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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. A new book (coming 11/22/18- I received an advance copy) I highly recommend: NEW information, very well written. NOTHING in it’s 500-plus pages is in any way, shape or form old news. I am amazed that, at this late juncture, something NEW can come out in book form on this case! Get it when it comes out!

    THE INHERITANCE Facebook page:


    THE INHERITANCE Amazon page:



  2. 18 hours ago, Lawrence Schnapf said:

    does anyone know what happened to Livingston's research materials? are they stored at some university. with so many witnesses passing the last few years, his interview notes along with those of Marrs are invaluable and historically important.

    Hi, Lawrence! :)

    I know a couple of researchers who are actively searching for Harry's archives- stay tuned! :)



  3. 11 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Vince, did Livingstone share much of his thoughts regarding your specific area of study of the SS and especially those personally involved in the security of JFK?

    Did HL feel that the SS had some role ( nefarious or not ) in any part of the JFK event story?

    Did you see any of the negative takes on Livingstone such as his difficulty in personal engagement? Was he a "pill" at times?

    Hi, Joe! Oh, yes--Harry definitely believed there was some Secret Service involvement. He was especially suspicious of Bill Greer (although NOT as a shooter). He admired my work and mentioned me in the two newer editions of High Treason, as well as High Treason 2, Killing The Truth, Killing Kennedy and The Radical Right.

    The small chapter on the Secret Service in High Treason was a huge inspiration for me back in 1989. When I met Harry at the Third Decade conference in Fredonia, NY in June 1991, he was pleasant, albeit also a little gruff at times (he remembered my Feb. 1991 letter that was actually meant for his "co-author" Groden! As it turns out, Harry actually wrote High Treason and Groden only added the photos and his reputation to the book).

    HUGE yes to your last sentence LOL!! Harry was actually a nice guy trapped in a tortured soul. He inherited some money (and he made a lot from his first two books, both NY Times best-sellers), but he was shunned from his family because he did not want to pick up the family business. Plus, his mother was abusive toward him. THIS book is Harry's autobiography: a sad and compelling (yet inspiring) book, indeed:


    Despite having arguably the two biggest conspiracy books ever (and some of the other ones did ok, as well), Harry was shunned by most of the community for his brusque personality and especially for his book KILLING THE TRUTH, as he took several luminaries in the case to task; an ill-advised idea on his part.

    That said, despite some poor writing at times, his books (especially HIGH TREASON 2) are valuable for the medical evidence and all the primary witnesses he interviewed.





  4. 6127e-43090965_729582464049464_6549086701262733312_n.jpg?w=640&h=462

    Sage advice the (late) best-selling author Harrison Edward Livingstone gave me in early 1991. At that point, I scrapped my manuscript (which was nothing but other people’s work, more or less) and went head first into contacting and interviewing as many Secret Service agents as I could, thus “cornering the market”, so to speak. Livingstone was the co-author of HIGH TREASON + he authored HIGH TREASON 2, KILLING THE TRUTH, KILLING KENNEDY [not the lone nut book with the same title!], THE RADICAL RIGHT, and many others. He passed away in 2015. Livingstone and I interviewed JFK autopsy witness Jerrol Custer on 11/22/91 (for HT2) and Steve Barber in 1992 (for KTT).

  5. On ‎10‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 2:56 PM, David Josephs said:

    Speaking of the men in the cars....

    Why isn't JFK's Aide,  McHugh,  where he's supposed to be?  

    Here is an image of where McHugh usually sits superimposed over Altgens...  the rear view mirrors even align..

    Good thing for McHugh he wasn't in the way... huh?   :huh:


    You're preaching to (my) choir :) Yes- McHugh is on record both in 1975 (Canadian radio interview) and to the HSCA that he was asked, FOR THE FIRST TIME, not to ride in the limo by the Secret Service "to accentuate full exposure." Now, to clarify--this was the first time he was ASKED not to ride there. Either he or fellow military aide Ted Clifton USUALLY rode there (about 80 percent of the time or more) but not always. The previous trip in Florida involving the longest domestic motorcade JFK ever undertook was very similar to THE longest motorcade (Berlin, June 1963): agents rode on the rear of the limo, motorcycles were in good quantity around the limo, the press photographer's flatbed truck ran in front of the limo, the military aide rode in the front seat, #1 agent Behn [Berlin] or #2 agent Boring rode in the limo, MULTI-STORY BUILDING ROOFTOPS WERE GUARDED, military and police lined the streets and faced the crowds, police intermingled in the crowds themselves, good protective intelligence, and the press bus and Dr. Burkley were both close to the limo.

