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Don Roberdeau

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Everything posted by Don Roberdeau

  1. ....Good Day Shanet.... Except for D.P.D. JOE FOSTER (who warrenatti-testified he saw a bullet ((or something, possibly a piece of head)) skip off the Elm Street south curb sewer cement apron's southwest corner & within minutes reported what he saw & was ordered to guard that specific sewer area) and D.P.D. WHITE (both of whom are annotated on my professionally-surveyed DP map in purple to represent the police), the rest of the TOP witnesses (annotated in blue) were railroad employees. (the possible four exceptions being KLEIN, BECK, "B-1," "B-2"; I think one of the TOP witnesses, possibly HOLLAND, warrenatti-testified that B-1 and B-2 --seen in the BELL film just seconds after the attack-- were railroad car inspectors) ....NIX's camera was about 8' higher than MOORMAN's camera during the attack, and, importantly, the ground NIX was standing on during the attack was almost exactly the same heigth-above-sea-level as the ground on the northwest side of the retaining wall, which also means that NIX's camera was almost at the exact same heigth-above-sea-level as the top of the GK's picket fence. ....the unidentified yellow or light-colored car seen in NIX was not close to the retaining wall--instead it was in the parking lot, parked some 20' northwest of the north pergola's cupola shelter #3, parked near/up against the ground railroad wood tie used as a stop/curb for cars. The yellow/light-colored car may actually have been identified. From my notes about collective statements/warrenatti-testimonies made by D.P.D. patrolmen WILLIAMS, LOMAX and 2 or 3 other D.P.D. patrolman (one of whom possibly also being "agent"-encountering/gunsmoke-smelling D.P.D. JOE SMITH) were ordered (ordered by whom is never asked nor stated) and all involved in searching the parking lot cars and recording the license plate numbers. That list was given to a DPD Sgt. HOWARD, but that list of license plate numbers --as far as I know-- has never been made public. (THAT list would be an excellent, important discovery for any researcher to make!) With that being said about the yellow/light-color car, I have always found JIM HICKS testimony to the New Orleans grand jury about seeing an assassin kneeling from a car trunk interesting: http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk...Hicks_0001a.htm ....Yes, as described by several witnesses and filmed, the limousine brake lights were illuminated just before/during/after the instant that President KENNEDY's head first exploded when the limousine had slowed to 8 to 9 mph. (look on my DP map within Main Street between the north and south peristyles, labeled in blue "LIMO. SPEED" and the calculated speeds of the limousine from Zf-260 to 362 are detailed in a column) http://i.imgur.com/rGmmWxD.gif ....One important consideration to always bear in mind whether you are considering the location of the "classic gunman" figure (who LIFTON labeled the "#5 man" in 1967), the "badge man," or the HSCA-determined GK assassin.... President KENNEDY was facing nearly 90-degrees away from any of those three at Zf-313, and there is ZERO evidence in the medical evidence AND medical witness statements that there was a wound anywhere on the left half of the President's head. (actually, there was one medical witness --i canot recall whom at the moment--possibly US Navy Captain DAVID OSBOURNE at Bethesda-- who stated there was a wound near the left temple) Best Regards in Research, + ++Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly For your key considerations + independent determinations.... Homepages Website: "Men of Courage": President Kennedy-elimination Evidence, Witnesses, Photographers, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, Suspects, + Key Considerations.... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2009/08/1-men-of-courage-jfk-assassination_09.html The Dealey Plaza Detailed Map: Documented 11-22-63 Victims Precise Locations + Reactions, Evidence, Witnesses Locations, Photographers, Suspected Bullet Trajectories, Outstanding Researchers Discoveries, + Important Information + Key Considerations, in One Convenient Resource.... http://i.imgur.com/rGmmWxD.gif ( updated map, + new information ) Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS's Zapruder Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll .... http://droberdeau.blogspot.com/2011/01/discovery-close-jfk-assassination.html Visual Report: The First Bullet Impact Into President Kennedy: While JFK was Still Hidden Under the "Magic-limbed-ricochet-tree".... http://i.imgur.com/rfRH5jX.gif Visual Report: Reality Versus C.A.D. : the Real World, versus, Garbage-in-garbage-out.... http://i.imgur.com/r8Ga26x.gif T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore For the United States: http://www.dhs.gov "I wasn't keeping track of the number of pops that took place, but I could vouch for number one, and I can vouch for the last shot, but I cannot tell you how many shotS were in between." ----JAMES ALTGENS, close attack witness, during his 22JUL64 warrenatti-testimony (07H517-518)
  2. Good Day.... Having been a while since I read it, I was browsing through LIFTON's book, "Best Evidence." The following is from a 01NOV65 telephone conversation between LIFTON and "Associated Press photographer/news photo editor/wire photo operator, JAMES "Ike" WILLIAM ALTGENS, <QUOTE> He was friendly on the phone and mentioned quite casually that just before the motorcade came by, a number of people suddenly appeared behind the wall on the knoll. (84) He added that he thought it was an odd place to watch the parade from since the car would speed up right there as it entered the Stemmons Freeway. This was new, exciting information, but I was worried that Altgens might be confusing this recollection with his description of people on the overpass, which was mentioned in his Warren Commission testimony. But he assured me he was talking about the wall on the grassy knoll--to the right of the stairs when one faced the knoll. When I asked Altgens if there were any police among the "people" he saw, he replied, "I seem to remember that there were. (85) (84) Author's memo, 11/1/65 conversation with Altgens (85) Ibid <END QUOTE> Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "I wasn't keeping track of the number of pops that took place, but I could vouch for number one, and I can vouch for the last shot, but I cannot tell you how many shotS were in between." ----JAMES ALTGENS, close attack witness, during his 22JUL64 warrenatti-testimony (07H517-518)
  3. Discovery: Very Close JFK Assassination Witness ROSEMARY WILLIS ZAPRUDER Film Documented 2nd Head Snap: West, Ultrafast, and Directly Towards the Grassy Knoll by Donald Roberdeau © 2001 .... has been moved to here Best Regards in Research +++Don Donald Roberdeau United States Navy U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, plank walker Sooner, or later, The Truth emerges clearly T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore
  4. Good Day.... Best Wishes for All this Thanksgiving! Please take a moment this Thanksgiving to remember the men and women around the world who serve us to help preserve our safety and work towards peace and freedom. If you want to help contribute to morale by sending a holiday best wishes package of goodies to those who serve (even mail and email is considered "gold" to the troops), Please, contact your local military enlistment center for more details. Thank You. "U.S.S. John F. Kennedy Returning to United States" http://www.news4jax.com/news/3948309/detail.html <QUOTE> After assisting ground forces in Fallujah with an air strike, the men and women aboard Mayport-based carrier U.S.S. John F. Kennedy are making the slow journey back to the states -- in time to spend the Christmas holiday with their families. In phone interviews with Channel 4's Frank Powers on Wednesday, several personnel aboard the JFK spoke about their deployment and the return trip home. The carrier's skipper, Capt. Dennis FitzPatrick, said he was very pleased with "The crew has just done some magnificent work," he said. "They did exceptionally well. I am very blessed with some very talented, young professionals. … They just didn't miss a beat. They really understood why they were here." Crew members found out they would be assisting two weeks prior to the campaign. "The big change that we saw were our hours were longer," said FitzPatrick about the mission. Despite the extended deployment, he said spirits aboard the ship were high. "My lasting impression of this deployment and this crew is just the super morale," he said. A wing commander aboard the JFK agreed. "From the lowest sailors all the way up to the guys flying the airplanes over the beach, they performed really well and what was most impressive was it didn't matter how long we flew … or how hot it was outside -- they got the job done," he said. He also spoke about the chance to try out new weaponry with precision aiming that allowed them to take out targets and leave civilian buildings untouched. Petty Officer 2nd Class Wesley Vinson said one of the best feelings for him during the missions was knowing he helped fellow troops. "Seeing our guys in their Humvees looking up at us and waving at us as we're flying over them really just gave me a sense of pride, knowing that we were protecting them as they were protecting people on the ground," he said. Vinson said he planned on spending time with his wife and 14-month-old daughter when he returned home. Petty Officer 2nd Class Richard Osborn had a similar idea. He and his wife were married only one month before he was deployed, and he said he's looking forward to making up for lost time. But more than 900 sailors on three Mayport ships won't be home for Christmas. They will deploy Monday to join in the war effort. The guided missile frigate Taylor, guided missile destroyer Carney and destroyer O'Bannon will participate in regional exercises with allies and make diplomatic port calls. <END QUOTE> Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "So let us not be petty when our cause is so great. Let us not quarrel amongst ourselves when our national future is at stake. Let us stand together with renewed confidence in our cause - united in our heritage and our hopes for the future - and determine that this land we love shall lead all mankind into new frontiers of peace and abundance." ----President KENNEDY, from the speech he was scheduled to give at the Texas State Democratic Committee, 22NOV63
