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Karl Kinaski

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Posts posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. Alex Jones has decided to go full retard on the possible 3th Trump assassination attempt. Here he gives Vanokian/Miller/Steinberg, three IDs, fale licence plate a podiom to PLAY THE VICTIM. Venovkian/Steinberg/Miller: I did nothing wrog. Alex Jones: I believe you. wtf. 

    "You never go full retard. You don't buy that? Ask Jean Penn, "I am Sam". Remember? Went full retard. Went home empty handed." Quote, Tropic Thunder. 



  2. That's something: The elimination of Trump (by whomever) as a pretext to nuce Iran. Clap your hands. 


    BRICS NEWS, quote. 


    JUST IN: US President Joe Biden issues warning to Iran. "Any attempt to kill Donald Trump would be an act of war."

    BRICS News


    ·13h JUST IN: Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu officially approves plans to attack Iran.


  3. They are in a hurry. Guy had a fake licence plate, several fake IDs, passports and multiple guns in his car. Sure he made all this stuff in his garage. Lone nut that he is. BTWPassport fraud is a Federal offense. Yet the guy was released. His name is not Vem Miller, but Venokian ...   

    ("In my opinion, Kamala has an advantage: she is perceived as incompetent to the point that no one would want to harm her.")



  4. "Lone nut" Crooks and the Dimmicks, SKY GLOBAL AND WIRE ... 

    Henry Dimmick owner of AGR at Butler with Megaphone ... 


    Henry Dimmick older pick of him



    Sky Global, a Canadian company that provided encrypted communication services, was raided by Belgian and Dutch police in March 2021 as part of a larger international operation targeting organized crime. The company's encrypted messaging platform, Sky ECC, was widely used by criminal organizations to communicate securely, believing that their communications could not be intercepted by law enforcement.

    Here are the key reasons behind the raid:

    1. Facilitating Organized Crime:

    • Sky ECC was allegedly used by drug traffickers, money launderers, and other criminal groups to coordinate illegal activities, including drug shipments and other organized crime operations. Investigators believed that the platform was specifically marketed to criminal organizations because of its robust encryption and security features.

    2. Criminal Investigation:

    • Law enforcement agencies in Belgium, the Netherlands, France, and other countries had been investigating Sky ECC for some time. They were able to crack the encryption on the Sky ECC platform, gaining access to millions of messages exchanged by criminal networks. This provided crucial evidence for ongoing investigations into large-scale drug trafficking and other criminal activities.

    3. Previous Operations Against Encrypted Services:

    • The raid on Sky Global followed a pattern of law enforcement targeting encrypted messaging services used by criminals. Prior to the Sky Global operation, law enforcement agencies had shut down similar encrypted platforms, such as EncroChat in 2020, which was also used extensively by organized crime networks.

    4. Charges and Accusations:

    • Sky Global's CEO, Jean-François Eap, was charged with conspiracy to violate the U.S. federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). Authorities alleged that the company knowingly aided criminal organizations by providing secure communication tools designed to avoid law enforcement detection.
    • Sky Global denied these accusations, stating that they were unaware of criminal use of their platform and that they provided secure communication tools to protect privacy.

    5. International Cooperation:

    • The raids were part of a coordinated effort by European and North American law enforcement agencies, including Europol and Eurojust. These agencies shared intelligence and coordinated actions to dismantle the criminal networks that relied on Sky ECC for secure communication.

    6. Impact of the Operation:

    • The operation against Sky ECC led to numerous arrests and the seizure of large amounts of drugs, money, and weapons across Europe. Belgian police claimed that Sky ECC was responsible for facilitating a vast portion of the criminal communication in Europe.

    In summary, the Belgian police, along with other international law enforcement agencies, raided Sky Global because its encrypted messaging platform, Sky ECC, was allegedly being used extensively by organized crime groups to conduct illegal activities without detection. The operation aimed to disrupt these criminal networks by cracking their communications and prosecuting those involved.


    Wire is a German technology company focused on providing highly secure communication services. It is known for developing an encrypted messaging platform that is widely used by organizations requiring stringent security measures, such as governments, military entities, and global enterprises. Wire's services are designed to ensure secure collaboration, protect data privacy, and maintain compliance with the strictest data protection standards, such as GDPR.

    Wire is headquartered in Berlin and emphasizes the importance of security and privacy in all its communication solutions. Its platform includes end-to-end encrypted messaging, voice and video calls, file sharing, and group chats, catering to both enterprises and government sectors globally





  5. 10 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    It was Bobby Kennedy who made his brother fire Allen Dulles

    Not so fast.

    On Thuesday April the 18th 1961 Kennedy had lunch with James Reston and Arthur Schlesinger jr. Kenndy said (acc. to Schlesinger A THOUSAND DAYS), quote: 


     The President asked me to luncheon with James Reston. In spite of the news, Kennedy was free, calm and candid; I had rarely seen him more effectively in control. Saying frankly that reports from the beaches were discouraging, he spoke with detachment about the problems he would now face. “I probably made a mistake in keeping Allen Dulles on,” he said. “It’s not that Dulles is not a man of great ability. He is. But I have never worked with him, and therefore I can’t estimate his meaning when he tells me things. . . . Dulles is a legendary figure, and it’s hard to operate with legendary figures.” As for CIA, “we will have to do something. . . . I must have someone there with whom I can be in complete and intimate contact—someone from whom I know I will be getting the exact pitch.” 


    About Dulles and Bissell he (Kennedy)  said little. I think he had made up his mind at once that, when things settled down, they would have to go. He
    regretted this because he liked them both. 

    The decicion to fire Dulles not immediately  was a pure political decicion acc. to Schlesinger, quote: (It is now April 21th 1961)


    I had been scheduled to leave that Friday for a conference in Italy. When
    I asked the President whether I should still go, he said, “Yes, you might as
    well. We are only picking up the pieces here. Maybe you can explain to
    them over there what we have been doing. Do your best.” At the end of the
    afternoon I dropped by the West Wing to say goodbye. When I stuck my
    head through the open door from Evelyn Lincoln’s office, I saw Lyndon
    Johnson sitting by the desk; but, as I began to retreat, Kennedy beckoned
    me in. They were talking again about the CIA. The President said that he
    could not understand how men like Dulles and Bissell, so intelligent and so
    experienced, could have been so wrong, but added that nothing could be
    done about CIA immediately. So long as he kept Dulles there, he said, the
    Republicans would be disinclined to attack the administration over the
    Cuban failure. The Vice-President vigorously agreed.


    No RFK involved here at all ... 

  6. @Robin

     I know. But there are only about 10 seconds between those frames, and neither Hill nor Moorman ever mentioned that they were running about ten meters to the east before sitting down for cover. In the Muchmore frame, Hill is to the right of Moorman, while in the Bell frame, it's the other way around... whereas the positions of the Brehms and Oliver remain the same.

  7. The editors of all those Dealy plaza films were moving around bystanders like Lego bricks. 

    picture comparison puzzle.

    Find the difference and ask yourself which one is fake: The Bell-Frame (on the left)or the Muchmore Frames? (On the right.)



     Solution to the puzzle: Jean Hill and Mary Moorman are jumping all over Beverly Oliver and the Brehms while simultaneously changing their positions. All three frames are sold to you as unaltered. 

  8.  In the Zapruder film, the limo appears to maintain a constant speed. If the Nix film is authentic, then the Zapruder film must be fake. The speed-features of the limo in the two films do not match. 

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