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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. On ‎2‎/‎1‎/‎2019 at 3:44 PM, Rich Pope said:


    Your comment that "NOTHING" in this book is old news is totally a farce.  Several postings on this site and other sites show that a lot in this book is old news.  The only thing that isn't is the Cartier watch.  We all knew some of the bullets were tipped with Mercury.  We all knew the arguments JFK had with LBJ about who was going to sit where in the motorcade.  We all knew the USSS checked all metal objects for radiation.  And there are a lot of things I could list but simply don't need to.  Everyone has heard of these things before.  The book is not a watershed of new information.

    "the only thing that isn't [old news] is the watch".


    So, how did you like the play, Mrs. Lincoln? :)


    Did you read with the highly respected and esteemed author Dick Russell said about the watch at the start of the book? 

  2. 22 minutes ago, John Butler said:

    This discussion has moved considerably since I last posted here.  Bart Kamp's photo has been posted by Vince Palamara with an explanation of its source.  He also wanders about the angle of the two holes in the shirt matching anything reasonable.  I don't think JFK could have bent over that far to make those holes match for someone shooting from above.

    There's another problem.  Is this a forgery?  Or, is other pictures of JFK's shirt a forgery?  Look at this an see if you can find a hole in the shirt just below the collar button in the left hand part of this photo.  I can't find one.  The image to the left is a little blurry but, still clear enough to see whether a hole is there or not.  What do you think? 


    The right hand photo of the JFK shirt suggests it was taken prior to the FBI snipping segments away from the hole.  Is that right?  Does that make sense with a photo taken in 1993?

    The 1993 photos were for the (then) upcoming 30th anniversary, they are in black and white and are in better quality.

  3. Just now, Vince Palamara said:


    WASHINGTON, D.C. – NOVEMBER 5: A close up look at the bloodstained collar area, where a bullet hole (C) and two slits near the collar buttons can be seen, from the shirt the former President Kennedy was wearing when he was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, TX, the shirt was photographed at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. on November 5, 1993. (Photo by Michael Williamson / The Washington Post via Getty Images) JUST RELEASED THIS YEAR! I ADDED THE ARROW




    I like what a lone-nutter "friend" mine said about the hole in the back here: "Kennedy was leaning very much forward- case closed!" Sounds like Francois haha


    WASHINGTON, D.C. – NOVEMBER 5: A close up look at the bloodstained collar area, where a bullet hole (C) and two slits near the collar buttons can be seen, from the shirt the former President Kennedy was wearing when he was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, TX, the shirt was photographed at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. on November 5, 1993. (Photo by Michael Williamson / The Washington Post via Getty Images) JUST RELEASED THIS YEAR! I ADDED THE ARROW




  5. Harrison Edward Livingstone tribute (several posts from 2015)


    Sage advice the (late) best-selling author Harrison Edward Livingstone gave me in early 1991. At that point, I scrapped my manuscript (which was nothing but other people's work, more or less) and went head first into contacting and interviewing as many Secret Service agents as I could, thus "cornering the market", so to speak. Livingstone was the co-author of HIGH TREASON + he authored HIGH TREASON 2, KILLING THE TRUTH, KILLING KENNEDY [not the lone nut book with the same title!], THE RADICAL RIGHT, and many others. He passed away in 2015. Livingstone and I interviewed JFK autopsy witness Jerrol Custer on 11/22/91 (for HT2) and Steve Barber in 1992 (for KTT).


    Harrison Livingstone with Robert Groden

    Harrison "Harry" Edward Livingstone, who passed away in February 2015, was an eccentric, prolific, talented, paranoid and tireless author of many books, including quite a few on the JFK assassination:

    1) HIGH TREASON with Robert Groden (1989)- for all intents and purposes (other than John Davis' "Mafia Kingfish"), THE book that started my obsession on the JFK murder and the Secret Service. Warts and all (yes, it is a little dated now in places), this two-time NY Times best-seller is a seminal book on the case (I am mentioned in the 1998 and 2006 versions of this book)...