  5. A Good Day, Indeed.... Apparently, Dan "his head, can be seen to move violently forward" Rather is retiring. FINALLY !!!! FINALLY !!!! FINALLY !!!! FINALLY !!!! Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore ".... The Govenor's coat was open. He, he reached back in this fashion.... back.... as if to, offer aid, or, ask the President something. At that moment a shot clearly hit the Govenor in the front and he fell back in his seat. Mrs. Connally immediately threw herself over him in a protective position. In the next instant, with, apparently, Mrs. Kennedy looking on, a second shot, the third shot total, hit the President's head. He, his head, can be seen to move violently forward. ...." -Dan Rather during the first-ever radio description of the ZAPRUDER film "reported" to the American people, 25NOV63
  6. http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?pag...d=1101010793346 Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore Dr. DONALD THOMAS during his NID-2001 presentation, "Hear No Evil": The x-ray of the President's head taken at the autopsy revealed a metal fragment on the outside of the cranium located 10 cm dorsad of the occipital protuberance. The scalp wound in apposition to this piece of metal was described in the autopsy facing sheet (7 HSCA 253) as "ragged, slanting" with an arrow indicating an upward trajectory. Dr. RUSSELL FISHER, the chairman of the forensic pathology panel appointed by Attorney General RAMSEY CLARK to review the autopsy materials concluded that the piece of metal was, "...most likely a richochet fragment" (interview in Menninger pp. 64-66). I am not a forensic pathologist, but Dr. FISHER's expert diagnosis meshes well with the filmed evidence of the President's reaction, the accounts of the eyewitnesses, and explains the ragged nature of the scalp wound. Or, we may choose to rely on the HSCA Forensic Pathology panel's expertise on how this piece of metal came to be lodged on the outside of the President's skull. The Warren Commission's doctors elected not to report this piece of metal in their autopsy protocol. The forensic pathology panel met with the Chief Prosector, JAMES HUMES, and asked him about the fragment and scalp lesion. Transcripts of the panel's discussion elicited the following opinion from Dr. GEORGE LOQUVAM: COE: "The reason we are so interested in this, Dr. Humes, is because other pathologists have interpreted the..." LOQUVAM: "I don't think this belongs in the damn record." HUMES: "Well, it probably doesn't." LOQUVAM: "You guys are nuts. You guys are nuts writing this stuff. It doesn't belong in the damn record." (7HSCA255)
  7. The painting.... http://www.startribune.com/stonline/images/news6/6jackie1122.l.jpg The article.... http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/5098238.html Don Roberdeau U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "The soft, the complacent, the self-satisfied societies will be swept away with the debris of History." ---- JOHN F. KENNEDY
  8. Good Day All.... Those of you who have been aboard the U.S.S. John F. Kennedy aircraft carrier know that among many key areas where you walk there are pictures, plaques, and words honoring and celebrating the life of President KENNEDY. There is a large concentration of such memorabilia located among the two main crew galley areas. Within the galleys' perimeters the memorabilia have been mounted on many mobile, free-standing, 6' high, wall partitions that are the same blue color of his jet, "Air Force One," SS-codenamed "Angel.' With my job responsibilities and duties, I daily interacted with the Commanding Officer of "Big John." The Captain's "in-port cabin" is something that everyone who has a chance to see, should see, now that the ship is home ported in Mayport, FL. Used primarily for meetings/meals with the Captain's chain-of-command, and domestic and foreign dignitaries and honored guests, his in-port cabin contains four areas, one of which is a main living room area. There were four items in the C.O.'s cabin that have always, vividly, stood out in my memory.... Hanging on each of three adjoining living room walls was a very large painting. Each of these colorful, realistic paintings showed the daylight shoreline, buildings skyline, and shipping docks of a coastal city (Boston?) circa 1700's, complete with harbor anchored and embarking sailing ships. The paintings gave the magnificent effect of your being on a similar ship, in that ocean harbor, and you are looking out the back windows from the Captain's cabin of such an American Revolutionary-era sailing ship. The fourth item, the one that had a huge effect on me, and, I am sure, many others through the decades, is an exact replica of President KENNEDY's, White House oval-office, padded rocking chair that was given by the KENNEDY family in 1967 when the ship was first commissioned by CAROLINE. I cannot even begin to describe the thoughts and feelings when sitting in that rocker. Nestled among the many pictures, plaques, etc., for the men of the U.S.S. Kennedy is a plaque of one of the President's speeches.... we all call it the "Men of Courage" speech ....it simply reads: "Of those whom much is given, much is required. And when at some future date the high court of history sits in judgment on each of us, recording whether in our brief span of service, we fulfilled our responsibilities to the state, our success or failure, in whatever office we hold, will be measured by the answers to four questions: First, were we truly men of courage, with the courage to stand up to one's enemies, and the courage to stand up, when necessary, to one's associates, the courage to resist public pressure as well as private greed? Second, were we truly men of judgment, with perceptive judgment of the future as well as the past, of our own mistakes as well as the mistakes of others, with enough wisdom to know what we did not know, and enough candor to admit it? Third, were we truly men of integrity, men who never ran out on either the principles in which we believed or the people who believed in us, men whom neither financial gain nor political ambition could ever divert from the fulfillment of our sacred trust? Finally, were we truly men of dedication, with an honor mortgaged not to a single individual or group, and compromised by no private obligation or aim, but devoted solely to serving the public good and the national interest? Courage, judgment, integrity, dedication . . . these are the qualities which, with God's help, this son of Massachusetts hopes will characterize our government's conduct in the four stormy years that lie ahead. Humbly I ask His help in this undertaking; but aware that on earth His will is worked by men, I ask for your help and your prayers as I embark on this new and solemn journey." -President-elect JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY, 09JAN61, Massachusetts ....I swear, there are ultra-busy days on the ship where you will be completely-motivated, and dashing somewhere to accomplish an important job, and out of the corner of your eye, for a fleeting moment, you swear you saw a young Lt., KENNEDY-esque thin in silhouette, confidently climbing into a jet-fighter, submarine-hunter "Viking," sub/rescue/special ops helicopter, light-bomber jet, or electronics-warfare jet.... or....sometimes, half way through a slow, quiet, midnight-to-4 watch-duty, as you walk down a straight corridor containing a "mirror" of a hundred-plus, lined-up, open bulkheads hatches, you gaze well ahead, and can see, for a not-long-enough, deja-vu instant, a suit-coated man, slightly hunched over, making his way towards the same coffee machine as yourself. It is a remarkable ship, that everyone should, and can, be proud of right along with the men and women who keep us, and much of the world, free and safe. Here is a scan of the U.S.S. John F. Kennedy ship's seal from my flight suit: http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/CV67.jpg Don U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans--born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage--and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we pledge--and more." ----President JOHN F. KENNEDY, during his Presidential inaugural speech, 20JAN61
  9. Good Day.... Promotional contest for you to win $100,000.... details at the game's site: http://www.jfkreloaded.com/ Be interesting to see if the company makes the aggregate shooting results available. Here's the original article I tracked to the above site.... http://msnbc.msn.com/id/6543127/site/newsweek/ <QUOTE> "Nov. 22, Now a Game" Nov. 29 issue - If history, as the saying goes, repeats itself, first as tragedy, then as farce, we must now add to that list, "then as videogame." This week Scotland-based publisher Traffic Games is releasing "JFK: Reloaded," an interactive simulation that allows users to re-create the Nov. 22, 1963, assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas. "Our premise is that there was no conspiracy, that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone," says Traffic's Kirk Ewing, who has both produced documentaries for British television and worked on such games as the riot simulator State of Emergency, and whose colleagues were involved with the controversial hit Grand Theft Auto. "What we're asking people to do is re-explore the Kennedy assassination through interactive technology." Players are first placed at the sixth-floor window in the book depository where they attempt to pull off the same sequence of shots as did Oswald during the brief period of time that the motorcade is visible from Oswald's vantage point. According to Ewing, the number of shots and the accuracy thereof are affected by the reload time for the bolt-action rifle and realistically modeled wind and dropoff. Afterward, players are scored on how closely they came to re-creating the original event; to encourage gamers to buy the $9.99 download-only product, Ewing says those who come closest to replicating the assassination can win up to $100,000. Players can see and instantly replay what they've done from a variety of witness locations, like the grassy knoll and the Zapruder film or review their bullet trajectories. The squirm-inducing "docu-game" plays more like a brief episode of "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" than Doom III; the only blood effect in the game occurs if players achieve a head shot to the virtual president, and it can be switched off. What makes it disturbing is not the simulation; after all, ABC's Peter Jennings hosted a TV special last year based around a computer simulation of the same event. But by presenting it in the form of a videogame, complete with a profit motive and a cash prize, the "game" clearly trivializes an American tragedy. Asked for comment, a spokesman for Sen. Ted Kennedy would only say, "It's despicable." —N'Gai Croal <END QUOTE> Don U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "(D)rehm (sic) seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the President." (my EMPHASIS) ----CHARLES F. BREHM, a gunfire-battle experienced, WWII D-day, United States Army Ranger veteran, quoted just minutes after the attack while still standing within Dealey Plaza ("Dallas Times Herald," 11-22-63, final edition)
