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Karl Kinaski

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Posts posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. Skorzeny wasn't the mastermind behind the rescue of Benito Mussolini in 1943 as Albarelli thought. 

    Quote, german wiki "Otto Skorzeny" translated with google:


    Although Skorzeny was neither involved in the direct planning of the operation nor he commanded it, he was singled out by Nazi propaganda as a “liberator of Mussolini,” promoted to SS-Sturmbannführer, and awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on September 13, 1943.[3 ] The fact that the operation was primarily planned and carried out by members of the paratrooper troops was deliberately concealed, while the role of Skorzeny and his SS men was greatly exaggerated

    It is my understanding by attributing Skorzeny a prominent role in the killing of Kennedy, Albarelli in his book COUP IN DALLAS makes the same move Goebbels made regarding Skorzenys role in the rescue of Mussolini. Lucky Skorzeny: because in reality he had little to do with the rescue of Benito and IMO the killing of Jack. 


    (It was a paratrooper Harald Mors who played the key role in the rescue of Benito.)

  2. Leslie Sharp said, quote: 



     Simpich reminds us that J. Walton Moore, agent in charge of the CIA’s Dallas office, was a college roommate of Wallace Heitman. It was Moore that introduced George de Mohrenschildt to the returned “defector,” Oswald, and Moore and de Mohrenschildt shared a friendship with Texas oilman and former WWI Col. Lawrence Orlov who is named in the Lafitte datebook.

    Close quote

    J. Walton Moore and Charles Cabell knew each other well. 

    Letter from Charles Cabell to Walton Moore: 





  3. Oliver Hardy aka William King Harvey seems real: 

    From the Memo Inspector Kelley USSS 29. 11. 1963, page 3, quote: (It is the last page, or page 177 of the actual doc.) 



    ... while Oswald was in the operating room, no one other than medical personal was present but a Dallas policeman who had accompanied Oswald in the ambulance was standing in the doorway of the operating room in operating room scrub clothes. 

    Close quote


    From Dr. Charles Crenshaws book: JFK HAS BEEN SHOT (Crenshaw describes the moments when Oswald was on the operating table)


    After the major bleeding had been brought under control, I looked up and
    took  a  deep  breath.  When  I  did,  I  spotted  a  large  man  across  the  room
    whom I didn’t recognize. He resembled Oliver Hardy in a scrub suit with no
    mask. Most alarming, there was a pistol hanging from his back pocket; if it
    had fallen to the floor, it could have discharged and killed someone. I never
    knew how he got into the operating room or who gave him the scrub suit.

    Just  two  days  earlier,  a  Secret  Service  agent  had  rushed  through  the
    emergency  room,  waving  a  gun  as  the  President  of  the  United  States  lay
    there,  dying.  Incredibly,  the  man  who  had  been  accused  of  shooting
    President  Kennedy  was  now  lying  before  me,  fighting  for  his  life,  while
    another  pistol-packing  intruder  looked  on.  I  didn’t  know  what  to  think,
    except that we had to get a cap and mask on the son of a bitch before he
    contaminated the entire room with bacteria.
    I  motioned  for  one  of  the  other  resident  surgeons  to  relieve  me.  I
    scrubbed out and got the proper attire for the guy. I wanted to throw his ass
    out  of  the  operating  room,  but  I  was  afraid  he  would  shoot  me.  Without
    saying  anything,  I  handed  him  the  cap  and  mask.  He  put  it  on  without
    comment. As I was turning around, a nurse tapped me on the shoulder and
    asked if I would take a telephone call in the supervisor’s office. She had
    chosen me to take the call because I was the head of Surgical “B,” the team
    that began the operation. I agreed to answer the call and left the operating
    room. When I entered the office, the receiver was lying on the desk.
    “This is Dr. Crenshaw, may I help you?”
    “This  is  President  Lyndon  B.  Johnson,”  the  voice  thundered.  “Dr.
    Crenshaw, how is the accused assassin?”
    I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The very first thought that I had
    was, how did he know when to call?
    “Mr. President, he’s holding his own at the moment,” I reported.
    “Would you mind taking a message to the operating surgeon?” he asked
    in a manner that sounded more like an order.
    “Dr. Shires is very busy right now, but I will convey your message.”
    “Dr. Crenshaw, I want a deathbed confession from the accused assassin.
    There’s  a  man  in  the  operating  room  who  will  take  the  statement.  I  will
    expect full cooperation in this matter,” he said firmly.