    I mailed Livingstone a letter (actually, it was primarily meant for his co-author Groden at Conservatory Press, but Livingstone intercepted it and replied) in February 1991and he promptly wrote back and included this memorable line: "Unless you have something original to offer, don't bother. You'll just run yourself into the ground." Wise and cutting words, indeed, and inspiring, as well- I scrapped my original secondary-source laden manuscript FOR NATIONAL SECURITY and started to focus like a laser beam on the actions and inactions of the Secret Service, inspired in part by the modest chapter in Harry's book (thanks, Harry). I subsequently met Harry in person at the Third Decade conference in Fredonia, NY in June 1991-my coming out party, so to speak, as a researcher-and I began to work on primary research and helping Harry when I could, including a memorable two-day jaunt (11/22-11/23/91) to a nearby Pittsburgh suburb to film Bethesda x-ray tech Jerrol Custer (and Tom Wilson) for what would become Harry's second book (Harry thanked me in the book [the very first book I ever appeared in]):

    2) HIGH TREASON 2 (1992)- another NY Times best-seller, thanks in large part to the hooplah over the Oliver Stone film (to which Harry had a chapter and was an ardent critic) "JFK". In my opinion, this is Harry's crowning achievement; excellent stuff on the medical evidence, in particular...then things got "harry" (pardon the pun)- I helped Harry once again in 1992 (going to Ohio to interview Steve Barber) for what would turn out to be his most controversial work:

    3) KILLING THE TRUTH (1993)- this book, while having some important information in spots, greatly alienated the critical community towards Harry (and vice versa) due in large part to Harry's criticism of several sacred cows in the community (I am mentioned in this one, as well);

    4) KILLING KENNEDY (1995)- NOT to be confused with the later Bill O'Reilly junk with the same title, this was a somewhat mixed bag of a book (I am mentioned in this one, too);

    5) THE RADICAL RIGHT AND THE MURDER OF JOHN F. KENNEDY (2006)- Harry's best book (and last good one) since HIGHT TREASON 2 (yes, I am mentioned in this one). A good synthesis of what was good about his prior works, along with a few new items and surprises;



    7) PANJANDRUM (2013)- JFK X-RAY faulty expose

    😎 KALEIDOSCOPE (2012)- a too critical attack on Doug Horne


    9) TEXAS IN THE MORNING by Madelaine Brown


    Not to mention many other non-JFK novels and books of interest.

    Harry inspired me greatly and started my path into PRIMARY, ORIGINAL research and thinking AND being my own person in the community, even if that meant being a "loner" at times within it.

    I will remember the good times and miss him. Not everyone will, for he alienated some (a lot?)...but I will always be grateful.

    Thanks, Harry. RIP. I hope you get to talk to JFK now- you idolized him so.

    Kennedy assassination is author’s life’s work

    By DENNIS TAYLOR Herald Staff Writermontereyherald.com

    Posted:   05/06/2012 09:14:46 PM PDT

    May 7, 2012 4:15 AM GMTUpdated:   05/06/2012 09:14:47 PM PDT



    Click photo to enlarge

    John Kennedys murder is a major part of my lifes work, says… (VERN FISHER/Associated Press)

    • His life has been a long, strange ride, and an unpleasant one at times — a price that has been paid by serious writers throughout history.

    Harrison Livingstone, 75, who ranks among the world’s most prolific investigative authors on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, has been a serious writer for most of his life. An early work, “David Johnson Passed Through Here,” was hailed as a ground-breaking novel about child abuse. Like many of his published books — more than two dozen now — “David Johnson” is at least partially autobiographical. Livingstone described his mother in print as a “violent and hysterical” woman with whom he “never had a two-way conversation.”

    “Terrible things happened when I was a kid,” he said, “but a part of you rises above it.”

    His first name is an homage to a branch of his family tree that sprang from William Henry Harrison, the ninth president of the United States.

    Livingstone’s aunt married a billionaire who co-founded the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York City. He said he was written out of the will when he opted to live as a writer, rather than commit to the family business.

    His father was a World War I hero with the Army’s Rainbow Division, hauling soldiers, alive and dead, off the battlefield at the river Marne.

    “I was very proud of my father, even if he died (in 1985) thinking I was a failure,” Livingstone said. “I vowed not to fail, no matter what, and I became an obsessed

    workaholic for the next 24 years.”

    His stepfather was a supervisor in charge of the two FBI agents who observed the autopsy of Kennedy.

    Livingstone seized on the opportunities stemming from that connection. He has written 3,400 pages about the assassination of Kennedy and what he is certain is a conspiracy to hide the facts about what really happened in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963.

