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Don Roberdeau

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Everything posted by Don Roberdeau

  1. Good Day.... FWIW, this is what the HSCA stated about President KENNEDY's back wound.... (QUOTE) There is a sharply outlined area of red-brown to black around the wound in which there is dried, superficial denudation of the skin, representing a typical abrasion collar resulting from the bullet's scraping the margins of the skin at the moment of penetration. This is characteristic of gunshot wounds of entrance and not typical of exit wounds. This abrasion extends around the entire circumference, but, is most prominent between 1 o'clock and 7 o'clock about the defect (with the head at 12 o'clock). In addition, there are several small linear, superficial lacerations or tears of the skin extending radically from the margins of the wound at 10 o'clock, 11 o'clock and 1 o'clock. These measure 0.1, 0.2 and 0.1 centimeter respectively. Photographically enhanced prints of photographs Nos. 38 and 39 reveal much more sharply contrasted color determination and, to some degree, more sharply outlined detail of the abrasion collar described above. Several members of the panel believe, based on an examination of these enhancements, that when the body is repositioned in the anatomic position (not the position at the moment of shooting) the direction of the missile in the body on initial penetration was slightly upward, inasmuch as the lower margin of the skin is abraded in an upward direction. Furthermore, the wound beneath the skin appears to be tunneled from below upward. The panel concurs with the assessment that the color photographs made during the autopsy of President Kennedy are authentic, as described in correspondence of Frank Scott of the photographic evidence panel, dated June 13, 1978. (6) (END QUOTE) Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "Nobody is more interested than I in knowing who is responsible for the death of President Kennedy." ---- ROBERT F. KENNEDY, March, 1968 in response to a student question at San Fernando Valley state college in California.
  2. ....Good Day Dawn.... Thanks. The heated, apparently loud argument between President KENNEDY and LBJ took place at the "Hotel Texas" in Ft. Worth that President KENNEDY was staying at during the early morning of 22NOV63. (see MANCHESTER's "The Death of a President"-- somewhere within pages 80-90, I think) CONNALLY was not present during the LBJ encounter. (I think CONNALLY was in another city that morning --San Antonio, maybe?) EVELYN LINCOLN --President KENNEDY's secretary-- had brought some friends of hers to the Presidential suite to briefly meet the President. Mrs. Lincoln: "I dressed in a dark blue suit and then asked a maid to clean the room. I had some friends from Dallas coming to have breakfast. "I walked to the president's room ... and asked him if he'd mind meeting my friends. "He told the Secret Service to let me know when he started to leave so I could bring my friends out to the hallway to meet him. ... He was in a very happy mood." General EDWIN WALKER's possible connections in the months preceding the assassination are both convoluted and intriguing. A driver and aide to Walker in the fall of 1963 was the brother of Larrie Schmidt, who along with Bernard Weissman, authored the infamous "Welcome Mr. Kennedy To Dallas/WANTED FOR TREASON..." ad which ran in the "Dallas Morning News" the morning of November 22. The ad, which carried a heavy black border, asked 12 loaded questions to KENNEDY ending with "Why have you scrapped the Monroe Doctrine in favor of the `Spirit of Moscow'?" Financial contributors to this anti-KENNEDY ad included: oilman H.L. Hunt's son, Nelson Bunker Hunt Joseph Grinnan, volunteer coordinator for the local John Birch Society and H.R. "Bum" Bright, former owner of the Dallas Cowboys. The ad was signed "The American Fact-Finding Committee," but Weissman admitted to the Warren Commission that the group was "formed strictly for the purpose of having a name to put in the paper." Here is the text of that full page advert that appeared on page 14 of the "DMN" accompanied with the “WANTED FOR TREASON” headline and the 2 police mugshot-type photos of the President: <QUOTE> MR. KENNEDY, despite the contentions on the part of your administration, the State Department, the Mayor of Dallas, the Dallas City Council, and members of your party, we free-thinking and American-thinking citizens of Dallas still have, through a Constitution largely ignored by you, the right to address our grievances, to question you, to disagree with you, and to criticize you. In asserting this constitutional right, we wish to ask you publicly the following questions--indeed, questions of paramount importance and interest to all free people everywhere--which we trust you will answer...in public, without sophistry. These questions are: WHY is Latin America turning either anti-American or Communistic, or both, despite increased U.S. foreign aid, State Department policy, and your own Ivy-Tower pronouncements? WHY do you say we have built a "wall of freedom" around Cuba when there is no freedom in Cuba today? Because of your policy, thousands of Cubans have been imprisoned, are starving and being persecuted--with thousands already murdered and thousands more awaiting execution and, in addition, the entire population of almost 7,000,000 Cubans are living in slavery. WHY have you approved the sale of wheat and corn to our enemies when you know the Communist soldiers "travel on their stomachs" just as ours do? Communist soldiers are daily wounding and/or killing American soldiers in South Vietnam. WHY did you host, salute and entertain Tito--Moscow's Trojan Horse--just a short time after our sworn enemy, Khrushchev, embraced the Yugoslav dictator as a great hero and leader of Communism? WHY have you urged greater aid, comfort, recognition, and understanding for Yugoslavia, Poland, Hungary, and other Communist countries, while turning your back on the pleas of Hungarians, East German, Cuban and other anti-Communist freedom fighters? WHY did Cambodia kick the U.S. out of its country after we poured nearly 400 Million Dollars of aid into its ultra-leftist government? WHY has Gus Hall, head of the U.S. Communist Party, praised almost everyone of your policies and announced that the party will endorse and support your re-election in 1964? WHY have you banned the showing at U.S. military bases of the film "Operation Abolition"--the movie by the House Committee on Un-American Activities exposing Communism in America? WHY have you ordered or permitted your brother Bobby, the Attorney General, to go soft on Communists, fellow-travelers, and ultra-leftists in America, while permitting him to persecute loyal Americans who criticize you, your administration, and your leadership? WHY are you in favor of the U.S. continuing to give economic aid to Argentina, in spite of the fact that Argentina has just seized almost 400 Million Dollars of American private property? WHY has the Foreign Policy of the United States degenerated to the point that the C.I.A. is arranging coups and having staunch Anti-Communist Allies of the U.S. bloodily exterminated? WHY have you scrapped the Monroe Doctrine in favor of the "Spirit of Moscow"? MR. KENNEDY, as citizens of these United States of America, we DEMAND answers to these questions, and we want them NOW. <END QUOTE> (another Walker aide, Robert Allan Surrey, produced the "Wanted for Treason" leaflets which were distributed along the motorcade route. Surrey later revealed to researcher Penn Jones that one of his close bridge-playing friends was none other than JAMES HOSTY, the FBI agent who, on orders from GORDON SHANKLIN via washDC after OSWALD was killed, destroyed an early-November note to the FBI from OSWALD. (as STONE correctly illuminated via COSTNER in "JFK," if the note incriminated OSWALD in any way supporting the warrenatti canard/"lone nut" theories, the warrenatti, surely, would have kept the note)) The same 22NOV63 "DMN" also notes that the motorcade would travel through downtown Dallas onto the Stemmons Freeway, and reported that "the motorcade will move slowly so that crowds can 'get a good view' of President KENNEDY and his wife." After having read the same "Dallas Morning News" and seeing the above advertisement, President KENNEDY handed the paper to JACKIE, saying: "Can you imagine a newspaper doing that? We're headed into nut country, now." Apparently considering the possible implications of this, KENNEDY said that when it comes to assassinating a President, "Anyone perched above the crowd with a rifle could do it." (later that same morning, President KENNEDY and Larry O'Brien, a close friend and aide, were looking out a “Hotel Texas” window toward the parking lot where the president would give a brief address minutes later. O'Brien: "They were putting the final touches on the stand out in a large parking lot in front of the hotel where he was going to make an appearance, and he made a comment that 'if someone wanted to get you, it wouldn't be very difficult, would it?' ") ....At about the same time President KENNEDY is showing the "DMN" to Mrs KENNEDY, Dallas patrolman JEFFERSON DAVIS TIPPIT was leaving for work (he voluntarily exchanged duty at the request of a DPD friend that day). After kissing his children goodbye as he left for work TIPPIT tells his wife he loved her and his children, "no matter what happens today." ....Soon, LBJ suddenly came to the Presidential suite and went inside while LINCOLN's friends remained outside in the hallway waiting to meet President KENNEDY. Mrs. KENNEDY left the main suite (Truth that has been told, she really did not like LBJ very much) and had gone into another room to practice her Spanish and practice a speech she was to give later, so, she did not clearly hear the specifics of the JFK/LBJ cascading-decibels argument (that is to say, MANCHESTER claims she did not clearly hear specifics; perhaps her 500 pages of oral history transcript that is still secreted within the JFK library until 2054, or, until after CAROLINE dies --whichever happens last-- will reveal that she heard more --maybe even, much more-- than MANCHESTER reported and/or more than MANCHESTER was told?) LBJ was visibly consumed in a furious rage when he stomped out of the suite and pump-strutted down the hallway away from the Presidential suite. Right after this heated meeting is when JFK said to Mrs. KENNEDY (paraphrasing), "Well that's Lyndon --and he's in trouble." (possibly --probably-- referring to the 4 scandals being investigated as of 22NOV63 in which LBJ's name had surfaced in each scandal as to his being involved/complicit.... Of course, we also know now that none of those 4 of scandals were ever linked to LBJ --AFTER the attack).... ....As President KENNEDY's longtime secretary EVELYN LINCOLN detailed in her 1968 book, "Kennedy & Johnson".... on 20NOV63 President KENNEDY had discussed with her --and most likely several other persons-- that (just as NIXON publicly stated in Dallas) President KENNEDY was going to replace LBJ before the 1964 presidential race began. (I think LINCOLN wrote that KENNEDY told her that his new VP would be then-North Carolina Governor, TERRY SANFORD) ....Also, recall that it was the evening of 21NOV63 that self-proclaimed LBJ mistress, MADELEINE BROWN, claims that LBJ told her, "After tomorrow those goddamn Kennedys will never embarrass me again. --That's no threat-- That's a promise." Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" plank walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "How did it happen they ("they"?!!) hit Connally?" - LBJ, despite the multitude of "lone nut" statements the previous 7 days, during a 29NOV63 phone conversation with his longtime friend, longtime neighbor, & soon-to-be-appointed-by-LBJ FBI Director "for-life", J. EDGAR HOOVER