  10. Good Day.... Can anyone else, please, provide any and all references (besides her 22NOV63 DPD statement) for close attack DP witness, MARVIN FAYE CHISM? Thank You in advance. Don U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "The nurse dropped one of John's gold cuff links, made with a Mexican peso, into my hand. The other had been shot off." ----NELLIE CONNALLY, "From Love Field" (2003)
  11. Good Day.... Interesting read: http://colombia.indymedia.org/news/2004/11/19149.php Don U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "The Committee suspected that Veciana was lying when he denied that the retired CIA officer was Bishop. The Committee recognized that Veciana had an interest in renewing his anti-Castro operations that might have led him to protect the officer from exposure as Bishop so they could work together again. For his part, the retired officer aroused the Committee's suspicion when he told the Committee he did not recognize Veciana as the founder of Alpha 66, especially since the officer had once been deeply involved in Agency anti-Castro operations." -House Select Committee on Assassinations' final report
  12. Good Day All.... Followup. Verdict in.... http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/10219724.htm?1c <QUOTE> Daughter of pilot executed by Cuba wins suit A Palmetto Bay woman was awarded nearly $87 million in a lawsuit against Fidel Castro and the Cuban government for the desecration of the body of her father, a CIA pilot during the Bay of Pigs. BY JAY WEAVER jweaver@herald.com The daughter of a CIA pilot shot down during the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion and later executed by the Cuban government won an $86.5 million judgment on Thursday -- including huge punitive damages imposed against President Fidel Castro, his brother Raul and their country's army. Janet Ray Weininger, of Palmetto Bay, was only 6 years old when her father, Thomas ''Pete'' Ray, was killed. His body was frozen, desecrated and put on display in a Havana morgue for 18 years before it was shipped back to his family. After her court victory, Ray Weininger said she felt a deep connection to her late father and a reward of justice. ''I feel I have honored my father and stood with him,'' said Ray Weininger, a 50-year-old mother of two. ``It's an incredibly good feeling. But at the same time, it's so painful I want to cry.'' Ray Weininger -- like a handful of others who also filed suits in state and federal courts in Miami -- was able to pierce the Cuban government's sovereign immunity under a 1996 law that allows victims of designated terrorist states to sue for damages. The 1996 Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act has allowed the families of Brothers to the Rescue fliers shot down by the Cuban Air Force, the jilted wife of a Cuban spy and the survivors of an American businessman executed during Cuba's revolution to challenge Castro's government in court. In all the cases, the Cuban government has not defended itself at trial. TROUBLE COLLECTING Despite the legal victories, only the families of three Brothers' shootdown victims have been successful in collecting damages from seized Cuban assets held in U.S. banks. The total collection: $93 million -- only about half of the $187 million court judgment. The families won their federal suit in 1997, but it took four years of heavy lobbying before the Treasury Department and President Clinton signed off on releasing the money. The plaintiffs in the other two cases have not been as successful in collecting millions in damages. ''We have made great progress in collecting three [Cuban] planes,'' said attorney Fernando Zulueta. The planes were seized after they were hijacked from Cuba and flown to the United States. Two of the planes were sold at auction for a total of $19,000 in 2003, and the other was turned into an exile monument. Zulueta represents Ana Margarita Martinez, the former wife of the Cuban spy Juan Pablo Roque. She won $27 million in Miami Circuit Court in 2001. Zulueta is also the lawyer for the family of Howard Anderson, who was shot by a Cuban firing squad after the Bay of Pigs invasion. The Andersons were awarded $67 million last year. Zulueta and other lawyers are seeking to recover an estimated $100 million in frozen Cuban assets that remain in U.S. banks. Ray Weininger's lawyers -- Spencer Eig, Joseph Zumpano and Leon Patricios -- said they plan to go after those assets or seize other Cuban properties held in the United States. Ray Weininger's nonjury trial began Monday, when she and a few others testified about the father's death and the family's ordeal. Pete Ray, an Alabama National Guard pilot, was flying for the CIA in the April 19, 1961, Bay of Pigs invasion when his plane was heaviliy damaged. He survived a crash landing, she testified. His plane went down near Fidel Castro's headquarters. He made it out of the plane alive, but was injured in a gun battle. EXECUTION ORDERED When her father was being treated by Cuban doctors for his wounds, the army carried out the orders of the Castro brothers and killed him with a single shot to his right temple, according to court evidence. The body was kicked, spit on and displayed for political purposes during that period. Notified of his death, the Ray family was told only that he had died in the Caribbean Sea, with no other details. Ray Weininger began her search for information as a child. But it wasn't until 1978 that Castro admitted that he had the body of a U.S. pilot killed in the 1961 invasion. In December 1979, after the remains had been identified through dental records as those of Thomas Willard Ray, they were shipped home to the United States. REPULSED Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Ronald Dresnick, in his eight-page opinion, said he was particularly repelled by evidence detailing the Cuban officials' mistreatment of Ray's body. ''There was testimony at trial that Pete Ray's body, which was kept in a freezer in Havana, Cuba, for 18 years, was desecrated,'' Dresnick wrote. ``Eyewitness testimony established that high-ranking officials of the Cuban government would routinely remove Pete Ray's body from the freezer to mock it and to place their feet on top of his face.'' Dresnick awarded Ray Weininger $65 million in punitive damages and another $18 million as compensatory damages for pain and suffering. He also awarded more than $3.5 million to her father's estate, for which she is the representative. <END QUOTE> Don CV-67, "Big John," USS John F. Kennedy Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "I'm not satisfied when I see men like Jimmy Hoffa, in charge of the largest union in the United States, still free." ----JOHN F. KENNEDY, Senator & Presidential candidate, during the first 1960 Presidential election tv-radio debate, Monday, September 26, 1960, Chicago, IL
  13. Good Day.... Can you imagine the absolute fury and resultant resolve manifested after seeing a dead, frozen countryman/co-worker/friend/relative displayed in a glass case? <QUOTE> Woman sues Cuba for dad's death in Bay of Pigs November 16, 2004 MIAMI -- The daughter of a CIA pilot killed by the Cuban government during the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion testified Monday she held President Fidel Castro personally responsible for his execution and for displaying his frozen body in a glass case. Janet Weininger is seeking $112 million from the communist government in a lawsuit filed under a federal anti-terrorism law that allows the families of victims executed by state sponsors of terrorism to seek damages. Weininger's 18-year quest to recover the body of her father, Alabama National Guard pilot Thomas ''Pete'' Ray, began when she was 6. She said she wrote more than 200 letters to Castro. ''You don't get an answer back, and you know this person has the keys to your life,'' Weininger said. Ray's body was released in 1979. Testimony took less than a day, but the judge gave no indication when he would rule. The Cuban government offered no defense. AP <END QUOTE> Don U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "The Committee suspected that Veciana was lying when he denied that the retired CIA officer was Bishop. The Committee recognized that Veciana had an interest in renewing his anti-Castro operations that might have led him to protect the officer from exposure as Bishop so they could work together again. For his part, the retired officer aroused the Committee's suspicion when he told the Committee he did not recognize Veciana as the founder of Alpha 66, especially since the officer had once been deeply involved in Agency anti-Castro operations." -House Select Committee on Assassinations' final report
  14. Good Day.... Near the very end of the following article: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-1356042,00.html about the recently deceased JOHN PEEL it states: "Paul Gambaccini pointed out that Peel always wanted the late John Walters, his long-term producer, to give his eulogy. “You are probably now with him, talking about Liverpool FC,” he said. He also revealed that Peel, while DJ-ing in Dallas in 1963, had been invited to jump on John Kennedy’s motor and take photographs, and the pictures had only recently been found." Don CV-67, "Big John," USS John F. Kennedy Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "How did it happen they ("they"?!!) hit Connally?" - LBJ, despite the multitude of "lone nut" statements the previous 7 days, during a phone conversation with his friend & (soon-to-be-"for-life") F.B.I. Director, J. EDGAR HOOVER, 29NOV63
