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Vince Palamara

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Posts posted by Vince Palamara

  1. 18 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    I listened to the podcast. It came across as sour grapes. Why won't these people come on my show? Podcasts are the future, etc. 

    Well, I was lured into that kind of thinking myself 15 years ago or so. I thought books were over and that websites were the future. You can expand your thinking on a website. You can correct your mistakes. I thought I would be on the cutting edge and create something new...a mammoth book on the assassination...that was 100% free. 

    But it never really caught on. Nor did any other website, including this one, in my opinion. 

    When I visited Dallas to speak at the 2009 COPA conference, however, I learned something I kinda wish I hadn't learned. People came up to me in Dealey Plaza--I kid you not--and asked me for my autograph or if they could have their picture taken with me, or both. I joked around with a few of them, and discovered that most of them had never even visited my website, but that they'd seen one or more of the videos I'd created with my friend Brad, which he had put up on youtube. 

    Well, that's the thing, you see. Youtube is easily digestible...and easily forgettable. As are podcasts. One a week, in the same monotone...they run into each other. Tune in next week when I further expose the evil "them." It's like Kolchak the Night Stalker but without the delightfully cheezy special effects. 

    Conferences still exist for the same reason Broadway still exists and classical concerts still exist. Sitting in an audience and listening to a well-dressed someone try to demonstrate their ideas (or even tell their story) is a vastly different experience than walking around a kitchen while a disembodied voice blathers on. 

    Now, that said, Rob makes some good points.

    1.The Judyth Conference is an embarrassment. Apparently, it's not as bad as it used to be, but it's still not okay. 

    2. There is a clique-y nature to CAPA, as there was to COPA. Having attended and spoken at both Lancer and COPA/CAPA conferences, I have some perspective on this. Lancer was designed in part for tourists. As a consequence, Debra always made sure to invite some of the actual witnesses to the conference. This provided some of those attending with a cheap thrill, and some of the more-serious minded with otherwise hard-to-gain access. By attending Lancer Conferences, I was able to have chats with the likes of Buell Frazier, William Newman, Mary Moorman, James Tague, H.B. McLain, Kenneth Salyer, Robert McLelland, Aubrey Rike, and James Jenkins. And that's not even to mention more controversial figures like Abraham Bolden, Beverly Oliver, Tosh Plumlee, and yes, Judyth Baker. But COPA/CAPA is a different story. Its membership consists largely of doctors and lawyers, and its purpose is less to entertain and provide its attendees with a sense of what happened than to provide its members with a sense of what's coming next. To wit, much of this year's conference was dedicated to discussions of recently released documents, the possibility of upcoming mock trials, and Oliver Stone's upcoming TV series. 

    P.S. There was an ironic twist to Rob's rant. He said how great it was to meet Tink Thompson. Well, for some, that would be worth the trip. From attending conferences, I have been able to meet and discuss the case--sometimes quite briefly, and sometimes quite extensively---with the likes of Robert Groden, Jim Marrs, Larry Hancock, William Turner, Sherry Fiester, Jim DiEugenio, David Kaiser, Cyril Wecht, Tink Thompson, John Judge, Mark Lane, Walt Brown, Max Holland, John McAdams, Gary Aguilar, Gary Murr, John Newman, Peter Dale Scott, Paul Hoch, Jefferson Morley, David Talbot, Doug DeSalles, and Bill Simpich, along with relative youths like Debra Conway, Alan Dale, Robert Wagner, David Josephs and Matt Douthit. 

    For me, it's been worth it. 

    Pat, I took your photo in the plaza when we met there 11/23/2019 :)

    Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, sky and outdoor


    CLICK ON IMAGES TO ENLARGE (See also my first book Survivor's Guilt and especially the entire chapter devoted to this subject in THE NOT-SO-SECRET SERVICE)


    First, some precedent- FDR era:




    Truman era:





    Ike era:








    Syndicated news story Summer 1963. Interestingly, many articles did not carry the highlighted information:



    Milwaukee May 1962:



    New York trip 1963:


    Paris trip 1961



    Caracas Dec 1961:



    Chief Inspector Michael Torina, WHO WROTE THE SECRET SERVICE MANUAL, and Chief James Rowley (pictured) contributed to this 1962 book:





    TAMPA, FL 11/18/63. Motorcycle officer Russell Groover confirmed to me that all multi-story buildings on the 28-MILE LONG MOTORCADE, the LONGEST DOMESTIC MOTORCADE JFK EVER UNDERTOOK (second only to the foreign trip to Berlin), were guarded by heavily armed officers. This Secret Service survey report was written by Frank Yeager and GERALD BLAINE OF KENNEDY DETAIL infamy! Author Larry Sabato, based on my tip (he acknowledges me in his book), contacted Blaine and called him out on this. Baine lamely stated that they didn't have the manpower in Dallas----a far shorter motorcade (only 10 miles)---to do what they did four days earlier in Tampa:





    11/22/63 Fort Worth (JFK Historian Mark Henderson from Australia):





    Former Secret Service Chief U.E. Baughman, author of the 1962 book SECRET SERVICE CHIEF, came clean in early December 1963...I guess this is why he wasn't called before the Warren Commission:



    Chicago 3/23/63:




    Pittsburgh, PA October 1962:



    Official Getty Images caption: McKeesport High School marching band lining up preparing to march, with sharpshooters on roof tops and billboard for Union Clothing Co., during President Kennedy campaign stop, McKeesport, Pennsylvania, October 13, 1962. (Photo by Charles 'Teenie' Harris/Teenie Harris Archive/Carnegie Museum of Art/Getty Images)




    Another New York trip:


    Nashville Agent Paul Doster, a former JFK White House Detail agent, told the "Nashville Banner" back on 5/18/63:

    "a complete check of the entire motorcade route" was done.  Also, Doster noted that "Other [police] officers were assigned atop the municipal terminal and other buildings along the route. These men took their posts at 8 a.m. and

    remained at their rooftop stations until the president and his party


    UPDATE: The 2013 book from the Nashville Tennessean JFK IN NASHVILLE provides the corroboration/ text in question and more:

    2.jpg?w=300 31.jpg?w=300 4.jpg?w=300 5.jpg?w=225



    Pueblo, CO 1962:



    Washington, D.C. May 1961---police guard rooftops, line the streets and face the crowds with their military counterparts. Flatbed truck also visible.