  3. Good Day.... Found an interesting article, "The Truth About John Connally," that may provide additional insights into CONNALLY's character, backround, history, etc. The article was originally written in NOV79, when CONNALLY was already pursuing the Republican nomination for president.... http://www.texasmonthly.com/archive/w30197...nnallyFeb03.htm The article seems to generally answer one of the questions (CONNALLY's finances circa/post 1963) I asked in my previous post, and, is somewhat nebulous about answering another (relationship with NELLIE).... "His net worth doubled while he was in office, from around half a million dollars to a million, but most of that was represented by ranchland." "He is fond of his wife." .... Interesting article comment, here.... "Seldom has intelligence been an asset in Texas politics; not too long ago a legislator explained to me why an apparently able colleague had so little influence: "He reads books. Real books"; but Connally's luck was in. This was 1962, and Jack Kennedy was in the White House, surrounded by Harvard professors and other certified intellectuals who, it was said, brought glamour and respectability to politics. Connally seemed to fit right in, an ambassador from Camelot, though in truth he already loathed the Kennedys for looking down on Lyndon Johnson. " (my emphasis) ....which, if that comment is true about CONNALLY feeling that way and knowing that information, might indicate that LBJ had been venting to CONNALLY about the KENNEDYs treatment of LBJ as LBJ perceived it.... LBJ --loyal only to himself-- never really cared who he shoveled shipe around and/or onto and/or to, did he? ....24 years, loyally, working for LBJ as of 1963, indeed. Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "Our enemy is a radical network of worldwide terrorists, and, any nation that supports them." ----President GEORGE BUSH, 2001
  4. Good Day.... http://www.smh.com.au/news/Review/Altered-...l?oneclick=true <QUOTE> Altered Statesmen by Mark McEvoy 1-10-05 ABC, 8:30 PM If the opening episode of this series, about Ronnie Reagan's brain-damaged leadership of the free world, had you biting your nails, this second one about John F. Kennedy's drug-fuelled escapades will freak you right out. It seems America's King Arthur suffered from Addison's disease (impairment of the adrenal glands) and depended on steroids, which apparently made him pine for pulchritude. But Johnny's excessive sex drive was the least of the world's problems - for men, anyway. (Bobby Baker, a former secretary for the US Senate majority, says the "horniest president" always had VD and sought union with one or two women a day. One lucky actress got a full seven minutes.) A greater threat from the president's medication arose during the Bay of Pigs crisis, when he was suffering from "steroid psychosis" and used amphetamines (obtained from Andy Warhol's doctor) to replace the stress hormone he lacked. Besides causing the moon face, the permanent tan and keeping grey hair at bay, the chemicals encouraged JFK to take serious risks during his stand-off with the less-toey Khrushchev, without whom the world might have descended into nuclear madness. <END QUOTE> Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "Nobody is more interested than I in knowing who is responsible for the death of President Kennedy." ---- ROBERT F. KENNEDY, March, 1968 in response to a student question at San Fernando Valley state college in California
  5. Good Day.... The "History Channel" will be airing a RFK assassination segment in its "Conspiracy" show on Sunday, January 9th at 10 pm est. Don U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "Only those who dare to fail greatly, can ever achieve greatly." ----ROBERT F. KENNEDY
  6. Good Day.... Gr8 thread.... One word.... CONNALLY Was he THE "big fish"? No. Was he one of the "fish"? IMHO, probably. (albeit a mid-level "fish") Some thoughts in no particular order. Recall that CONNALLY and LBJ had been political cronies since 1939 --for 24 years before President KENNEDY was murdered. Recall that it was LBJ and CONNALLY who personally proposed to President KENNEDY on 08JUN63 in El Paso, TX, that the president needed to come to Texas.... Recall that it was CONNALLY, and his cronies, who, along with LBJ, generally planned and, then, specifically micro-detailed most of the events scheduled during the Texas trip.... Recall that, originally, President Kennedy was scheduled to receive an honorary degree from Texas Christian University in Ft. Worth on the morning of 22NOV63. After the honorary degree ceremony the president was scheduled to fly to Dallas for a midday luncheon. Amazingly, however, on 01NOV63* the Board of Trustees of TCU held a meeting and decided not to award (the liberal, Catholic) President Kennedy an honorary degree. The decision to refuse to grant the degree to President Kennedy appears to have resulted from petty, apparent political bickering. (also recall that one of the main reasons for President KENNEDY deciding to embark on the Texas trip was to help calm, apparent political bickering among the fiefdoms of Texas) If the trustees had voted to issue the honorary degree and the ceremony at TCU had not been cancelled, there probably would have been some delay in the president's arrival at Dallas, and therefore the Dallas motorcade would have taken place later than it did, and therefore, the assassination might have been frustrated or rendered much more difficult. (11HSCA512-14). Can anyone list the contacts/cronies that CONNALLY probably knew from TCU? *thanks to yet another newly released FBI airtel dated November 1, 1963 the planned second invasion of Cuba was to "begin with the last week of November against the Cuba mainland" [emphasis added], initially with an "extended series of small size commando type raids," followed by "a large scale amphibious operation." (19) This invasion, structured by anti-Castro Cuban exiles on the payroll of the CIA, appears today the probable key to understanding the motivation behind the assassination of President KENNEDY." (Footnote 19 reference = FBI file No. 105-125147-7, airtel, Nov. 1, 1963 (pp. 3-4)) Recall CONNALLY's shouts during the seconds of the attack that have always intrigued, and bothered me, (Mrs. KENNEDY said he squealed like a pig) "No, no, no. They are going to kill us all." While doing a bit of non-JFK-related web-searching I found something that has helped me to understand better why CONNALLY's attack exclaimation has intrigued and bothered me. His exclaimation is what a court would define as an "excited utterance." The law recognizes exceptions to the hearsay rule which are admissible at a trial or hearing. One such exception frequently encountered by attorneys is the "excited utterance" exception. An "excited utterance" is a statement relating to a startling event or condition made while under the stress of excitement caused by the event or condition. Most courts require that three criteria be met in order for a statement to be considered an excited utterance. The statement must: 1) arise out of a startling occasion; 2) be made before there is time to contrive and misrepresent and 3) relate to the circumstances of the startling occasion. The purpose of these criteria is to ensure that the statement is not the result of deliberate reflection by the declarant. Physical factors, such as shock, unconsciousness or pain, are examined by courts in determining if the statement was made while the declarant was still under the excitement of the event. Reading about an "excited utterance" has solidified what has intrigued me about CONNALLY's excited utterance during the attack.... ....CONNALLY unswervingly stated that he tried to see the President, but never did.... therefore, there is no way that he knew the President, NOR ANYONE ELSE, had been impacted.... therefore, CONNALLY's excited utterance choice of the word "They" when he shouted "THEY are going to kill us all!" makes no sense.... ....unless.... ....in that moment of realization, it crystallized to him that his co-conspirators plan also included eliminating him. That being said, let me "put out there" a few thoughts, that are in no particular order.... ....I do not know if the CONNALLY's had a good or bad marriage. Can anyone provide any details? Did either/both of them ever commit adultery, physical-abuse, and/or mental-abuse, etc.? If they did have a bad marriage, it certainly is not impossible, and not out of the rhelm of possibilty, that CONNALLY just did not care if NELLIE was shot. From “THE ADVANCE MAN,” by Jerry Bruno. Ken O'Donnell had sent Bruno to Texas as part of the planing for KENNEDY's trip there in November. Here is what BRUNO wrote about a 29OCT63 meeting with CONNALLY and his cronies.... <QUOTE> It was a really friendly atmosphere, Connally was at the head of the conference table. He's tall.....All around him on either side of the table were his aides. As we sat there, Connally began outlining the schedule for KENNEDY's trip. It was firm, he kept insisting; it was his state, and if the President didn't like it, he could stay home. That really made me feel good. "I just want to tell you one thing, Governor," I said. "He's the President. I'm here to get everybody's recommendations, and I'll forward them to the White House. But they'll decide." With that, Connally jumped up from the table, and grabbed a phone, and said, "Get me the White House." Then we all waited. "Get me Ken O'Donnell." Then he started talking aout the entire schedule: here's what's going to happen in Houston, here's what we'll do in