  6. On ‎10‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 1:12 PM, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

    That keeps ducking up and down on the follow-up car before the assassination?

    Who is this agent?

    @Vince Palamara


    Sorry----JUST seeing this now (I don't check in every day). The agent in question is Glen Bennett- please see my blog on him for a whole lot more, as well as my latest book WHO'S WHO IN THE SECRET SERVICE:




  7. 12 hours ago, François Carlier said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but dosen't Flip de Mey write in his books that there is no question the shots came from the sniper's nest ? Therefore, when you advise us to read his books, are you in essence telling us that the sniper's nest should now be considerd by all conspiracy theorists to be the location from where the shots came ? 
    I mean, we all know that you yourself have had no consistence in your writings over the years, but we know that you, as of 2018, pose as a conspiracy believer, don't you ? Are you now claiming that Flip de Mey has convinced you that the shots came from the sniper's nest ?

    I will correct you: you are wrong.

    2007 is calling---old news. PAT SPEER also is on record as having briefly changed his mind once; big deal. So has Deb Galentine and a few other conspiracy advocates. Look at ole Freddie: he used to be a conspiracy advocate!

    Of course at least one shot came from the sniper's nest; so what? The question is: did OSWALD fire the weapon or did someone else? In addition, this has 0.0 to do with shots from OTHER locations. In addition to authors Flip de Mey and myself, author Barry Ernest also obviously posits this belief, as he does not believe Oswald was on the 6th floor firing, regardless of whether or not his rifle was used, etc.

    Expand your mind and come down from the silliness. Having an open mind is a good thing. It is not a crime to change your mind and go back to a position you had before. Otherwise, there would be no divorced people in this world: "Hey---you told your first wife you loved her? WHY are you remarried then? You are not allowed to change your mind...and I have this love letter to your first wife that 'proves' you are wrong now." See my point? :)

  8. EXCELLENT post/ topic. 

    Another thing I would add- you MUST get Flip de Mey's book THE LEE HARVEY OSWALD FILES. Anyone in the world, Oswald included, could NOT fire the Mannlicher accurately if it was brought in broken down (assuming it even WAS brought in broken down---where were the tools? No oil marks on the bag, etc.). The rifle could not be sited properly even if reassembled.

    I highly recommend this book---Flip, being from Holland, is totally detached from all the lone nut versus conspiracy side nonsense: he views the case dispassionately and goes thru ALL (and I mean ALL) the lone nut evidence; all the issues that can make even the most confident conspiracy advocate uncomfortable- the rifle, the bullets, the mail order form, the bag, etc. etc. etc.




  9. A book I HIGHLY recommend that tackles all the issues Fred brings up and a whole lot more (all the inconvenient "lone nut" bits and pieces about the bullets, rifle, the bag, etc. etc. etc.):




    This book, along with Jim DiEugenio's latest, is my favorite book on the case (Barry Ernest's book is right up there, too). Flip's other book is amazing, too:




    That said, get/ read The Lee Harvey Oswald Files: Why the CIA killed Kennedy

    Flip doesn't avoid ANY "lone nut" items. He goes into gory detail on everything- the postal money order, the backyard photos; you name it. So many conspiracy books DO gloss over a lot of the evidence that appears, at first glance, to demonstrate Oswald's (sole?) involvement...Flip's does not.

    The two de Mey books, DiEugenio's two books, and Barry Ernest's books- indispensable. Posner, Bugliosi, Litwin, Moore, Belin, etc.: debunked.


  10. On ‎9‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 11:02 PM, Denny Zartman said:

    Hi Vince! Congratulations on such great early reviews.

    I plan on getting your soon and look forward to it. "JFK: From Parkland To Bethesda" is one of my most dog-eared and marked up JFK books I own, and that's saying something. There's probably no one that knows more about the Secret Service, and how it relates to the assassination than you, so I expect your usual attention to detail.