    The truth, said Livingstone, is that four men (none of them Lee Harvey Oswald) fired 13 shots at Kennedy, and some of the fatal bullets struck the president in the front of the head and neck — not the just the back, as the Warren Commission Report said.

    Livingstone said Kennedy’s murder was orchestrated in part by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, partly for the benefit of wealthy Texas oilmen and others who were heavily invested in the war industry and stood to lose billions if the U.S. withdrew from Vietnam. Vice President Lyndon Johnson, a friend to those barons, was a heartbeat away from solving their problem.

    Consumed by Kennedy

    Livingstone has written 25 published books, as well as plays, movie scripts, novels and poetry. But Kennedy’s assassination has consumed most of his adult life.

    His obsession with the case has spilled into six published volumes (all available at the Monterey Public Library), three of which made the New York Times bestseller list. “High Treason: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy; What Really Happened” and its sequel sold more copies than any other JFK conspiracy books in history.

    His 2004 book, “The Hoax of the Century: Decoding the Forgery of the Zapruder Film,” lays out evidence that the home movie of the assassination was drastically doctored before it was shown to the press and public.

    Livingstone believes his findings are being validated today by FBI and Secret Service agents who were on duty in Dallas when Kennedy was killed — men now going public with their information.

    One of those agents, Clint Hill, famously leaped onto the back of the limousine to protect first lady Jackie Kennedy. Livingstone said Hill’s April 6 NBC interview promoting his own memoir, “Mrs. Kennedy and Me,” corroborated his findings, providing renewed hope that the truth about the president’s murder, and its cover-up, will finally come to light.

    For Livingstone, it’s none too soon. He has stage 4 cancer and said doctors are unable to give him a definitive prognosis about his longevity


























    PANJANDRUM (2013)







    c2a63-a1kdnyhcp5l.jpg?w=199 bbb65-810ykeld8el.jpg?w=2004b27a-81r0u3gmpgl.jpg?w=200 6a657-51xezfsbesl.jpg?w=210 a73b3-51wth3wzubl.jpg?w=200 17263-51vmadzm252bfl.jpg?w=200 9bc12-51ruf252bd5hil.jpg?w=210 cc79a-51qrp0fumsl.jpg?w=200 1b42f-51nmvjn9otl.jpg?w=200 7980e-51lzubuhqil.jpg?w=200 9e123-51jjdgt-frl.jpg?w=194 d877d-51gffemsxbl.jpg?w=200 f3685-51fohvjvt7l.jpg?w=200 f3896-51252baxh91fsl.jpg?w=200 45841-41z2auj7yvl.jpg?w=200 d88c5-41lor9zqqcl.jpg?w=200 20cc0-41hkc1nipcl.jpg?w=200

    (image repeated from above selections): THIS BOOK IS AN AMAZING YET SAD ACCOUNT OF HARRY'S LIFE- RECOMMENDED:












    HARRY LIVINGSTONE RIP- more information on his last years/days and passing

    Pamela Brown wrote on Facebook-

    Today I got an email from Bob Oliver, a radio talk show host I did an interview with in 2010 Pamela,

    I learned yesterday that Harry died sometime in February here in Monterey. He had a large group of followers and did a tremendous good for all of us. I hope you can spread the news wide. I have notified the media locally and was told that the news was not known by the media sources yet.


    I thought you might reach Judith for me. I did meet her briefly in San Francisco several years ago at a conference she spoke at.

    In January of 2014 I helped Harry move. He was ill then and he was difficult. By June he was placed in a facility. He died in February. I'm helping to locate people that need to know, and get some recognition for his works. From our conversations, I know how instrumental he was in yours and my lives. You may want to write again.

    Harrison Edward Livingstone, local Monterey author passed away in a convalescent home in February this year. He was under conservatorship monitored by Carl Powers Monterey County Public Guardian Office. Harry was in contact with Mary Duan prior to his medical disability. There was no mention in either the Herald or Coast Weekly. So far I find no mention on the internet. I only learned of his passing today from Carl Powers.

    Harry wrote many historical accounts in his Kennedy Assassination books and over the past ten years was concentrating on what he felt were his more creative years of writing. Some of his writing is about local accounts here and in Big Sur. Harry was a best selling and notable author for his book High Treason and series of Kennedy assassination books with leading investigative finding including the Zapruder film hoax and alterations of the Kennedy autopsy photos. He would however, have like to have been remembered for his more recent books and his love of writing. Those who knew him can easily remember him saying as he would finish one of his books "That book almost killed me".