  15. "Rosemary Willis Headsnap at Z-214 Towards the Grassy Knoll" Don Roberdeau
  16. ....Good Day Denis.... Thank You for the photos. FOSTER (who stood on the TOP east side during the attack) in the photo is actually pointing to the grass just west of the Elm Street south curb sewer where he warrenatti-testified he saw a bullet skip into, AFTER, he first noticed a bullet first strike the southwest corner (according to his warrenatti- testimony) of the sewer cement apron; an important distinction. Foster pointing to ground west of sewer where bullet embedded itself (22NOV63 afternoon) Calculating the shadow cast by the southeast corner edge of the TSBD onto the Dal-Tex west face (running vertically, just within the north edge of the southernmost windows pair column), that photo was captured when the sun was 51 degrees past azimuth, which on 22NOV occurs at 3:29/3:30 pm cst. Don CV-67, "Big John," USS John F. Kennedy Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "We saw the motorcade come around the corner and I heard something which I thought was fireworks. I saw something hit the pavement at the left rear of the car, then the car got in the right hand lane and I heard two more shots. I heard a woman said "Oh no" or something and grab a man inside the car. I then heard another shot and saw the bullet hit the pavement. The pavement was knocked to the south away from the car." ----TOP-standing attack witness ROYCE SKELTON during his warrenatti-testimony
  17. ....Good Day Ron.... Here is my "Lancer forum" post #8273 of 19DEC02 (QUOTE) .... It is a 1957 Chevrolet "Bel Air." We still have the 37,000 mile one my Great Grandmother purchased for $2200 when she was 69 years old. from my notes: 10MAR63---latest date determined that OSWALD took pictures of WALKER home, street and area with his "Imperial Reflex" camera. One of the pictures shows a 1957 Chevy parked in WALKERS driveway. When MARINA was later shown this picture on 23NOV63 the license plate of the 57 was visible. Sometime after the assassination, when DPD confiscated the photo, the license plate area was torn out. In a photo on page 133 of CURRY's 1969 book "Personal Assassination Files" the license plate is seen still intact in the photo, which is laid out with other OSWALD belongings in a 23NOV63 DPD photo. The '57 Chev belonged to FELIPE VIDAL SANTIAGO's brother in law. Colonel BILL BISHOP drove him to Dallas from Florida in that car on more than one occasion and they were at WALKER's house at that time. VIDAL did not have a drivers license. This was confirmed by JERRY HEMMING who did not know that Col. BISHOP had already told this to researcher/author DICK RUSSEL (I think). HEMMING was not as specific. He just said it belonged to a relative of VIDAL. Apparently some in that circle believe that the WALKER shooting was a put up job and that VIDAL engineered it. That would fit with what the youngster, COLEMAN, who witnessed men leaving the scene in two vehicles said. MAX CLAUNCH told researcher GARY SHAW that a few nights before the shooting incident he noticed a "Cuban or dark-complected man in a 1957 Chevrolet" cruise around WALKER's home several times. 10APR63@21:10---someone tries to assassinate WALKER through window of WALKER’s home. The bullet glanced off the wooden window frame and went through the wall near and slightly above WALKER's head; the wooden frame may have saved his life. WALKER hired a private investigator to look into the assassination attempt when he grew frustrated with the efforts of the Dallas Police force. He suspected a former employee might have been involved. The crime would still be listed as unsolved on November 22, 1963. There is local news film from that evening showing the window sash . The bullet passed slightly upward along the bottom edge of the sash, not through it. It flew over his head, almost parting his hair, went through a wall and out the other side, landing on top of a dresser or cabinet of some sort. WALKER's chair and desk are in the collections at The Sixth Floor Museum. WALKER kept the window when he moved out in the 70's and it is reportedly in the possession of a friend or distant family member. OSWALD had left MARINA a note telling her what to do if he was arrested, etc. MARINA OSWALD learned of her husband's act when she confronted him with the note which he had left, giving her instructions in the event he did not return. That incident, and their general economic difficulties impelled MARINA OSWALD to suggest that her husband leave Dallas and go to New Orleans to look for work. WALTER KIRK COLEMAN, who was a 14-year-old neighbor to WALKER, told police he heard the shot and, peeking over a fence, saw some men speeding down the alley in a light green or light blue Ford, either a 1959 or 1960 model. COLEMAN got a fleeting look at one man -- of medium build with long black hair -- while the other man was hidden from his view by a tall fence (DPD Supplementary Offense Report, April 11, 1963, Officer W. E. CHAMBERS). COLEMAN also said he saw another car, a 1958 Chevrolet black with white down the side in a church parking lot adjacent to WALKER's house. The car door was open and a man was bending over the back seat as though he was placing something on the floor of the car. At the time of the Warren Commission, COLEMAN was not called to testify and, in fact, told WALKER he had been ordered not to discuss the incident by "authorities." (suspected-assassin SOUTRE' was, supposedly, at the training programs of anti-Castro groups and met with Gen. WALKER-"The Deaths of the Cold War Kings") Don CV-67, "Big John," USS John F. Kennedy Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "When you have eliminated the impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth." ---- Sherlock Holmes, "A Study In Scarlet," (1887) by A.C. DOYLE (END QUOTE) ....and another "Lancer forum" post # 13871 of 15MAY03 where I mention SANTIAGO (QUOTE) .... An interesting, and persuading, photo-comparison. That is a "keeper." Does anyone know FELIPE SANTIAGO's brother-in law's name? FELIPE SANTIAGO's brother-in-law was an associate of forced-to-retire, ex-U.S. Army Major General, far-right, "John Birch Society" leader, EDWIN A. WALKER. (an aside: in "The Man Who Knew Too Much" (pg562) Le CAVELIER says that WALKER had met with Frenchman JEANE CLAUDE SOUETRE', the WWII hero, anti-DeGAULLE, O.A.S.-leader, Corsican mafia assassin/drug smuggling leader while SOUETRE' was at an anti-CASTRO training camp in the U.S. in April or May, 1963) (QUOTE From Barney's 2/2000 Stars and Stripes article) Major General Edwin Walker was commanding the 24th Infantry Division headquartered in Augsburg, Germany, in February '61 when the division staged a night river exercise on the swollen Danube near Ingolstadt on 2/27. The pontoon bridge broke and about 50 GI's were dumped into the raging river. All but two were rescued. Stripes carried a modest story on March 1st, followed by a picture on page one of rescuers searching for the two bodies. Next day there was a message from General Walker to our editor in chief saying: " Effect of picture on Danube in Stars and Stripes 3 March 61 on this command is negative." As assistant ME, I was asked for comment and I retorted in a memo that Walker's comment had a very negative effect on me. I pointed out that the 24th Division did everything it could to impede coverage of the story ordering all survivors and rescuers not to talk to anyone. "Anyone with any sense would have made (them) available at a press conference, or to individual reporters to emphasize the heroism and quick work that enabled all but two men to be saved. Instead, they act like they're trying to cover up a crime, or something discreditable....It's this sort of stupidity that has continually characterized Walker's relations with the press, both German and American, as well as with Stripes". I suggested we ask for an investigation of Walker's conduct in bottling up the story. Nothing happened, but six weeks later Gen. Walker was back in the news when Overseas Weekly, the scourge of military brass (founded, incidentally by a former Stripes staffer in 1950) reported that Walker was indoctrinating his troops with John Birch society propaganda. Walker sued the OW and tried to get it banned from military newsstands. President Kennedy ordered an investigation, and Walker, ultimately, was relieved of command. (END QUOTE) WALKER is, of course, the same extreme right-wing fascist whom OSWALD, supposedly, tried to kill on 10APR63 at 9:10 pm. WALTER KIRK COLEMAN, who was a 14-year-old neighbor to WALKER, told police he heard the shot and, peeking over a fence, saw some men speeding down the alley in a light green or light blue Ford, either a 1959 or 1960 model. He got a fleeting look at one man --of medium build with long black hair-- while the other man was hidden from his view by a tall fence (DPD Supplementary Offense Report, April 11, 1963, Officer W. E. Chambers). COLEMAN also said he saw another car, a 1958 Chevrolet black, with white down the side, in a church parking lot adjacent to WALKER's house. The car door was open and a man was bending over the back seat as though he was placing something on the floor of the car. MAX CLAUNCH, a WALKER aide, told researcher GARY SHAW that a few nights before the WALKER shooting incident he noticed a "Cuban or dark-complected man in a 1957 Chevrolet" cruise around WALKER's home several times. WALKER aide ROBERT SURREY said that on 06APR63 he saw two men prowling around WALKER's house, peeking in windows. SURREY said the pair were driving a 1963 dark purple or brown Ford with no license plates. On 17APR63 OSWALD left Dallas to return to New Orleans on the very same day that OSWALD's best friend, GEORGE De MOHRENSCHILDT, wrote to Vice-President LYNDON BAINES JOHNSON (according to researcher BRUCE ADAMSON. Is ADAMSON's new book --last I heard, the first volume of two-- available yet?) On 09AUG63, OSWALD, while passing out “Fair Play for