    “Yes, sir,” I replied and hung up the telephone. I almost laughed in the
    President’s ear. If he could have seen the mess in the operating room and
    the condition of our patient, he wouldn’t have asked.
    As  I  stood  there  in  a  state  of  disbelief,  my  mind  was  racing.  First,
    “deathbed  confession”  implies  that  someone  is  going  to  die.  If  Oswald
    doesn’t die on the table, is “Oliver Hardy” or someone else going to kill
     (...) why would the President of the United States personally call
    the operating room at Parkland Hospital and ask for a deathbed confession?
    That  question  still  puzzles  me. (...)
    I rushed back into the operating room and approached Dr. Shires. There
    was  blood  everywhere,  and  five  sets  of  hands  were  working  in  Oswald’s
    “You won’t believe who I just talked to,” I said to Dr. Shires.
    He looked at me with a “what’s next” expression.
    “President Johnson would like for us to allow that man over there to get a
    statement from our patient.”
    Shires  glanced  at  “Oliver  Hardy,”  shook  his  head  in  disbelief,  and
    returned  his  attention  to  the  operation.
     I  wish  that  I  could  have  taken  a
    picture  of  him  as  he  stood  there,  covered  in  blood.  It  would  have  been
    worth an entire library of words in expressing our efforts to save Oswald.
    Under  the  best  circumstances,  it  would  have  been  days  before  Oswald
    could have spoken lucidly to anyone. It was ironic. We had a patient on the
    table  under   oxygen  anesthesia,  bleeding  to  death  from  a  bullet  that  had
    penetrated almost every organ in his body, and the President of the United
    States wanted the intruder with the gun to conduct an interview. The fact
    that  a  stranger  was  in  the  operating  room  during  surgery,  something  that
    would  have  never  been  tolerated,  best  illustrates  the  hospital’s  state  of
    confusion at that time.
    Only  moments  later,  at  12:37  P . M.,  almost  one  hour  into  the  operation,
    Oswald’s heart began to fail. Dr, Akin’s anesthesiology resident reported to
    the operating team that Oswald’s cardiac condition was weakening, and that
    his  pulse  rate  was  slowing.  Electrical  impulses  on  the  cardioscope
    confirmed  the  sudden  development.  Dr.  Shires  placed  his  hand  under
    Oswald’s  diaphragm  to  detect  heart  activity.  As  everyone  looked  on  in
    silence, Dr. Shires shook his head and told Dr. Perry that Oswald’s rhythmic
    cardiac activity had stopped.
    I walked over to our visitor with the gun and remarked, “There won’t be
    any  deathbed  confession  today.”  (...)  “Oliver  Hardy”
    disappeared, and I never saw him again.

    Close quote


  4. Hunt was found guilty participating in the murder of JFK, wasn't he? Why do we need a confession from Hunt too? 

    Quote, Mark Lane PLAUSIBLE DENIAL 



    [Thereupon the jury entered the jury box at 10:40 A.M.]
    THE COURT: Have you arrived at a verdict in this case?
    THE COURT: Would you give it to the clerk? Publish the verdict.
    THE CLERK: United States District Court, Southern District of Florida,
    Miami, Florida, case number 80-1121-Civ-JWK. E. Howard Hunt, plaintiff,
    versus Liberty Lobby, defendant. Verdict as of February 6, 1985. We, the
    jury,  find  for  the  defendant,  Liberty  Lobby  and  against  the  plaintiff,  E.
    Howard Hunt. So say we, all, signed by the Foreperson.


    The reporters gathered around Leslie Armstrong (The foreperson of the jury)

    . What had caused her to vote for the defendant, she was asked time and time again. Patiently she
    explained  that  at  the  outset  she  was,  as  were  all  of  the  jurors,  absolutely
    objective. None of them had any fixed opinion about either the case or the
    facts surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy.
    I (Mark Lane) stood off to the side, out of range of the cameras, but close enough to
    hear each question and each response.
    And  why  had  she  found  against  Hunt,  she  was  asked  by  impatient
    reporters  shouting  questions  and  jostling  against  each  other  for  better
    positions for their microphones or cameras.

    The  evidence  was  clear,  she  said.  The  CIA  had  killed  President
    Kennedy,  Hunt  had  been  part  of  it,  and  that  evidence,  so  painstakingly
    presented,  should  now  be  examined  by  the  relevant  institutions  of  the
    United  States  government  so  that  those  responsible  for  the  assassination
    might be brought to justice.

