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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

    David, this document is what the Secret Service told the Warren Omission After the assassination.  They were in a cover up mode, just like 30 years later when the ARRB came calling, they had failed to do their job.  They also knew that in a real investigation, with cross examination, they would have been investigated for dereliction of duty, some of them would have been fired and even possibly investigated for complicity.  Even their titular head, Secretary of the Treasury Dillon in his brief appearance before them was treated with kid gloves, actually calling on LBJ regarding providing requested documents.  Then he/they waited them out.  Just like Angleton preferred to do at the CIA.

    A little more from Survivor's Guilt on what "normal procedure" would have entailed.  

    "Michael W Torina, Chief inspector of the Secret Service, stated Two Years before the assassination that whenever a presidential motorcade must slow down for a turn, the entire intersection must be checked in advance."  Is one cop on the corner and one on each end of the railroad overpass checking it out in advance?  Would the entire intersection include at least a cursory inspection of the buildings around it?  "The position of Secret Service Chief Inspector was very influential: it was Torina himself who completed the Secret Service's Manual".  Torina contributed significantly to a book by William Hyde, written in 1962, in which it stated, "If the President is to appear in a parade, agent and policemen are assigned posts atop buildings on the street along the parade route.  If, exceptionally large (or possibly hostile?) crowds are expected...the Secret Service may call upon the Armed Services to station troops along the line of march".  Done many times before.  Locked and loaded, ready willing and able to deploy early that morning 100 miles away.  Told to stand down, under protest, by who?  

    "Author Jim Bishop, who interviewed Chief Rowley and William Greer , among others, wrote "Every street the President planned to traverse in each city had to be 'sanitized' long in advance by agents...".  

    "Inspector Thomas Kelly also noted the Secret Service's concern regarding warehouses, even those that were partially occupied."

    Ron- thanks! Please see:



  2. On ‎5‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 7:00 PM, Don Jeffries said:

    I was the first researcher to contact Henry Rybka's family. During the course of writing Hidden History, I spoke to Rybka's granddaughter, and my friend William Law spoke to Rybka's son on my behalf. The details of those conversations are in the book, but suffice to say I was not persuaded by the revisionist argument that the agent being waved off was actually Donald Lawton, and not Rybka. The conversations we had with Rybka's family certainly didn't persuade me. 

    I have the greatest respect for Vince Palamara's work, but I think he was too quick to accept the revised narrative that the agent in question was actually Lawton. We don't really know what Rybka looked like, nor do we know much about him in general. He died way too early, like so many others connected to this case. That little film clip at Love Field certainly looks conspiratorial to the unbiased observer. Whoever the agent was, he appears not to have been in the loop. 

    The motorcade route doesn't get as much scrutiny as it should. Neocons in our community have attempted to diminish the significance of the change, and of the actual route eventually taken. Thanks to Jim D. and Joseph McBride and everyone else here who has contributed to a great discussion. 


    Thanks, Don. Please see:

    Only known footage of Secret Service agents Rybka & Lawton together 11/22/63


    extended version



  3. 23 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    When you add together the facts about Lawson and Sorrels and their promotion of false witnesses after the fact and Lawson reducing the number of cycles and moving them to the rear of the limo, plus the facts that there really was confusion about the route, and the papers were reporting the wrong route ON THE DAY OF THE MOTORCADE, I mean what more do you need to conclude that something is wrong with this picture?

    Let me also add this:  IMO, the reason that Blaine came out with his book is simple.  

    Between the works of Black, Bolden and Palamara, plus the SS defiance of the ARRB, the Secret Service had to get something out there to try and deflect the exposure of their unbelievably bad performance in Dallas. And also their cover up about it afterwards.  

    Well said, Jim- thanks!


    See also:

    President Kennedy’s Secret Service Protection and the press coverage for JFK

    See also:






  4. Jim,

    I read every word of the actual book itself, but I was burned out by the accompanying disc and more or less just skimmed it. My first impression was similar to the impression I had after first reading Posner's book: "oh, *&%." The difference was, with Posner's book, rebuttals IMMEDIATELY appeared that really debunked a lot of it...it was a little while before real rebuttals of Bugliosi's book came along (not just "skimming" reviews) that helped me find my way back home, so to speak.

    My "problem" is that I have an extremely open mind (and, in addition, my work does not live or die by a conspiracy and/or Oswald's sole actions- the Secret Service screwed up...no one can argue with that. Even the WC and HSCA agree, as do both Posner and Bugliosi).

    Mix in the fact that I was newly-divorced and burned out on the case at the time* (since happily remarried and published multiple times LOL) and you spell a recipe for "disaster": a guy who basically gave up the ghost and gave in to my being star struck by Bugliosi (I was--and, in certain respects, remain---an ardent Vince B admirer. Like i said earlier, his OJ book is fantastic, as are his books on Bush and Clinton-related matters. He was also very intelligent and extremely well spoken and compelling on television, especially during the OJ drama).

    The other Vince 

    P.S. My blurb for Bugliosi's book is tantamount to the mounds of video where Trump is praising Hillary and Bill; Kelly Ann Conway is ripping Trump to shreds; and old love letters to a long-ago flame. That was then, this is now...although it is a little embarrassing to contemplate and admit.

