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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Document here (I can never upload any image- always too big. YOU CAN NOW CLICK ON THE IMAGE AT THIS LINK TO ENLARGE IT):


    As author Flip De Mey said: “I suppose this document is part of the Ferrie-file in the case about his dismissal as pilot. The whole clique of Camp Street 544, New Orleans seems present: Banister, Ferrie, Arcacha Smith,… Ferrie’s involvement in the CAP is also mentioned. By pure coincidence the Camp Street address is stamped on Oswald’s ‘Hands off Cuba’ pamphlet, and by pure coincidence Oswald was one of the boys under Ferrie’s “oversight” in the CAP. Also by pure coincidence pilot Ferrie drove through a storm from New Orleans to Galveston Texas on 22 November 1963, without any reasonable explanation, to return at the very moment the killing of Oswald was made public. By coincidence Breck Wall -responsible for the Dallas chapter of AGVA- was also in Dallas and received at the very moment Ferrie arrived there a mysterious telephone-call from Ruby. Ferrie by the way was -pure coincidence- in the morning of 22 November at Carlos Marcello’s side. Mafia Godfather and Kennedy-hater Marcello gave Ferrie 7.000 $ that day, again without reasonable explanation. You can go on and on,… The document in itself proves nothing new. We know that these shady crooks knew each other, and covered each others lies, but it’s again an illustration of their conspiratorial behavior.”

  2. See my first book, chapter 7. Yes- Mike Howard and the late Charlie Kunkel (deceased 1992) are the two most "eligible" agents. However, Elmer Moore, an agent I am (also) suspicious of [relax- I am actually only suspicious of a handful; no agency plot], was one of two agents who convinced/ coaxed the Parkland doctors to change their opinions to conform with the Bethesda autopsy report (there are more reasons I am wary of Moore- see chapter 12). His whereabouts are not truly verified, either.

    ALSO- countless White House Detail agents (either on other stops of the Texas trip or not ostensibly there at all) and/or field agents from close by (or even far away) are not verified, either. The bottom line- the agency said all the agents IN THE MOTORCADE were accounted for...that leaves a whole lot more that were not.

    We can rule out Lem Johns as the "agent" of unknown repute in the plaza- not only did he adamantly deny it to me, he is on record on the DVD about his life denying it, as well. He said he never got near the knoll- he was on Elm Street for mere moments until he hitched a ride in a press car. I think people got tangled up in the quote in Trask's book. That was either memory merge or a fib...or it was someone who SAID he was Lem Johns, as the real Lem Johns never got near the knoll.

  3. Hi, Paul. Yuk--I have gone that route before. No one cares and no one reads them. I have reached infinitely more people with an actual publisher. Your books actually get into bookstores, in kindle, some publicity, etc. Create Space and all those outlets (pay to play) aren't for me. I could never call myself an author because the only reason I WAS an author was because I paid to be one; definitely not as rewarding (and I don't mean financially, either). Besides, the point is moot- my third book comes out in a few months.

  4. Thanks, Pamela. I most definitely appreciate your comments, trust me. Whether a cop out or not, I (also) look at it this way: you can't impress everyone all the time, so why bother LOL? I can literally think of at least one thing I could hold against each and every speaker at this conference, as well as past conferences (i.e. "He believes such and such and that is not credible"). For one, Roger Stone is a speaker and I have 0.0 in common with him, politically speaking, yet someone could very easily say "Vince- you are a Democrat. WHY would you associate yourself with him?"

    I will say this: I am totally my own person. No one controls me or could even hope to use me as an endorsement "voucher". Judyth could bow out of the conference OR disinvite me and I would be fine. Again, I work alone and just go with the flow.

    THE BOTTOM LINE: Realistically, there are really only TWO publishers left for pro-conspiracy books- Skyhorse and TRINE DAY. I am a TRINE DAY author. This is a TRINE DAY conference. Our options are limited all these years later; we don't have Simon and Schuster to advance us thousands of dollars and place us on NBC, Fox, etc. That said, I am proud to be a three-time TRINE DAY author. In keeping with the Judyth theme, I am sure other TRINE DAY authors have their private feelings and beliefs and ALSO do not agree with OTHER TRINE DAY authors; such is life.