    Thanks a lot!

  11. 21 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    One of the most important aspects of Bolden's story is his claim of personally overhearing racist comments from several White House agents expressing deep animosity toward JFK for his apparent liberal stance toward negroes and his pro-active measures reflected by his bringing Bolden ( the first negro ) onto the WH SS team.

    If we are to believe Bolden, these agents had such deeply resentful feelings toward JFK and his racial stance one actually said ( paraphrasing ) he wouldn't act as protectively toward the President in a threatening situation because of it.

    Clint Hill and many other SS agents testifying to the WC and those that have communicated with Vince or written their own books, all seemed to echo this common take that no agents disliked JFK on a personal basis, especially on the racially hateful level that Bolden claims.

    To do otherwise would open up suspicion and doubt towards their brotherhood regards their self promoted image of commonly held S.S. respect, admiration and blindly protective loyalty towards JFK.

    If you believe Bolden on this issue, than all those other agents lied about the reality of certain SS agents hating JFK deeply regards his liberal race stance as Bolden described and claimed he personally overheard.

    If one and especially more than one SS agents did actually hate JFK over his racial stance as deeply as Bolden relates, this would add at least some weight to the consideration of one or more of those JFK hating agents perhaps pulling back in JFK's protection in Dallas.

    I think it's pretty well accepted that a good percentage of white males employed in the police agency fields back in 1963 - on every level, city, county, state and federal - in this country, harbored race feelings very contrary and hugely less liberal than JFK.

    We know that the Dallas P.D. force was like this in the majority in 1963 as one would expect in cities throughout the South during that time.

    We also know that the L.A.P. D. force was like this up until and beyond 1963.

    So why not members of the Secret Service back in those days?

    JFK was hated to a murder wishing level by millions of segregation favoring people in this country all during his presidential term. 

    The massively felt and expressed racial hatred towards JFK, if not one of the main factors in JFK's actual assassination, certainly played some part in other aspects of the assassination such as stymieing investigations, altering evidence, the cover up, etc.

    My own step-father used to scream at the TV news almost nightly in a drunken rage when any stories regarding JFK came on. He put all his hate, anger, personal frustrations and jealousies onto JFK. Yelling in a bulging red eyed rage what a queer, ni##er, jew loving commie S.O.B. Kennedy was.

    And this was in California!  One can imagine the level of JFK racial hate in the Southern states.

    Another chink in some of the more well known JFK Secret Service member's well promoted cover story of a great JFK respecting and liking feeling commonly shared by their counterparts are some of the personal comments leaked out reporting other members of the S.S. feeling disgust and great disrespect for JFK regarding his extra-marital trysts while traveling away from the White House and without his wife Jackie present.

    All of this exposes the true reality of a much less commonly felt respect for JFK in his personal security ranks. It's common sense that at least some of the members of the SS did not feel great sorrow, loss and empathy when he was killed.

    Joe, thanks! I always like your posts. Get a load of this--motive? For some?





    On cloud nine now- I had a former Secret Service Agent (who requested anonymity, otherwise I would add this to my book!) tell me: Vince, the fourth appendix in your book decimates the JFK detail. It is like a fiery courtroom final summation. Honestly, how anyone can defend them after what you have written is beyond me. We learned a lot of what NOT to do in training based on their performance.” Wow.
    Another agent actually featured in the book, Dan Emmett, wrote:
    "I appreciate the favorable review of my humble service.
    This book is highly relevant in that it provides information on many historically significant happenings in the Service and those who were there.  Many ,as you point out, have been forgotten with time which makes your book even more important.
    You will eventually receive some poor reviews by some that are unhappy over not being mentioned, or over some of those who were.  If that happens, don't let it bother you.  Old former agents can be a vindictive lot. Also let me say that you have become a "real" author.  By that I mean your writing is very professional and, you continue to produce works."