    Again  and  again  she  was  asked  the  same  question,  each  time  with  a
    slightly  different  spin  and  by  a  different  reporter  so  that  he  or  she  could
    later tell the nation that the historic answer was given in response to “your
    reporter’s  question.”  Patiently  Leslie  Armstrong  answered  each  question,
    both simply and eloquently.
    One reporter for a local Miami television station betrayed his sense of
    outrage  at  the  verdict.  He  pressed  the  juror  for  answers  to  irrelevant
    questions “What about lack of actual malice? Wasn’t that the basis for your
    decision?” She replied that if the jurors had not believed the truth of the
    essential allegation, that the CIA and Hunt had been involved in the crime,
    they  would  have  then  considered  the  question  of  malice.  As  for  her,  she
    said, it never came to that The evidence was very impressive. It was not
    necessary for her to consider malice; she believed the accusations of CIA
    complicity  to  be  truthful.  With  an  almost  virulent  intensity,  the  reporter
    scoffed, “You mean that actual malice is not a factor in a libel case?” Leslie
    Armstrong  said  that  actual  malice  is  always  an  element  in  a  defamation
    case,  that  the  judge  had  carefully  explained  that  matter  to  the  jury  in  his
    instruction,  but  that  in  the  fact  situation  presented  in  this  case,  since  she
    believed that the main point in the article was truthful, it was not necessary
    for  her  to  consider  the  publisher’s  motive.  He  had  printed  the  truth;  the
    evidence disclosed that, as far as she was concerned. The reporter left.
    That evening the Miami television station reported that Hunt had lost a
    libel case and that the “foreman” of the jury explained why. 




  5. The Lone Nut narrative was preceded by the three shots narrative. Three shots were fired  according to the very first AP and UPI breaking news cables just minute's after the shooting when plenty of eyewitness had a very different perception. A lot of them heard more than three shots and in a succession incompatible to come from one gun. Later this witness were brainwashed with: You heard echos. But if there were echos how UPI and AP knew minutes after the event (and prior to the discovery of the bullet hulls) that there were only three BANGS?
    The same with the CBS bulletin just minutes after the shooting: "Here is a bulletin of CBS news. In Dallas/Texas THREE SHOTS were fired at president Kennedy's motorcade at downtown Dallas ... " Again: How could CBS knew that prior to the discovery of the three (planted) shells? 

    The very first witness who was brainwashed to believe the three shot fairy-tale (because all the other BANGS were "echoes") was Jean Hill. At the third floor of the Dallas county criminal courts building  in a room facing Dealey Plaza about 14h PM the following sweet witness hearing occurred by interrogator's still unidentified. 

    Quote, Jean Hill, "The Last Dissenting Witness":


     "How many shots did you hear?" 
    "I'd say at least four to six. Maybe more."
    The man stared coldly at her (Jean Hill) for a moment. "That's ridiculous," he said. "You had to be hearing echoes, not shots. We
    can account for only three bullets, and that means there were only three shots, maximum. The evidence shows they were all
    fired from a window in a building overlooking the site, not from this 'grassy knoll' of yours."
    "All I know is I heard more than three shots and at least one of them came from behind the fence at the top of the knoll,"
    Jean said. "Why are you treating me this way, like I'm a criminal or something? Why do you keep asking me these questions
    if you don't want to hear my answers?"
    "Because your answers are wrong — and potentially dangerous," the interrogator said. "They'll only confuse matters, and they could cause you a lot of grief if you aren't careful." He shook his head in disgust and disbelief.

     In the case of Jean Hill the brainwashing failed. But it is interesting how this interrogators ,1 to 2h after the shooting, already knew the findings of the Warren Commission Report ... 

  6. Discussion between Joy Shannon and the Co Producer of THE KILL SHOT. 


     It is an ironic that, if true, Judyth Vary Bakers account proves, that Garrison while he thought he was investigating a plot to kill Kennedy was investigating a plot to kill Castro. That Oswald was guilty in participating in a plot to kill Castro but not in the killing of Kennedy was something that never occurred to him. Garrison couldn't make sense of the following: 

    Quote ON THE TRAIL OF THE ASSASSINS by Jim Garrison.


    We (Garrison and his men after the news of Ferries death) piled into the cars outside and arrived at Ferrie’s apartment less than ten minutes after our own investigators. There was no danger of federal
    intruders. Our men had sealed it off so a ten-ton tank could not have gotten within 50 yards of the late David Ferrie’s apartment. The first thing that hit me when I went through the door was the smell of the white mice. There had been hundreds of them in the place, kept in wire cages in the living room and dining room as part of the cancer experiments Ferrie had conducted with an established local doctor. The doctor now was long gone, and so were the white mice. But the cages and that unforgettable, stale, oddly sweet smell continued to hang in the air.