    Billings, MT September 1963:


    Duluth, MN 9/25/63:


    Ireland June 1963:


    Miami, FL 11/18/63:



    Germany June 1963:


    Seattle, WA November 1961:





    Alabama 1963:










    Washington, D.C. 1962---JFK uses the old Ike bubble top limousine as police are on rooftops and lining the street.








    After the fact excuses (that still demonstrate that guarding buildings and rooftops was performed):







  3. 7 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:


    In a nutshell, do you believe that Lawson was the impetus for the motorcade route to make its detour in front of the TSBD? Or, was he merely a conveyor of a decision reached elsewhere? Who precisely, in your view, is ultimately responsible for the fatal motorcade route in Dealey Plaza?

    Now for the BRIEF answer LOL: I believe it was Floyd Boring, working in concert with Lawson, Sorrels and Grant. See my first book (also my third and fourth books).

  4. 13 minutes ago, Ron Ecker said:


    When you briefly changed your mind, how did you explain the gaping wound in the back of the head? (I don't know how or if Bugliosi explained it, since I haven't read his book and never will.)

    The one thing that interests me about lone nutters is how they explain this, if they even try.





    I didn't (!). I chose to ignore my common sense and all the specific evidence to the contrary. Like I said, I came to my senses thanks in large part to two people at the time: Doug Horne and James Douglass.

  5. 5 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:


    In a nutshell, do you believe that Lawson was the impetus for the motorcade route to make its detour in front of the TSBD? Or, was he merely a conveyor of a decision reached elsewhere? Who precisely, in your view, is ultimately responsible for the fatal motorcade route in Dealey Plaza?

    Secret Service Agent Floyd Boring...is very interesting, indeed. 

    (click on images to enlarge)

    The Secret Service agent I am most suspicious of is Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAIC) of the White House Detail Floyd M. Boring, the #2 man on the detail, behind SAIC Gerald Behn and ahead of #3 man Roy Kellerman.


    Boring joined the Secret Service during the FDR era (right after Joe Kennedy Sr. was let go as Ambassador to the UK) and famously protected President Harry Truman from an assassination attempt on another November day 13 years before Dallas (11/1/50). Interestingly, Boring also guarded a young Congressman Kennedy in 1952 when President Truman was riding with JFK in the back seat of his limo! There were only about 200 agents in the Secret Service then and only about three dozen of them were White House Detail (and Boring was famous from all the press and honors he received for thwarting the assassination CONSPIRACY by two gunmen), while JFK was already famous: they knew about each other already for sure:


    Boring (falsely) adamantly denied that JFK was a womanizer in his JFK Library oral history (a pattern of lies and strange statements that is common to the man):

    (From the 1976 JFK Library Oral History interview only released in 1999 thanks to my efforts in conjunction with Bill Adams)


    Yet, Boring knew; he had to have known. In fact, here he is IN FRONT OF Marilyn Monroe the night she sang "Happy Birthday" to the President! (the large photo shows the president's brothers-in-law, Stephen Smith and Peter Lawford, along with aides Larry O'Brien and Ken O'Donnell. The agent on the staircase is Bob Lilley)


    Ole LBJ knew who Boring was, but we are (perhaps?) getting ahead of ourselves a little (this photo hung in Boring's home office):


    I popularized/discovered the fact that, unbeknownst to many, Floyd Boring just happened to be IN CHARGE OF PLANNING THE TEXAS TRIP!


    Before you can catch your breath on that one, I also popularized/discovered the fact that, again unbeknownst to many, Floyd Boring also just happened to be IN CHARGE OF ALL THE ADVANCE WORK, ADMINISTRATION, AND PLANNING OF PRESIDENT KENNEDY'S TRIPS!

    (From the 1976 JFK Library Oral History interview only released in 1999 thanks to my efforts in conjunction with Bill Adams)


    (From Boring's 1988 Truman Library Oral History that I received via snail mail in 1998 (unknown to millions beforehand) and now available online since around 2008)


    Lead advance agent Winston Lawson admitted having many conversations with Boring (and Kellerman) during his HSCA interview that was only released in the late 1990's:


    An overlooked comment made by Winston Lawson during his Warren Commission testimony- he didn't know if he actually gave his recommendations about the speech site selection in Dallas (crucial to the eventual route chosen and security) to SAIC Behn (who adamantly opposed the Trade Mart): he gave the information to his office- one of the two assistants, Boring and Kellerman (both unnamed here):


    Boring gave Lawson the Dallas assignment on 11/4/63:

    img_3386.jpg?w=300 img_3387.jpg?w=300

    For his part Boring was on the 3/23/63 Chicago trip (were threats were found for JFK), the cancelled Chicago trip (cancelled due to threats), AND the 11/18/63 Florida trip (also rife with threats):

    32363threatlimo.jpg?w=213 31711055_10214935238669990_7486611588770

    As posted elsewhere, the 11/18/63 Florida trip was also the one where both agents Tim McIntyre and Glen Bennett denied being a part of, despite the photo, film and written record (although much of it was not known or released until many years later):

    1424339_10201964471168909_909762767_n.jp 30727283_10214824799789087_7690806630513 bennett.jpg?w=212

    In fact, Boring was a veteran of many of JFK's trips in person, as well (such as when he rode on the follow-up car in Berlin in June 1963 and saw the agents on the rear of the limo, proper motorcycle formations, press photographers riding in a flatbed truck in front, SAC Behn in the limo with the military aide, police and military lining the street, and building rooftops guarded):