    Yet another former agent actually wrote an Amazon review- John Carman:

    "BEST EXPOSE OF ITS KIND SO FAR! I am former U.S. Secret Service and I know what REALLY goes on inside the U.S. Secret Service on many different levels including at the White House and FMD/WHD 1974-1977. I was also the one that interviewed John W. Hinckley in 1976 to have him committed to ST. Elizabeth's Mental Hospital
    The Duty agent that night FAILED to admit Hinckley and 5 years later Hinckley was arrested for shooting President Reagan, SA-Tim McCarthy, Jim Brady and others.
    Vince Palamara has the guts to expose the REAL Truth!
    Way to go Vince !!!"



  13. 17 hours ago, Roy Wieselquist said:



    Good golly, this is quite a find, fills out the scenario of cataclysmic incompetence in the Lone Star Republic Nov. 1963.

    San Antonio, 11,13,63--eight days before JFK and LBJ were there on their big Texas swing, an EIGHTH of a million pounds of explosives in a special igloo go kerblooie.

    Towering mushroom cloud, windows break 30 miles away.  Our fine military/weapons/complex "at work".

    Three grunts, two in the igloo when the chain reaction starts (starting with a "popping noise like a shotgun blast"), and one at the nearby "straddle-carrier" (is that fancy military talk for a "trailer-bed" or a "truck"?)-------ESCAPE UNHARMED.  No doubt they adhered to the always practical Aristotelean philosophy of get-the-hell-out-of-there-ism.  One felt that he was blown 50 yards by the blast, and that's because he was moving quickly in the right direction, going with the flow.

    No bigshots, no officers in sight helping with the dirty dangerous job, or at least overseeing it.  What do they get the big bucks and shiny boffo uniforms for?  But ain't that the 1963 Texas and US military way?  Both together=double whammy.  Three grunts, all alone, doing it all.

    It's a shame some bigshot like William KING Harvey wasn't there giving his expertise.  Maybe he woulda pulled out his fancy shooting-iron and spooked that bomb into submission.

    And what if the mighty cigar-chomping Curtis LeMay had been there to boss around the operation like he did at the Bethesda autopsy?  News reports say, "He must have vaporized.  Nothing of The General's body was found.  Except, perhaps, some of his fruit salad discovered a mile away by some boys playing hooky from school."

    The igloos are still visible from a highway.  And a 25 foot deep, 60 foot wide crater.  One of the survivors says of the igloos, "No telling what's in them."  You betcha.

    Oh I wish there was record of some Kennedy bon mots about this one-more-time-again Texan stewardship of the nation's wealth (blood, sweat and tears). Like he did that same day in big bad Houston at the new space center (that he gave as a sop to Lyndon and those other back-shootin crooks), something like, "Never has there been such a payroll -- er, excuse me -- payload."

    Vince, PS:  You are feeding us old dogs very well; some of us are getting fat

    Thanks! :) :)

  14. I had a guy excitedly write me and say this was why the military intelligence branch was pre-occupied before Dallas. Maybe; maybe not...but interesting. I had never heard of this before:



    Blast shook San Antonio days before JFK assassination


    -A massive explosion of military munitions shook San Antonio in late 1963, generating a mushroom cloud, breaking windows up to 30 miles away and briefly raising concerns about nuclear fallout.

    The huge blast in southwestern Bexar County, which surprisingly injured no one seriously, was overshadowed by news nine days later when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, one day after visiting the Alamo City.

    Official accounts indicate that 123,000 pounds of explosives accidentally detonated as three workers took material to a fortified bunker at Medina Base, then an Atomic Energy Commission site, now known as the Lackland Training Annex.

    Read more here: https://www.star-telegram.com/news/state/texas/article26517574.html#storylink=cpy



  15. On ‎9‎/‎13‎/‎2018 at 6:56 PM, B. A. Copeland said:

    Wow Vince. This is great, thank you and Mr Bolden. Vince have you ever looked deeply at Maurice Martineau?

    Thanks. However, in the interest of accuracy, there was a timely update from Abe himself just an hour ago- it turns out the photo is NOT him but another African American agent from the Chicago office whom he trained and who also was interviewed by the HSCA: Conrad Cross (who is also mentioned in my books). I edited my post, above.

    I interviewed and corresponded with Martineau, so yes----see my first book...AND THIS!!!!!


    WHAT?!?!! Maurice Martineau (1914-2009) WOULD have been 18 going on 19 at the time pf this incident. Did the Secret Service know about his???


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