Cuba” leaflets, was arrested on Canal Street in New Orleans and charged with disturbing the peace. A friend of the MURRET's, OSWALD's relatives connected to MARCELLO's mafia, bails him out late in the afternoon. The arrest was the result of a confrontation with DRE anti-Castro Cuban exile CARLOS BRINGUIER and two of his associates, MIGUEL CRUZ and CELSO HERNANDEZ. OSWALD was handing out pro-Castro leaflets, with 2 persons he had hired at $2 an hour to help him, when BRINGUIER, HERNANDEZ and CRUZ approached OSWALD. When HERNANDEZ tried to take the leaflets from OSWALD, a shouting match began; the New Orleans police then intervened, arresting all four individuals. It was widely believed this event was staged. The event and arrest was filmed by a tourist. Later review of the tourist movie film shows a man, who looks remarkably like CLAY VERNE SHAW, standing away from the event, watching it. In one of the more astronomical-against-all-odds "coincidences" of persons related to events surrounding OSWALD, there is a tenuous thread between WALKER and OSWALD.... A St. Paul, Minnesota, man named JOHN MARTIN, who was an acquaintance of WALKERS and filmed him in his Dallas home in the late summer of 1963. Incredibly, MARTIN journeyed to New Orleans where he photographed OSWALD handing out "Fair Play for Cuba Committee" material on the same roll of film he had captured WALKER on! (back to FELIPE' SANTIAGO's brother-in-law) SANTIAGO's brother-in-law was the owner of the 1957 Chevrolet captured in a photo sitting in WALKER's driveway, supposedly taken by OSWALD in MAR63 while surveiling prior to shooting at WALKER. This is the same photo where the license plate was torn/punctured out of the photo sometime after entering the DPD evidence chain, after the DPD found the photo at the PAINE's, after the assassination, but, after the Chevy photo was captured in a DPD photo --with the license plate completely intact-- that appeared in CURRY's 1969 book, "Personal Assassination File." Very interestingly, FELIPE SANTIAGO knew Colonel HAROLD BISHOP, who also worked with the C.I.A., and, supposedly, drove FELIPE from Florida to Dallas several times. Additionally, FELIPE and INTERPEN/C.I.A./mercenary GERALD "Gerry" PATRICK HEMMING also, supposedly, knew each other. As I posted about a couple days ago in the "Loran Hall" thread, here is a quote from an interesting (1975, I think) interview in “Argosy Magazine” with HEMMING, that is available for all within the entire article "The Company," JFK's Murder, And The Plot To Kill Richard Nixon" here: http://www.rose-hulman.edu/~delacova/belli...osy-hemming.htm (QUOTE) HEMMING: Yes, the day of the assassination, I made a call to Texas from Miami. And I pointedly asked, is Lorenzo Hall in Dallas? I made the call about 1:30 or 2:00 in the afternoon. He was there. My contact had seen him in Dallas the day before. ARGOSY: Why were you suspicious of Lorenzo Hall? HEMMING: Because he left Miami with the stated intent to get Kennedy. And he had my weapon, a Johnson 30.06 breakdown rifle with a scope on it that had been prepared for the Bay of Pigs. I'd left it with a private investigator who had previously worked under Agency auspices on the West Coast. Hall got the weapon when we ran short of funds on a return trip from L.A. to Florida, and we ended up using Hall's car. (END QUOTE) Don CV-67, "Big John," USS John F. Kennedy Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "Well, to me, it sounded high and I immediately kind of looked up, and I had a feeling that it came from the building, either right in front of me (TSBD), or, of the one across to the right of it (DAL-TEX)." (my insertions) ----MARION L. BAKER, DPD motorcycleman, describing for the very first time in his warrenatti-testimony where he thought the audible muzzle blasts he remembered hearing originated from (END QUOTE)
  18. Good Day.... I have updated my previous graph showing Mrs. KENNEDY's facing direction and detailing her headturns speeds from Zf-140 to 205 to now also displaying the facing direction and headturn speeds for President KENNEDY, JOHN CONNALLY, and NELLIE CONNALLY as seen in the Z-film. • All comments and critiques of what is seen in the Z-film are welcomed Don CV-67, "Big John," USS John F. Kennedy Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "(D)rehm (sic) seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the President." (my EMPHASIS) ----CHARLES F. BREHM, a gunfire-battle experienced, WWII D-day, United States Army Ranger veteran, quoted just minutes after the attack while still standing within Dealey Plaza, "Dallas Times Herald," 11-22-63, final edition
  19. Good Day John.... It is not a new book, but one reference that I would recommend is CARL OGLESBY's, “The Yankee and Cowboy War; from Dallas to Watergate” (1975). OGLESBY provides his considerations that there was a connection between the JFK assassination and Watergate, and that the Dallas tragedy was part of a struggle between the Eastern seaboard "old money" power structure, the "Yankees," against a western U.S. power structure, the "Cowboys". OGLESBY contends that the conservative/Republican party and the liberal/Democrat party each contains both Yankees and Cowboys. One of the Yankees core beliefs is that the future destinies of the United States and Europe are intricately linked, while one of the Cowboys core beliefs is expansion west and that the future destinies of the United States and Pacific rim countries are intricately linked. Interestingly, OGLESBY notes in this 1975 book the posturing of RONALD REAGAN as the ultimate cowboy some 5 years before REAGAN became the U.S. president. It also contains an interesting interpretation of RUBY's jailhouse interview by WARREN. Don U.S.S. John F. Kennedy, CV-67, "Big John" Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, 'There is a price we will not pay, there is a point beyond which they must not advance' ... Evil is powerless, if the good are unafraid" ----RONALD W. REAGAN, "A Time for Choosing" speech, October 27, 1964
  20. Good Day.... Found in an article about Dallas attorney CHARLES "Charlie" TESSMER http://www.dallasobserver.com/issues/1999-.../feature_3.html <QUOTE> No case was bigger than the State of Texas vs. Jack Ruby -- the man who killed the man who killed Kennedy. Tessmer had known Ruby for some time, had frequented his Carousel Club, and suspected that Ruby had once been an "errand boy" for the Chicago mob. But Ruby stayed out of trouble in Dallas, except when he roughed up a drunk in his club. For that he used attorney Tom Howard, who two days after Oswald's murder met with Tessmer and his young associate Frank Wright. Ruby wanted Tessmer to defend him. "Only, he wanted me to represent him for free," Tessmer says. "I told Tom I would have to think about it." A few days later, Tessmer and his wife ran into Sheriff Decker, who urged Tessmer not to get involved with Ruby. "There may be a conspiracy," Tessmer recalls Decker saying. "Those are dangerous people." Decker's warning caused Tessmer to hesitate long enough for Ruby's family to hire San Francisco attorney Melvin Belli. The flamboyant "King of Torts" put the city of Dallas on trial, and Ruby must have resented his tactics. On the morning the trial was set to begin, Tessmer says, Ruby's brother Earl and sister Eva were sitting in his office, begging Tessmer to replace Belli. Jack Ruby was the kind of client who could become synonymous with Tessmer's name and cement his reputation as one of the great criminal lawyers of his time. Only Tessmer turned him down. Belli had already made a public mess of things, Tessmer says. "I just felt it was too late." "That was a severe mistake," Wright says. "The only thing that Charlie missed in his career was that national case that could have made him a national figure. He never got that chance again." <END QUOTE> Don CV-67, "Big John," USS John F. Kennedy Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "How did it happen they ("they"?!!) hit Connally?" - LBJ, despite the multitude of "lone nut" statements the previous 7 days, during a phone conversation with his friend & (soon-to-be-"for-life") F.B.I. Director, J. EDGAR HOOVER, 29NOV63
  21. Good Day.... You can cast multiple choices if you want, but you can only vote once: http://donroberdeau.freehomepage.com/cgi-b...poll_center.htm The poll also links with a small KENNEDY assassination website I started that includes a fraction of my work, and is accompanied by articles from respected investigated researchers (and friends) ANTHONY SUMMERS and JEFF MORLEY. Don CV-67, "Big John," USS John F. Kennedy Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "You are either with us, or you are with the terrorists." ----President GEORGE W. BUSH, 20SEP01 in an address to the United States Congress announcing the Bush Doctrine
  22. Good Day Dave.... Thank You for your time & help on the forum. I believe researcher Denis Morissette said two or three years ago that he regularly copies to his DVD's all Lancer posts and images. For the continuity of Lancer information, considerations, and theories you may want to contact him to see if he has done that since AUG03. Don CV-67, "Big John," USS John F. Kennedy Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "You are either with us, or you are with the terrorists." ----President GEORGE W. BUSH, 20SEP01 in an address to the United States Congress announcing the Bush Doctrine
