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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. Location of the (1963) Home of the witnesses to the Tippit killing, Mr and Mrs Higgins:
  2. When researcher Barry Ernest was at the vicinity of the Tippit murder, to stop the time it took from Beckley to Patton, (back in the sixties?), the following occurred . Tippit was shot 13.06 on November the 22. 1963. Who could ask for anything more? KK
  3. If one wants to know everything about the worldwide emotional impact of the murder, DEATH OF THE PRESIDENT is a good read. A whole lot of interesting details... The "Oswald did it"parts are just like a foreign element. The ulcer of this otherwise well written book. Manchesters description of Kennedys last seconds make me believe: he never saw the Zapruder film. Or even frames of it. This are, once again, Manchasters words: quote "The First Lady(), leaned solicitously towards the president. His face was quizzical.() Now, in a gesture of infinite grace he raised his right hand, as though to brush back his tousled chestnut hair. But the motion faltered. The hand fell back limply. He had been reaching for the top of his head. But it wasn't there any more." c.quote Rank Nonsense ! KK
  4. Manchester never interviewed Father Oscar Huber?
  5. It`s German and the translation is: This picture was deleted, by the user himself, or the administrator, or the system---
  6. It would be nice to know which Manchester Interviews are available, and which are not. I can't find such a list on the Internet. KK the book lists about 300 Interview partners, but wikipedia says: hu? 1000 people?
  7. Kinaski: No need of alteration here - the Wiegman film fragment starts AFTER the stop of the Cabell car...or are you in the possession of a another Wiegman version...then prove me wrong, please... KK
  8. Exchange between Gary Mack and me: Kinaski: The Wiegman film fragment (Y Tube version) starts after the brief stop and restart of the Cabell car and the Telephone car in front of his convertible. (Press car one) KK Kinaski: Testimony of Mr Cabell She was in the car ahead of the telephone car seen, when Wiegman starts. This was the fifith car from Kennedys car. Wiegman was in the seventh car... We were looking directly at each other, The position of our car was such that when that first shot rang out, my position was such that I did not have to turn to look at the building. I was directly facing it. Mr. Hubert. In other words, your car was still really on Houston? Mrs. Cabell. No; we were making the turn. () "Earle, it is a shot", and before I got the words out, just as I got the words out, he said, "Oh, no; it must have been a "the second two shots rang out. After that, there is a certain amount of confusion in my mind. I was acutely aware of the odor of gunpowder. I was aware that the motorcade stopped dead still. There was no question about that." The key words are: when the first shot rang out I WAS DIRECTLY FACING THE BUILDING we were making just the turn...the motorcade stopped dead still. --- The Wiegman fragment started AFTER the first bum and after the Cabell car (and the telephone car) stopped briefly and started again: Starting point of Wiegman fragment. The Cabell car is in motion AGAIN and finishing the turn! Mrs Cabell is not FACING the TSBD anymore. Then the Wiegman car stopped for a second time to let him (Wiegman)out... I came to the conclusion that there where three independent stops of cars in the motorcade: The Kennedy Limo came almost to a halt, shortly BEFORE the Cabell car and at last the car in front of it, a secret service car, came to a stop directly after the first bum. Maybe because of a big firecracker thrown in front of them. (Some thought it was backfire, most of the witness testified that the first bum came from ground level..one witness SAW the fire cracker explode)...than there was the stop of the press car one, to let Wiegman out... All of this stops caused the complete halt of the rest of the motorcade, which everyone can observe at 1min04 on the Pascall film... KK
  9. mods, could one of you correct the typo in the headline "missing o" Thx
  10. Even men actively involved in the "Oswald did it alone"cover up, were talking about a halt. For example, Postal Inspector Harry Holmes WCT: Or Witt, the fake Umbrella man: (HSCA testimony). I know James Fetzer was taking this sentence of Witt as proof that Witt could have been there. The more plausible explanation is, that nobody involved of teaching Witt his text, was thinking about the Zapruder film were no car stop occurs... Contradictions over contradictions too bad...the cover up guys overlooked so much...and they never thought, that it would be that easy to nail them in an age called the INTERNET age... KK
  11. List of people interviewed by William Manchester plus date of Interview:
  12. A "GEM" out of the Manchester book DEATH OF A PRESIDENT: page 194 (he describes the head shot) "The First Lady(), leaned solicitously towards the president. His face was quizzical.() Now, in a gesture of infinite grace he raised his right hand, as though to brush back his tousled chestnut hair. But the motion faltered. The hand fell back limply. He had been reaching for the top of his head. But it wasn't there any more." End VERY DRAMATIC - and complete bullxxxx... KK
  13. Quote from Ed Hoffmans book BEYOND THE FENCE LINE, where he mentioned the "parking-lot" Rambler: From his viewpoint on Stemmons freeway, he observed: And this is, acc. to Hoffman, what business-suit-man did seconds before: The parking lot rambler was the getaway car for Kennedys actual killer. KK
  14. Yes. I believe Newman. I am convinced the Lincoln came almost to a halt. (Quote from Clint Hill). AND there was a chain reaction too, which ledto a complete halt of the motorcade, which everybody can see at 1min04 seconds on the Pascall film. This fact is supported by the testimony of Mrs Early Cabell, who, and this destroys Macks Theory, was in a car in front of the Press cars: Mrs. Cabell. quote WC testimony: I did not know, because I did not see a hand or a head or a human form behind it. It was in just a fleeting second that I jerked my head up and I saw something in that window, and I turned around to say to Earle, "Earle, it is a shot", and before I got the words out, just as I got the words out, he said, "Oh, no; it must have been a "the second two shots rang out. After that, there is a certain amount of confusion in my mind. I was acutely aware of the odor of gunpowder. I was aware that the motorcade stopped dead still. THERE WAS NO QUESTION ABOUT THAT. close quote