San Antonio, Then we wait. "Fine, fine, I'll get back to you, " Connally said. And he came back to the table and started in, saying, "This is what we want him to do." I learned only later---a lot later, when it really didn't make any difference--that Kenny had told him the same thing I had, that it was the White House that would make any final decision. Anyway, we went around one or two more times, and then Connally just got up and left. <END QUOTE> ....With the knowledge that CONNALLY flat-out lied about his call to the White House when he had the heated argument with "D.N.C." Texas-trip advanceman HAL "Jerry" BRUNO, how can that be defined as anything except, very, sinister? ....Now add to THAT the fact that the morning of 22NOV63 LBJ also had by all listeners accounts, a very loud, very heated argument with President KENNEDY when LBJ tried to get his buddy (some would say his Texas-fiefdom-croney) CONNALLY out of riding in the soon-to-be-attacked limousine, and get (one of) his enemies, RALPH YARBOROUGH, into CONNALLY's jumpseat, how can that be viewed as anything except suspicious, at the least. IMO, it is not logical that LBJ would actually desire, or want to allow if he felt he could change the President's mind, an enemy of LBJ (and CONNALLY) gaining any political points by YARBOROUGH sharing the "limelight" with, and ear of, the President of the United States. BRUNO note references follow. I would also recommend searching VINCE PALAMARA's outstanding site, here: http://spot.acorn.net/jfkplace/03/VP.html 20OCT63....HAL "Jerry" BRUNO, "Democrats National Committee," learns about the Texas trip. 24OCT63....Jerry Bruno meets with Walter Jenkins, at the request of Kenny O'Donnell. Jenkins is LBJ's administrative assistant. Jenkins was to brief Bruno on the politics of the trip. Bruno writes, "It was like listening to somebody talking all about an incurable disease. What we had was a governor, John CONNALLY, who was the leader of the conservative Texas Democrats: oil money, corporate leaders, some rural "redneck" strength. On the other side was Senator Ralph Yarborough, a Southern liberal, supported by labor (which was liberal in Texas), blacks, Latin Americans, and intellectuals. "They hated each other." O'Donnell described CONNALLY to Bruno, "You're dealing with an arrogant guy here." 28OCT63....Bruno went to see Yarborough on October 28, 1963. Yarborough, "described how CONNALLY and Johnson were screwing him; worse, he said, they'd be after John KENNEDY in a minute if they thought they could get away with it politically." ....Is it impossible that the co-conspirators, simply, told CONNALLY the President would be fired at from the front, greatly lessening the odds CONNALLY would be shot? Is it possible that the conspirators impressed upon CONNALLY that world- class marksmen would be targeting only President KENNEDY? ....I have been graze-shot once before. When I was shot, I very quickly exclaimed, "xxxx, I'm shot." CONNALLY had a 4" or 5" sucking-air chest wound. It HAD to be painful just to breathe those first few hyperventillated breaths right after being shot, much less exclaim the far-lengthier excited utterance, "No, no. no. My God. THEY are going to shoot us all!" I'll repeat again, CONNALLY said he did not ever see the President (although I have my doubts circa his Zf-270-280 head position....perhaps he just did not remember seeing him?). If he never saw the President, as far as he knew, only he had been shot before he exclaimed his excited utterance. I understand that his excited utterance was shouted, more-than- likely, without forethought, and, I understand that without forethought, he could have said anything related.... its just his sub-conscious choice of words that intrigues me--I guess based on my being shot experience.... then again, maybe the use of "they" and "us all" was his way of attracting immediate attention from all limo occupants to not only get them to take defensive measures on their own, but to also heighten the gravity of the situation so as to get the limo SS agents to do their job (which they did not). Maybe someone else who has known many people to have been shot can detail what they exclaim.... probably some studies about it somewhere. (I am familiar that sometimes people do not realize immediately that he/she has been shot) ....Also, is it totally impossible, that if CONNALLY did have foreknowledge, that the co-conspirators lied to him about exactly when the attack would occur?.... implying that if CONNALLY had foreknowledge, he had been told the attack would occur in a location after Dealey Plaza and before/as the President arrived/was at/departed the Trade Mart. This dovetails into my theory that knowing how a military mind works, there was probably a backup attack plan in Dallas (plans, within contingent scenario's, within redundant schemes) If LBJ was a co-conspirator, which I have NEVER discounted, maybe LBJ told him not to worry, "even though I could not get you out of the limo, the attack will happen at the Trade Mart.".... even if that was told CONNALLY, have you studied CONNALLY's expressions in many of the photographic images captured at Love Field? Is it possible that the conspirators --despite whatever they told CONNALLY-- decided to also kill him (to and a link to conspirators "above" CONNALLY in the "food chain"? I guess it all boils down to your personal interpretation. Can anyone think of any other related facts, details, and/or considerations that would support CONNALLY's foreknowledge, or, support his lack of foreknowledge? I am curious.... have any of you ever been shot? If so, how did you react, and what did you say, etc.? ....as an aside thought.... I remember CONNALLY had to declare bankruptcy (in 1983, I think).... but, has anyone ever researched his finances in the immediate years before and after the assassination? Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "From a moral standpoint, Johnson had no use for religion except for the political benefits that it bestowed upon him. He had no use for the sanctity of marriage except for the voting benefits it offered to him as a 'married man.' And, his desire for alcohol, just like with sex, was excessive. In short, moral rules relating to his personal conduct had no effect on stopping him from getting what he wanted." ----CRAIG ZIRBEL summarizing a detailed analysis supporting LBJ's moral characteristics that may have prompted LBJ's motivations for wanting President assassinated, "The Texas Connection" (pg.108)
  7. Good Day John.... Thank You. I had not been aware of any of what you posted. Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "In contrast to the testimony of the witnesses who heard and observed shots fired from the Depository, the Commission’s investigation has disclosed no credible evidence that any shots were fired from anywhere else." - warrenatti canard
  8. Good Day.... Can someone with a Dallas 1963 or 1964 directory, please, confirm the names of any restuarants and/or diners located anywhere on Westmoreland? I really appreciate some help on this one. Thank You. Don CV-67, "Big John," USS John F. Kennedy Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "(D)rehm (sic) seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the President." (my EMPHASIS) ----CHARLES F. BREHM, a gunfire-battle experienced, WWII D-day, United States Army Ranger veteran, quoted just minutes after the attack and while still standing within Dealey Plaza ("Dallas Times Herald," 11-22-63, final edition)
  9. Good Day All.... FWIW, the following internet article details that SMOLLEN was kidnapped in 1964.... http://insidecostarica.com/specialreports/...ng_industry.htm ....According to a 2003 copywrited list of Dallas criminal defense attorney's here.... http://www.dallas-attorneys-directory.com/...s-criminal.html ....there is a "John J. Solon," whose address and phone number are listed as.... 4153 Beechwood Ln DALLAS, TX 75220 (214) 350-0908 Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "The Committee suspected that Veciana was lying when he denied that the retired CIA officer was Bishop. The Committee recognized that Veciana had an interest in renewing his anti-Castro operations that might have led him to protect the officer from exposure as Bishop so they could work together again. For his part, the retired officer aroused the Committee's suspicion when he told the Committee he did not recognize Veciana as the founder of Alpha 66, especially since the officer had once been deeply involved in Agency anti-Castro operations." -House Select Committee on Assassinations' final report
  10. Good Day Lee.... I meant to also add to my last reply.... Lee, with regard to your comment about not seeing ROSEMARY WILLIS's white coat head hood.... you may/must have been looking at, or thinking of, someone else when you wrote that, because, other than a very brief micro-second when she is still trotting at about 5 m.p.h. and ROSEMARY's head hood is obscurred starting at Zf-149 by the standing-ready-to-take-his-160-photo ROBERT CROFT (iow, when she trots behind CROFT starting at 149), her white coat head hood is clearly visible the entire time she is visible from Zf-133 until ZAPRUDER panned her image out of the sprocket area at 222/223. Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "I remarked to Mr. Campbell who was standing near by that I thought the shots had come from our building. But I heard someone else say 'no, I think it was further down the street.' " -TSBD employee JERALDEAN "Carolyn" REID in her earliest 11-23-63 DPD affidavit (CE2003, 24H223) REID and CAMPBELL were standing together, almost directly due south of the warrenatti's, supposed, "snipers lair"
  11. Good Day.... The following article mentions a law firm, Houston-based "Vinson & Elkins," that CONNALLY was a client of.... http://www.dfw.com/mld/dfw/news/nation/10454039.htm?1c ....Does anyone know if LBJ was, also, a client? Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "How did it happen they ("they"?!!) hit Connally?" - LBJ, despite the multitude of "lone nut" statements the previous 7 days, during a 29NOV63 phone conversation with his longtime friend, longtime neighbor, & soon-to-be-appointed-by-LBJ-"for-life" F.B.I. Director, J. EDGAR HOOVER
