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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. I DID receive the complete transcripts of Ken O'Donnell's interviews with Manchester- the amateur "historian" from the History Channel, Steve Gilion or whatever his name is, has a lot of explaining to do- O'Donnell mentions NADA about any JFK restrictions for security of any kind whatsoever, yet he refers to this transcript in his book as "proof" that he did! What's more, Gerald Blaine was definitely interviewed by Manchester- not only did ole Blaine himself matter-of-factly admit this to me in 2005, a specific interview is sourced in Manchester's book AND Blaine is also thanked in Manchester's 1983 JFK book...yet the transcript for Blaine's interview is now MISSING from Wesleyan University (!!) [ this is all in my book]. Blaine also invented allegedly contemporaneous handwritten notes he "graciously" (ahem) donated to the Archives. The problem? There are several slip-ups in the TIMING of what he writes, among several other factors, that prove they were NOT written circa 11/22/63 or earlier (example: "the ordeal we were to go through in the next few months was a sad one"- oops!). There are so many problems with Blaine's book, written because of my research- he invented whole cloth a meeting that never took place on 11/25/63- an agent I interviewed said it is "horse [beep]" that there even was a meeting (which I already knew, but it is nice to have corroboration). The sheeple are so gullible- the old drunk Hill is writing another book that the stupid people will lap up, along with a movie, as well (about Jackie- the Kennedy Detail movie was scrapped).

  2. Good point. No one really followed up on this because, in America circa 1963/1964 (even pre-Watergate), the pronouncements of the media and the government were taken at face value. In this regard, the Secret Service walked on water. Could you IMAGINE if, God forbid, the Secret Service would have lost a president in today's climate with all the scandals and so forth? Yet, these agents drank the night before and let JFK get killed...and no one was punished and several were promoted and received AWARDS!

  3. No great claim to fame, but I was the first to 'popularize' the notion that many witnesses said the limousine slowed or stopped (way back in 1991 via The Third Decade conference and in the pages of the Dec 1992 Third Decade journal, since quoted in numerous books and articles, including Fetzer and Charnin, among many others). The one thing I do notice- some people misconstrue my intent: I am NOT saying that the limo stopped, only that the limousine SLOWED so much that a good number THOUGHT it stopped or almost stopped. One thing not under debate: the limousine slowed at a critical juncture of the shooting; even Posner and Bugliosi are on record as blaming Greer for the success of the assassination.

    And yes: Jackie most definitely was critical of Greer's actions (or lack thereof) and that above quote is from Manchester's book (both Jackie and Greer were interviewed for the book, as were Powers and O'Donnell, who both were critical of Greer's slowing of the limo. Powers even agreed with CBS Charles Kuralt in 1988 that Greer not hitting the gas pedal is the reason JFK died that day)

  4. I wouldn't go to THAT extreme (excommunicating Mark)! I think he had to have merely been mixed up, similar to two other OLDER gentleman (hint hint: OLDER): Dr. Wecht, like Mark Lane, ALSO a huge proponent of conspiracy and cover-up in the JFK case, made a few mistakes of note during the 50th anniversary. The other person, Arlen Specter, intimated that Dr. Humes said the neck wound was an ENTRANCE (!) wound during his 2012 C-SPAN oral history (see my You Tube channel). I would chalk all these incidents up to old age and/ or not thinking clearly.

  5. An inside source who wishes to remain anonymous told me that Poppy Bush is writing the Foreword to Clint Hill's new book coming out in late 2015, around the time ole Jeb Bush will be running for president, as well. Also, I am hearing two stories on The Kennedy Detail movie, which was originally slated for 2013, then 2014, and directed by Stephen Gyllenhall, Jake and Maggie's dad: that it is "deader than JFK- no funding" AND that it will now see a 2015 Hollywood feature film (in theaters near you) release; stay tuned.

    (note: I personally hate the anonymous source stuff- notice my book names name's without exception; I don't like the Ron Kessler route- but, again, I have to honor the person's anonymity)


  6. There is so much more to say on the matter- Congressman Sam Gibbons, who sat inches away from JFK in the limousine in Tampa on 11/18/63, wrote to me and told me a) JFK did not order the agents off the car, B) he heard no such order and c) the agents were on the back of the limo the whole way. One point- in actual fact, they were on the back of the car for the vast majority of the motorcade, which also happened to be THE LONGEST DOMESTIC MOTORCADE JFK EVER HAD (only Berlin was longer...and agents rode on the back of the car there, as well), except near the end of the route, when the cars were all traveling much faster and the PUBLIC's view of the route was essentially over and done with! Among others, Tampa motorcycle police officer Russell Groover confirmed this to me, as well as multi story buildings all being guarded during this long route (FAR LONGER THAN DALLAS!) [one-story buildings were covered via agents, police, and/or military police facing the crowd, as they received many threats against JFK's life there, none of which originated from LHO] BLAINE'S SECRET SERVICE REPORT even confirms that the Sheriff's department guarded building rooftops, a STANDARD security measure used BEFORE DALLAS in many trips such as Chicago, Nashville, Milwaukee, Paris, etc. etc. etc. Chief Inspector Michael Torina, WHO WROTE THE SECRET SERVICE MANUAL (ya think HE would know??), confirmed the guarding of building rooftops as standard fare in a) a book written in 1962 and B) in conversation with myself (there are also several contemporary news accounts of this security measure, even ones dating back to IKE, TRUMAN, and FDR eras!).