    Garrison obviously discovered remnants of the "GET CASTRO with CANCER "project, where at last Lee Oswald, David Ferrie, Jack Ruby Mary Sherman, Guy Banister and Alexander Rorke were involved.  

    What have all those people further in common? They died within a year. With the exception of Ferrie and Ruby who died within 50 days in early 1967. 

    (Alton Ochsner and Clay Shaw were involved too. It seems Shaw was never involved in a conspiracy to kill Kennedy but  involved in a conspiracy to kill Castro.)



  7. IMO "went outside to see the parade" means: It was Oswald's intention to see the parade ... he missed it ...  and when  inspector Thomas J. Kelley asked him: Have you seen the parade? Oswalds answer was ... no. 

     JJJ-Kelley-memo.pngThat is why he answered correctly: "Naturally, if I work in that building ..."when a reporter asked him: "Where you in the building at that time? (of the shooting.)

    Oswald came out of the building a minute after Truly and Baker went in and was "out with Bill Shelley in front " till ... Roger Craig saw him entering a station wagon ... 






  8. Thx Lori for sharing new facts and your thoughts.The first hour of her 3h Twitter-spaces audio deals with Aispuro. 

    Here is a little teaser of Spencers audio. 

    A few things Adrian Paul Aispuro claimed to the authorities, according to Lori Spencer. 

    - My family is part of the Illuminati, a dark group ruling the world and drinking babies blood .. 

    - I have not have all my memories yet. The MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging?) I received from my medical injuries (which injuries? ...he was injured in 2018 ... stopped working in 2019) "activated" my memories. ??? 

    - He is part of QAnon. and RFK jr is behind QAnon ...  

    - He was told by QAnon via cellphone/ sms to attend the RFK jr. speech ... 

    - He has no ill will against RFK jr. / RFK jr is admirable ... he is not here to kill anyone ...

    - He brought all his weapons to protect himself ...


    Acc. to ChatGPT, QAnon is:


    QAnon, often stylized as QAnon or simply Q, is a disproven and widely discredited conspiracy theory that emerged on internet forums in the late 2017. It gained significant attention and a following, particularly in the United States, over the following years. The central claim of QAnon is that a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles and deep-state operatives control the world and are being opposed by former President Donald Trump. The conspiracy theory is named after an anonymous user on an online forum who goes by "Q," who claimed to have insider knowledge and regularly posted cryptic messages, known as "Q-drops," that followers interpreted and discussed.





    I said: 

    Hoover was reluctant.




    @Jim said

    Now I know you did not read Bart's book.

    In about two hours, Hoover is pushing the Oswald angle.  The call from Carter to Dallas is about 8-9 M that night.



     Sry. I was too unspecific. 

    I must add: Hoover was reluctant in the sense that he was ready to push some parts of the prewritten and than adjusted cover story, but not so lucky about other parts of it, "they" rammed down his throat. In part, IMO it came from the CIA- FBI rivalry. Didn't he say something to the effect, that he had enough of the CIA lying to him?

    Since I believe the Murchison party story told by Madeleine (Duncan) Brown and May Newman(seamstress of the Murchisons) is real, Hoover had pre knowledge of the plot, but wasn't provided any details. In  the aftermath he was reluctant/angry about the amount of (strategic)info he had to swallow. That's my opinion at that point in time. 

    PS I still read Bart's book everyday I went to sleep. It is like counting sheep. 





     James DiEugenio said:

    Both Hoover and LBJ decided to go with the lone sociopath angle. 





    Cliff Varnell said: After Harriman gave the marching orders.

    Hoover was a reluctant lone nutter.


     I think your are right. Hoover was reluctant. Till this emergency meeting of the Commission in January of 64 regarding the leak that Oswald was a FBI informant. I believe this was a warning shot for Hoover. IMO this whole emergency-thing was staged. 


    @Charles Blackmon, said, quote:


    I came in late. What was the Oswald involvement in 'Save Kennedy"? 

    Unfortunately that part is left out ... 

    After Mexico City, the Judyth Baker story goes,  Oswald was sent to Dallas to infiltrate radical cuban groups who were about to kill Kennedy to counter that efforts ...  Oswald not only failed to do that (He didn't know, that to save Kennedy was never intended) , but used as the posterboy for a coverup of what we all know was a coup de etat. 

    Regarding Oswald infiltration of radical groups in Dallas this quote may help.