  12. Good Day.... http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw...ilia.b5b77.html <QUOTE> A forensic footnote to Dallas' dark day Museum boasts JFK memorabilia that no one knew was missing 09:42 PM CST on Thursday, December 16, 2004 By JASON TRAHAN / The Dallas Morning News Dallas police found more than the drugs they expected during a raid on an East Mockingbird Lane apartment. They uncovered evidence from one of the most famous murder cases in U.S. history. Inside Michael Roppolo's apartment was a trove of Kennedy assassination memorabilia, including an authentic Dallas police fingerprint card bearing the infamous name Jack Ruby. One of the fingerprint boxes is blank, reflecting Mr. Ruby's missing left index finger, which he lost when a guitarist bit it off in a fight. "Amp. 1st Joint," it says. It's unclear whether the prints, marked "master," were taken after he shot Lee Harvey Oswald in the old police headquarters basement, or whether the fingerprint card was made after an earlier arrest of the colorful Dallas club owner. What's not in dispute is that the card, apparently pilfered from police archives several decades ago, is invaluable, said Senior Cpl. Jess Lucio, who is coordinating the collection of materials for the police museum to be housed in the department's new headquarters. He took custody of the items over the summer after Mr. Roppolo's drug case was wrapped up. Mr. Roppolo got five years' probation, county officials said. Police are unsure how the JFK evidence ended up in Mr. Roppolo's apartment. He told authorities that a relative who used to work for the department gave it to him. In addition to the fingerprint card, officers during their raid last year found Bonnie and Clyde memorabilia, including autopsy photos. Police say the JFK items appear to be authentic: items marked as trial evidence including pictures of Mr. Ruby shooting Oswald and what appears to be a drawing of a map containing important assassination-related locations, such as Dealey Plaza and the street in Oak Cliff where Officer J.D. Tippit was shot. Police also found a photo inventory of Mr. Oswald's belongings, which were seized from his Beckley Avenue rooming house on the day of the assassination. That picture features an eerie collage of seemingly banal personal effects, interesting only because of who once owned them: shoes, a bar of Lux soap, Russian flash cards, black sunglasses, gloves and an assortment of clothing. Another photo documents items – mostly socialist propaganda – found at Ruth Paine's Irving house, where Marina Oswald had stayed. "Of the items recovered, two are clearly of museum quality: the Ruby fingerprint card and the drawing," Cpl. Lucio said. "The other pieces recovered were interesting, unusual and rarely seen photographs." E-mail jtrahan@dallasnews.com <END QUOTE> Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore Dr. DONALD THOMAS during his NID-2001 presentation, "Hear No Evil": The x-ray of the President's head taken at the autopsy revealed a metal fragment on the outside of the cranium located 10 cm dorsad of the occipital protuberance. The scalp wound in apposition to this piece of metal was described in the autopsy facing sheet (7 HSCA 253) as "ragged, slanting" with an arrow indicating an upward trajectory. Dr. RUSSELL FISHER, the chairman of the forensic pathology panel appointed by Attorney General RAMSEY CLARK to review the autopsy materials concluded that the piece of metal was, "...most likely a richochet fragment" (interview in Menninger pp. 64-66). I am not a forensic pathologist, but Dr. FISHER's expert diagnosis meshes well with the filmed evidence of the President's reaction, the accounts of the eyewitnesses, and explains the ragged nature of the scalp wound. Or, we may choose to rely on the HSCA Forensic Pathology panel's expertise on how this piece of metal came to be lodged on the outside of the President's skull. The Warren Commission's doctors elected not to report this piece of metal in their autopsy protocol. The forensic pathology panel met with the Chief Prosector, JAMES HUMES, and asked him about the fragment and scalp lesion. Transcripts of the panel's discussion elicited the following opinion from Dr. GEORGE LOQUVAM: COE: "The reason we are so interested in this, Dr. Humes, is because other pathologists have interpreted the..." LOQUVAM: "I don't think this belongs in the damn record." HUMES: "Well, it probably doesn't." LOQUVAM: "You guys are nuts. You guys are nuts writing this stuff. It doesn't belong in the damn record." (7HSCA255)
  13. Good Day.... Does anyone have handy a list of the known occupants of motorcade press bus #1? Thank You. Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "The Committee suspected that Veciana was lying when he denied that the retired CIA officer was Bishop. The Committee recognized that Veciana had an interest in renewing his anti-Castro operations that might have led him to protect the officer from exposure as Bishop so they could work together again. For his part, the retired officer aroused the Committee's suspicion when he told the Committee he did not recognize Veciana as the founder of Alpha 66, especially since the officer had once been deeply involved in Agency anti-Castro operations." -House Select Committee on Assassinations' final report
  14. Good Day.... I was doing some internet-searching and started reading the following internet page.... http://www.jfk-info.com/discus/messages/72...html?1003075293 ....About 45% the way down that internet page we find it reads.... "21 H 217 Shirley Randall, E.R. Aide re: washing limo***" ....and on the next line.... "21 H 226 Joe L. Richards, Orderly re: bucket of water***" ....so I looked-up RANDALL and RICHARDS in the warrenatti canard #21.... ....Here is a quote from 21H217, Parkland Hospital aide, SHIRLEY RANDALL's statement about her 22NOV63 activities, who, with an empty gurney carriage she had secured, ran by the Parkland hospital emergency entrance in-coming CONNALLY and then saw President KENNEDY being run into the hospital on a gurney carriage with MRS. KENNEDY's roses on the president's chest.... <QUOTE> I asked some man -- I don't know who he was -- if there was any more hurt before a policeman and I took the carriage in that I had; he said that he didn't think so. He asked me if I would get someone to come and wash the blood out of the car. I said that I would, but I was so excited and nervouse that I forgot about the car. <END QUOTE> ....RICHARDS, after helping run CONNALLY into TR-2, wrote (21H226).... <QUOTE> Then someone asked me to get a bucket of water; I did. <END QUOTE> ....So, from RANDALL's statement, it appears that within only 2 minutes of the limousine's arrival at Parkland Hospital (more likely, it was thought of BEFORE the limo arrival at PH--the queston is how long before?), *someone* was already wanting (i.e. had a priority) that the limousine's rear seats compartment be washed-out and cleaned-up, and asked RANDALL to do it. ....When RANDALL forgot about it --i.e. when the limo rear seats were not washed out QUICKLY enough for *someone's* tastes-- "someone" soon asked RICHARDS to get a bucket of water.... What is the old saying?...."If you want to make sure something is done right, do it yourself." .... ....Has it ever been determined with certainty exactly WHO actually washed out the blood splatter pattern out of the limousine rear seats? ....So, President KENNEDY, probably dead, but no one knows for sure, and who has a quarter of his head blown off--which should have been the priority for everyone there-- and, yet, here is "someone" who has already thought about cleaning up the blood.... can anyone say, "priorities"? Yes-sir-ee.... that blood splatter pattern certainly was one of the co-conspirator's un-plannable problems --but probably had been planned to react to about-- and had to be quickly covered-up.... Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "I saw a part of his skull with hair on it lying in the seat I observed a wound about six inches down from the neckline on the back just to the right of the spinal column. I observed another wound on the right rear portion of the skull." ----CLINT HILL, 30NOV63 report: 18H740-745
  15. ....Good Day Don and all.... I have a copy of BUCHANON's 1964 black and white film, "The Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald" (very rare these days to find; I've never seen it run on tv). If anyone is interested in the film, please just privately email me. Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "One night, probably in 1880, John Swinton, then the preeminent New York journalist, was the guest of honour at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft. Someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to the independent press. Swinton outraged his colleagues by replying: 'There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone. The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.'" ----source: "Labor's Untold Story", by Richard O. Boyer and Herbert M. Morais, published by United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America, NY, 1955/1979
  16. ....Good Day Steve.... Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "I wasn't keeping track of the number of pops that took place, but I could vouch for number one, and I can vouch for the last shot, but I cannot tell you how many shotS were in between." ----JAMES ALTGENS, close attack witness, during his 22JUL64 warrenatti-testimony (07H517-518)
  17. Good Day.... Within the following article.... http://context.themoscowtimes.com/story/134709/ ....is written this paragraph: "Johnson was backed by the Carlos Marcello gang of New Orleans, who paid the all-powerful Texas senator $100,000 per year to keep the legislative heat off their gambling and racing interests. Of course, this mob dime was small beer to Lyndon, whose career had been bankrolled by massive cash infusions (some of them legal) from the construction and military-servicing firm Brown & Root -- now more famous as the chief cash cow in the Halliburton empire. (Like the Outfit, Halliburton always plays both sides.)" ....I have no doubt that LBJ was capable of accepting such a payola, but, can anyone provide addional specific reference(s) for this $100K annual payola from MARCELLO to LBJ? Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "From a moral standpoint, Johnson had no use for religion except for the political benefits that it bestowed upon him. He had no use for the sanctity of marriage except for the voting benefits it offered to him as a 'married man.' And, his desire for alcohol, just like with sex, was excessive. In short, moral rules relating to his personal conduct had no effect on stopping him from getting what he wanted." ----CRAIG ZIRBEL, summarizing LBJ's amoral characteristics that may have contributed, along with 4 on-going criminal investigations implicating LBJ, to LBJ's motivations for wanting President KENNEDY assassinated, "The Texas Connection" (pg.108)