  23. Good Day.... Of 267 witnesses who have expressed or were asked the number of shots that they *remembered* hearing, 249 (93%) claimed to hear only 3 shots (or 3 closely spaced volleys of shots) or less. (A "shot" in 1963 could have been a non-mechanically-suppress-fired audible muzzle blast, or, a mechanically-suppress-fired audible muzzle blast; both of which would have also caused (and been closely followed by) an audible bullet bow shockwave if the bullet was traveling faster than the speed of sound) The majority of witnesses, from one end of the plaza to the other, said that the last two shots (or volleys of shots) that they *remembered* hearing were noticeably, and distinctly, much closer together, than the first two shots (or closely spaced volleys of shots). Of 207 witnesses who expressed or were asked from where the shots they *remembered* hearing came from (60 witnesses were never asked &/or never expressed an opinion): 34 witnesses could not tell (16%) 63 witnesses heard all the shots they *remembered* hearing come from the depository or the Houston/Elm intersection area of the depository (31%) 110 witnesses *remembered* hearing at least one shot that did not come from the depository or the Houston/Elm intersection area (53%) .: Therefore, of the 173 persons who had an opinion of the shots locations, 64% *remembered* hearing at least one shot that did not come from the depository or the Houston/Elm intersection area, while 36% heard all the shots that they *remembered* hearing come from the depository or the Houston/Elm intersection area of the depository. The following are from my personal detailed list of witnesses that I have spoken with over the decades, seen in documentaries, listened to on cassettes or radio, seen in photographic evidences, and read about. If you need help for a reference for a specific person, please ask which specific person(s) you need help for and I can provide it for you. The vast majority of witnesses who expressed an opinion or were asked from where the shots they *remembered* hearing came from are listed. (for some reason the file I quickly went to for the following list is missing a few of the 173 total witnesses comprising the two basic groups of witnesses who *remembered* hearing either at least one shot that did not come from the Houston/Elm intersection area, and the witnesses who heard all the shots that they *remembered* hearing come from the depository or the Houston/Elm intersection area of the depository. I will see if I can locate those few witnesses not on the following list from when I originally tabulated them) I welcome any and all referenced comments as I am steadily working towards freely making publicly available the details comprising my to-date personal list of 4631 persons related or possibly related before/during/after the assassination. ALLEN, JULIAN B. (Mrs. J. U.) ....COULD NOT TELL AULT, CECIL ....COULD NOT TELL BETZNER Jr., HUGH WILLIAM ....COULD NOT TELL BOND, WILMA IRENE ....COULD NOT TELL CLARK, ROBERT "Bob" ....COULD NOT TELL COLEY, JERRY LANE ....COULD NOT TELL COWSERT, EWELL "Davey" WILLIAM ....COULD NOT TELL CRAIG, ROGER DEAN ....COULD NOT TELL DENHAM, W. H. ....COULD NOT TELL DOLAN (or "Doland"), JOHN F. ....COULD NOT TELL HARKNESS, DAVID V. ....COULD NOT TELL HOOKER, JEANETTE E. ....COULD NOT TELL JONES, CARL EDWARD ....COULD NOT TELL LEWIS, CARLUS E. ....COULD NOT TELL MARTIN, BILLY JOE "B. J." ....COULD NOT TELL McINTYRE, WILLIAM TIMOTHY "Tim" ....COULD NOT TELL MOORE, T. E. ....COULD NOT TELL MOORMAN, MARY ANN ....COULD NOT TELL (heard a shot after she took her Zf-315.6 polaroid photo) MUCHMORE, MARIE ....COULD NOT TELL MURPHY, JOSEPH "Joe" E. ....COULD NOT TELL O'BRIEN, LAWRENCE "Larry" F. ....COULD NOT TELL ROBERTS, EMORY P. ....COULD NOT TELL ROWLAND, BARBARA WALKER ....COULD NOT TELL SKELTON, ROYCE GLENN ....COULD NOT TELL (heard 4 shots) STANTON, SARAH D. ....COULD NOT TELL STYLES, SANDRA ....COULD NOT TELL THOMPSON, CHARLES "Chuck" ....COULD NOT TELL THORNTON, RUTH (Mrs. U. L.) ....COULD NOT TELL WALTHER, CAROLYN ELIZABETH ....COULD NOT TELL (heard 4 shots) WITT, LOUIS STEVEN ....COULD NOT TELL EDWARDS, ROBERT EDWIN ....COULD NOT TELL (heard 4 shots) HOLMES, HARRY D. ....COULD NOT TELL ("firecrackers" & "from the crowd over there") LAWSON, WINSTON "Win" G. ....COULD NOT TELL-"over right shoulder" (at first shot he was just past picket fence corner & below picket fence) BURROUGHS Jr., HENRY DASHIELLE ….NO OPINION (remembered hearing 4 shots with pause between 1st and 2nd with last 3 bunched closely) ELERSON, SANDRA SUE (Mrs. RONALD G.) ….DID NOT HEAR ANY SHOTS WEST, TROY EUGENE ….DID NOT HEAR ANY SHOTS BURNS, DORIS FAY (Miss) (heard shot #1 from west of her (behind her facing direction) while walking east in TSBD hallway; she had been listening to radio of approaching motorcade when she decided to find a TSBD south face office window; First office she checked was locked so she went to WILSON's office, heard the shot that came from west of her just before opening his door then opened door and saw WILSON standing and looking out his office window; she then went to window and looked out in time to see a press bus passing by) ….WEST of "snipers lair" JARMAN Jr., JAMES "Joe" EARL ….DAL-TEX (below him & left of him) DORMAN, ELSIE T. ….RECORDS BUILDING HENDERSON, RUBY (Mrs. TONEY) ….NOT ASKED (but remembered hearing 4 shots with shot #1="firecracker", then shot #2 + shot #3 were quick & very close together, then 4th shot; before-observed 2 men on 6th floor seemingly together) HOPSON, YOLA (Mrs. OLIVER) ….ELSEWHERE (not TSBD) McVEY, OSCAR S. ….ELSEWHERE (not TSBD) REESE, MADDIE BELLE ….ELSEWHERE (not TSBD) HOBSON, ALVIN (Mrs.) ….ELSEWHERE (not TSBD) ALONZO, AURELIA ….GK ARNOLD, GORDON L. ….GK BOONE, EUGENE "RON" L. ….GK BREWER, EDWARD "Buddy" D. ….GK BROWN, MARGARET "Maggie" ….GK BURNS, DORIS FAY (Miss) ….GK CARR, RICHARD RANDOLPH ….GK CRAWFORD, JAMES N. ….GK CURRY, JESSE EDWARD ….GK DECKER, WILLIAM "Bill" ….GK DISHONG, JUNE ....GK DONALDSON-ATTERBERRY, ANN ….GK "headshot woman" (told FAULKNER shots came from arcade-pergola monument & that president was dead because she saw him shot thru head) ….GK "shots from limo front" (seen by HARKNESS and told HARKNESS shots were fired from in front of limo) ….GK HOFFMAN, VIRGIL EDWARD "Ed" ….GK MABRA, W. "Bo" W. ….GK McCULLY, JUDITH "Judy" LOUISE ….GK McCURLEY, A. D. ….GK MOONEY, LUKE ….GK NEWMAN, FRANCES "Gayle" ….GK NEWMAN, JEAN (Mrs. PUSER EDWARD) ….GK NEWMAN, WILLIAM "Bill" EUGENE ….GK NIX Sr., ORVILLE O. ….GK OXFORD-"GK smoke witness" (saw smoke from GK fence corner and directed OXFORD there) ….GK PRICE, J. C. ….GK REILLY, FRANK E. ….GK STANTON, HANK ….GK WEITZMAN, WILLIAM "Bill" SEYMOUR ….GK "GK shots" (after-seen by WEITZMAN on TOP w. side nr RR yard & told him he heard shots from GK picket fence area; WEITZMAN later identified this man as BARKER) ….GK YATES, JOHN ….GK ZAPRUDER, EMIL ABRAHAM ….GK McKINNON, CHERYL ….GK (at least 2 of the 3 shots she remembered hearing were from the GK) TSBD office woman (1 of 3) (DP witness who WC mentioned was interviewed by DPD but no reference provided; located on TSBD 3rd floor according to FAULKNER saying he spoke with 3 women who said they watched from 3rd floor & thought shots came from near pergola) ….GK TSBD office woman (2 of 3) (DP witness who WC mentioned was interviewed by DPD but no reference provided; located on TSBD 3rd floor according to FAULKNER saying he spoke with 3 women who said they watched from 3rd floor & thought shots came from near pergola) ….GK TSBD office woman (3 of 3) (DP witness who WC mentioned was interviewed by DPD but no reference provided; located on TSBD 3rd floor according to FAULKNER saying he spoke with 3 women who said they watched from 3rd floor & thought shots came from near pergola) ….GK HOLT, JEANNE "Gloria" ….GK JACOB, STELLA MAE ….GK NELSON (nee SIMMONS), SHARON ….GK HARGIS, ROBERT "Bobby" WELDON ….GK ("right next to me") POWERS, DAVID F. ….GK &/or TSBD intersection ("overhead or GK") ALTGENS, JAMES "Ike" WILLIAM ….GK shot then maybe 1 or 2 shots then TSBD intersection shot-"coming from behind the car" TAGUE, JAMES "Jim" THOMAS ….GK ("coming from my left" "by the, whatever you call the monument"=the north pergola) LOVELADY, BILLY NOLAN ….GK-from "concrete deal on the knoll" SMITH, JOE MARSHALL-"screaming 'from the bushes’ woman" (told JOE SMITH "They are shooting the President from the bushes."; she may have been the woman who was standing next to McKINNON near the second street lamppost who can be seen in the WIEGMAN film running northeast up Elm towards SMITH's attack start location) ….GK SMITH Jr., EDGAR LEON ….GK ("from concrete structure"=pergola) FRANZEN, JACK ….GK ("from inside limo") SORRELS, FOREST VERNE ….GK ("from terrace to my right") SMITH, JOE MARSHALL ….GK (from "overpass bushes") BRONSON, CHARLES LESLIE ….GK (from "west plaza") MOLINA, JOSEPH "Joe" RODRIGUEZ ….GK (from "west side of TSBD") SHELLEY, WILLIAM HOYT ….GK (from "west"-ran with LOVELADY to GK) WOODWARD (PILLSWORTH), MARY ELIZABETH ANN …. GK BOWERS Jr., LEE E. ….GK+TSBD JACKSON, ROBERT "Bob" HILL W. ….TSBD+GK (smelled gunpowder) SLACK, GARLAND GLENWILL ….GK+TSBD WHITAKER, LUPE "Lucy" (Mrs. H. G.) ….GK+TSBD (heard 2 shots from west of TSBD and also from above her) CHISM, JOHN ARTHUR ….GK (from behind CHISM) CHISM, MARION FAYE ….GK (from behind CHISM) HESTER, BEATRICE ….GK DAVIS, GEORGE AVERY ….GK ("close") WEST, ROBERT H. ….GK (heard shots from northwest quadrant of DP) PARKER, ROBERTA (Mrs. WILLIAM V.) ….GK (from near pergola) HAWKINS, PEGGY JOYCE BIGLER ….GK (shots from railroad yard) ROWLAND, ARNOLD LOUIS (before-@ 12:16 pm ROWLAND saw 2 men in TSBD- 6th when he saw a white man in southeast window (circa 12:14/15) then saw a scoped-rifle holding light skinned Latin or Caucasian (at 12:16), 200 pounds, dark or black hair in second most westerly 6th floor WEST open window; the west window armed man was wearing a light colored or light blue shirt unbuttoned about half way down with a white tee shirt and either dark pants or blue jean pants and was standing 3 to 5 feet back from the WEST open window; looked towards the railroad yard but did not look at TSBD) ….GK (from railroad yard & ran behind GK fence to railroad yard) ARCE, DANNY GARCIA ….GK (shots from railroad yard & then ran to railroad yard behind GK) BAKER (nee RACHLEY), VIRGIE (Mrs. DONALD SAM BAKER) ….GK (from towards railroad yard) FRAZIER, BUELL WESLEY …. GK (shots from towards triple overpass direction from FRAZIER) WEATHERFORD, HARRY ….GK CAMPBELL, OCHUS "Otis" VIRGIL ….GK (railroad area near viaduct) ELKINS, HAROLD E. ….GK (between GK and TSBD from his attack location perspective) DAVIS, AVERY (Mrs. CHARLES THOMAS) ….GK (shots from triple overpass/railroad yard from her location perspective) DODD, RICHARD CALVIN ….GK (saw GK gun smoke) JOHNSON, CLEMON EARL ….GK (saw GK gun smoke) JOHNSON, EDWARD "Ed" ….GK (saw GK gun smoke) MILLER, AUSTIN LAWRENCE ….GK (saw GK gun smoke) MURPHY, THOMAS J.….GK (saw GK gun smoke) PASCHALL, PATSY (told OAKES in a video interview that she saw the GK smoke-JAYNES said she saw smoke between the retaining wall and picket fence corner) ….GK (saw GK gun smoke) POTTER, NOLAN H. ….GK (saw GK gun smoke) SIMMONS, JAMES LEON ….GK (saw GK gun smoke) WINBORN, WALTER "Luke"….GK (saw GK gun smoke) HILL, JEAN ….