    Imagine if the building rooftops would have been guarded in Dallas...

    Former Chief U.E. Baughman confirmed this security measure as a fact in a December 1963 news article (all in my book).

    Oswald or not Oswald, the assassination should have been prevented.

    The hell with Oswald or a conspiracy- the Secret Service agents are the REAL "men who killed Kennedy."

  7. Roberts went on to be APPOINTMENT SECRETARY to LBJ while still being one of his agents, something no other agent has ever done from 1865-2014. The agency IS APOLITICAL and does not work "for" the president. A current agent was shocked that an agent was doing double time as a presidential appointment secretary (and there is 0.0 doubt about this- newspaper articles and agent interviews confirm these facts).

    Oh, another thing: it is the SECRET SERVICE, NOT the president, who controls his security- as both Harry Truman and LBJ were quoted as saying, "The Secret Service is the only boss the president of the united states really had" [LBJ quoted Truman on this fact during a press conference] In addition, the Warren Commission testimony of Chief Rowley, the book written in 1962 by first JFK Chief Baughman, the AP story written the week BEFORE the assassination, the AP stories written right afterwards, and several agents all confirm this fact. This demolishes Blaine and Hill and their obscene attempt to blame JFK for his own death.

    Blaine and Hill have literally (no hyperbole) made millions off their books and productions (a Hollywood movie is in post-production) AND the soon-to-be 83 year old Hill has yet another book coming out next year with his 50-year-old girlfriend co-author (this is not tabloid fodder- Hill confirms the relationship, as does McCubbin) [note: Hill never divorced his wife and drank the night before AND got to the limo when the shooting was all over and done with, was assigned to Jackie only, and Jackie got in and out of the limo of her own volition...so much for the "hero"...but buy his books and have him sign your assassination photos: they're big money at times on Ebay]

    OOPS, Clint: by your riding briefly on the rear of the limo on main Street, you have debunked JFK's "orders"...OOPS. Don't worry, false hero- your naïve fans will gobble up your books as you literally tour the world. THE Secret Service scandal of all time: Hill and 8 other agents drinking the night before and not getting punished for losing a president- in fact, HILL WAS PROMOTED AND RECEIVED A MEDAL. Blaine and Hill make me sick.

  8. I personally think Lawton had no idea until after-the-fact that he was "scheduled" to be at Love Field; perhaps Rybka, as well, for Rybka mentions nothing about it in his slim report (although he DOES mention jogging beside the limo). Lawton's report was written November 30, 8 days after the fact- by that time, stories were getting massaged and it WAS by then technically true that it was his 'assignment' to stay at the airport...but methinks Lawton was caught unaware of it until they were moving out. In Tampa, Lawton, Chuck Zboril, and PRS AGENT GLEN BENNETT (who denied he was even on the trip to the HSCA!), alternately rode on or near the limo from their vantage point on the follow-up car (Bennett was an intelligence agent for the Secret Service who monitored potential threats to the president. His denial of even being ON the Florida trip, as well as even volunteering that he was also on the NY trip, tells me that he was a covert monitor of threats and this was covered up after the assassination, lest the world know the Secret Service WAS aware of mortal threats to JFK and, still, the president died). See chapter two of my book for much more.

  9. Duties were flexible. "Securing Love Field" was an inane waste of time, as several Dallas office agents, Air Force soldiers, and Dallas police were already on duty. Again, see my book- one must remember that shift leader Emory Roberts, a major suspect of mine, rises in his seat and, using hand gestures and his voice [although the video is silent, it is obviously inferred he spoke], tells Lawton to cease and desist...only THEN does Lawton turn and raise his hands THREE times in disgust. Agent Paul Landis even makes room for him in the follow-up car (the running board, via hopping into the car and leaving A SECTION OF THE RUNNING BOARD FOR LAWTON!), but Lawton does not budge, still doing the arms-high-in-the-air, universal sign for "what gives?!" Also, no one in the follow-up car, who are also staring at him, is smiling back. Finally, I can think of many instances when I (nervously) smiled when I was angry, surprised, hurt, etc...having a seeming "smile" on one's face does not equate to a mere joke.