    Ponder this irony- Jim Douglass' book is published by the same outfit that publishes the Blaine and Hill propaganda. Go figure...and I KNOW Jim does NOT endorse their work! :)

  5. Pamela,

    I totally respect what you are saying and I definitely "hear ya", if you catch my drift. Keep in mind a crucial distinction: I am a TRINE DAY author (like speakers William Law and others) and this is a TRINE DAY conference, at least in my view. As with EVERY conference I have ever appeared at, I never espouse or endorse anyone else. Every conference I have ever been at have included whackadoos and silly presentations. Now, if this was a KKK conference, I could agree wholeheartedly with your sentiment.

    Like I said above, contemporary e-mails and conversations I had at the time of my previous Lancer and COPA conference appearances also included the same "warnings" from others: "Vince, how could you?? John Judge and his C.O.P.A. are trying to corrupt and take over the case. Sorry to say, you will be looked at by some with ill regard."; "Lancer is an evil organization, Vince- how could you align yourself with these people?" And this was all circa 1995-1997.

    I work alone; always have. In fact, I haven't been to a conference (as a speaker) SINCE those halcyon days of the late 1990's. And, to be honest, there IS no community to insult or offend these days--just a smattering of people with different views. Other than on here, I haven't received one message (e-mail, Facebook, etc.) of warning or ill will regarding my upcoming presentation. People use their own minds and judgment to weigh and consider ideas, issues, loyalties, etc. In fact, since Kris and Judyth have massively advertised the upcoming November conference in Dallas [i am not going to the October New Orleans conference], I have received nothing BUT praise and congrats, including from people very wary of Judyth. Again, I am a TRINE DAY author and this is a TRINE DAY conference.

    Loyalty oaths need not apply.

  6. Hello, Joe! First of all, you need to get my first book SURVIVOR'S GUILT asap :)

    Second- my third book THE NOT SO SECRET SERVICE is coming out later this year and contains several explosive chapters on the JFK assassination (information that further corroborates my prior research and debunks the Blaine and Hill propaganda). I am really excited about my third book because I feel it is my very best. I am proud of my first book and even my second book, although it is a reference book on the medical evidence that may go over the heads of the average reader. This one coming out is the most readable of the three, the most diverse (covering FDR thru Reagan) and it further corroborates my first book.

    I feel it is a game changer.

    Joe, all your questions--and more---are answered in my first and (perhaps especially) in my third book. I can't go into too much detail pre-publication (my publisher wasn't thrilled I was so "talkative" before my first book came out LOL)...just a few short months for the new one.


  7. For the record: I am going to the Dallas November 18-20 2016 conference, NOT the New Orleans conference.

    That said, you all make very good points. One can have a private opinion one would rather not share regarding certain "items" (hint: what Pat said), yet, to be honest, EVERY conference I have ever been to has contained speakers or topics I vehemently disagreed with. I'll give you a couple examples:

    At COPA 1996, Dick Gregory, a man I am sure most people hold in great esteem, gave a rather foul presentation that included comments on the O.J. case, wherein he shouted "O.J. did not do this, people! Ron Goldman had his [genitals] in his mouth, cut off!" Despite this (and the stunned shock of the audience), he received a standing ovation at the end of his remarks!

    At Lancer 1998, Prof. James Fetzer gave such a bizarre and brash "presentation" on the alleged alteration of the Zapruder film (including a verbal altercation with Josiah Thompson) that many people PRIVATELY were turned off to...yet he also received a positive response to his talk!

    I guess that is the power of democracy: lots of personalities and opinions. Even if you generally agree with someone, you can be turned off to their personality...or the reverse could be true- nice person, bad research. It truly is a mix of emotions at these conferences (as an aside, I consider it something of a small tragedy that Harry Livingstone is basically denigrated and forgotten by many today. In spite of a couple best-sellers and some really valuable and pioneering work in the research community re: the medical evidence, his is a classic case of PERSONALITY killing the truth/ the message [pun intended]. Then again, authors who came of age largely before kindles and Amazon were in their prime [or existed at all] suffer by today's standards--- many titles-mine included- would have came and went if not for the internet, kindle and especially Amazon. It truly has made it a somewhat even playing field for authors, as many people browse titles and don't care if it is published via the Acme Publishing Company or Random House).

