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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. Seems the only JFK presidential-address, of which no transcript exists...vanished, like the Harper-Fragment, or his brain... KK
  2. Oliver Stone: JFK The Movie. If we are taking about the "Aftermath fragment" I don't think so...it appears IN Stones movie, that not automatically means, that he made it. It could be original footage...I regard the origin of the mystery frames and the aftermath fragment as an still unanswered question. KK IF this are Stone recreations--- Why the hell this south side agent, in both, the myst. frames AND the aftermath fragment. That makes no sense to me. (An Idea out of the blue by Stone/Groden?: Oh lets see there is to much green in the Frames let's put some ladies and an agent on the lawn of Dealy plaza...LOL KK
  3. JFK Assassination Short Aftermath On The Grassy Knoll Scene Recreation Wow..thank you...I would say this is the same "agent" we see in the mystery frames...if your video is an original, than I have to think about it sharp. The sequence in your video is about, I guess, 7 to 10 Sec. after the shooting, and one must ask: where the hell is this agent come from? He is nowhere seen on Zapruder...but: on that mystery frames... Who made that film? KK
  4. This speech must have been written in advance, like the Trade Mart speech. I would like to know, if it is an important one. With Vietnam remarks or something like that. I tend to think so, because by then - without the assassination - half of JFKs cabinet members would have been in Japan. But... I can't find it on the internet. Thx KK
  5. Unanswered? These were taken by Oliver Stones camera man! During the shooting recreation by Kevin Costner in court, they use this short filmed part to show JFK being pushed forward by a shot in the back Pop in your copy of JFK and fast forward to the end of the movie and when the shot that hits JFK in the back is fired you will see all of these frames that you posted as a film It was Stone mixing in real footage and his own footage that he shot, just look at all the bystanders, they are in different spots with different clothes on How anybody thinks this is anything other then footage shot by Stone for the film JFK just blows my mind What blows my mind is the inaccuracy in these frames. There are five (sic)bystanders inserted, which are not on the Zappi film -- just across the Umbrella man on the south side of elm. A agent-looking man, running, and four ladys, one pointing in the direction of the UM. Now, bear in mind, that Groden, the (former) king of the Zappi-Film-Experts, was Stones adviser...on the other hand, the movement of the arm of the DCM ,or the backward angle of the antenna of motorcycle of hargis fit the Zappi film completely. Why this mixture of exact immitation(if the film is a recreation), and obvious blunder(five bystanders inserted - just for fun?) Last but not least: as a Zappi-Film-alterationist, I believe, the background of DP, when the Lincoln is passing by, is a artificial one. I am asking myself: for what reason they did this, since we know, this causes the vanishing Limo-Stop...or near stop, in which I believe. Possible answer: to wipe out some suspicious persons on the south side on elm? Just speculation, but I think the mystery frames deserve a closer examination. If shot by a member of the Stone team, I would like to know his name and see the full film. KK BTW The south side of elm agent, (among the woman)now walking, can also be seen here: http://i42.tinypic.com/2vufs5e.jpg I don't know the origin of this frame...if this is a Stone-Creation, on the advise of Groden, why the funny shadows? (Have a look) (On elm Patrolman Smith...or the actor patrolman Smith?)
  6. I agree. There is no Chaney in the motoring forward KK PS I believe in the black patch to disguise the backwound, the pink blurb, to disguise the location of the wound and an (for whatever reason)inserted background of dealy plaza which made the Lincoln Limo look like as if there is no stop. (But there was one...) There is enough prove for Zappi-film alteration. There is no need for a Chaney motoring forward on Elm...he did: but after the triple underpass...