  18. Good Day.... I received an email that contained the "Dallas Morning News" obituary for BUM BRIGHT. In Dallas, the fact that BRIGHT helped produce the 22NOV63 negative advertisement would have probably been more known by locals, and, therefore mentioned in his obit. My point when I wrote my original post was that the national media either did not pick up on BRIGHT's sponsorship of the negative ad, or, the media did pick up on it but decided not to include it in BRIGHT's obit. In any event, here is the "DMN" obit.... <QUOTE> 'Bum' Bright, former Cowboys owner, dies Longtime member of A&M board had a soft spot for children, dogs 01:35 AM CST on Monday, December 13, 2004 By MIKE HEIKA / The Dallas Morning News A tough and sometimes controversial businessman, H.R. "Bum" Bright also had a soft side that included an extraordinary devotion to dogs, children and the Texas A&M Aggies. Mr. Bright, 84, died Saturday night at his Highland Park home after a long illness. "We were glad that he was at home and that everybody was there," said son Clay Bright, 50. "I think his life pretty much speaks for itself." Courtesy photo Bum Bright sold the Cowboys to Jerry Jones in 1989. Best known for his ownership of the Cowboys from 1984 to 1989, Mr. Bright was one of Dallas' top businessmen for years and also a longtime member of the Texas A&M Board of Regents. He was chairman of the board from 1981 to 1985. In addition, he was one of the strongest supporters of Children's Medical Center Dallas, making a $5 million donation that led to the 1999 opening of the Bright Building, a facility specializing in treating ear, nose and throat ailments. "He really had a real interest in anybody, especially young people, who were really pushing to get ahead," Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said. "He was partial if he saw a hustler or he saw somebody who was really ambitious. I really admired him." Mr. Bright's wife, Peggy, said in a 1986 interview with The Dallas Morning News that her husband wasn't obsessed with possessions but that money was "the measure of what he does. It's the score at the bottom of his card." That attitude made Mr. Bright a tough negotiator. Retired Dallas banker Harvey Mitchell, who was a partner in Bright & Co. for 18 years, remembered Mr. Bright as having unwavering tenacity when it came to his business dealings. "Once he got on a project, it almost took an act of Congress to call him off," Mr. Mitchell said. Trained as a petroleum engineer, Mr. Bright made his fortune in Texas oil and gas before building a coast-to-coast trucking business. He later invested in banks, real estate and savings and loans. Public failures If his successes were Texas-size, so were his public failures. He lost $29 million on the stock of RepublicBank Corp., where he was a board member, and $200 million in the 1989 failure of Bright Banc Savings Association. Federal regulators seized control of his thrift during the costly cleanup that followed the collapse of the Texas savings and loan industry. Mr. Bright tried repeatedly to interest other investors in coming on board, but regulators wouldn't approve a deal that left Mr. Bright in charge, according to news accounts at the time. He was in good company; many Texas executives of his era were caught up in the failure of the banks and S&Ls that once defined Dallas business. But it was a painful interlude that included federal lawsuits over RepublicBank and Bright Banc. Away from the business world, Mr. Bright had a big hand in the decision that helped get Texas A&M football coach Tom Wilson fired before Jackie Sherrill was hired in 1981. Mr. Sherrill earned the highest salary of any college football coach at the time and was given the rare title of athletic director and coach. He was forced out when NCAA violations resulted in probation for the program. Mr. Bright didn't fire Cowboys coach Tom Landry before selling the team to Jerry Jones in 1989, bringing scorn from fans who said he didn't deal honestly with Mr. Landry. Mr. Bright later told The News that he had asked Tex Schramm to fire Mr. Landry in 1987, but that Mr. Schramm wouldn't do it. How he became 'Bum' Born Harvey Roberts Bright on Oct. 6, 1920, in Muskogee, Okla., he spent most of his life in Texas. His father looked down at him when he was a baby and exclaimed that he looked like a railroad bum, Mr. Bright explained in an interview with The News. "That's really the only name I ever had," Mr. Bright said. His family moved to Highland Park when he was 8, and he graduated from Highland Park High School in 1938. He started working in the oil fields but quickly discovered that the engineers had much better lives than the roustabouts. Mr. Bright enrolled at Texas A&M and graduated in 1943. After that, he was called to active service in the Army Corps of Engineers and went to Europe to fight in World War II. His upward career trajectory in the postwar years included involvement with one of Dallas' darkest political chapters: Mr. Bright co-sponsored a full-page newspaper ad written by local members of the John Birch Society that sharply criticized President John F. Kennedy on the morning of his fateful visit to Dallas, Nov. 22, 1963. Typically, despite the assassination, Mr. Bright said later that he had no regrets about the ad, which simply reflected his conservative views. Friends remembered a more lighthearted side of Mr. Bright. One of the great Bum Bright stories is how he discovered a dog with a broken leg in a burned-out house. He bribed one of the medics to set the leg and then brought the dog home with him. That started a long history of dogs living like kings in the Bright residence. Old-fashioned deal His dealings with businessmen were also playful at times. In engineering the sale with Mr. Jones, Mr. Bright maneuvered in a tough but old-fashioned way. "We shook hands when I bought the Cowboys, and we barely had a paper napkin full of details," Mr. Jones said. "And from that, we had to come up with 30 different decisions, and he was very honorable at that time. "We came down to one of the last ones, and we flipped a coin and he won," Mr. Jones added. "Then, later when we closed the actual deal, he had enclosed that coin in a plastic container that you couldn't get into with a sledgehammer. And he wrote a note on it that said, 'You'll never know if that was a two-headed coin or not.' He had a great sense of humor." Mr. Bright made a $25 million donation to Texas A&M in 1997. When asked about the amount, he said, "It's a nice, round number." In a statement released Sunday, Texas A&M president Robert Gates said: "Bum Bright was the personification of what it means to be an Aggie. His love and commitment to Texas A&M University were unsurpassed. ... Aggies everywhere mourn his passing." At 78, he did an interview at his office, where he was still going to work at 7 a.m. six days a week. "I just keep struggling, trying to make a living," he said. That was part of his charm. He had a history of drinking beverages in seven sips because seven was one of his lucky numbers. When he arrived home from work, he would honk his car horn 11 times - another lucky number. Luck aside, he worked hard and had a lot to show for it. James B. "Boots" Reeder, a former son-in-law and an employee for more than 20 years, called Mr. Bright a "brilliant businessman." 'A self-made man' "He was a self-made man," Mr. Reeder said Sunday. He was a "very good owner," said Gil Brandt, former Cowboys director of player personnel. "He was crusty, and he was tough." But he was also honest and a true friend. "He was a great supporter of not only the Cowboys, but of mine," Mr. Jones said. "He stood up during some real hard times for me early on, and I'll never forget that." Along with his wife and his son, Mr. Bright is survived by his sister, Rebecca Elizabeth Bright Madole of Dallas; two daughters, Martha Carol Bright Hunter and Margaret Louise Bright Vonder Hoya; son Christopher Roberts Bright; 14 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. A private burial will be at 2 p.m. Thursday. A memorial service will be at 4 p.m. Thursday at The Chapel of the Cross, 4333 Cole St. in Dallas. Staff writers Suzanne Marta and Rachel Cohen and DallasNews.com staff writer Matt Mosley contributed to this report. E-mail mheika@dallasnews.com BUM BRIGHT TIMELINE 1948: Mr. Bright forms Bright Schiff Oil Producers with college roommate Herbert G. Schiff. In the course of three decades, the partnership builds the nation's largest private trucking company, East Texas Motor Freight, as well as Southern Trust and Mortgage and Park Cities Bank. 1963: Joins businessmen Nelson Bunker Hunt and Edgar Crissey in buying a full-page ad that ran Nov. 22 in The Dallas Morning News attacking the visiting President Kennedy for going "soft on Communists." In the wake of the assassination, the ad contributes to a belief nationwide that the city had been out to get the president. Mr. Bright defended the ad, saying he had and always would support right-wing causes. 1973: Buys Trinity Savings and Loan. 1974: Joins the board of RepublicBank Corp., becoming one of its largest shareholders by the mid-1980s. 1984: Trinity buys Texas Federal Savings for $88 million. Combined, the thrifts hold $2.3 billion in assets and are renamed Bright Banc Savings Association. ... Heads an 11-member limited partnership that purchases the Dallas Cowboys from the Murchison family. 1985: Bright Banc buys Dallas Federal Savings & Loan Association, which holds $2.2 billion in assets, for $107 million. ... Cowboys' new headquarters at Valley Ranch opens Aug. 27. 1986: Forms Vulture I, an investment fund that buys repossessed real estate from Bright Banc and other institutions. ... Sees Cowboys coach Tom Landry's streak of 20 winning seasons end with a 7-9 record. 1987: Engineers merger of RepublicBank and InterFirst Bank Dallas, forming First RepublicBank Corp. 1988: At the height of the Texas banking crisis, First RepublicBank collapses, and Mr. Bright loses $29 million in stock. 1989: Federal regulators seize Bright Banc because of mounting real estate losses. ... Sells Cowboys to Jerry Jones. August 1991: Federal regulators sue former officers and directors of First RepublicBank Dallas for gross negligence. January 1993: Along with other former officers of First RepublicBank, agrees to pay federal regulators $22 million to settle charges of gross mismanagement and end an 18-month legal battle. -From staff reports Online at: http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dw...ht.1b45208.html <END QUOTE> Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "How did it happen they ("they"?!!) hit Connally?" - LBJ, despite the multitude of "lone nut" statements the previous 7 days, during a 29NOV63 phone conversation with his longtime friend, longtime neighbor, & soon-to-be-appointed-by-LBJ-"for-life" F.B.I. Director, J. EDGAR HOOVER
