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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. Do I BELIEVE Lawton's "excuse"? No. I believe it as much as I do O.J. 's alibi for the murders. Hill and Blaine (especially) cannot be trusted: phony 11/25/63 meeting that never happened, false "conversations" - associated with this 'meeting'- that never happened, Blaine's phony stories, etc. Lawton died last year-

    Agent Don Lawton, who rode on the rear of JFK's limo in Tampa (and in Chicago earlier in the year), states that the agents had "regrets" and "remorse", adding further: "Who knows-IF THEY HAD LEFT GUYS ON THE BACK OF THE CAR...you can hindsight yourself to death", thus debunking "The Kennedy Detail"...the "they"=the agents themselves!


  2. Yes, this is old news---identified and explained in detail in my book and in several of my videos...see ALSO:


    RYBKA was ALSO jogging beside the limo right before Lawton:


    :08 to :10 second mark- film of (first ) SA Don Lawton and (second), close behind, SA Henry Rybka, walking beside the limo!




  3. Ron,

    Hi! I have definitely heard that before, as well...just not sure of the exact source at the moment.

    ANOTHER definite CIA presence in Dallas, this time at Parkland Hospital: see Secret Service Agent Andy Berger's report in the Warren Commission volumes (he distinguishes between FBI Agent Vincent Drain, another FBI agent, and this unnamed CIA agent). This is separate (confirmation??) from the allegations of William Bishop and Hugh Huggins that they were there, as well

  4. http://www.amazon.com/The-JFK-Assassination-Revisited-Synthesis/dp/1491864966/ref=cm_cr-mr-title

    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

    By Vince Palamara on April 15, 2014

    Format: Paperback Amazon Verified Purchase
    I quite enjoyed this scholarly (and not overwrought) look at the JFK assassination. Authors Rinnovatore and Allan Eaglesham pay obvious homage to authors David Lifton ("Best Evidence") and Doug Horne ("Inside the ARRB"). In fact, this fine volume serves as a kind of "cliff notes" version of those two books...but this is not all just a rehash. Definitely for the novice but even for the expert, "The JFK Assassination Revisited" is a smart buy. Excellent.
    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful By Vince Palamara on April 15, 2014
    Format: Paperback Amazon Verified Purchase
    Author Robin Ramsay is to be commended for writing such a cogent and well written treatise on the JFK assassination that I found to be quite illuminating and informative. What's more, this book appeals to the novice (for its brevity) and the expert (for some nice surprises). Get this asap!



    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars Very nice "factional" take on the JFK assassination...via Chicago, April 15, 2014
    This review is from: Target Lancer (Nathan Heller Novels) (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author Max Allan Collins is to be commended for pulling together a very well written and entertaining "factional" look at the JFK assassination via the documented aborted attempt on his life that was planned for Chicago a few shorts weeks before 11/22/63 ("faction" is a term used for fiction writers using quite a bit of documented facts to weave their story). I am honored that Max chose to use my work as one of the (many) sources, as well as the heroic tale of former Secret Service agent Abraham Bolden (as "Eben Boldt"). Five stars!
  5. http://www.amazon.com/Last-Word-Assassination-John-Barbour/dp/B00IXQV34U/ref=cm_cr-mr-title

    1 OF 1 found the following review helpful

    5.0 out of 5 stars Fabulous...even with warts and all. Essential! April 15, 2014
    Format:DVD|Verified Purchase
    Although (as with Mark Lane's great book with a similar name) certainly NOT "the last word" on the JFK assassination, this over 2-and-a-half hour, two-part DVD is an essential, fabulous and informative production, even with some warts and all included. The first part of the DVD is a 1992 production that was once only available on VHS (and was long out of stock). Although a few items in this 90-minute documentary are debatable and/ or discredited, the LARGE majority of this presentation is a very well done and essential must-have for any student of the JFK assassination, in general, and the Jim Garrison case, in particular (not to nitpick with the minor "problems" with this part of the documentary, which I fondly recall from over 20 years ago in its tape-only rendition: the production values are excellent- rare photos, videos, films and eyewitness commentary galore). Jim Garrison, Lou Ivon, Bill Alford, F. Irvin Dymond, Judge Haggerty, Mark Lane, Harold Weisberg, Steve Jaffe, and a host of others grace this part...bravo!

    The second part of this DVD is the 1/31/14 webcast panel discussion with authors Joan Mellen, Jim Marrs, and Dick Russell, narrated by John Barbour, the producer and narrator of the 1992 documentary. While excellent and thought provoking, the one hour given to this panel could have (and should have) been much longer; I wanted more, more, more! Inevitably, that is WHY there never will be a final word on the assassination- time constraints and interruptions are ever present (as an aside, someone needs to write the mother of all conspiracy books and outdo Bugliosi and the Warren Commission via a nuts-and-bolts, everything-AND-the-kitchen-sink look at the case: ALL the evidence of conspiracy in unabbreviated form, etc., but I digress)..

    In summation, this is a very fine production that John Barbour and company should feel mighty proud of, fully deserving a five star rating. Get this asap! What are you waiting for?
  6. http://www.amazon.com/Fox-Among-Wolves-Francis-ONeill/dp/1605307726/ref=cm_cr-mr-title

    3 of 3 people found the following review helpful

    Terrific book by a great American from the greatest generation!

    By Vince Palamara on July 26, 2012

    I highly recommend this book by JFK autopsy witness and FBI Agent Francis X. O'Neill Jr. titled "A Fox Among Wolves". A decorated veteran of World War II and the Korean War, O'Neill also served with distinction as a New York City police officer, an FBI agent (1955-1978), and a member of the Connecticut State Legislature (1982-1990). Francis X. O'Neill Jr. is most famous for his eyewitness observations at JFK's autopsy on 11/22/63---in that regard, the chapter devoted to this specific matter does not disappoint.

    This is a highly enjoyable book from start to finish with many photos, as well. For those with a keen interest in the JFK autopsy, here are a few of the highlights (including a reprint of the infamous Sibert & O'Neill report):

    -confirms that the statement about surgery to JFK's head came from the autopsy doctors themselves;

    -speculates that some surgical procedure had been performed before the autopsy such as cutting of hair or removal of some tissue to view the head wound (!!!);

    -states several times that the head wound was massive and was located in the right rear of JFK's skull;

    -"parts of the brain were still there, but not much";

    -there was a small hole in the upper right rear of the back and there was no exit for this wound;

    -states that Humes said that external cardiac massage must have worked the back bullet out of the wound in Dallas and that this solved the dilemma of the bullet found at Parkland;

    -states that Arlen Specter's single bullet theory was "just a theory";

    and a whole lot more!

    Beyond this controversial topic, the book is surprisingly as engaging as its author (anyone who has had the honor of viewing the television debate with author George Michael Evica will appreciate Frank's dry wit and humor, as well as his tell-it-like-it-is approach). There are fascinating stories of his work in the FBI, as well as anecdotes about his participation in World War II, the Korean War, and the other touchstones of his life. Frank had a rich, full, extraordinary life, indeed, and this work does a magnificent job of conveying that to the reader. Highly recommended!
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