  7. One of them (Yarmann, Normann, or Williams?)said, he located the first bumm down the street, and thought it was backfire...the first bumm was indeed caused by a sort of fire cracker... Quote. Mr. Liebeler. So, you were standing directly in front of the Texas School Book Depository Building and on the same side of Elm Street that the Texas School Book Depository is located? Mrs. Baker. Yes. Mr. Liebeler. Tell me what you saw? Mrs. Baker. Well, after he passed us, then we heard a noise and I thought it was firecrackers, because I saw a shot or something hit the pavement. () Mr. Liebeler. As you went down Elm Street that you saw this thing hit the street--what did it look like when you saw it? Mrs. Baker. Well, as I said, I thought it was a firecracker. It looked just like you could see the sparks from it and I just thought it was a firecracker and I was thinking that there was somebody was fixing to get in a lot of trouble and we thought the kids or whoever threw it were down below or standing near the underpass or back up here by the sign. close quote IMO...the first bang was indeed caused by a firecracker, hitting the pavement behind the "Queen Mary"... Jarman, Norman and Williams heart only two shots directly above them...whoever the SBDB shooter was, he fired TWO shots... KK I should add this firecracker bang occurred about Zappi frame 200
  8. Thx -- one can download the free kindle reading software to the computer to read kindle stuff on the PC- KK
  9. Bump, because still unanswered Thx KK
  10. Acc. to Salingers book With Kennedy, JFK intended to give a speech to the japanese people on Sat. 23.11.63, via syncom-satellite. Could anyone provide the text? thank you KK
  11. It's funny that even Umbrella-Witt is talking about a limo stop. Therefore the Zappi film OR Witt is a fake. Lone Nutters can decide. KK
  12. When Serg, Harkness - minutes after the shooting - came to the back door of the SBDB, there was a bunch of men in plain clothes there, claiming, they were Secret Service. I think those false SS men were securing the escape-route for the SBDB shooting team. (The guys Carr saw getting into the Rambler on the east side of the SBDB building...heading north, against THE one way street called HUSTON... a guy named WORELL saw another man leaving the back of the SBDB...
  13. That musta have been one helluva heavy shell to hit the floor hard enough to cause dust to fall on someone's head a floor below. I always thought the debris seceded because of the sonic/air pressure of the TWO (sic)shots. (The first BANG they located down the street) KK
  14. Lee knew how to drive. Harvey didn't. Maybe in those days, many Russians didn't have cars. Kathy C Yes Lee could drive. Testimony of Edith Whitworth
  15. Like Yuri Nosenko...but his cell was in W.D.C...nothing new under the sun... :zzz KK
  16. My two centimes to this Kindergarten thread If I remember correctly McCloy, of the Warren seven, said something to the effect: the constitution is nothing but a scrap of paper. He said further: I don't give a damn to world opinion. Power is the only thing that counts. (quote-Schlesinger: A thousand days...) There were, there are, and there will be men above the law. Therefore, Katy, to some men, there never was a constitution and your opinion doesn't count.
  17. I think Bledsoe was 1/3 a xxxx, 1/3 brainwashed, and 1/3 nothing, but a demented, old woman. In no case, she is a credible witness. She was, like Marina Oswald, B. W. Frazier, Tippit-Witness Callaway, or smoking gun witness Brennan exact the kind of suggestible "witness" that the WC stuff needed to bolster there act of past-design, called the Warren Report. The Warren Report belongs to the same category as Mein Kampf and The protocols of the elderly of zion, and I do not understand, why Lifton buys central parts of it. The only motive to read the WR today, is to find out how they lied. And that is monkey business. KK
  18. Greg Parker, quote: Bottom line -- if they were in fact spies (the la Guardia twins), and if they did pretend to be each other as part of their spy activities -that at least makes some sense. They looked very much alike and shared personality traits and personal history. The theory that two unrelated boys - one noticably shorter and brighter than the other - were used in a lifelong project involving one pretending to be the other - and moreover, neccitating the use also of a doppleganger mother for the one dubbed "Harvey", is the stuff of z grade movies. Close quote That should be carved in stone... KK
  19. Mark Lane is a researcher, Garrison was a hero and Josh is - a past designer. KK
  20. Yeah. We should start a thread called: STOP Scullys never ending leading to nowhere quote boxes. KK
  21. Blakey was fooled by CIA-Ossi handler Johannides and pseudo Cter Mack. Witt played his role very well. Fact is: the neck entrance wound below the adams apple was NOT an ordinary bullet entry wound. To small. 3 to 5 mm in diameter...maybe it was DCM maybe it was umbrella man...Witt or not Witt, I just say: I don't give a dam babe. KK
  22. VERSCHWÖRUNG DES SCHWEIGENS is the German edition of CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE. I think the German book cover is an conspiracy itself. I can't believe it's artistic freedom. Some bullxxxx-artist is responsible for that joke...
  23. Is it written backwards to give a happy ending?. It is crystalclear. This only can be a frame from the other film. Now, we know the limo made a 180 degree turn on Elm street speeding back to Lovefield...hard work for Clint Hill
  24. What's wrong with it??? Heyne is one of the biggest publishers in Germany. VERSCHWÖRUNG DES SCHWEIGENS I can't believe it.
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