  19. Good Day Lee.... There is a slight chance that some of my conspiracy friends are going to jeer me a bit (oh well) after my next statements (and some, less sharp, warrenatti-apologists will applaud, very temporarily that is, until those same warrenatti-apologists realize....hopefully-epiphany-like....that ROSEMARY's second head movement....her ultrafast Z-214 to 217 headsnap towards the grassy knoll, in fact, positively indicates that, at least, 4 shots were fired).... ....I honestly believe that, given, President KENNEDY's Z-film displayed, rightward, fast, 65-degree head snap (which, imho, he did reactively, and impulsively, possibly/probably derived instinctively from his WWII experience/training without his first thinking about it) from Zf-155 to 158 (which is a fast 414-degrees-per-second head rotational speed compared to ROSEMARY's ultrafast 610-d.p.s. from Zf-214 to 217) was in reaction to a loud, audible event which was probably a gun shot related event.... ((please see my statements-accompanying chart below)).... ....combined with.... ....CONNALLY's Z-164 to 170 fast headsnap rightward of 95 degrees (a 289-d.p.s. speed), starting only 0.5 second after the president's rightward head snap indicates CONNALLY sensed a loud audible event. Connally always said and testified that he first turned rightward after hearing the first audible muzzle blast (or mechanically-suppress-fired bullet bow shockwave) that he remembered hearing.... (there is *no way* based on several filmed examples I have seen of CONNALLY demonstrating his first rightward head snap and torso turn rightward that he could have performed the head snap/torso turn he demonstrated in the only 1 second he was hidden from ZAPRUDER by the "Stemmons" freeway sign from 204 to 221) ....combined with.... ....the first blur/jiggle episode imparted to ZAPRUDER's camera and detected and documented to be at from Zf-157 to 161 in 2 of 2 blur/jiggle episodes studies that include the pre-170 frames.... ....combined with.... ....a gun shot impulse present circa 155 on the D.P.D. radio recorded dictabelt tape.... ....combined with.... ....some known, close, key witnesses along Elm Street and his/her keen, detailed observed timestamped actions and reactions of the limousine occupants and other motorcade members.... ....IMHO, probably all indicate --in fact, I think I will even say-- most likely all support that there was a loud audible event, probably gun shot related, that occured no later than Zf-151 (allowing four Z-frames for President KENNEDY's neurological-stimulus-then-physical response to begin to display itself in his rightward head snap starting at 155). Of course, the warrenatti canard itself "determined" in 1963-64 that the warrenatti-posnerian "magic-limbed-ricochet-tree" foliage/branches did not even start to obscur President KENNEDY from the warrenatti "smokers nook" until Zf-160-162. ....I also think that Mrs. KENNEDY's much more leisurely (relative to her husband and CONNALLY, but still rapid) 175-degree headturn rightward, starting at Zf-169 and ending, mostly, by Zf-195 (a 124-d.p.s. average rate) was also in reaction to that same circa-151 gunshot related loud event. ....I also think that non-gunshots-experienced ROSEMARY WILLIS reacted impulsively childlike to either the circa-151 gunshot related event, or, she impulsively reacted to an additional shot in between 151 and 210 (afterall, she does not even start to, noticeably, slow down her trotting until 185), and her reaction to that circa-151 shot is displayed in her more leisurely slight head turn rightward as she was trotting 133 to 190, and was also the reason she started to slow down her trotting around 185-195 to a feet-stopped location by Zf-210 about even with where the president had been located at Zf-151.... Of course, IMHO, her head facing direction at Z-214--facing the west half of the TSBD south face--in profile to ZAPRUDER----NOT facing the far east corner----makes the whole point of her pre-214 actions entirely moot.... the TSBD west half that ROSEMARY was facing at Zf-214 contained the same open west window on the sixth floor through which ARNOLD ROWLAND testified that he observed the second armed assassin ROWLAND testified to (within a minute after seeing the west sixth floor assassin ROWLAND also saw the man in the far east sixth floor window), and, from which nearly a straight trajectory line from the "Harper skull fragment" found location leads back through the President at 313, back to the same west window. ....I also keep thinking about a woman inside the TSBD walking on the fifth floor during the seconds of the shooting (cannot recall her name at the immediate moment), and despite her being only one floor down, AND, much, much closer to the, supposed, warrenatti "snipers lair," she stated that of the shots that she remembered hearing, while she was facing east in the hallway, those shots originated from behind her--in other words, "her" remembered shot(s) originated from the west side of the TSBD. ....but then again.... maybe the circa 151 first audible event WAS a firecracker, or an overheated "Harley Davidson" D.P.D. motorcycle backfire, exactly as a vast amount of witnesses have stated Here is my graph displaying the head turns timestamped points and the individual facing directions (relative to 0-degrees being limo forward) as seen in the Z-film of President KENNEDY, CONNALLY, Mrs. KENNEDY, and NELLIE all inlaid together, relative to each other.... http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/JACK...turnsSPEEDS.gif Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "I remarked to Mr. Campbell who was standing near by that I thought the shots had come from our building. But I heard someone else say 'no, I think it was further down the street.' " -TSBD employee JERALDEAN "Carolyn" REID in her earliest 11-23-63 DPD affidavit (CE2003, 24H223) REID and CAMPBELL were standing together, almost directly due south of the warrenatti's, supposed, "snipers lair"
  20. ....Good Day Shanet.... In relation to the limousine's forward direction (0-degrees) at Zf-313, President KENNEDY was facing only 27-degrees left of limousine-forward at Zf-313; towards the extreme left vertical chromed front windshield frame. (You'll have to explain, clearer, what you are talking about in relation to saying something about the president facing 150-degrees) ....Precisely because President KENNEDY was facing nearly 90-degrees away from the photo-theorized "badge man," was facing nearly 90-degrees away from the photo-theorized "#5 man," and was facing nearly 90-degrees away from the HSCA-scientifically-determined+photo-theorized GK assassin locations at Zf-313, and, the medical evidence, as it exists, does not support that a high velocity projectile exited the left half of President KENNEDY's head, IMHO, my present conclusion about what is seen in Zf-312 to 313 is that none of the above 3 assassins (whether one or all 3 existed in reality) struck the president in the head between 312 and 313 with a high velocity projectile. (interestingly, the HSCA did conclud that the HSCA-scientifically-determined assassin's shot did miss at Zf-299) An assassin located even more forward of President KENNEDY is, IMHO, more likely--again, given the medical evidence as it exists (see below). For 29+ years I have never completely discounted that an assassin firing from the overpass north side vertical sewer impacted the head with a mechanically-suppress-fired bullet (a.k.a. a "silenced" bullet)--President KENNEDY's head then torso violent snaps back-up-and-left motion seems, IMHO, to directionally point to a more-forward-of-JFK direction than the fence corner/retaining wall area his head was nearly perpendicular to at 313....additionally, recent shooting recreations utilizing lasers have demonstrated clearly to me that a shot fired from that overpass north side sewer (as well as the overpass' south side, clearing the upper windshield chrome frame by 2" to 4" but only between the pushed-upwards sun visors) would have been clear and not tree trunks unobstructed from 315 to 315, and then, the sewer itself would have aforded a very rapid way to hide, then escape completely undetected.... the one consideration that creates slight doubts in my mind is the 2 men ((labeled on my DP map as "B-1" and "B-2")) who were seen in the BELL film just seconds after the attack standing right where the overpass angles more eastward, only about 25' from where such a overpass north side vertical sewer assassin could have fired unobstructed from.... it seems that if B-1 and B-2 were not co-conspirators (HOLLAND may have spoke of them as the railroad car inspectors he did not know the names of) that they would have heard a shot fired from only 25' away and reacted to capture the assassin or, at the very least, B-1 and/or B-2 would have told the authorities what they heard/saw.... or maybe, B-1 and B-2 saw that assassin or heard a shot from closeby but just decided not to get involved.... then again, B-1 and B-2 have never been identified, so, who is to say?; maybe B-1 and B-2 were, indeed, co-conspirator spotters stationed deliberately at that overpass corner to prevent the overpass and D.P.D. witnesses from coming around that corner during the attack?) That is not to say --if one or all of those 3 theorized assassins existed in reality-- that he/they fired a shot that completely missed hitting anyone and the limo. That being said, possibly one of those 3 assassins -if he actually existed- possibly could have fired a micro-second-trailing shot just after the 312/313 explosion, but fired it before 315 (because the president, after a 314 pause in movement, first starts moving rearward at 315) that penetrated the already-existing 312/313-created wound, with the 313-to-315 second impacting bullet causing the violent back/left head/torso snap.... From speaking with Dr. ROBERTSON and other medical professionals (which I am certainly not) there does seem to be some probative supporting evidence for nearly simultaneous double head impacts. Some warrenatti-apologists say of the double head impact theory that 2 different-located assassins could not have possibly deliberately timed 2 separate shots so close together.... to which I say, "Who is claiming that 2 different head impacting assassins deliberately timed their shots that way.... in the real and the meta-physical world, the reality is that 2 separate events can, very well, occur nearly, or, exactly, simultaneously." ....Some seeming support for 2 nearly simultaneous head impacts.... ....Exploring the forensic head blood splatter and head spray evidence, at 313 and after 313 there are, undeniably by anyone, several large head pieces moving forward in 313.... ALTGENS stated to TRASK that headmatter trajected almost 40' forward to land near ALTGENS feet.... WILLIAM HARPER diagramed he found the "Harper skull fragment" some 117' forward of the president.... the windshield frame dent and glass crack found forward.... 