    WASHINGTON, D.C. - NOVEMBER 5: A close up look at the bloodstained collar area, where a bullet hole (C) and two slits near the collar buttons can be seen, from the shirt the former President Kennedy was wearing when he was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, TX, the shirt was photographed at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. on November 5, 1993. (Photo by Michael Williamson / The Washington Post via Getty Images) JUST RELEASED THIS YEAR! I ADDED THE ARROW. How does a wound that low go up to the front of the neck?!?!?!?


    WASHINGTON, D.C. - NOVEMBER 5: A close up look that shows a possible bullet hole of the tie the former President Kennedy was wearing when he was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, TX, the shirt was photographed at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. on November 5, 1993. (Photo by Michael Williamson / The Washington Post via Getty Images) JUST RELEASED THIS YEAR!


    WASHINGTON, D.C. - NOVEMBER 5: A close up look at the bloodstained and torn suit coat the former President Kennedy was wearing when he was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, TX, the shirt was photographed at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. on November 5, 1993. (Photo by Michael Williamson / The Washington Post via Getty Images) JUST RELEASED THIS YEAR!


    WASHINGTON, D.C. - NOVEMBER 5: A close up look at the bloodstained collar area, where a bullet hole (C) and two slits near the collar buttons can be seen, from the shirt the former President Kennedy was wearing when he was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, TX, the shirt was photographed at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. on November 5, 1993. (Photo by Michael Williamson / The Washington Post via Getty Images) JUST RELEASED THIS YEAR!









  7. 12 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

    Hi Vince,

    I just finished listening to your interview. It was excellent, and sure didn't feel like 90 minutes. I had not heard about Thomas Shipman before, and that was a fascinating story. I'm getting Who's Who In The Secret Service for myself for Christmas. I look forward to reading it. It's great to read your posts on this forum and to have the opportunity to benefit from your expertise.


    Thanks, Denny! Yes- I found that out by pure happenstance (about Shipman).


  8. 22 hours ago, Roy Wieselquist said:


    OMG, this is my new favorite interview/exposition of JFKA.  I listened to it twice, took notes the second time.  Then I see the notes below the "play line" or whatever you call it.  An economical synopsis, the most you could have squeezed into that space.  Your 90 minutes had a lot of words, and not one of them wasted.  Wow!  And clear as can be.  That has to be some kind of record.

    Random facts that appealed to me:

    * Emory (not Earlene) Roberts immediately became LBJ's appointment secretary (Dave Powers' old job for JFK) and bodyguard.  It was ER with the umbrella over Lyndon and Ladybird at JFK's funeral.  Very metaphorical, sheltering the Texas crook from the harsh weather and harsh inquiries.  First time an SS agent ever made such a radical job change and kept working for the same government traitor.  What cheeses me the most about ER is he was so sanctimonious about JFK's dalliances, but LBJ was a veritable Caligula.  At least JFK didn't go after the wives of his closest friends.

    * The heartbreaking story of Thomas Shipman, Kennedy's real driver, poisoned to death at Camp David (which should have been a sanctuary!), only SSA to die during JFK's thousand days.  Family VERY suspicious.

    * Lisa McCubbin leaving her husband for the also still-married Clint Hill.  Hypocrisy, anyone?  Maybe old CH sees some of that old Jackie classiness in his amanuensis/ghost-writer/ just plain writer.

    *Clint Hill burning all his notes in 2005, coincidentally right after one Vincent Palamara was asking perfectly innocent questions.  Gerald Blaine and a few other SSA went "mental" around that time too.

    *  SS needed a "hero" to balance out their unprecedented falling down on the job.  Enter: Clint Hill who was johnny-on-the-spot once the danger was over and the damage done.

    * "Dallas was a MOVING CRIME."  Apt.  Encapsulation.

    * Thanks for the new book tip, The Inheritance: Poisoned Fruit of JFK's Assassination by Christopher and Michelle Fulton.  They beat me to it, but good for them.

    And on and on.  Thanks, Vince.  It's game over.  Point, game, set, match.  Stick a fork in it, it's done.

    BTW, could you ask your friend David V. P., who is an expert on Oswald's "suspicious behavior,"  "How about the 999 BILLION beyond-suspicious actual actions of the bigshot authorities in and around JFKA?"  Please, he listens to you, respects you.