….GK (saw GK gun smoke; claimed years later) "railroad worker man" (saw smoke from GK & heard shots from GK and told McCURLEY) ….GK HOLLAND, SAMUEL M. "Skinny" ….GK (saw GK gun smoke) PATERNOSTRO, SAMUEL BURTON ….GK-TOP then Criminal Courts Building or TSBD KOUNAS, DOLORES ARLEAN (Mrs. GEORGE ANDREW) ….GK (from underpass/GK direction from her location perspective) ADAMS , VICTORIA "Vickie" ELIZABETH ….GK (heard shots from west + below her after JFK & Jackie had BOTH turned to face north sidewalk) TRULY, ROY SANSOM ….GK (shots from west of TSBD towards the "WPA" project) BERRY, JANE (Mrs. A. G.) ….GK (shots from west of TSBD) GARNER, DOROTHY ANN ….GK (shots from west of TSBD) HICKS, JAMES "Jim" DANIEL (heard shots from 2 directions but not clear as to 2nd source; ran to GK after) ….GK (shots from west of TSBD) + ? (not sure of second shots source) WILSON, STEVEN F. ….GK (shots from west of TSBD end or from "colonnade"=pergola but "not above me") MUDD, F. LEE ….GK (shots from west of TSBD) CABELL, EARLE ….TSBD (3 or 4 shots) FISCHER, RONALD B. ….initially said shots from TSBD then later warrenatti-testified to shots coming from GK-railroad area west of depository ALLMAN, PIERCE ….TSBD intersection BARNETT, WILLIAM EUGENE ….TSBD intersection BENNETT, GLEN A. (after-@ 17:30 wrote in his notes on AF1 that he heard a first shot, then he turned and saw a bullet hole in JFK back about "about 4" down from the right shoulder. A second shot followed immediately and hit the right rear high of the President's head." (he could not have turned his head fast enough to see the same-noised first bullet hit so he heard a first bullet, turned and saw the result of the second bullet into JFK's back then saw the third bullet hit the head almost immediately after the second bullet); not called to testify) ….TSBD intersection BRANDT, ERNEST CARL (saw JFK immediately react to 1st of 3 shots BRANDT remembered hearing when JFK raised his right hand to throat when JFK was just past BRANDT & 15' away in about a 1 o‘clock position relative to BRANDT) ….TSBD intersection BRENNAN, HOWARD LESLIE (could not see JFK after Zf-252/253 but stated he saw the headshot explosion after he watched the east window TSBD assassin fire his final shot) ….TSBD BURROWS, FRANCINE ….TSBD intersection CONNALLY Jr., JOHN BOWDEN ….TSBD intersection FOSTER, TONI ….TSBD intersection (heard 4 shots) HESTER, CHARLES ….TSBD intersection (in his FBI statement it sounds like he saw JFK slump THEN he remembered hearing 2 additional shots) HICKEY Jr., GEORGE W. (stated he turned to his right after 1st audible muzzle blast=turn started @ Zf-195 & stated after he turned back towards JFK that 2 shots rang out "in such rapid succession that there seemed to be practically no time element between them."=in ALTGENS@Zf-255 HICKEY is still facing rearward) ….TSBD intersection HUDSON, EMMETT JOSEPH (heard shots come over his head fired from behind him and above; said in 11-26 FBI statement that the 1st shot he heard hit the head, then 2 more shots followed in "rapid succession") ….TSBD intersection JACKS, HURCHEL ….TSBD intersection JOHNSON, LYNDON BAINES ….TSBD intersection KILDUFF, MALCOLM "Max" MAXWELL ….TSBD intersection KIVETT JERRY D. ….TSBD intersection LACY, JAMES ….TSBD intersection LAWRENCE, PATRICIA ANN (Miss) ….TSBD intersection (above her) MARTIN Jr., JOHN H. ….TSBD intersection ROMACK, JAMES ELLIOT ….TSBD intersection SANDERS, PAULINE (Mrs. ROBERT E.) ….TSBD intersection (above her) SHELTON, KEITH ….TSBD intersection SMITH, ALAN ….TSBD intersection SWEATT, ALLAN ….TSBD intersection TAYLOR, WARREN W. "Woody" (stated he put his left foot out of the Secret Service vice presidential follow-up car onto Elm Street BEFORE he heard the last 2 shots he remembered hearing but in the ALTGENS photo at Zf-255 his left foot is not yet seen touching Elm Street) ….TSBD intersection TOWNER, TINA ….TSBD intersection WILLIAMS, BONNIE RAY (not sure where 1st shot from because he was not paying attention but said 2nd & 3rd from TSBD (above); did not hear shells hitting floor; 11-22-63 statement says 2 shots above) after-only black man visible in the POWELL photo; before-ate very close to "snipers lair" on 6th floor but did not hear nor see anyone; in 11-23-63 FBI statement said he went to 6th floor from 12:00-12:03 with his lunch but saw no one & went to 5th floor; in 1-16-64 FBI statement he said he ate on the 6th floor; glanced upwards during shots but saw no one; changed the number of shots he heard to 3 in 3-19-64 FBI statement; said he saw a DPD patrolman come on the 5th floor & look around while they were standing at the west side of the 5th floor after the attack) ….TSBD intersection SUMMERS, MALCOLM ….TSBD intersection & GK WILLIS, ROSEMARY ….TSBD intersection & GK LANDIS, PAUL E. ….TSBD intersection then GK (behind JFK then from in front of JFK) MILLICAN, A. J. ….TSBD intersection & GK (TSBD then behind GK then pergola) O'DONNELL, KENNETH "Ken" "Kenny" P. (after-in 1968 during a shared dinner he told TIP O'NEIL that he felt sure that 2 of the shots came from behind the fence & that he told the FBI that but the FBI told him it could not have happened that way and that he was imagining things so O'DONNELL testified the way the FBI wanted him to & O'NEILL said that DAVE POWERS was also at the same dinner & agreed with what O'DONNELL said about there being GK shots) ….TSBD intersection then from GK years afterward TEMPLIN, JOHN (heard 3 shots with first two bunched closer than last two; said 1st definitely came from TSBD, 2nd from railroad yard and hit JFK in head & sounded different and 3rd shot from TSBD with sequence lasting 6 seconds; after-did a "Sixth Floor Museum" oral interview and said that "his" 1st shot occurred when limo was 30' past himself; standing to BRANDT's left; BRANDT's friend & business client; BRANDT said TEMPLIN said he heard 3 shots; TEMPLIN also thought 1st shot was a cycle backfire; saw limo brake lights on; after-did not go public with his claims until early 1990's) ….TSBD intersection then railroad yard then TSBD intersection CHANEY, JAMES M. ( in a 11-22-63 tv interview said that when he heard the first shot it sounded like a motorcycle backfiring & he looked to his left & JFK "looked back over his left shoulder" & it was CHANEY's 2nd shot that hit JFK in the head; also said the firing was from "back over my right shoulder") ….TSBD intersection ("back over right shoulder") FOSTER, JAMES WILSON (saw bullet strike in south elm grass nr. sewer cement apron corner; speaking with SIMMONS during attack start; in his FBI report of 3-25-64 he stated JFK's head exploded with the 2nd shot and he then heard a third shot after that; said his 1st shot sounded like large firecracker; testified no shots came from TOP ….TSBD intersection ("corner of Elm and Houston") MITCHELL, WILLIE ….TSBD intersection ("from the rear") WILLIS, PHILLIP LaFRANCE ….TSBD intersection ("high") SITZMAN, MARILYN ….TSBD intersection ("leftward" relative to SITZMAN) READY, JOHN "Jack" D. ….TSBD intersection ("right rear") LEWIS, RAY "Roy" EDWARD ….TSBD intersection ("above") GREER, WILLIAM ROBERT ….TSBD intersection (behind) JOHNSON, "LADYBIRD" CLAUDIA ALTA (nee TAYLOR) ….TSBD intersection (above her right shoulder) BAKER, MARION L. ….TSBD intersection (from TSBD "or the one across to the right of it" = Dal-Tex) BREHM, CHARLES F. (around 12:45-1:00 pm while still standing in DP BREHM was quoted by "DTH" reporter as saying shots came from in front or beside JFK; years later BREHM changed to shots came from TSBD intersection; said JFK 30' away at 1st shot when JOE waved then JFK waved & was shot & reacted towards throat then "slumped down in the seat" & 20'-25' away @ 2nd shot when JFK was shot in head and "hair went flying" & "he slumped all the way down"; saw "whatever it was" (head fragment) "move left & back" and land "in the area of the curb" or "into" the curb; heard 3rd shot after headshot; at the "Showtime" trial testified that the shots came from either the TSBD or Dal-tex; also stated the 3rd shot BREHM heard missed and was the reason BREHM threw his son on ground and covered him protectively) ….initially stated GK then later changed to TSBD intersection (one of two buildings at the corner of Elm and Houston = either TSBD or Dal-Tex) UNDERWOOD, JAMES ROBERT (after-went back to TSBD front and talked with EUINS & EUINS said he saw a black man shooting; WC-testimony implies even spacing but told TRASK #2 & 3 were bunched) ….TSBD intersection (overhead) KELLERMAN, ROY K. (testified that the assassination ended in a rapid flurry of shots that sounded like a sonic boom quickness one shot right after the other) ….TSBD intersection (right) CONNALLY, NELLIE (actually "Idanell") (nee BRILL) (shot #1 JFK (in 2003 she described it as a cycle making a terrible backfire noise); shot #2 JBC; shot #3 JFK) wrote out the 22 pages of notes for her 2003 book "From Love Field" after CONNALLY left PH some 7 to 12 days after being shot; in 2003 an article about her said she still had one of JOHN's cufflinks from 11-22-63 that was made from a Mexican peso & that the other 11-22-63 cufflink HAD BEEN SHOT OFF) ….TSBD intersection (right rear) HILL, CLINTON "Clint" J. (middle initial "J" may stand for "Jay") (heard the 2nd shot he remembered hearing come from the right but not for sure from the rear as he was running to limo & stated that shot sounded noticeably different than this 1st shot because it had a fast double sound to it with a tinge of a metallic sound; heard his 1st shot when SS followup car was straightening out and he was looking to his left which sounded like a firecracker that came from his right rear and he immediately looked back to his right and saw JFK grab his throat and slump forward and left; he thought JACKIE was reaching for something falling off the right rear of the limo and that maybe he saw that something also; after-in limousine and at PH he observed the right rear portion of the head missing; also requested to view the body at BH where he saw back wound to right of spine and 6" below neckline and saw the front neck wound) ….TSBD intersection (right rear) YOUNGBLOOD, RUFUS WAYNE "Jack" (during-@ 12:30 smelled gunpowder (according to letter to PALAMARA) & heard shots from TSBD intersection then before the 2nd shot he remembered hearing he turned and pushed LBJ down yet in the ALTGENS photo taken at Z-255 he and LBJ are still sitting