  15. The four Ramblers are: parking lot Rambler, with fence-shooter in it: witness ed Hoffman. Elm Street rambler (Ruth Paine Rambler) with Lee Oswald in it. Witness- Roger Craig Huston Street Rambler, with suspects in it, running out of the back of the TSBD and driving north. witness: Richard Randolph Carr. Record Street Rambler. Used by a man, with horn rimmed glasses, seen in the TSBD during the shooting: witness Richard Randolph Carr Four Ramblers, and all of em used by suspicious individuals...one used by the patsy... Am I the only one, who sees a pattern? KK
  16. Oh, sorry...but seen with a fresh mind... To me it is proof for a chain reaction: the Lincoln came almost to a halt (quote Clint Hill, and witnessed by fifty other persons). Therefore every other car in the motorcade was forced to slow down, and the cars in front of the press bus, the press bus itself cam to a complete halt. None of the drivers of any car ever said, he decided to to stop out of the blue...it was a forced stop, used by some photographers to jump out of their press cars to took some pics... Your explanation reminds me of the explanation of the "vanished left turn" in the Zapruder-film: you guys say, it is, because Zapruder decided to stop filming. Zapruder never said a single word about such a decision while the motorcade passed by... .. KK
  17. Parking lot Rambler visible in: Hughes Film...maybe the same car, used by the fence-shooter(Eyewitness: Ed Hofmann) Record Str Rambler visible in: Pascall film. (R.Randolph Carr saw a man got into this rambler...) Elm Street Rambler visible in: Croft pic Rambler on East side of TSBD, (Richard Randolph Carr saw several men got into this Rambler...)is there a pic too? I would like to see the Allan pic, with the crowd on the steps by the Grassy knoll and the passing Rambler.. I would like to know which of these station wagons was later used by Georg Gordon Wing...and which one of those four Ramblers was the "Ruth Pain Rambler..." KK
  18. At 1.04 seconds of the you can see a part of the motorcade at the corner of Main Str. and Huston street at a complete halt! Then starting again with the press bus coming into the picture.KK
  19. Acc. to Ed Hoffmann, the fence shooter, after he throw his weapon to his volunteer posing as a yardmann, and after his encounter with a policeman behind the picket fence, mingled with the crowd "coming around both sides of the fence", then walked over to a Rambler station wagon (on the parking lot behind the fence) and got in on the passengers side. Hoffman last saw this vehicle(from his standpoint on Stemmons freew.) as it made a right turn on Huston street. There were at last FOUR Ramblers, in the vicinity of the crime: one at Records street, one east of the TSBD, one in front of it, and one in the parking lot behind the fence. The last one carried away the murderer of JFK. (Fence shooter). The Rambler in front of the TSBD was maybe, Oswalds getaway car, seen by Roger Craig... Record Street Rambler ( on film. Witness R.Randolph Carr) Huston street Rambler(east of TSBD), seen by Carr Elm Street Rambler (in front of TSBD), seen by Craig, as turning on Elm street while Oswald got in Parking Lot Rambler. Seen by Hoffmann, the getaway car of Kennedys murderer...the fence shooter... KK
  20. just illustrating this well known WC factoid. Acc. to the WCR a fragment of this shot wounded bystander J. Tague. WC Member Russell knew that this was bullxxxx...bullxxxx from the beginning quote Recorded telephone conversation between Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Russell (18th September, 1964) Richard Russell: That danged Warren Commission business, it whupped me down so. We got through today. You know what I did? I... got on the plane and came home. I didn't even have a toothbrush. I didn't bring a shirt.... Didn't even have my pills-antihistamine pills to take care of my em-fy-see-ma. Lyndon B. Johnson: Why did you get in such a rush? Richard Russell: I'm just worn out, fighting over that damned report. Lyndon B. Johnson: Well, you ought to have taken another hour and gone get your clothes. Richard Russell: No, no. They're trying to prove that the same bullet that hit Kennedy first was the one that hit Connally, went through him and through his hand, his bone, and into his leg... I couldn't hear all the evidence and cross examine all of them. But I did read the record.... I was the only fellow there that... suggested any change whatever in what the staff got up.' This staff business always scares me. I like to put my own views down. But we got you a pretty good report. Lyndon B. Johnson: Well, what difference does it make which bullet got Connally? Richard Russell: Well, it don't make much difference. But they said that... the commission believes that the same bullet that hit Kennedy hit Connally. Well, I don't believe it. Lyndon B. Johnson: I don't either. Richard Russell: And so I couldn't sign it. And I said that Governor Connally testified directly to the contrary and I'm not gonna approve of that. So I finally made them say there was a difference in the commission, in that part of them believed that that wasn't so. And of course if a fellow was accurate enough to hit Kennedy right in the neck on one shot and knock his head off in the next one - and he's leaning up against his wife's head - and not even wound her - why, he didn't miss completely with that third shot. But according to their theory, he not only missed the whole automobile, but he missed the street!... close quote .. KK
  21. The Armstrong book is full of valuable "research-bricks", but this man has built a nuthouse out of it. It is sad, that otherwise intelligent men, like Jack Withe(hope he is doing well), are it's occupants. KK The two Oswald theory is the same bullxxxx as the single bullet theory.
  22. Another natural explanation, nothing sinsiter...I believe there was some SS-cooperation in the assassination, but I believe too the slowdown of the Lincoln has nothing to do with it...it was an innocent reaction of the driver...
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