    Yet, strangely, when I suggested that the ARRB get in touch with Boring, the former agent, who first told me "I didn't have any involvement in that [the Texas trip] at all", started the interview with Doug Horne off on a similar strange note, sounding almost like a guilty suspect! He also flat out lies and says that he escorted LBJ on his helicopter back to the White House, but this was RUFUS YOUNGBLOOD, the unofficial new SAIC of Johnson's detail, NOT Boring! He then adds/ admits that he gave Lawson the Dallas assignment:


    Boring was at Andrews Air Force Base when the casket allegedly containing JFK's body was placed into the grey Navy Ambulance and, by his own admission, he-along with former OSS man Paul Paterni, Deputy Chief- went to the White House garage to inspect the bloody presidential limousine (Paterni worked with Ray Rocca, later CIA liaison to the Warren Commission):


    The JFK Library (and, more than likely, Clint Hill himself) came to Boring's "rescue" by recently (2016) posting two photos of LBJ's arrival and claiming that Boring is in the two photos. However, the gentleman they have coming off the helicopter is definitely NOT Boring (the same man appears in the second photo) and the gentleman with his back to the camera who is NOT in the first photo-presumably the other candidate for Boring- is definitely NOT Boring, either: the hair on the back of the man's head (conveniently hidden face) and the color of his suit do not match (the real Boring, from the above AAFB photo, is inset for comparison):

    jfkwhp-kn-30609.jpg?w=300 jfkwhp-kn-30610.jpg?w=300

    Incredibly, as I posted a few years back, this is not the first time the JFK Library (and Clint Hill) mistakenly identified Boring...the other time was at LOVE FIELD, yet the agent was actually---get this---DON LAWTON, the agent infamously recalled at Love Field by Emory Roberts!! Please see:



    To my knowledge, after years of accessing the JFK Library's thousands of pages, no other agent was wrongly identified (and, trust me, I checked and rechecked)...only Mr. Boring: twice!

    One can sometimes not realize the ramifications of something written years ago and literally under their own nose until the right context comes about. Well, the context came last night in the form of a very predictable one-star review from former Secret Service agent (and dear Gerald Blaine friend and colleague) Chuck Zboril. I harken back to a famous line (one of many) in the Oliver Stone movie “JFK”, wherein Kevin Costner , after making a vital point buried in the 26 volumes of the Warren Commission, says (paraphrased) “but the idea gets shuffled around and the point gets lost.”


    “Blaine even erroneously thought [SAIC Gerald] Behn was on the Florida trip, a testament to the frequency of his [Behn’s] trips with the president.” [author’s interview with Blaine 2/7/04]


    “Zboril was sure that Kellerman, who wasn’t even on the Florida trip, was present in Tampa: “I thought it was Roy Kellerman, not Boring, in the car on the Tampa trip…that’s my recollection.” [author’s interview with Chuck Zboril 11/15/95]

    Beyond just the general credibility gap issues, by this specific “recollection” of a supervisory agent OTHER THAN FLOYD M. BORING having been on the Florida trip and having rode in the presidential limousine, these two fine gentlemen have, independent of one another, totally impeached ole Blaine’s book “The Kennedy Detail” even further: how can Blaine write so authoritatively that he heard BORING over the radio relaying JFK’s alleged instruction to remove Zboril and Lawton from the rear of the limousine WHEN HE CAN’T EVEN GET THE NAME OF THE ACTUAL AGENT IN CHARGE OF THE TRIP AND RIDING IN THE PRESIDENTIAL LIMOUSINE CORRECT?


    Hear Zboril himself here:


    As an important aside (if it even is, considering all the above):


    Chuck Zboril recently stated on Amazon.Com that Agent David Grant was NOT an advance agent on JFK’s trip to Florida. THE WARREN REPORT even states that Agent David Grant was indeed an advance man on JFK’s trip to Tampa (WR page 445). Zboril thought ASAIC Kellerman, not ASAIC Boring, was on the Florida trip (Palamara, page 294) . Gerald Blaine thought SAIC Gerald Behn, not ASAIC Floyd Boring, was on the Florida trip (Palamara, page 121)….it was ASAIC Floyd Boring alone.


    But back to the limousine inspection Boring and Paterni chose to do: Kellerman told the HSCA the following (again, in an interview not released until years later)


    Boring told the ARRB about the inspection:


    "Skull bone in the rear of the follow-up car"? Yes---and Boring is corroborated on this matter by JFK White House Physician Dr. James Young, who even reached to former Warren Commission member Gerald Ford about this!

    3.jpg?w=225 3a.jpg?w=225 3c.jpg?w=225

    Miami SAIC (and former White House Detail agent) John Marshall was a very interesting character, indeed. He had worked with Boring before their Secret Service days when the two of them were Pennsylvania State Troopers, worked with Floyd on many occasions while in the Service, took the time to call out Boring in the first place-more than once- in his interview, noted a stick of dynamite found on JFK's motorcade route to the Orange Bowl in December 1962 the day before he was to attend (and that Ken O'Donnell knew about it, yet the motorcade and event still went on-calling Joseph McBride!), and stated, stunningly, that the Secret Service might have been involved in the assassination! Also included is Boring's reaction to this when confronted by the ARRB.

    marshall1.jpg?w=300 marshall.jpg?w=300marshall2.jpg?w=300marshall4.jpg?w=300

    Boring was also stunned (perhaps even more) by these statements from Inspector Thomas Kelley:


    Along with Boring being in charge of planning the Texas trip (and all prior trips, in general), he is also infamous (as I popularized) for conveying the false notion that JFK ordered the agents off the limo in Tampa...therefore, they shouldn't ride there in Texas, we are to assume, as there is nothing from the record that ever alleges that he said anything during the Texas trip 11/21-11/22/63. As there is 0.0 evidence that this occurred on any other trip or was documented in any written or audio/visual record, we are supposed to believe these April 1964 reports when the dead president could no longer defend himself (and many other agents and aides weren't contacted about this):