    Don makes a VERY good point about opportunities and exposure. Clint Hill IS on Simon and Schuster and he is guaranteed instant Today Show, Fox, CNN, Yahoo, and People magazine coverage...the rest of us have to take what we can get and scrap it out in the "minor leagues", so to speak.

  8. Hello, Jim (and everyone):

    I can only speak for myself (well, alright- I'll speak for William Law, too LOL): I am a two-time (soon to be three-time) Trine Day author. I was invited to speak via my publisher and I said yes. It is an opportunity for my wife and I to go to Dallas and make a presentation, too. I haven't done any conferences in-person (other than local stuff and two Skype offerings) since 1991-1997.

    Having said that, I chuckle to myself whenever I am invited by an organization of any kind, as THIS always happens:

    I was invited to speak at COPA in 1995 and 1996 in Washington and, both times, I received flack from researchers before, during [some people who showed up uninvited like Harry Livingstone], and after saying, in effect, "Vince, why are you dealing with these people?!?!? They are trying to co-opt and take over the case. So and so is evil" etc. etc. etc.;

    I was invited to speak at Lancer in 1997 in Dallas and I received flack from researchers before, during [COPA people and others in the plaza], and after saying, in effect, "Vince, why oh why would you speak there?!?!?!? They are trying to monopolize the research community. I don't trust" so and so, etc. etc. etc.

    I was invited to speak at the Dallas 2016 conference for Trine Day and...I think you know where this is heading. :)

    I think ALL speakers at all conferences should carry (next to their name tag) a sign that reads "I do not necessarily espouse or endorse the views of ______."

  9. I met Mark Lane in February 1992 during his PLAUSIBLE DENIAL book tour at Borders Books in Pittsburgh, PA. There were 500+ people: the case was red-hot during the halcyon days of the JFK movie (bookstores had "JFK assassination" sections- remember?). That time period from 1988-1993 (pre-Posner LOL) were amazing days.

    It was an honor to be mentioned on several pages of Mark's 2012 book THE LAST WORD. I went from a relatively unknown person when I met him as a "fan" to HIM asking ME if he could use my stuff; pretty cool.

  10. http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/mark-lane-author-of-best-selling-book-rush-to-judgment-on-president-kennedys-assassination-dies-at-89-300267265.html

    CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va., May 11, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- Mark Lane, famed Civil Rights attorney and author of the best-selling book, "Rush to Judgment," which detailed the facts of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, died late last night at his home in Charlottesville, Virginia, at the age of 89. Lane, who was with his wife, Trish, at the time, suffered a heart attack and collapsed in her arms. He is survived by his wife and his three daughters, Anne Marie, Christina and Vita.

  11. Watch for my third book (in my opinion, my very best) THE NOT SO SECRET SERVICE: AGENCY TALES FROM FDR TO THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION TO THE REAGAN ERA. There are several chapters that go even further than I did in my first book in debunking THE KENNEDY DETAIL and some of Clint Hill's actions and "stories".

    Hill has (another) massive best-seller with his new book FIVE PRESIDENTS. He is adamant in the book that he DOES NOT believe the single bullet theory. Like his book MRS. KENNEDY AND ME, other than a few passages, it seems this one is another good one (unlike THE KENNEDY DETAIL). Lisa McCubbin is much more than Hill's handler- she is his lover. No TMZ tabloid stuff here- backed up by press reports; they both admit it. He is 84 and she is 51, younger than his two sons...he is also still married. Oh, well.

    In any event, Hill is sure riding a huge gravy train, as is McCubbin. It pays to be on the biggest publishing company in the world who have the power to give you instant Yahoo, People Magazine, and NBC coverage. To be fair, he IS a well known public figure.

