even today, just seems really tasteless and almost macabre. It's one thing for a ball player to sell a signed card of himself, and quite another for an ex-agent to sign his name on an autopsy photo of the dead president with his head blown off."---well said, Michael.

    UPDATE---Hill is contemplating a FOURTH book [fifth, if you count The Kennedy Detail (Foreword, afterword, contributed, book tour, media tour, documentary)]...I told you: $$$$$. WHAT else is there to say?!?! So much repetition already.

  3. OOPS- sorry, Robin: I forgot to answer your other question. :)

    You asked: "If Clint had started running the instant he heard the first Bang.

    Do you think he could have made it on the back of the Limo before the Bang Bang"

    It is possible but doubtful. We will never know. If Hill would have went to bed earlier than he did and didn't drink the night before (sleep deprivation and alcohol consumption are negative factors) he would have stood a better chance.



  4. First of all, it is laughable in the extreme to compare any money I have received to the (literally) millions Hill has received. I work for a living and am lucky I have broken even after all the years of working on my own dime. Hill hasn't worked since 1975 and his books have all sold hundreds of thousands each. Coupled with being on the number one publishing house and the movie deal----$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Hill autographing a photo of a wounded JFK is disgusting (and I don't care who else did it--two wrongs don't make a right and Hill should know better. Judging by the reaction on my Facebook page, dozens and dozens of regular folk agree with me). He has also autographed an autopsy photo, as a lady on my Facebook was witness to.

    Hill drank the night before and the shooting was over and done with when he got there. I am just offering my opinion. If you think he is a hero, have fun.

    My third book explores more about Hill on an area we haven't even touched on- stay tuned.

  5. See? That wasn't even new. Thanks for proving that, David. Another thing that is old news----when Jackie turns to him and says "What will become of you, Mr. Hill?" That is also in Manchester's book. Hill did alright- rose to SAIC of WHD, then Assistant Director. Retired in 1975, going on 42 years ago; nice pension; huge royalties; young co-author friend. Like I said, don't cry for Hill...CRY FOR GWEN.

  6. I don't think his wife Gwen or his late brother-in-law, fellow agent David Grant, are/were fans of Clint re: his books and especially Mizz McCubbin (Gwen is still legally married to Clint and Grant turned down the producers of the now scrapped Kennedy Detail movie. Tellingly, his obit omits Clint completely!). Clint also has no problem signing multiple assassination photos, including the autopsy photos. Multiple signed photos appear/ have appeared on Ebay, sometimes for big bucks.

    "We're in the money, a whole lot of money!"

    "Clint, I know you drank the night before and you failed in your mission AND Jackie got in and out of the car of her own volition, but can I PLEASE have your autograph? You are a hero in my book for attempting to do your job."

    Art Godfrey was a much decorated WWII hero and fellow agent. He won medals for successes, not failures or attempts.

    Don't cry for Hill---he is laughing with his young co-author all the way to the bank. I wonder if there will be a book five for the gullible? There will be a movie.

    WHO YOU SHOULD CRY FOR---HIS WIFE GWEN. No huge book royalties, advances and movie deal money to share; left behind in VA; replaced...not cool. Not good at all. But, if you are blinded in hero-worship to anyone who "seems" to support the official story, open your wallet- he wants your money.

  7. Clint Hill is a fraud- a false hero; the Jessica Lynch of the Secret Service. He drank the night before- according to the Secret Service manual, it is grounds for REMOVAL from the Secret Service (Hill, Ready, Bennett and Landis drank the morning of the assassination and stayed out late. Alcohol consumption and sleep deprivation...not good.) Rowley even admitted as such under oath, but wimped out before an angry Chief Warren (in Warren's finest moment during the WC), stating he didn't want to traumatize the agents.

    Bottom line- Hill got to the limousine TOO LATE; WAY TOO LATE...no "split second" crap. The shooting was over and done with! And, to add insult to injury, Jackie got in and out of the car totally of her own volition- they never even touched! Oh, but Hill tried...ok, so do we give awards for "trying but failing"?!?! He struck out...but he tried, dammit. Pathetic.

    Hill does not believe the single bullet theory, does not believe any shot missed, and says the back of the head was gone...yet he also says other things that Doug Horne and others have taken him to task for. He is laughing all the way to the bank. When he croaks, I assume McCubbin will take over his estate. She knows what she is doing--$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$









    Secret Service agent Paul Landis:



    "He sounds almost proud of not having read the Warren Report, and said they got it right about no conspiracy and that Oswald as the lone actor, but blew it with the single-bullet theory. That theory holds that a single shot struck the President and also wounded Governor John Connally. And "I was never interviewed by the Warren Commission and still don't understand why," he said Saturday.

    Asked about allegations that agents drank heavily the night before in Fort Worth, this witness said he didn't see it.

    "I had a coke," he said, and there were Blue Laws in place that severely restricted the sale of liquor.

    The quarry the night before the assassination was food that was not readily available "and at no time was I impaired."




    Secret Service agent Mike Howard:



    "In the hours after the Kennedy assassination, after Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippit and was identified as the president’s assassin, a Secret Service officer named Mike Howard was dispatched to Oswald’s apartment. Howard found a little green address book, and on its 17th page under the heading “I WILL KILL” Oswald listed four men: an FBI agent named James Hosty; a right-wing general, Edwin Walker; and Vice President Richard Nixon. At the top of the list was the governor of Texas, John Connally. Through Connally’s name, Oswald had drawn a dagger, with blood drops dripping downward.

    Special Agent Howard turned the address book over to the FBI and, ultimately, to the Warren Commission. Only some time later did he learn that the list with its hugely important insight into the killer’s motive had been torn out of the book."

  9. POST SCRIPT: I saw Groden but kept my distance. He was there on the knoll. I respect Groden...for the most part. I was a little put off by a few things in his last book, especially an alleged "new" autopsy photo he "worked on" to restore which is obviously the mannequin for the "JFK" movie, complete with 1990's-era dispenser on the wall in the background!

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