    It is from the book BRUSH WITH HISTORY A DAY IN THE LIFE OF DEPUTY SHERIFF E.R. WALTHERS by Eric R. Tagg, quote:



    After  this  scathing  characterization  of  our  hero,  let  us  get  back  to 
    events  that  happened  on  the  evening  of  November  22nd.  That  night,  as 
    Walthers  was  back  home  with  his  family,  he  got  a  call  from  one  of  his 
    informants  in  Oak  Cliff  with  information  that  related  to  the 
    assassination.  Many  think  that  only  the  FBI  or  CIA  have  informants,  but 
    even  detectives  and  deputies  need  an  extensive  network  of  people  on  the 
    inside,  people  with  knowledge  of  the  identities,  actions  and  plans  of 
    criminal  groups  and  individuals.  Walthers  was  no  different  ~   call  it  a 
    necessary  evil  or  the  rules  of  the  game.  He  had  contacts  in  all  walks  of 
    life  throughout  his  thirteen  years  with  the  Sheriffs  Office,  and  his  name 
    was  even  found  in  Jack  Ruby’s  address  book.  It’s  just  a  fact  of  life  that 
    you  must  “deal”  with  these  sorts  of individuals.  Certain  concessions  need 
    to  be  made  at  times  in  order  to  receive  the  information  necessary  to  do 
    your job;  either money,  protection from  prosecution,  anonymity,  etc.
    However,  this  night  the  informant  was  of  a  different  color.  The  tip 
    Walthers  received  came  straight  from  the  lips  of  his  mother-in-law!  No 
    researcher has been  able to uncover this fact before. Her name and address 
    will  remain  shielded  at  this  time,  but  it  will  suffice  to  know  that  she 
    lived  on  a  street  in  Oak Cliff called  Harlandale.  It  seems that  she  had  been 
    noticing  the  comings-and-goings  of  a  group  of  Cubans  on  her  block  that 
    gathered  often  for  political  meetings  in  the  house  at  3126  Harlandale.
    After  notifying  her  son-in-law  the  Deputy  of  their  strange  activities, 
    which  went  on  late  into  the  night  and  included  some  well-known  Dallas 
    right-wing  personalities among their devotees,  Walthers decided to notify 
    the proper authorities the next morning, November 23rd. The report stated,
    “Mr.  Decker:  At  about  8  a.m.  this  morning,  while  in  the  presence 
    of  Allan  Sweatt,  I  talked  to  Sorrels,  Dallas  Secret  Service  head. 
    I  advised  him  that  for  the  past  few  months  at  a  house  at  3128 
    Harlandale,  some  Cubans  had  been  having  m eetings  on  the 
    weekends  and  were  possibly  connected  with  the  ‘Freedom  For 
    Cuba  Party’  of  which  OSWALD  was  a  member.”
    It  was  ‘Fair  Play  For  Cuba’  to  which  Oswald  belonged.  Freedom  For 
    Cuba,  or Cuba Libre,  was at the opposite end of the political spectrum, and 
    indeed,  it  happened  to  be  Jack  Ruby  himself  who  pointed  out  this  same 
    discrepancy from the  back of the  room at Oswald’s  press  conference when 
    Henry  Wade’s  gaffe  identified  him  as  a  member  of  the  Free  Cuba 

    Walthers  started  watching  the  house  for  suspicious  or  criminal 
    actions.  He discovered  that the  house  was  rented  by one  Manuel  Rodriguez 
    Orcarberro,  one  of the  leaders  of a  violent  anti-Castro  Cuban  group  called 
    Alpha  66.  Other  participants  included  members  of a  group  called  the  DRE, 
    the  Student  Revolution  Directorate,  an  organization  that  enjoyed  right-
    wing  support  and  CIA  subsidies  in  the  form  of  weapons,  money,  and 
    training  at  secret  military  bases  across  the  South.  After  the  Walthers 
    memo,  the  Secret  Service  did  a  check  on  Manuel  Rodriguez  and  found  him 
    to  be documented  as  a serious enough  threat on the  President  to be placed 
    on  the  “Protective  Research”  list.  The  report  described  Rodriguez  as  "... 
    apparently  a  survivor  of  the  Bay  of  Pigs  episode,  was  attempting  to 
    purchase  arms  in  Dallas  for  Alpha  66.  Rodriguez  is  also  a  member  of  the 
    DRE  (the  Carlos  Bringuere  group).”  It  so  happens  that  Rodriguez  and  his 
    group  were  under  investigation  the  very  week  of  the  assassination  by 
    Frank Ellsworth of the ATF  (known as ATTU  at the time),  and was known  to 
    be  in  the  process  of buying  stolen  armaments  through  a  Dallas  gun  dealer, 
    John  Thomas  Masen.  It  seems  that  Walthers  had  hit  the jackpot  again!  He 
    had  located  the  headquarters  of  the  Cuban  element  in  the  JFK  plot.  New 
    information  has  surfaced  that  brings  to  light  that  the  DRE  representative 
    from  Los  Angeles,  a  man  named  Manuel  Salvat,  was  also  in  Dallas  in 
    October  1963,  helping  with  arms  procurement  for  the  coming  Cuban 