    As I wrote in tremendous detail in chapter one of my first book (and expanded even further in my third book), of the five Secret Service reports, four have as their primary source for JFK’s alleged request agent Boring, including one by Boring himself, while the remaining report, written by Mr. Behn, mentions the same 11/18/63 trip with Mr. Boring as the others do. Boring’s report was the first one written, then came one each from Roberts, Ready, Behn, and Hill, respectively (Hill, Ready and Behn weren't even on the Tampa trip, while Roberts merely conveys the fact that Boring was his source). Both Behn and Boring totally contradicted the contents of their reports at different times, independent of each other, to the author. In addition, agents did ride on the rear of the limousine on 7/2/63 and 11/18/63 anyway, despite these alleged Presidential requests, as the film and photo record proves. Both the Secret Service Final Survey Report for the 11/18/63 Tampa trip, written by Gerald Blaine and dated 12/4/63, after the fact, as well as the corresponding Secret Service shift reports, make no mention of any presidential orders to have the agents stay off the limousine: “no unusual incidents occurred”, wrote Blaine. With Boring joining Behn in refuting the substance of their reports, the official Secret Service ‘explanation’ falls like a house of cards. Behn’s, Boring’s, and Hill’s reports are not even on any Secret Service or Treasury Dept. stationery, just blank sheets of paper. In fact, as noted above, Hill’s report is undated, a bizarre error to make in an official government report written by request of the head of the Secret Service. All are supposedly evidence of JFK expressing his desire to keep Secret Service agents off the limousine, particularly in Tampa, Florida on 11/18/63. Importantly, no mention is made of any alleged orders via President Kennedy’s staff, or of JFK requesting anything on the critical day, November 22. What’s more, Secret Service agents and/or police officers always guarded the rooftops of buildings during motorcades before the assassination (not just as a result of the tragedy), effectively augmenting or, in the absence of agents by the limousine itself, replacing them, depending on manpower issues and so forth. Chief Inspector Michael Torina, whom the author contacted, wrote the Secret Service manual and confirmed this security procedure as a fact.

    Speaking of Hill...

    Clint Hill's strangely undated report (on a blank sheet of paper instead of Treasury stationary, to boot) TWICE states that he did not know who from the office of the White House Detail conveyed this "order" [note: report slightly cut off in original]:


    As I noted in my first book, what makes this doubly strange is the fact that his (obviously pre-rehearsed) Warren Commission testimony with Arlen Specter was done the previous MONTH when this report, undated or not, was submitted...and he reveals the name here: FLOYD BORING-

    hill1.jpg?w=300 hill2.jpg?w=300

    In a possible one-two punch, acclaimed author William Manchester coveys as much in his massive best-seller The Death of a President:


    However, Floyd Boring, on two occasions, adamantly denied that he ever spoke to Manchester (which is backed up by his name NOT being mentioned in the interview section of the book) AND, shockingly, that JFK did not order the agents off his limo! He was forceful in conveying to me that President Kennedy was a very nice man and never interfered with their actions at all:

    [Boring can be heard right after Kinney's denials and right before SAIC Behn's denials, among several others:]


    Uh oh---guess who Manchester DID speak to? GERALD BLAINE, the obscure author of THE KENNEDY DETAIL (well, he was very obscure until this totally unknown agent scored a Simon & Schuster book deal which became a best-seller, along with an Emmy-nominated documentary of the same name and a since-scrapped movie deal):


    Blaine is credited here, yet his name does not appear in the actual text anywhere; very strange, indeed. Blaine confirmed to me in 2005 that he did indeed speak to Manchester and, furthermore, out of the many agents Manchester spoke to (not as many as I, but still pretty good), Blaine is singled out AGAIN as one of the FEW agents thanked in Manchester's OTHER JFK book!


    So, what's the problem (other than--ahem--Blaine appearing to be THE SOURCE FOR THE PHONY "JFK-ORDERED-US-OFF-THE-LIMO" crap)? Well, Blaine is now DENYING that he spoke to Manchester. While he confirms that Boring was not interviewed by Manchester (thanks, Jerry), his denial of being interviewed is a lie and he knows it...and I know it, too. For what it's worth, I contacted Wesleyan University, which houses the William Manchester collection (I spoke to Manchester in 1993 and he told me that all his records are sealed and won't be released in my lifetime. He has since passed away and quite a few, but not all, of his records are now available). The Blaine transcript is MISSING and they confirmed that there is NO TRANSCRIPT OF A FLOYD BORING INTERVIEW! Furthermore, some other agent and White House aide interview transcripts AND JACKIE KENNEDY'S won't be released until---get this---2067!


    The man sitting next to Blaine in the above interview is, of course, Clint Hill. 2010 was a banner year for these men in more ways than one: Hill came clean and basically admitted that JFK didn't order them off the limo! During Clint Hill’s 11/19/10 Sixth Floor Museum oral history, the former agent revealed the full, unvarnished truth about JFK: he did not order the agents to do anything; they did what they wished to do, security-wise: “He can tell you what he wants done and he can tell you certain things but that doesn’t mean you have to do it. What we used to do was always agree with the President and then we’d do what we felt was best anyway. Here is the video:


    If that weren't enough, on 9/18/96, by request of the author, the ARRB’s Doug Horne interviewed Mr. Boring regarding this matter. Horne wrote:


    The author finds this admission startling, especially because the one agent who decided to ride on the rear of the limousine in Dallas anyway, on at least 4 different occasions, was none other than Clint Hill himself. This also does not address what the agents were to do when the crowds were heavier, or even what constituted a “crowd,” as agents did ride on the rear steps of the limousine in Tampa on November 18, 1963 (agents Donald J. Lawton, Glen A. Bennett & Charles T. Zboril, to be exact!) Furthermore, as noted above, both Clint Hill’s written report and his testimony surely convey a more strict approach than one stemming from an alleged kind anecdote. In fact, as mentioned above, Hill twice stated in his report that he did not recall who the agent was who told him, and the other agents, not to ride on the rear of the limousine, yet named him under oath to Counsel Specter: Floyd Boring.