  12. First, let me say that Pat Speer's website is very informative and-dare I say it- entertaining; great stuff. In fact, Pat is someone I unabashedly admire. I may be an expert on the Secret Service angle of the case (and above-average on the medical side) but Pat is a savant--a genius---with regard to the entire case! If DVP ever has you disillusioned, go to Pat's website: it totally debunks, 100 percent, anything DVP writes.

    That said, one thing intrigues me.


    November 16 entry-"Only one Parkland doctor is interviewed, Dr. Kenneth Salyer. Salyer describes the large head wound as an "obvious severe injury of the right head and cranium." This sidesteps, of course, that most of his colleagues initially believed the wound was on the back of the head."

    I thought Sayler is now being trumpeted about as the final truth on JFK's head wound ?

    Also- the doctors are on record as having picked up the head and having inspected the head wound at Parkland, so the blood-all-rushed-to-the-rear excuses are lame. See my latest book.


  13. Thanks, Greg. Yes, Kenneth Salyer joins Dr. Grossman as one of those "exceptions to the rule" (as there are in every walk of life or category). I mean, the witnesses who believed shots came from the rear do not negate the witnesses that stated the shots came from the front (and vice versa). That said, there IS an overwhelming majority, to which Salyer does not belong.

    All that notwithstanding, Salyer reported to both Groden (on video/dvd) and to Aguilar that the autopsy photos are forgeries. On the Bethesda side, Richard Lipsey is another one of those witnesses that said some things against official history, although other things he said seemed to go against the grain.

  14. That is funny- I have photos from that very same motorcade proving a point I made previously: agents were certainly not always on the rear of the limo (no one ever said they were!), overt protection was not always visible due to decorum and, to compensate, building rooftops were regularly guarded by the local police and/or sheriff's department and/or military and/or agents

    STRAWMAN FALACY- knocking down an issue that never was to begin with. I have a photo from this very same motorcade in a post from my one blog from a couple months back demonstrating what I mean- by the military and police lining the street and facing the crowd, augmented by building rooftops guarded, protection was afforded to presidents FDR, Truman, Ike and Kennedy:



    8/17/62 Pueblo, CO- military lines street and rooftops (as I mention in my book, and as can be seen in news articles and so forth in this album, THIS is how the Secret Service "got around" not having agents near the limousine all the time, etc.:

  15. First of all, nobody and nothing is perfect. That said, I am a huge fan of David Talbot's books and I believe strongly that his latest book, THE DEVIL'S CHESSBOARD, is a must-have, must-read game changer. Excellently written and tremendously researched.

    Keeping this into focus, on pages 493-494, Talbot notes that LBJ hosted Dulles at his Texas ranch during the summer of 1963 and mentions what I thought was a debunked notion: the photo of LBJ and Lady Bird smiling at Dulles...wasn't that a file photo from 1960 and did this Dulles visit to the LBJ Ranch take place, photo or no photo?


  16. YOU CAN NOW ORDER THE BOOK RIGHT FROM ME! AUTOGRAPHED AND PERSONALLY INSCRIBED. While the list price is 19.95 and Amazon lists it at 15.42 (NOT including postage and handling), for the flat price of 13 dollars, you can get a copy (16 dollars if out of the USA). Send me a private message on facebook or e-mail me at vincebethel@yahoo.com

    VIA AMAZON 11/12/15 (available from myself NOW):


    the ultimate medical evidence book---selling very well in tandem with David Talbot's masterpiece on Amazon

  17. Good topic, David!

    I explore this in some detail in chapter 9 of my book, putting together every known time this was either uttered on television or mentioned in writing. The exact origin----the genesis----is STILL a matter of debate. Lifton believes it was a ruse, started by someone "on the inside", in order to enable FEDERAL jurisdiction over the body of President Kennedy, as the murder of a president was NOT then a Federal crime, yet the murder of a FEDERAL agent WAS. We can argue the wisdom of that speculation, but it does make you think. Some people think this could even relate to the mystery agent (of unknown repute) in the plaza.

    Please note Kantor's mention of "fellow in Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall"---where OSWALD worked at one time!

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