    After  a  few  days  of  snooping,  Walthers’  ‘informant’  gave  him  some 
    important news that the Deputy put in  his follow-up report:
    “November  26,1963.  I  don’t  know  what  action  the  Secret  Service 
    has  taken,  (We  do.  None.)  but  I  learned  today  that  som etime 
    between  seven  days  before  the  President  was  shot  these  Cubans 
    moved  from  this  house.  My  informant  stated  the  Subject  OSW ALD 
    had  been  to  this  house  before.  Buddy  Walthers.”
    Of course  we  know  that  his  leads were  never  followed  up.  The  Secret 
    Service  did  not  contact  Walthers’  informant  or  trace  down  the  former 
    occupants  of  3126  Harlandale  to  question  them  about  Oswald  or their  gun 
    deals,  since  this  might  have  linked  the  leftist  Oswald  with  a  right-wing 
    Alpha  66  or  the  DRE.  The  authorities  could  not  afford  to  have  the 
    investigation  turn  in  that  direction.  No,  they  had  to  keep  him  as  a 
    disillusioned  Communist  loner.  The  CIA  pretended  they  couldn’t  even  find 
    such  a street  name  in  Dallas;  they  looked for Harlandale and Hollandale  but 
    couldn’t  quite  think to  look  right  next  to  it  in  the  index  for  Harlandale.  As 
    the  brilliant  code-breakers  they  are,  they  conveniently  scramble  the 
    letters  to  suit  their  purposes.  However,  the  FBI  did  finally  locate  3126 
    Harlandale,  and  they  revealed  in  December,  1975,  the  results  of  the 
    information  in  the  Dallas  file  on  the  Rodriguez-Oswald  connection 
    conducted by FBI S.A. Gemberling:
    “It  was  noted  from  review  of  Dallas  files  that  the  address 
    referred  to  by  Deputy  Walthers  was  erroneously  listed  as  3128, 
    but  the  actual  address  was  3126  Harlandale  Street.  Review  of 
    Dallas  file  reflects  that  the  original  organization  known  as 
    Alpha-66  held  m eetings  during  early  1963  at  3126  Harlandale 
    Street,  Dallas,  Texas,  and  a  letter  furnished  to  the  FBI  Dallas  by 
    a  Mrs.  Dorothy  Keasler  Klein,  4141  Prescott  Street,  Dallas, 
    Texas,  reflects  that  she  had  received  an  unsolicited  form  letter 
    from  that  organization  on  November  19,  1963,  asking  for
    donations.  The  letter  from  Alpha-66  was  on  letterhead
    stationary,  which  reflected  the  above  address  and  was  signed  by 
    Manuel  Rodriguez,  General  Secretary  of  A lpha-66.”
    The  FBI  found  no  evidence,  however,  that  Oswald  had  ever  been  to  the
    Was  Walther’s  mother-in-law  correct  when  she  claimed  to  have 
    recognized the  Caucasian visitor to the Alpha-66  meetings  as the by-now- 
    famous  Lee  Harvey  Oswald?  There  is  more  evidence  that  she  was  right. 
    Researcher  Dick  Russell  conducted  an  interview  in  1976  with  Lonnie 
    Hudkins,  then  the  Texas-based  reporter  who  had  broken  the  story  related 
    to  him  by  Deputy Allan  Sweatt that  Oswald  was  an  FBI  informant.  Hudkins 
    had also checked into the Harlandale  issue,  and related,
    “T.  George  Harris,  the  ex-senior  editor  of  Look  Magazine  and  I 
    went  all  through  the  Little  Cuba  district  of  Dallas,  and  found 
    people  who  said  Oswald  and  others  had  attended  a  party  the 
    Wednesday  night  before  the  assassination  at  the  Harlandale 


      More about the house in Harlandale.