    The deathblow to the Tampa tale

    The author wrote to former Florida Congressman Samuel Melville Gibbons1 on 1/7/04 and asked him if he had heard President Kennedy order the agents off the rear of the limousine. Gibbons rode in the rear seat with JFK and Senator George Smathers on the Tampa trip of 11/18/63.117 Here is Gibbons’ response in full, dated 1/15/04: “I rode with Kennedy every time he rode. I heard no such order. As I remember it the agents rode on the rear bumper all the way. Kennedy was very happy during his visit to Tampa: Sam Gibbons.”


    An amazing document was released in the 1990’s concerning, among many other related topics, the issue of the agents’ presence (or lack thereof) on the limousine. This is a 28-page “Sensitive” memorandum from Belford Lawson, the attorney in charge of the Secret Service area for the HSCA, addressed to Gary Cornwell & Ken Klein dated 5/31/77 and revised 8/15/77. Apparently, Attorney Lawson was suspicious of Mr. Boring, for he wrote on the final page of this lengthy memorandum, “Subject: Florida Motorcades in November 1963 … Was Floyd Boring, the Senior SS Agent on the White House detail, lying to SS Agent Hill when he told Hill that JFK had said in Tampa … that he wanted no agents riding upright on the rear bumper step of the JFK limousine? Did JFK actually say this? Did Boring know when he told this to Hill that Hill would be riding outboard on the JFK follow-up car in Dallas on November 22, 1963? Did Boring say this to Ready or Roberts?” On page 27 of the same memo, Belford Lawson wrote, “Why did only one Agent, Hill, run forward to the JFK limousine?” [note: document slightly cut off in original]


    From the 1976 JFK Library Oral History interview only released in 1999 thanks to my efforts in conjunction with Bill Adams:

    Boring, who makes no mention of any alleged desires by President Kennedy to restrict security during his two presidential library oral histories, told the JFK Library on 2/25/76: “ … of all the administrations I worked with [FDR-LBJ], the president and the people surrounding the president were very gracious and were very cooperative. As a matter of fact, you can’t do this type of security work without cooperation of the people surrounding the president.”  In addition, included are Chief Rowley and SAIC Gerald Behn's comments to the JFK Library also debunking the "staff" notion of interfering with the agency [the Behn oral history has been available for years, while Chief Rowley's only became available around 2005!]:


    In addition to what Boring conveyed above to both myself and the JFK Library, he also wrote me a letter and stated that President Kennedy was "very cooperative with the Secret Service":


    Yet, before we can catch our collective breath on all of this, Boring may have been influenced by Blaine and company late in life (he passed away in early 2008)- he told author Dan Robertson the following in 2006:


    “He [JFK] was responsible for his own death.”--?!

    For what it's worth, he did end his ARRB interview with the following predictable tidbit:


    So, how DID ole Secret Service headquarters think about President Kennedy behind closed doors, so to speak? Part of the answer may lie in an obscure, out-of-print book from 1962 by Wayne Hyde (with, ironically, Boring on the cover) titled What Does A Secret Service Agent Do?


    On page 14, Secret Service headquarters is depicted with a photo of President Eisenhower, not the then-current office holder, JFK, on the wall. An older photo, perhaps? No: for there is a disturbing sticker at the bottom left corner!

    img_3383.jpg?w=224 img_3384.jpg?w=225

    "I Miss Ike", huh? Imagine if today's Secret Service Headquarters had an "I Miss Obama" sticker: heads would roll...but, alas, no one on Earth noticed this but I, decades later.

    Whether one believes Seymour Hersh or not (or the allegations in his book), one thing is certain: four Secret Service agents sat down for ABC Television cameras from the book and expressed their anger and disgust over President Kennedy's private life, including follow-up car agent Tim McIntyre:


    Here he is again SPEAKING FOR EMORY ROBERTS (who passed away in 1973; Roberts is actually NAMED in Hersh's book in this anecdote McIntyre reveals here):






    These agents--and many more---told me that President Kennedy did not order the agents off the limo, nor did he interfere with their actions at all (yes, that IS Gerald Blaine---he said this to me back in 2004-2005, several years before his book came out saying other things):


    coughlin.jpg?w=300 godfrey.jpg?w=300 lawson.jpg?w=300 meredith.jpg?w=300 orourke.jpg?w=300 powers.jpg?w=300 stoughton.jpg?w=300 yeager.jpg?w=300

    Oh, yes: Yeager was assistant advance agent in Tampa with GERALD BLAINE, the same trip FLOYD BORING was on!

    I told you Boring was interesting!

  6. Yes, you read that right: for one brief, non-shining moment in 2007, I was swayed (groomed?) by Vince Bugliosi, one of my then-idols for his many non-JFK books:


    Image may contain: 2 people, including Vince Palamara, people smiling, text 

    I am posting this (and the above modified meme) because someone recently "found out" that I had once changed my mind. Well, I still believed there were multiple conspiracies to kill Kennedy...I was swayed into thinking Oswald beat them all to the punch via Bugliosi's book. And, when I received a personal letter from him before I was even finished reading his massive tome, I was sold. 

    Life is all the context of the times---I was then recently divorced (since happily remarried), somewhat down on my luck (I never thought I would publish a book, let alone four), and was burned out on the case. My hero from the OJ and Manson murder books--Vincent Bugliosi--asked me for a blurb for the paperback version of his book (he told me it would be out in mid-late 2007). By the time the blurb came out, I came to my senses and denounced what I conveyed to him...but the damage was done. Too late; the blurb appeared in not only Four Days In November (May 2008). To my chagrin, it ALSO appeared in Parkland in 2013! Yikes!41pKa7QqGcL.jpg

    I know Pat Speer said he once changed (I think he said as much on this forum). Deb Galentine, a pro-conspiracy researcher I also greatly respect, told me she also briefly changed her mind. I know a couple people who will never admit it, but they were swayed by POSNER's book when they first read it (before the many scathing reviews came out). Heck, even in the movie "JFK", Jim Garrison/ Kevin Costner even says at one point "Maybe Oswald is who everyone says he is and I am just being dumb about it."