    * I am also embarrassed by my fawning over Ultimate Sacrifice circa 2005-2006 for different reasons :)

  5. Postscript: as many people know, back in early 2007, I briefly left my senses and became a very reluctant Oswald-did-it guy because of Bugliosi's book [I believed there were multiple conspiracies to kill Kennedy...but Oswald beat them to the punch. Talk about trying to have your cake and eat it, too LOL!] In any event, in this regard, I corresponded with and spoke to Vince Bugliosi several times. I was an admirer of his work (other books, as well) and his speaking style (his OJ book is still fantastic with me!). Vince received evidence of my warped sense of humor:

    He phoned me once and, knowing it was him from the caller id, I actually answered the phone "Tex Watson here!" He laughed out loud and really got a kick out of that!

  6. Wow, Jim- I am just starting to read your excellent book (I have the original edition) and I am relieved to know I am not losing my mind haha! I am currently reading the part about the Helter Skelter book and I kept saying to myself "wait- I don't remember that!" I thought only the JFK sections were updated. Glad to know I was wrong. :)

    Tremendous writing and research, my friend. Glad to hear from Joseph McBride above, as well- love his book, too!

  7. Former Secret Service agent Mike Howard is telling tall tales again:



    In the notebook Howard revealed what he saw, that has not been seen since. “I will kill him,” it said on a page that had the names of Hosty, John Connally and Gen. Edwin Walker on it, as well as the notation “the vice president.“


    This is the same guy who fabricated a story that a janitor saw LHO pull the trigger:


  8. I must say, interest is very much alive and well regarding the Kennedys, in general, and the JFK assassination, in particular. This is no hyperbole: not a day goes by that I do not receive enthusiastic e-mails, Facebook messages, Twitter direct messages and You Tube comments regarding the case from total strangers. The interest in the files has been red hot and has been translating to NON-RESEARCHER/ "regular folks", similar to what happened with the "JFK" movie back in 1991/1992 (as an aside, to this very day, I have never experienced the enthusiasm for the Stone film in any other film I have seen, and this is from an avid movie goer since the mid-1970's! The audiences the three times I saw the film were extremely fascinated and every seat was filled. People even brought books in and took notes in some instances!)

    I am starting to think a co-worker's comment may hold true: the only thing that might make interest wane in the JFK case is if, God forbid, another president was assassinated (not an attempt- the real thing). I remember people thinking things would never be the same after the Stone film, back when every television talk show had a program on it and every bookstore had JFK assassination sections...wrong! I remember when people thought the case would be dead after Posner and Mailer in 1993/1994...wrong! When the ARRB formally wrapped up in 1998, many thought that was it...wrong! The start of the 21rst century was supposed to make the case ancient history and not a matter of interest...wrong! I ESPECIALLY remember feeling after 9/11 that the case will REALLY recede now...dead wrong! The 40th anniversary was red-hot, as was the 50th anniversary...look at it this way: if the "Lincoln" movie was red-hot (which it was), as well as books on Lincoln, 100 years before JFK, interest in the case will never die...although one does wonder if that scenario above could put a dent in it?

    My books sell every week and many titles have done very well between 2013 to the present.

    Having said all that, I'll catch "LBJ" on DVD LOL.



  9. Good points, Cory. With a straight face, I can honestly say this was completely overlooked until Bill Simpich brought it to my attention the other day---!! This was a WARREN COMMISSION DOCUMENT, TOO! It says a lot that even the extremely meticulous author/researcher John Armstrong did not know about this.

    As I detail in my first and third books, there were credible threats to JFK's life on 3/23/63 (Chicago), 11/2/63 (Chicago again), and Florida on 11/18/63 (technically, 11/9/63 onward- the Joseph Milteer prediction/threat, etc.). This statement---ORIGINATED BY AGENT FLOYD BORING, of all people--just adds more grist for the mill, so to speak.


  10. Via Jim Harwood---Vince: can you post this link at Education Forum under the Joan Mellon/LBJ thread. It's a 1997 Newsweek report of the phone tapes made by LBJ. You'll find LBJ doesn't want to be President in 1964, complains that he cant get rid of the Kennedy admin. and just doesn't want the job of President. These idiots that blame the murder of JFK on Johnson just amaze me. http://www.newsweek.com/johnson-tapes-173886

  11. Joan Mellen may not have "killed" the LBJ-did-it theory, but she sure landed a huge blow to it. LBJ was a bastard and DEFINITELY a part of the cover-up...but Joan's book destroys the Mac-Wallace-as-assassin idea, among other things. I was at the 2016 conference with R. Stone and company and they had 0.0 substantive to refute Mellen's book; as if they never read it. The crowd booed Mellen "in absentia" (it was clear they were rankled that she would dare dispute the theory) but, again, no one refuted her evidence. Read it (with an open mind).

  12. OH MY GOD---from a friend who requested anonymity:



    "I asked the rep for Clint [Hill] what he charges for speeches he wants first class airfare n hotel paid for n speeches start at $10k."



    STARTING AT 10,000 DOLLARS?!?!?! I know he has made a mint with his three books but wow! By the way- Hill and his co-author Lisa have officially been together since 2013 and now live together in San Francisco. LIKE I ALWAYS SAY: it is the people promoting the OFFICIAL story who make the money...the rest of us lose money or break even and, in any event, work for a living. Hill hasn't worked since 1975!



    Hill, who lives in Virginia, is “happier than I have ever been” with Lisa McCubbin, the journalist he co-wrote the memoir with. “The calendar says I’m 81 [now 85] and she’s 48 [and still younger than his two sons], but I feel 52.”



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