    And a (safe?) house on Elsbeth Street and a house behind Beckley 1026: qoute, Tosh Plumlee: 




    LHO had two apts. "the crazy doorway" entrance' on Elsbeth St, 605 or 602 I think ( from memory) also mentioned on this Forum years ago. Ask Jim Marrs and Peter Lemkin about that apt. I took Jim Marrs to both of these apt, Becklet and Elsbeth, also Nigel Turner and Oliver Stone's people were taken there by me.. The apt behind the Beckley St address LHO visited the Cubans many times and I was there ( the back building directly behind Beckley). My initals were carved in a draining board at that rear apt. and as of 1991 were still there "WRP" as confirmed by the owners. The two Cubans who rented that apt were thrown out because of the messes they made and all the late night visitors and the carved WRP on the draining board. This was also told to the Church Com and Congressman Tomas Downing in 1975 before the HSCA was formed...... I was attacked at the time I post most of this information and it went nowhere...... I was just trying to help researchers.... that was information before the fact... given to law enforcement and later to this forum and its members... it did not happen I was told by many on this forum and I was called a fabricator and xxxx.... This is "Background Information for you I hope it helps in some way. There is a lot the research community does not know about all that... Harlandale, Franandez (pho sp) and those associated with Alpha-66 and Omega-7 of Miami... but what do I know.... I read about it in 1932 in The Dallas times Herald in comic section.

     Edited January 16, 2008 by William Plumlee





  12. I said, quote:


    Anyway I will stop talking about the fuzzy picture and maybe provide a review here if I am not bored to dead by PMMTAFP. 


    @James DiEugenio said, quote:



    Are you out to lunch?

     No. I did some Prayerman-critique over there at ROKC. You know that "no-traffic" creation of Greg Parker and his three buddies. 
    The prayerman folks (Greg Parker and Band) over there (at ROCK) banned me after two days of a "sweet exchange" for a post they claimed I deleted because of a dumb sentence which I never wrote and which is not in that post ... which I never deleted. LOL.  Parker confused two threads. Then Parker deleted most of my posts anyway.  It was a very funny experience. 

    @James DiEugenio said, quote:


    I saw a better picture which you did not see. Is that plain English?

    Slightly above Rorschach? But serious: If you saw a processed pic of the currently available pics of good ole Prayerman (known since 1968), it is of no forensic value. If you saw a high resolution frame or pic of some original footage, I am desperately awaiting the unveiling of this Rosetta Stone  of the JFKA. 60 years of darkness are about to disappear. Or do I miss something? 


    PS I hope this "better pic" is no David Josephs creation. I am not so much an admirer of his art. 


  13. This video-trailer claims.   If the video is half as good as the trailer, I will watch it for sure. The video will undertake what O. Stones "JFK revisited" movie has avoided: To merge the Plot to kill Castro with a bioweapon with the plot to kill Kennedy. 

    More info: The video is called THE KILL SHOT 

    Posted 1h ago by Shannon Joy posted on X: 

    The #KillShot debuts TONIGHT at 8pm ET exclusively on Rumble!!! It’s my first ‘shot’ at a documentary style expose and let me tell you … I’m HOOKED. I’ve found that I love the deep dive on REALLY interesting stories from the past which give great insight on the issues and challenges we face today. The Medical Industrial Complex, The CIA playing God, Mafia, Murder and gruesome Gain Of Function Research WERE ALL critical components of the JFK assassination in 1963 yet that story has never been fully told. For The #KillShot I teamed up with the legendary producer Matt Skow and traveled to New Orleans this summer to track down this story to bring NEW life and new information to the blockbuster book ‘Dr. Mary’s Monkey’ by Ed Haslan. We also interviewed the LAST living witness to these atrocities… Judyth Vary Baker who was an amazing wealth of information. I hope you’ll tune to The Kill Shot at 8pm tonight ET EXCLUSIVELY on !!!






     @Jim DiEugenio said, quote: Stop this ...

    Provide a better pic and I will stop this. Otherwise it is the same thing as meditating about a fuzzy picture of Yeti or Bigfoot ... and, sorry to be repetitive: A Rorschach test ... no discussion about testimony etc. will change the number of pixels in this "Mandala" of Bart Kamp and the Prayerman community.  

     I am reading that book right now ( kindle format) and I can say this: it  is not a book but a guide about internet-links to Amazon JFKA books , JFKA forums, the Mary Ferell foundation JFKA related fotos, films and newspapers etc etc.  

    I clicked on half that links and I found nothing new ... 

    I already discovered a number of broken or wrong named links in that book ( so I suppose in some sense  I already know more about PMMTAFP than you and Bart Kamp himself😉) -- a "book" wich does a very good job to add to the confusion and division  within the CTer community of which this thread is a very good example ... 