    Blaine's book cannot be trusted! A fellow agent, Talmadge Bailey, said Blaine's meeting of 11/25/63 is "horses**t" (regarding the alleged after-the-fact discussion of JFK's ordering them off the limo), as is the 50 year old reconstructed "dialogue" with DEAD men, save Blaine, who a) cannot defend themselves or verify anything and B) who, in several instances, TOLD ME THE OPPOSITE (in letters and or on tape): JFK did not order them to do anything. NON agents like Dave Powers and Ken O'Donnell agree, among others. In addition, Blaine submitted "contemporaneous" handwritten notes that were obviously written AFTER the fact, yet he clumsily scribbled on a November 1963 schedule, attempting too hard to hoist the blame on JFK (just Google "Blaine's fake handwritten notes"- it is 100 percent conclusive). And, again, the agents Blaine and company allegedly spoke to (almost all conveniently dead now), told me the polar opposite of what his book attempts to convey. Yes, I know all about the April 1964, after-the-fact reports submitted to the Warren Commission: see chapter one of my book and countless blogs...SAIC Behn and ASAIC Boring, along with the Director (Rowley) they were submitted to, and even Hill (!), debunked the substance of (their own) reports!

    There is much more, but simply put: Blaine and Hill were (then) in their late 70's and were never going to write books...until I submitted a 22-page letter to Hill, Blaine's best friend since the late 1950's when they served together in the Denver field office...and, presto: the books and other projects "appeared". Blaine began writing his book in the summer of 2005, while Hill admitted on C-SPAN he burned his personal notes in 2005.

    I sent my letter to Hill in the Summer of 2005. Hill has an unlisted phone number and address- I was very fortunate to obtain them from a (now deceased) agent, Lynn Meredith...and the rest is history.

  10. Thanks, Doug, for posting that article I found just yesterday. I posted it all over Facebook, Twitter, and my blogs. It was totally ignored for a year plus- no comments, likes, etc.

    See my book (and that video, but especially my book and my specialty blog on the Secret Service Standown Lawton Rybka): I was actually right- BOTH Rybka and Lawton jogged beside the limo, but it was ONLY Lawton who appeared in the infamous black and white WFAA/ ABC video (that I popularized looooong before it became that grainy You Tube video...back in 1991, to be exact, and shown at COPA 1995, COPA 1996, LANCER 1997, and on The History Channel in 2003, all pre-dating You Tube by years).

    The woman's comments further put the lie to the alleged 2010 statement the (now-deceased) Lawton supposedly said to Hill that he was merely saying "I am going to lunch- have a nice trip" (try syncing THAT to the video! It is tantamount to watching the Rodney King video and someone alleging he was saying "more! more! more!"). More importantly, Lawton told me that JFK DID NOT ORDER THE AGENTS OFF THE LIMO (he rode there himself 3/23/63 in Chicago and 11/18/63 in Tampa)- he even went further, saying that the agents had "regrets- who knows, IF THEY HAD LEFT GUYS ON THE BACK OF THE CAR"...nothing about JFK ordering them off (and he agreed with fellow agents' Bob Lilley and Sam Kinney- there are many others- who denounced the JFK-IS-TO-BLAME myth).

    Rybka, as can be seen in newsreels [not video, per se], such as a prominent clip in "JFK- THREE SHOTS THAT CHANGED AMERICA" and at the start of the online video (on my channel) re: Bill Greer's only video interview, did indeed walk/ job beside the limo, only to be relieved by Lawton, although BOTH briefly walked the limo for a few paces...THAT is the reason for my (our) confusion...that, and not having good photos of Rybka and Lawton's faces.

    Again, see my book (including the photo section) for more. Indeed, I agree with Lawton: "He should have been there."

    Vince Palamara

  11. Well put, Greg, I must admit; sorry about this. :) I confess- the Dillard photo was a whim and the Red Fay posting was to get a rise out of DVP.

    In any event, the "LHO" Dillard photo has been 100 percent proven to be a fake now and the Red Fay posting is no biggie, either


    I shall return to more thoughtful (better) posts in the future :)

  12. Greg, what's going on, man- I thought we were friendly :)

    I am having problems with the forum as of late: cannot cut and paste anything on here and EVERY photo I attempt to post says "too big"...so I got exasperated and merely posted the Warren Commission reference.

    I "discovered" that in 1998, back when I actually owned the 26 volumes (1998-2003; sold them to The Last Hurrah Bookshop [everything is free online these days, Duquesne University-my alma mater-has a set, and I needed the money at the time, but I digress LOL]).

    I confess that I posted that merely as "food for thought" and to stir up DVP to see if he thought it was "evidence" of something LOL.

    And, just to clarify things, although I had a brief change of heart seven years ago, I have been pro-conspiracy ever since (and other people-such as Pat Speer-also went over to "the dark side" for a time)...and, yes: that brief change of heart was due to Bugliosi's book (I guess I was one of the few people on earth to actually buy it, read it, and believe it at the time). That said, Jim DiEugenio's brilliant RECLAIMING PARKLAND is a tremendous rebuttal to Bugliosi's book (and the movie it was loosely based on)


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