    My point is this: I am very open-minded (perhaps to a fault) and, since I am in somewhat of a unique situation (my research does not stand or fall based on Oswald acting alone or not), it was easy to be star struck by one of my heroes who was requesting a blurb for his forthcoming paperback book. The stars lined up in the wrong way; the imperfect storm, so to speak.

    I rarely get any flack over this now, although I know Walt Brown, Charles Drago and a couple others held it against me and probably still do. Oh, well: I own my mistakes.

    I just wanted to vent here for the record so any stragglers out there are not in the dark.

    Vince Palamara



  7. 3 hours ago, Greg Kooyman said:


    I think your description of Beverly as a partial fraud fits.  I put her in the same league as Madeline Brown.  Yes, she was a mistress for LBJ.  but that's about it.   Beverly Oliver used to be a stripper at a club next to Jack Ruby's Carousel Club.  Did she know who Jack Ruby was?  I have no doubt she did.  But everything else she has said is a fairytale.

    Image may contain: 2 people

  8. 4 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:


    I'd forgotten he was also the one who ordered Rybka and Lawton not to do their normal jobs by leaving them behind at Love field.  This picture in your link said a lot to me when I first saw it years ago.  Calling back Ready has been a key point for me since I first read of it in your book.  This picture does the same, it expresses Lawton's frustration.  Like he's saying "what the hell's going on here?"



    4 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:


    I'd forgotten he was also the one who ordered Rybka and Lawton not to do their normal jobs by leaving them behind at Love field.  This picture in your link said a lot to me when I first saw it years ago.  Calling back Ready has been a key point for me since I first read of it in your book.  This picture does the same, it expresses Lawton's frustration.  Like he's saying "what the hell's going on here?"


    Exactly. Lawton expressed general remorse to me in 1995 ("You always have regrets, remorse. Who knows- if only they would have left guys on the back of the car") and more "specific" regret to a female intelligence officer friend of his (as conveyed in my third book): Lawton, who rode on the rear of the limo in Chicago and Tampa, told her several times "I should have been there [on the back of the car]" in Dallas.

  9. 20 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Jim, if I may I'd like to add Emory Roberts to your short list here.  Riding shotgun in the follow up car he was in charge.  He admitted he recognized the first shot as a shot.  He did nothing.  He's the one responsible for watching JFK, how could he not see what was happening?  Why did he not call his men to action?  Why, when agent John Ready on the running board beside him stepped off reacting to the shot(s) to respond and try to protect JFK, Why, did he call him back?  Why did he lie to the Warren Omission about the speed of the car and how far behind JFK's limo they were.  They were not too far back or going too fast for Ready to try to do something like Clint Hill tried to.  Why did he do nothing, other than obstruct protection, and lie about it?  Sorry to rant but this has been bugging me for years.  Maybe Vince can offer insight as to why.  Most of this comes from his book.  

    The shift leader in Dallas and commander of the other 7 agents in the follow-up car, Emory Roberts, conveyed Floyd Boring’s “wish” and ordered away two agents at Love Field, Henry Rybka and Don Lawton, from the limousine, ordered the agents not to move during the shooting itself (see my appearance on A COUP IN CAMELOT: audio from agent Sam Kinney, a couple feet away from Roberts), and usurped Kellerman’s authority at Parkland Hospital, telling his boss to stay with Kennedy while he went to Johnson. Roberts also was responsible for LBJ taking over Air Force One. Roberts is one of my three suspects- he became too close to Johnson after the assassination and died young in 1973 without speaking to anyone except William Manchester. Interestingly, Roberts shift of agents were the worst offenders by far in the drinking incident of early 11/22/63 in which 9 agents drank alcohol:

    img_3889.jpg?w=225&h=300983722_10203493185625815_1900092210380114559_n.jpgimg_3942.jpgThe day after the infamous umbrella man appeared during the assassination, Roberts became an umbrella man of his own as he shields LBJ. What appears to be a look of disgust on fellow Dallas motorcade agent Jerry Kivett can be seen in the photo:



    Please see:




  10. 8 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    How did the book come about Vince since, as we know, Craig has passed on for decades.

    The author, Steve Cameron (also an actor), became fascinated by Roger Craig at an early age (relatively speaking- he was a toddler when Roger Craig passed away). He obtained exclusive interviews with Roger's lookalike son Roger Craig Junior (who was also a Deputy Sheriff after his dad's tenure-1978 thru the 1980's), as well as other close relatives who, to my knowledge, never spoke before (he has photos of them, as well [Roger Junior presented with him at the conference]). His book contains everything remotely connected to Roger Craig- his manuscript When They Kill A President, rare photos, all relevant documents, etc. It is also a very good read; well put together. He also makes a compelling case that Roger did not commit suicide (or, in the off chance he did, he was compelled to do so via coercion as Gary Shaw eludes in the book, as Roger had several attempts on his life)- the rifle was not his, he was in a good mood that day, he just renewed his fishing license in anticipation of a trip, etc. 

  11. I HIGHLY recommend this fabulous book by Steve Cameron called "The Deputy Interviews: The True Story of J.F.K. Assassination Witness and Former Dallas Deputy Sheriff Roger Dean Craig." I have reads hundreds of books on or related to the assassination of President Kennedy and this one is up there with the best! Very well written, entertaining, and INFORMATIVE; not the same ole same ole. You can obtain the book by writing directly to Steve Cameron on Facebook.