    Thanks a lot, Roy. It is nice to see that people listen and care.

  9. 9 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    There are speakers who put you to sleep after about 20 minutes.  Vince keeps you awake!

    It is his still youthful energy and kind of innocently sincere, Pittsburgh raised regular guy "Gosh, can you believe THAT" enthusiasm along with his always interesting research subject matter that keeps me listening to his talks and interviews.

    VP seems to me like a fun, upbeat, unpretentious, non-confrontational. down to Earth but still smart and interesting guy you'd want to share  pizza, beer and working class jokes with.

    Vince, I still think Clint Hill fell in love with Jackie Kennedy during his extremely close and personal protective bodyguard role ( for years ) with her and that a real part of his post 11,22,1963 depression, drinking and strained marriage stress was due to living and struggling with this unfulfilled yearning.

    Also, just watched the Zapruder film in real and slow motion time for the 10,000th time and Clint Hill arrived to the limo trunk top "after" Jackie had climbed on this to retrieve part of her husband's skull or brain and had clearly already turned and pulled herself back and was almost back in the rear seat by the time Hill actually made contact with her.

    Not trying to diminish Hill's attempts but he didn't need to push Jackie back into the limo rear seat as much as she herself got back to it, where upon Hill did throw himself over her and JFK  in a brave body shielding way.

    Thanks so much! :) I am a super silly, laidback guy by nature; thank my parents for that haha. I also "have a life" away from the case.

    Some people get so mean-spirited and evil about things. We all need to come to a universal agreement: WE WILL NEVER AGREE and the case will never be solved (even Gerald Posner, a surprisingly nice guy, has said as much: he is 99 percent convinced Oswald acted alone "but there is that one percent"--!)

    I agree about Hill--he was very smitten by Jackie. I suspect (but cannot prove, of course) that they had a "fling" of some sort.



  10. 18 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

    Hi Vince,

    I disagree with nearly everything you say, but I certainly admire your spirit, energy, and "vigah" whenever you talk about the JFK case. 😄

    (And there's one thing for sure --- nobody is ever going to accuse Vincent Michael Palamara of talking too slowly. :))

    http://box.com/mp3 audio/Interview With Vince Palamara (Dec. 6, 2018)

    http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/A Discussion About JFK's Trip To San Diego In June 1963

    http://www.amazon.com/Vincent Michael Palamara

    hahaha! :) Thanks--I admire your civility, Dave. I also think you have an incredible archive. I confess--I look at your OJ archives a lot, as well (!!)

  11. 2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    VInce, yeah the whole thing with Noriega was really something.  

    Bush did not know about drug dealing in Central America and Noriega being in on it?

    The thing about the Neil Bush dinner the night before is, well, what can one call it? Ironic, interesting, a wild coincidence?

    I don't understand the photo of the TSBD.

    The photo of the TSBD: that was from 11/2/1991--Bush driving by! See his limo in the photo under the building.

  12. 5 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    He was a pretty bad guy. Not quite as bad as Cheney, but pretty bad.

    What he did as CIA Director in shutting down the Church Committee is just one example.

    And its pretty clear that he lied in his interviews about that job since he had been associated with the Agency prior to accepting the position.

    What he did as VP down there in Central America is really pretty awful stuff.  There is very little doubt he was involved with the whole Contra drugs for arms shipments out of Florida. Claiming he was out of the loop is contradicted by his own diaries. As VP he broke a tie in the senate and voted for the nutty MX missile.

    And let us not forget, he is the guy who pardoned everyone after Lawrence Walsh indicted them for Iran Contra. Which, as the late great Bob Parry discovered,  was really an extension of the October Surprise. Bush was a part of that also.

    Carlier and DVP like this guy? 

    Jim, check these out (including the bottom photo):


    1511070_10204646132048755_4478367181012411/2/91- BUSH RIDING BY THE TSBD





  13. JUST NOW ON CNN: Wolf Blitzer just said "We will probably never know all that George Bush did as CIA Director as all that material is highly classified and will be for many years to come"--!!!!!!


    PRESCOTT BUSH, GEORGE'S FATHER (AND W'S GRANDFATHER) was no fan of the Kennedys. He didn't like what they "did" to dear Allen Dulles, CIA Director (Bush senior would later become CIA Director)


    click on images to enlarge

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