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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Tony Hunt has the photo that was used for this farce- whoever faked it (probably Blevins) reversed the photo of Oswald in custody between the old cop and the younger cop and used that photo for the fake. And another thing kills this "Oswald" photo- how could he be in the photo when he "needed" to be running, hiding the rifle, going down the steps, etc.? But the point is moot- Tony Hunt 100 percent debunked it.

    Sorry, DVP; I know you are bummed :)

  2. BLOCKBUSTER (breaking news for serious historians of JFK and the Secret Service)! Thanks to Deb Galentine for finding this major find; it doesn't get any better than this


    Police officer debunks new story by Secret Service Agent Clint Hill about JFK

    Talking about the Kennedy Detail, President John F. Kennedy’s (JFK’S) Secret Service men:
    “They had nothing but praise for President Kennedy and his manner in which he felt about the Secret Service men. They said that by far he was more considerate of them and their feelings than any of the previous presidents they had been taking care of. They said that he always went by their decisions to protect him. That he was always considerate of their (sic) fact that he never tried to do anything that they thought was against the rules in which to protect him. They stated that President Kennedy referred to them as ‘his boys’ and that at times when there were large crowds of people that the president always looked around to see where ‘his boys’ was (sic) at so, at a moment’s notice, they were able to be at his side and get him out of the crowds as he possibly could be in danger. In the moments after, they said the Secret Service was very, very short of money and that even some of the agents had to buy the two-way radios they used out of their own pocket and they did need more money to operate on to hire more men in order to be successful in protecting the president out of state [presumably Washington, D.C.]. ”

    Very poor audio- transcript based on multiple playbacks
    13:55 to 15:30
    Vince Palamara
  3. J. Walter Coughlin, a U.S. Secret Service agent from 1961 to 1977. Coughlin served on the details of President Kennedy, President Johnson, and Vice President Hubert Humphrey




    29:30 re: LBJ and

    34:20 Secret Service animosity toward Clinton, too*

    34:55 bubbletop- "may have deflected" the shot + THREATS

    36:00 denounces Hickey theory

    37:00 onward (long) "a lot of us believe it was ORGANIZED CRIME"! Giancana, Hoffa, Ruby, etc. "I think organized crime did it- it's pretty clear to me"

    42:00 (the irony is rich:) outraged about Obama Secret Service agent shenanigans, yet NINE agents- including Clint Hill- did the same thing on the eve of the assassination

    44:36 *...and Obama?

  4. David,

    Hi! This is ANCIENT, old news that I deal with in excruciating detail in my book: see chapter one. I read your blog links and, again, I am much aware of all of this/ that and, again, have addressed all the apparent "contradictory" information.

    (I haven't been on the forum in eons because I thought it no longer existed. I had a researcher tell me "DVP must have never read chapter one of your book~ wanna respond?" LOL)

    In addition to chapter one, please see (in entirety- all images/ docs up and down the page and the 7 corresponding blog entries):


    Vince Palamara (I think you thought you "got me"... you didn't LOL. BTW, your blog is great otherwise, as are your other resources- you must have been going crazy with all the OJ stuff for the 20th anniversary)

  5. I noticed that, whenever someone is excited about a specific bit of pro-conspiracy evidence via a posting or whatnot, inevitably there is an attempt to "rain on the parade" via the old "Oswald shot at Walker, Tippit, and JFK" routine LOL...sort of a general "sweep of the hand" dismissal of any notion of wrongdoing via the official story "bullet points" (pardon the pun)

  6. I think I finally figured DVP out---I think he THINKS he is "bumming us out" with his lone nut pronouncements when, in actual fact, only John McAdams would care LOL. I really think that is the modus operandi of LNers: to "bum us out" LOL; honest

    Now, if he was talking baseball, that is something else- I do care! And he DOES have an excellent blog of photos and videos

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