  12. The only Secret Service agents still alive from the Dallas motorcade:

    Clint Hill and Paul Landis.

    Texas trip agents still alive:

    Walt Coughlin (San Antonio), Ron Pontius (Houston), Jim Goodenough (VP LBJ Detail/ Houston), William Duncan (Fort Worth), James F. "Mike" Howard (Fort Worth), Gerald Blaine (Fort Worth), Ken Giannoules (Fort Worth), Gerald O'Rourke (Fort Worth), Michael Shannon (VP LBJ Detail/ Fort Worth), Robert Burke (Austin), Frank Yeager (Austin), Donald Bendickson (VP LBJ Detail/ Austin), Gerald Bechtle (VP LBJ Detail/ Austin)

  13. SEE THESE LINKS---NEWLY DISCOVERED PHOTOS DALLAS TIMES HERALD. INTERESTING...As a Facebook friend said: "It doesn't mean anything with regard to Dealey Plaza, but I had no idea she was a genuine dancer there at that time near the Carousel. I thought she was a total fraud. This makes me rethink things...a little!" My analogy: Roscoe White--his wife was photographed with Ruby and the missing backyard pose/photo was in his possession, regardless of Ricky's claims.

    Image of the entrance to the Colony Club the evening of November 22, 1963
    Bill Beal
    Dallas Times Herald





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    No photo description available.

    No photo description available.


  14. 14 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    Thanks, Vince, for that update. That is indeed good news. I shared a train ride with some young people who'd attended the first "Judyth" conference, and they told me all about it. Evidently, she introduced every speaker at the first few conferences, and led the attendees in a moment of silence for her supposed soul mate, etc. It's good to know one can speak at or even attend the conference without signing off on or even accepting her bona fides. 

    Yes! Judyth did NOT introduce my speech or say a word after, nor did she introduce or say anything for virtually anyone else's, as well! She was very low-key (on purpose, perhaps?). She was definitely more upfront in 2016 by a country mile.

    On another note: Pat, I just watched your DVD over the weekend; great work! I put the cd case on the back of my head, as well-the wound lines up! 

  15. Wow---while doing my routine internet searches of former Secret Service agents and family members, I also check to see who has recently passed away (for the record, from the Dallas motorcade, only agents Clint Hill and Paul Landis are left).

    I clicked on William Greer's Find-A-Grave site:



    Then I clicked on his second wife's site:


    It was here that I found out that Mary Elizabeth (Finger [her maiden name]) Greer, Bill Greer's second wife, passed away recently: 7/6/2019, age 96.


    But here is the real startling information:

    "In 1944, at the age of 21, Mary was recruited by the Department of Navy to work in Washington, DC ***where she lived in a women’s dormitory. In 1958, she began working for the National Security Agency (the NSA) in Fort Meade, Maryland, until she retired in 1973. "

    In the NSA from 1958-1973! Her first husband, a WWII veteran buried in Arlington National Cemetery, died at the young age of 40 in 1966, just as Bill Greer was retiring from the Secret Service:


    ***Interestingly, Greer was in the Navy at this time, then he was assigned to FDR's yacht before entering the Secret Service...did Greer know his SECOND wife before marrying his FIRST wife?:


    Greer's first wife Ethel died in 1969. His only child--his son Richard (named after Bill's father)---had some very interesting things to say to me when I spoke to him in 1991 (see below).


    "In a new book – Survivor’s Guilt: The Secret Service and the Failure to Protect President Kennedy – author Vince Palamara dedicates a whole chapter to Greer, who he calls “the most important agent”.

    After emigrating to the US in 1929 aged 19, farm labourer’s son William Robert Greer worked as a chauffeur in the Boston and New York areas before participating in the SecondWorld War with the US Navy in November 1942.

    His final wartime posting was as a crew member on board the presidential yacht.

    Drumbonaway lodge secretary Edgar Kirkpatrick said he was shocked to see Greer’s name on the records when asked to check by the News Letter.

    “I have it all here in the lodge books. We have the records right the way to when the lodge was formed. We don’t have any Greers nowadays but I always remember my father talking about Richard Greer (Bill’s father) who was a servant man around here working for the farmers.


    “But I didn’t know about his son at all until I read up in the books. There were a lot of people emigrating around that time and I notice from the lodge records that they were bought presents by the lodge – the man got a walking stick and the lady got an umbrella,” Mr Kirkpatrick said.


    Within two weeks of discharge from the Navy in October 1945 Greer was sworn into the Secret Service.

    He had been a favourite driver and bodyguard of both presidents Truman and Eisenhower before joining the Kennedy protection detail.

    The lodge secretary said the membership has been told about the JFK connection but won’t believe it until they see it in print.

    “They’re not taking it seriously, but I took an evening and read through all the books and it was interesting. I couldn’t believe he’d come from here and went on to drive for Kennedy,” Mr Kirkpatrick added.

    The discovery of Greer’s Orange affiliations could breathe new life into the countless conspiracy theories that have sprung up around the assassination.

    The Tyrone man’s Protestant upbringing was known to many commentators in the US, but the revelation about his Orange Order past could well add renewed vigour to the anti-Catholic conspiracy school of thought.

    During a rare media interview in 1991, Greer’s only son Richard – who was born in the US – was asked by an American author: “What did your father think of JFK?”

    He helped fuel the countless conspiracy theories when he responded: “Well, we’re Methodists – and JFK was Catholic.”


    "What the records do show is that a William Greer (21) sailed from Belfast to Quebec on the Cunard ship, 'Andania' as a third class passenger on 25th May 1929. His address was listed as Drumbanaway, Stewartstown, Co. Tyrone. A further record exists of a William Greer crossing into America at Vanceboro, Maine not long after that date.

    The Stewartstown Greers feature heavily in the history of the Unionist Party, the Orange Order, and the UVF between 1912 and 1917. In 1916, a Thomas MacGregor Greer was commended in a letter from Sir Edward Carson for his help in recruiting battle casualty replacements for the 36th Ulster Division.