3 bullet frags found forward, and basically centered under NELLIE"s limo seat (one was found ((or was it placed?)) within the floor seat-track-channel controlling the forward/rear movement of her seat).... 2 large bullet frags found forward circa the limo's front bench seat.... blood and matter found on the inside and outside front left windshield glass and found only on the inside front right windshield glass.... and there were a percentage of witnesses who detected an above-their-head gunfire source from the Elm/Houston intersection.... ....yet.... we also have CHARLES BREHM the World War II/Korean war, battles-experienced veteran vividly detailing for us that he was attracted to observe a distinct piece of something (i.e. a piece big enough to distinctly separate and see) traject rearward and leftward towards BREHM (BREHM's earliest, very first 12:45 pm statement about a shots source was "the shots came from in front of or beside the president").... the WIEGMAN film seeming to show smoke lingering under the picket fence corner oak tree foliage windbreak--exactly where the HSCA-determined assassin was located and possibly barely seen in the MOORMAN #5 polaroid photo.... many (7 or 8) overpass witnesses seeing that picket fence corner gunsmoke.... ED HOFFMAN, JEAN HILL, and LEE BOWERS statements claiming to have seen a suspicious grassy knoll person (HOFFMAN claims to have seen gunsmoke then the rifle; HILL the gunsmoke-but she claimed it only years later; BOWERS alluded to something that attracted his eye but he waited 3 years to publicly claim that).... the MOORMAN #5 polaroid photo, WILLIS photo, NIX film, MUCHMORE film, and the DPD dictabelt all seeming to show the presence of someone(s) on the GK.... ALTGENS telling LANE in 1965 that just before the president came through several persons suddenly appeared in the GK/fence/wall area--one of which he seemed to remember as being D.P.D.-uniformed.... ROSEMARY WILLIS's ultrafast headsnap westward towards the grassy knoll (which I discovered; please read from the link below, which is after my signature, and also contains what I think is the distinct possibility of from where a Z-313 shot really came from).... overpass earwitnesses and a percentage of ear witnesses who detected a gunfire source from the area west of the TSBD.... several witnesses described that the last shot (as with the first "firecracker"/"backfire"-sounding shot) that they remembered hearing sounded noticeably different than the other shots.... many "LN-inconvenient" witnesses who have stated they heard a muzzle blast or mechanically-suppressed bullet bow shockwave distinctly AFTER they had already seen the head explode (especially closest-to-President KENNEDY witnesses; one of which I am completing my interviews with and will be soon detailing her important observations--two observations of hers being VERY important, and who has only spoken with 2 other researchers in the last 41+ years).... D.P.D. SMITH encountering an "agent" and smelling gunsmoke.... MALCOLM SUMMERS (and people who SUMMERS said were near him when they also ran behind the GK) and GORDON ARNOLD claiming to encounter someone who was armed.... street level and motorcade street level witnesses, 60'-84' below the supposed "snipers lair," smelling gunsmoke when the wind was blowing northeastward TOWARDS the TSBD.... D.P.D. HARKNESS encountering several armed men in suits behind the TSBD within minutes.... WORRELL seeing a man dash out the TSBD rear running northeast within 2-3 minutes.... the NIX film seems to show headmatter moving rearward across the limo trunk.... HARGIS was hit with something hard enough for him to first think he had been shot and he and MARTIN were both splattered with blood and matter.... KINNEY in he SS-followup car has his left arm and left windshield splattered.... JEAN HILL warrenatti-testifies that an "agent" told her that a DP-watching "agent" saw something kick up debris (or the "agent" saw headmatter debris) close to her feet.... CLINT HILL's suit has a small amount of headmatter splattered onto it.... Mrs. KENNEDY's face --even though her face was on the left side of --and about even with, height-wise-- the president at 313-- is splattered (her testimony is very interesting, once you understand it timestamped with what we see in the ZAPRUDER film--among other considerations, she testified that she saw (i.e. she was ATTRACTED by movement to view) a flesh colored piece of skull be detached--yet, as is clearly seen in the Z-film, her face is tilted downward and her headtop (and eyes) are roughly even with President KENNEDY's headtop (and eyes) until the early Zf-320's--meaning only one of two possibilities--either she saw the result of a second projectile penetrating an already-existing gaping wound and forced the piece of skull to detach that she observed, or, when the president's head snapped violently backwards the violent headsnapping backwards flung out the piece of skull that she observed. ....As I mentioned, I am not a medical professional (and because of that I have always strived to speak with medical professionals as much as possible and understand the assassination medical evidence interpretations as much as I can). The "LN-conveniently"-sized 6.5 mm, "LN-conveniently"-nearly-round piece of bullet fragment that was never testified to/spoken/written about by any of the Bethesda "medical professionals" nor witnesses has bothered me for over 29 years. It peaks my curiousity when this "LN-convenient" bullet fragment ---I call it the "magic 6.5 mm bullet fragment"--- "magically," suddenly, is seen on the x-rays when the x-rays started to be first examined in the late-60's. It peaks my curiousity when we are told to accept that a high-velocity projectile, "LN-conveniently"-supposedly fired from the rear, suddenly appears and is noticed on the x-rays at a precise location some 4" above the warrenatti-theorized entrance point, embedded (meaning the "magic 6.5 mm bullet fragment" not only stopped suddenly after trajecting at a warrenatti 1800-2000 feet-per-second velocity, but also meaning that --in the world of warrenatti apologists-- the military-specification fully-metal-jacketed "magic 6.5 mm bullet fragment" fragmented while it first entered the skull at 1800 to 2000 feet-per-second) and also simultaneously embedded onto the OUTSIDE of the skull. ....I have additional considerations that all are interelated to what happened that day (and the years that have followed), and will return to this thread when I have more time. ....and Shanet.... my last name is, correctly, listed everywhere, and, correctly, spelled Roberdeau.... My family, friends, and aquaintances all find it much easier to write and call me Don :{)-] Best Regards in Research, + ++Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations.... Homepages Website: "Men of Courage": President Kennedy-elimination Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Key Considerations.... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2009/08/1-men-of-courage-jfk-assassination_09.html The Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses Locations, Photographers, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... http://i.imgur.com/rGmmWxD.gif ( updated map, + new information ) Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS's Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll .... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2011/01/discovery-close-jfk-assassination.html Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree".... http://i.imgur.com/rfRH5jX.gif Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out.... http://i.imgur.com/r8Ga26x.gif T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore For the United States: http://www.dhs.gov "From a moral standpoint, Johnson had no use for religion except for the political benefits that it bestowed upon him. He had no use for the sanctity of marriage except for the voting benefits it offered to him as a 'married man.' And, his desire for alcohol, just like with sex, was excessive. In short, moral rules relating to his personal conduct had no effect on stopping him from getting what he wanted." ----CRAIG ZIRBEL, summarizing LBJ's amoral characteristics that may have contributed, along with 4 on-going criminal investigations implicating LBJ, to LBJ's motivations for wanting President KENNEDY assassinated, "The Texas Connection" (pg.108) "How did it happen they ("they"?!!) hit Connally?" - LBJ, despite the multitude of "lone nut" statements the previous 7 days, during a phone conversation with his longtime friend, nearly-nextdoor-neighbor, longtime political cronie, & soon-to-be-appointed-"for-life" F.B.I. Director, J. EDGAR HOOVER, 29NOV63
  21. ....Good Day All.... Thanks for the, now-noted, updates.... That's what I get for buying LARRY HANCOCK's book/cd, "Someone Would Have Talked," starting it 8 months ago, then forgetting about it/getting injured. Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst for righteousness: for they shall be filled." ----St. Matthew 5:6
  22. Good Day.... Located within this 12-13-04 internet article.... http://www.emediawire.com/releases/2004/12/emw183199.htm ....is the un-referenced statement.... " *A declassified CIA memo from the 1950s describes a scenario in which a government-programmed assassin/defector kills an American official and is then "disposed of" after being taken into custody." ....Does anyone have a specific reference for this, supposed, CIA memo from the 1950's? Thank You. Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "Mr. GOLDSMITH - Does this [H.S.C.A.] memorandum make reference to 37 documents being missing from Oswald's 201 file? Mr. HELMS - Yes, it does. It says that in 1964, February 20, a comparison of the documents available in 201 file and those recorded as being those in the 201 file has shown 37 documents which should be in the 201 file are not available in it. And there is a breakdown of what seems to be missing." -exchange during the 25SEP78 H.S.C.A. testimony of RICHARD HELMS, the C.I.A.'s 1963 Deputy Director for Plans