    Anyway I will stop talking about the fuzzy picture and maybe provide a review here if I am not bored to dead by PMMTAFP. 

    IMO the JFKA is a rich source of getting wise, and there is no need to become an admirer of a particular CTer theory: Badgeman, Prayerman, Harvey&Lee etc. 






  15. It is not a good book. 

    There is one huge flaw in Bart Kamps reasoning. In order to discredit witness statements by comparing it and pointing to contratictions he takes all Warren Commission testimonies for untainted. They ar not, as we know from Jean Hill etc. To compare tainted Warren Commission testimonies in order to discredit witness in order to make a fuzzy picture more credible is laughable. PRAYERMAN MORE THAN A FUZZY PICTURE is build on sand. 

  16. There is one huge flaw in Bart Kamps reasoning. In order to discredit witness statements by comparing it and pointing to contratictions he takes all Warren Commission testimonies for untainted. They are not, as we know from Jean Hill etc. To compare tainted Warren Commission testimonies in order to discredit witness in order to make a fuzzy picture more credible is laughable. PRAYERMAN MORE THAN A FUZZY PICTURE is build on sand. 

  17. Crenshaw 1992: Occipital bone blown out ... it was gone ... you could see the cerebellum which was intact ... that would not have been the case if shot from back  ... shot entered the temple blew out occipital bone ... 

    Neck wound. ... right about the necktie ... small ... very small 3 to 5 millimeters ... (To me an entry of a not so normal missile ...) 


    My 2 cents: Fits with "Harper fragment" found on Dealey Plaza some days later identified as large part of the blown out occipital bone ...  ( no wonder that this piece of evidence disappeared like JFKs brain ...) 



  18. Jo Bauer said, quote:



    Looks like using the word "Killing" in any book title is an absolute "killer" money making shtick.

    Bill O'Reilly has made 24 million dollars off all his "Killing" title books.

    One would assume O'Reilly will eventually put out a new book titled -
    "Killing It" ... "How I Made A Fortune Using The Word Killing In My Book Titles."




    Bill O'Reilly on "Tucker on X."

    Essenz of Reilly's babble .. 



    - Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy. (Lol)

    - Lee Harvey Oswald was a crude uneducated men (LOL)

    - George de Mohrenschild, a CIA operative, not an agent () why was he hanging around with LHO? (LOL)

    - There was a Russian society in dallas. (aha)

    - And than deM. commits suicide. (Realy?)

    - When the Church Committee investigators approach his home. (It was the HSCA, Billy)

    - His daughter is still alive.() I know where she is. Can' t get out of her a thing ... 

    - Oswald was on the CIA radar scope. But you need more hard evidence to go further(aha)

    - They only guy who had that was George de Mohrenschild and some CIA guys which are all dead ...(yeah)

    - Ruby knew he was gonna die. He had cancer. So he want to come out in a blaze of glory (wtf: Ruby had cancer in 1963?)

     -The cops let him into the police station

    Tucker: Do you think he (Ruby) was part of any larger network?

    Reilly: No. 


    O' Reilly is a li-ar, quote Wikipedia:



    In the book Killing Kennedy (2012), television personality Bill O'Reilly claimed he had been knocking on de Mohrenschildt's front door when he heard a shotgun blast that marked the suicide.[73] However, this claim has since been proven false. A contemporaneous phone call recording between O'Reilly and Fonzi confirmed that O'Reilly had been investigating the Russian immigrant. However, O'Reilly learned of de Mohrenschildt's suicide from Fonzi and was not even in Florida at the time, but was in Dallas, Texas.[74][75][76]




     Some problems I have with Bart Kamps book: ( I have read 20 percent of it, the beginning, the end and some other parts ...)

    A.   80 percent of it (at least) is circumstantial evidence of Oswalds innocence which has nothing to do with that fuzzy picture, or Oswald in the doorway during the shooting. 

    B.  It provides no political context. 

    C. It is rather a guide leading the reader through a bunch of internet-links  than a book. (and 80 percent of the links have nothing to with the fuzzy picture.)

    D. It tries to substitute circumstantial evidence for Oswald's innocence (the Baker/Truly enncounter) with a so called "prove" of Oswald innocence with a fuzzy picture of no forensic value. 

    E. It dismisses the very real possibility that Oswald was "out with Shelley" after the Truly/Baker/Reid enncounter and before seen by Roger Craig entering a station wagon at 12h40 to 12h 45 ... ( If you believe Craig. And Bart Kamp does.)




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