    At the time of his retirement through ill health in 1966, William Greer had a sister, Ella Torrens, living in Dunmurry and several cousins living in Lisburn."


    "His son, Richard Greer, was interviewed in 1991 and added to the conspiracy theory. When asked, "What did your father think of JFK?" Richard responded: "Well, we're Methodists... and JFK was Catholic

  16. On 12/2/2019 at 4:58 PM, Bart Kamp said:


    again I think you are missing the point that, I think, was clearly conveyed here by me. As to your replies.

    What you described between Conway's show and COPA/CAPA is nowhere near as to what is happening now. There is a massive difference as to someone (DC) who is being called a CIA plant or spook which by all means is just malicious drivel, against someone (JVB) whose honesty is being seriously questioned with proof by Greg Parker, Walt Brown, Jim DiEugenio and a few others and holds a conference and tries to have as many 'researchers' align with her as possible. I have to say she is good at this particular part. She has people on her FB who follow her that would make any fascist jealous and now also has various researchers joining her puppet show. You seem to have joined those researchers.  Would you speeak at a conference run by Ralph Cinque or Brian Doyle for that matter?

    An invite by Kris Milligan is not an excuse either. It is JudyCon.....not TrineDayCon. 

    You could easily decline. So could Wecht. The fact that he decided to speak there as well meant he gave more cred to them as well. He did not have to speak there but he did for whatever reason(s). Probably did not consider the consequences of his actions or simply did not give a h00t. CAPA was already accused of giving too much credit to JudyCon in 2018. They did not listen and let this happen again.

    Same with Stone. Two visits and a 3 hour private meeting etc.

    I probably will never understand this circus and its methods. Nor will I ever want to be part of this clique, nor will you ever see me speaking at either event. 

    Thanks to Stan Dane for the meme below.


    HI, Bart! Much respect, friend. I get your point(s). Please see my post/comment above (addressed to Pat)

  17. On 12/2/2019 at 3:21 AM, Pat Speer said:

    Dr. Wecht did the same presentation at the CAPA conference. As i recall he said Jack Ruby could not have been killed via a cancer cell injection.


    As far as the Judyth conference...I suspect few would have a problem with the conference if Judyth was just one of a number of presenters. But, to my understanding, this isn't true. It's HER conference, with everyone else treated as her supporting cast. That's the way it was presented to the community the first few years, anyhow. If things have changed, Vince, let us know. 

    Pat, there were approximately 150 people at the Trine Day/"Judyth" conference, while I heard from a couple people that there was about that many at CAPA. I didn't take a poll but, from what people told me directly, they thought of this conference mostly as "Trine Day's conference" with a smattering of merely "a JFK assassination conference" and "Judyth's conference" (a couple said "Judyth and Kris' conference."). Her name and face were NOT on the banner or conference program and, compared to 2016, she barely spoke at all between speakers. Kris was far more outspoken, conspicuous and out front than her; not even close. No photos of Judyth hung on the walls or anything- very low key.

    Again, perhaps that is why most people in discussions thought of this as a Trine Day conference. The following Trine Day authors spoke at the conference (apart from Kris and Judyth): Mal Hyman, Hubert Clark (also one of JFK's pallbearers), Vince Palamara (me), Edward Haslam, Christopher Fulton, John Delane Williams, Dick Russell, and Barbara Honegger. In addition, Robert Groden, Dr. Cyril Wecht, Gary Shaw, Ed Tatro, Dr. James Campbell, Roger Craig Junior, Marshal Evans, Grover Proctor, and several others.

    Here is the conference banner: 

    img_2279.jpgGary Shaw, Robert Groden, Steve Cameron and Roger Craig, Jr. (note the banner--no photos or mention of Judyth whatsoever):

    Image may contain: 6 people



    And here is the conference program:img_2278.jpg 

    Buell Wesley Frazier attended:

    78173754_10219202988201061_2780085373823352832_n.jpgMary Ann Moorman was an invited guest to the Dealey Plaza ceremony (she spoke to everyone there, as well. She was also interviewed by the Japan news team there for a documentary--they were filming at the conference, as well):

    Image may contain: Mary Ann Moorman Krahmer, smiling, closeupImage may contain: Mary Ann Moorman Krahmer

    A big example of someone who was at both CAPA and Trine Day's conferences- Beverly Oliver:

    Image may contain: Beverly Oliver Massegee, closeup

    A big example of someone who was at both CAPA and Trine Day's conferences-Dr. Cyril Wecht:

    Image may contain: 1 person, hat and outdoor



    Producer Randy Benson of THE SEARCHERS (JFK documentary) fame---who filmed the entire conference, SEPERATE from a Japanese film crew--- with photographer Pete Hymans:

    Image may contain: Randy Benson and Pete Hymans, people smiling


  18. On 12/2/2019 at 3:21 AM, Pat Speer said:

    Dr. Wecht did the same presentation at the CAPA conference. As i recall he said Jack Ruby could not have been killed via a cancer cell injection.


    As far as the Judyth conference...I suspect few would have a problem with the conference if Judyth was just one of a number of presenters. But, to my understanding, this isn't true. It's HER conference, with everyone else treated as her supporting cast. That's the way it was presented to the community the first few years, anyhow. If things have changed, Vince, let us know. 

    Hi, Pat-it was great seeing you in the plaza :)


  19. POSTSCRIPT: author Walt Brown, not a fan of JVB (he wrote an anti-JVB book), is ALSO a Trine Day author and is even in another Trine Day book!

    • 51KOdyGYUSL.jpg
    • Paperback: 296 pages
    • Publisher: TrineDay (July 1, 2015)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 1634240316
    • ISBN-13: 978-1634240314


    • Paperback: 384 pages
    • Publisher: Trine Day (April 15, 2020)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 1634242807
    • ISBN-13: 978-1634242806



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