  23. HARVEY R. "Bum" BRIGHT, 84, died 12-11-04.... http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/m...politan/2944424 Of course, unmentioned in the obituary is that BRIGHT was also a member of the "American Fact Finding Committee," who, with H. L. HUNT, EDGAR CRISSEY, JOSEPH P. GRINNAN (also a Dallas local coordinator for "John Birch Society"), and ROBERT P. GRINNAN, contributed money for the infamous "Welcome to Dallas" full page critique of President KENNEDY that ran in the 22NOV63 "Dallas Morning News" newspaper. Billionaire and "Hunt Oil" founder, HAROLDSON LAFAYETTE "H. L." HUNT's extreme right-wing exploits are numerous. ....among them.... http://www.jfkconspiracy.com/tour109.htm http://spot.acorn.net/jfkplace/09/fp.back_...ue/madness.html http://www.davidicke.net/tellthetruth/cove...onfmanbush.html HUNT was, supposedly, at the CLINT MURCHISON Sr. party on 21NOV63 that HOOVER, NIXON, LBJ, McCLOY, G.BROWN, R.THORNTON, H.L.HUNT, IMM, H.L. HUNT, TOLSON, McCLOY, MADELEINE BROWN, and others supposedly also attended. The "Torbitt Document" claimed that HUNT was a co-conspirator part of the "Permindex" KENNEDY assassination cabal. HUNT also authored the somewhat rare far right-wing book, "ALPACA" (1960) that contains an onion-skin insert page entitled, "Amendments which have been suggested for the Constitution of Alpaca." The book is a far right-wing screed, related closely to the kind of atmosphere which greeted JFK three years later in Dallas. Hunt's constitution for his fictitious country, for example, would give 7 votes to "each citizen if one of top 10% of direct National taxpayers"; then he grades it on down to we peons, fortunate to receive a single vote by the grace of that top 10% in which the Hunt family dwelt. It has a "protagonist," one "Juan Achala," citizen of Alpaca who's ditching its environs for greener--read, "More Right Wing"--pastures. In 1995 researcher DICK RUSSELL offered the ARRB private papers that RUSSELL stated showed that the HUNT family was investigating starting in 1967 what JIM GARRSION was investigating and learning. JOSEPH P. GRINNAN's name was found among ASHLAND BURCHWELL possessions in the car BURCHWELL was driving when BURCHWELL was arrested 14NOV62 and a large cache of arms and ammunition was found inside car (accordding to a memorandum for the FBI dated 14NOV62 by the Headquarters Department of the Army Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Summary information Region 2, 112th Intelligence NTC Group, Station "C," Commerce Street, Dallas, TX) J. GRINNAN was also a local coordinator for the "John Birch Society." When "Bircher" BURCHWELL was arrested 14NOV62 besides a large cache of arms and ammunition found inside car was also names, addresses, and phone number's of certain people (some of the persons info was coded), and BURCHWELL said he was "enroute to Mississippi to aid Governor Barnett's cause by lending support to former Major General Edwin A. Walker." The same 14NOV62, 112th Intelligence NTC Group memo also mentioned JACK RUBY stripper, "Joy Dale," a.k.a. JOYCE WITHERSPOON McDONALD. This 112th Intelligence NTC Group included Dealey Plaza earwitness and shortly after attack photographer/Defense Protective Service special agent of 112th Military Intelligence Group U.S. Army Captain & Officer of the 112th Military Intelligence Group at Fort Sam Houston, TX, region 2, JAMES POWELL, who stated that very shortly after the attack from the second floor of the Texas School Book Depository he called SAMUEL H. PATE, also a DPS special agent of 112th MIG, U.S. Army Lt. Colonel & Regional Commanding Officer of the 112th Military Intelligence Group at Fort Sam Houston, TX. ROBERT E. JONES, the DPS special agent of 112th MIG and U.S. Army Lt. Colonel & Operations Officer of the 112th Military Intelligence Group at Fort Sam Houston, TX told the HSCA that there were 8 to 12 DPS agents on duty in plainclothes within Dealey Plaza and that PATE would have debriefed the 8 to 12 DPS agents afterwards. Also in his HSCA testimony JONES stated that POWELL was on duty 22NOV63. JONES provided the Army intelligence file information about OSWALD and "A. J. Hidell" to the FBI offices in San Antonio and Dallas. JONES told HSCA interviewer HAROLD WHEAT that he was aware of OSWALD's Mexico City trip BEFORE the assassination and that he did not believe OSWALD acted alone during the assassination. JONES also told WHEAT that he was surprised that neither the FBI, SS, CIA, WC ever interviewed him during the initial investigations. JAMES POWELL took his TSBD south face slide photo seconds after attack using a 35mm "Minolta" camera because at least a couple persons pointed out the source of the shots as the TSBD. POWELL went to TSBD rear to help deputies where POWELL spoke with a beer company employee man who POWELL told someone to arrest. (before the assassination POWELL's 112 MIG main job responsibility was to run security investigations for security clearances on both military and civilian personnel) After the assassination POWELL was soon sealed within TSBD when he went in it to use phone on 2nd floor to call his commander PATE & where he heard PIERECE ALLMAN say that JFK was shot at and hit possibly from TSBD & the only reason we ever found out about POWELL is that he had to show his military i.d. to get out of the TSBD at 1:45pm. POWELL overheard BRENNAN's observations which he reported to PATE in a second phone call to PATE. POWELL claimed in his HSCA testimony he went near the grassy knoll/railroad tracks area and had to show his i.d. to D.P.D. officers/deputies who wondered why POWELL was helping them and that POWELL would have identified himself as a "military intelligence agent" or "special agent of the military intelligence." POWELL further told the HSCA that he could not have possibly been mistaken for the "grassy knoll agent(s)" that several witnesses (JOE SMITH, MALCOLM SUMMERS, etc.) described because POWELL testified that he always had his camera out in plain view and none of the "grassy knoll agent(s)" witnesses ever said they saw a camera. During the attack POWELL was close to DP, one block east of Houston Street walking west on Elm, and he remembered hearing 2 or 3 shots. POWELL had his film developed commercially and after gave it to EARL E. BOYD a Lt. Colonel also of the 112th Intel NTC. A little known fact is that before the assassination POWELL was also at Love Field, where he told the ARRB that he took 3 or 4 photos. (have those photos ever been made public? Can anyone identify POWELL in any Love Field photos and/or filmed frames?) EARL E. BOYD (WCD 205, WCD 206) in a report stated that persons in his division had heard that on 20NOV63 two men had been observed sighting in a rifle on Continental Street. According to then-U.S. Air Force Colonel and the Department of Defense Joint Chiefs of Staff Chief of Special Operations, LEROY FLETCHER PROUTY, the U.S. Army's Commander of 112th Military Intelligence Group at 4th Army Headquarters at Fort Sam Houston in Austin, TX, Colonel MAXIMILLIAN REICH, before the assassination was supposedly ordered by someone to *stand down* his supplemental Presidential protective team personnel (according to PROUTY, REICH's second-in-command, last-named CABAZA, also protested the *stand down*) Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "That oil depletion allowance is the best thing to happen to Texans, since we got rid of Geronimo" ----an oil-tycoon-millionaire in "Giant" (1956)
  24. ....Good Day Pat.... Thanks Pat.... Indeed, the child-impulsive speed of her ZAPRUDER film documented headsnap westward towards the grassy knoll is very strong support because it is the fastest reactive, probably attracted, headsnap displayed by any non-limo witness seen in any attack film. Visually imagine looking at someone and how fast would appear seeing their head rotate nearly two full complete times around their neck within only one second. Also supportive is the timing of her headsnap --starting less than one second after a gunshot impulse present on the D.P.D. dictabelt (utilizing Dr. THOMAS's gunshots sequencing), and ROSEMARY herself telling the HSCA that when she was facing the GK she was attracted to watch a person drop quickly downwards behind a wall (or did she mean, or actually tell the HSCA "fence"?) out of her sight. Don U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "(D)rehm (sic) seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the President." (my EMPHASIS) ----CHARLES F. BREHM, a gunfire-battle experienced, WWII D-day, United States Army Ranger veteran, quoted just minutes after the attack while still standing within Dealey Plaza ("Dallas Times Herald," 11-22-63, final edition)
  25. ....Wim.... Besides HUDSON, the other two men have never been identified, nor come forward voluntarily. I still have some slight doubts about which of the 3 was HUDSON, so, I have not labeled which of the 3 men HUDSON was onto my DP map. (he, most-likely, was the man on the upper left) I have, so far, not remembered to ask BOB GRODEN, but a few years ago someone claimed that a black man by the name of MIKE BROWNLOW who helps GRODEN sell his books/videos in DP has claimed that he knows the identities of the black man and woman who SITZMAN observed shortly before and shortly after the attack sitting on/running away from the retaining wall sitting bench. IF the black man from that couple who sat on the bench is the same man seen/photographed/filmed during the attack amongst the trio of men standing halfway up the pergola steps (the man on the upper right, who, almost immediately after the headshot ran away northwestward up towards the pergola), then it would be important for a Dallas-local researcher to take it for ACTION to speak with MIKE BROWNLOW to get some introduction to the retaining wall sitting bench black man and woman and learn/publicize their observations. Best Regards in Research, + ++Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations.... Homepages Website: "Men of Courage": President Kennedy-elimination Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Key Considerations.... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2009/08/1-men-of-courage-jfk-assassination_09.html The Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses Locations, Photographers, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... http://i.imgur.com/rGmmWxD.gif ( updated map, + new information ) Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS's Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll .... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2011/01/discovery-close-jfk-assassination.html Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree".... http://i.imgur.com/rfRH5jX.gif Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out.... http://i.imgur.com/r8Ga26x.gif T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore For the United States: http://www.dhs.gov "(D)rehm (sic) seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the President." (my EMPHASIS) ----CHARLES F. BREHM, a gunfire-battle experienced, WWII D-day, United States Army Ranger veteran, quoted just minutes after the attack and while still standing within Dealey Plaza ("Dallas Times Herald," 11-22-63, final edition)
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