upright) ….TSBD intersection (right rear) YARBOROUGH, RALPH WEBSTER (during-@ 12:30 smelled gunpowder; first stated 1st two shots were bunched but warrenatti statement says that last 2 shots were bunched with 3 seconds between 1st & 2nd and 1.5 seconds between 2nd & 3rd) ….TSBD intersection ATKINS, THOMAS "Ollie" (during-@ 12:30 heard shots from in front of him but he thought they were coming from crowd level; "Although I did not look up at the building, I could hear everything quite clearly....the shots came from below and off to the right side from where I was. I never thought the shots came from above. They did not sound like shots coming from anything higher than street level." ….TSBD or Dal-Tex FRANZEN, JOAN (saw blood cloud from limo then heard 2 more shots; saw blood on JFK's head with last 2 shots; did not look at TSBD & thought shots came from an area adjacent to the TSBD) ….TSBD or "area adjacent to TSBD" (either intersection or GK pergola) DOUGHERTY, JACK EDWIN (@ 07:55 saw nothing in OSWALD's hand when OSWALD arrived for work) ….TSBD ("inside") HINE, GENEVA L. ( testified she did not see REID where REID said she was on the TSBD 1st floor at the time REID said she was there; testified that shortly before limo entered DP that the electric and phones went dead in TSBD) ….TSBD ("inside") NORMAN, HAROLD "Hank," "Shorty" D. (heard the 1st shot he remembered hearing come from above him & saw the President slump after that 1st shot; heard 3 shots & 3 "clicks" of what he assumed to be a rifle bolt recycling & 3 shell cartridges hitting the floor from directly above him; in the "Showtime" trial he would not say he heard the muzzle blasts directly above him-just that he heard them as being above his ears & he heard what he presumed to be the rifle recycling manually & the ejected shells pinging on floor; told FBI he stuck his head out the window after the 1st shot and looked upward but saw nothing because particles of something fell into his eyes before the 2nd & 3rd shots he heard; had lunch at 12:00 in "domino room"; ….TSBD ("inside") PIPER, EDWARD "Eddie" ….TSBD-"inside" REID, CAROLYN (Mrs. ROBERT A.) (during- with TRULY & O.CAMPBELL & said she thought shots came "from our building" but heard someone else say the shots came from "farther down the street"; on 11-26-63 her statement reads the shots she heard came "from overhead" but not specifically from her building; HINE testified that she did not see REID where REID said she was at the time REID said she was on TSBD 1st floor; ….TSBD ("our building") POWELL, JOHN ….TSBD (he & others he stated were with him saw 2 men in "snipers air" before attack) COUCH, MALCOLM "Mal" O. ….TSBD EUINS, AMOS LEE ….TSBD (heard 4 shots) TERRY, L. R. ….TSBD (saw 2 men) WORRELL Jr., JAMES RICHARD (saw man run out TSBD back door within 2 minutes of last shot) ….TSBD (heard 4 shots) BROWN, EARLE V. ….TSBD (smelled gunpowder) CABELL, ELIZABETH "Dearie" ….TSBD (smelled gunpowder) DILLARD, THOMAS "Tom" CLINTON ….TSBD (smelled gunpowder) WILLIS, LINDA KAY ....COULD NOT TELL (to warrenatti), then GK (to HSCA) HOEFEN, JOHN (in Cam Car #1; heard 3 or 4 shots; during a radio report he said "there was a loud shot-at first we thought it was from some teenagers-and it was immediately followed by 2 or 3 more.") ….NO OPINION RICKERBY, ARTHUR "Art" BURROUGHS (in Cam Car #2; heard more than 3 shots; his widow WANDA told PALAMARA that he heard more shots than was reported by all the press (the press mostly reported 3 shots); after-his widow told PALAMARA he disagreed with the number of shots reported in the press) ….NO OPINION SPEAKER, SANDY (construction worker with BRENNAN; heard 5 shots from less than half block away) …..NO OPINION ORR, MAURICE (heard 5 shots) ….NOT ASKED "Johnny's Husband" (man) (during attack supposedly saw shooter on GK; he was standing on a "platform" & witnessed GK assassin his rifle & saw assassin shoot; he is husband of woman named "Johnny" who M.L. GRIFFITH posted on newsgroup that GRIFFITH’s mother overheard in Houston in 1983) ….GK "seen in ALTGENS@255-"dark raincoat man" Elm + Houston at south end of curve of people near northeast corner of Elm & Houston seen in ALTGENS Zf-255 just below BREHM's clapping hands and he seems to be looking towards TSBD; ….TSBD intersection "seen in ALTGENS@255-"intersection boy" Elm + Houston at south end of curve of people near northeast corner of Elm & Houston seen in ALTGENS Zf-255 just below BREHM's clapping hands and he seems to be looking towards TSBD; just behind the rear of the SS-VP car ….TSBD intersection "seen in ALTGENS@255-"intersection woman" Elm + Houston at south end of curve of people near northeast corner of Elm & Houston seen in ALTGENS Zf-255 just below BREHM's clapping hands and he seems to be looking towards TSBD ….TSBD intersection "white cowboy hat man" seen in DARNELL film looking upwards towards the TSBD; hat seen in ALTGENS@255 just to right of HARGIS's helmet ….TSBD intersection Don CV-67, "Big John," USS John F. Kennedy Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "(D)rehm (sic) seemed to think the shots came from in FRONT OF or BESIDE the President." (my EMPHASIS) ----CHARLES F. BREHM, a gunfire-battle experienced, WWII D-day, United States Army Ranger veteran, quoted just minutes after the attack while still standing within Dealey Plaza, "Dallas Times Herald," 11-22-63, final edition
  24. ....Good Day.... BRENNAN's body position atop the reflecting pool wall is precisely pinpointed here: http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BRENNAN202zapLOS.gif BRENNAN's sitting location atop the wall as seen in the DORMAN and ZAPRUDER films is about only 5'-6' different than where he sat for the warrenatti camera to recreate his location in CE478. His actual attack body facing position seen in DORMAN & ZAP is approximately facing towards the center of the Houston/Elm intersection. His head facing direction changes. At Zf-207 just before ZAPRUDER panned him out of the film sprocket area his head is facing LEVEL, and his face is turned hard to his left, facing over his left shoulder, towards the limousine, and he is simultaneously facing approximately 90 degrees away from the warrenatti apologists "snipers lair" at Zf-207. At Zf-206/207 the pyracantha tree a few feet northwest of the reflecting pool steps would have started to block BRENNAN's view of President KENNEDY (whose headtop was then some 7' to 8' lower than BRENNAN's headtop by just Zf-206/207). From Zf-252/253 and completely AFTER Zf-252/253, BRENNAN's view of the president was completely obstructed by the tall cement monument that borders the west side of the north reflecting pool's northside steps (near the same pyracantha tree). Additionally, at Zf-313 --and not supporting, at all, what BRENNAN chose to write in his book-- BRENNAN's view of the limousine was still completely obstructed by the tall monument that borders the west side of the north reflecting pool's northside steps.... in other words --despite what he wrote in his book-- BRENNAN lied and could not have possibly have seen the President's head explode nor could BRENNAN have possibly seen the bloody remnants of the head explosion because the tall monument completely hid his Zf-313 view of the president.... ....Looking at it another way.... if (as he warrenatti testified in 1964) BRENNAN did see an assassin in the TSBD sixth floor easternmost window trigger a shot, and, if (as he warrenatti testified) after watching an assassin in the TSBD sixth floor easternmost "snipers lair" window fire a shot BRENNAN did immediately turn back to his left towards the president after the "snipers lair" gunman fired, and if BRENNAN could still see the president (as he warrenatti testified), and since BRENNAN could have only seen President KENNEDY before Zf-252/253, it means that the TSBD sixth floor easternmost window "snipers lair" assassin fired the LAST shot that BRENNAN saw the TSBD sixth floor easternmost window "snipers lair" assassin fire BEFORE timestamp Zf-252/253. Don CV-67, "Big John," USS John F. Kennedy Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore "Based on the statements of these witnesses, if the smoke they reported was in fact the result of gunfire, it would have originated in the area of the top of the grassy knoll. There is no way of determining what type of ammunition was used in that "gunfire" so that is can be stated conclusively whether the smoke seen by the witnesses is consistent with smoke produced by the type of ammunition used in any gunfire from the knoll. Nevertheless, a firearms expert engaged by the committee explained that irrespective of the exact type of ammunition used, it would be possible for witnesses to have seen smoke if a gun had been fired from that arena. According to the expert, both "smokeless" and smoke-producing ammunition may leave a trace of smoke that would be visible to the eye in sunlight.(371) That is because even with smokeless ammunition, when the weapon was fired, nitrocellulose bases in the powder which are impregnated with nitroglycerin may give off smoke, albeit less smoke than black or smoke- producing ammunition.(372) In addition, residue remaining in the weapon from previous firings, as well as cleaning solution which might have been used on the weapon, could cause even more smoke to be discharged in subsequent firings of the weapon.(373)" ----SURELL BRADY, H.S.C.A. Staff Counsel Report
  25. Good Day Bill.... Just a thought. ....Perhaps, you and Larry Peters know each other personally in the real world outside of the internet, and are aquaintances, or even friends? Don CV-67, "Big John," USS John F. Kennedy Plank Walker Sooner, or later, the Truth emerges Clearly http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/DP.jpg http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/ROSE...NOUNCEMENT.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/BOND...PINGarnold.html http://members.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/GHOS...update2001.html T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore for the United States for New York City, Northern New Jersey and Washington, D.C. "The [Central Intelligence] Agency appears to have had a serious operational interest in Oswald" which "may have led to his use or manipulation." ----JOHN NEWMAN, "Oswald and the C.I.A." (1995)
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