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Chris Newton

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Everything posted by Chris Newton

  1. Larry, while you're checking... don't forget the strangeness of the Sturgis arrest in NY for attempting to "assassinate" Marita and his subsequent "confession" to those two NYC Detectives.
  2. The mailbox is on the Paine home right next to the front door. Anyone, (Ruth P), could have plucked it right out as soon as Oswald left on Tuesday morning if that's where he left it. the mailbox is visible just below the "V I" in "LIVING" this image:
  3. I was thinking of those that may have been trying to build a story when I mentioned that. I don't know anything about the Mexican Security Services but Mexican law enforcement has a history of corruption from the lowest levels through the top. Former Presidents of Mexico were on the CIA payroll, didn't that come out recently?
  4. It's got to be relevant. I don't know if he was or wasn't in Mexico or Mexico City. Even establishing a border crossing doesn't mean a trip to MC. In fact, if one wanted to make anything "go away" in Mexico, that person (or entity) simply pays "la mordida" and poof - it never happened. I'm not trying to be funny, I paid my way out of an expired Mexican Visa ($20) in 1979.
  5. On the other hand, I think Oswald was "doubled" by multiple persons in different places - in locations that Oswald never visited. Take, for instance, the multiple visits to the gun ranges in the Dallas area that can only happen if other people are being untruthful (trejo bomb incoming). Maybe that's one of the pitfall's of choosing a alternative narrative? The narrative you choose might have an unfortunate timeline. Did Oswald and a big well dressed Latino visit McKeown and his friend outside Houston and talk about guns? Did LHO visit the Odios? Who was the Ozzy that Marita Lorenz disliked in Florida? Did Oswald test drive a used car? If Oswald was in Mexico City and he visited the two embassies multiple times... then it would be possible that Oswald and an Oswald imposter, both visited each embassy?
  6. There is a digital ebook version "floating around" on the 'net. In theory you could copy & paste the very short chapters (most are less than three pages) into google translate. There are also some good document images included in the digital version, if that's what you're after. Those images, of course, are in English.
  7. I should have provided a link https://findingaids.princeton.edu/collections/MC019/#summary
  8. I've only seen it available in it's original French. There are several copies at Abebooks.com for less than $10.00. search for: JFK le dernier témoin
  9. And this might be a the weapon and case that James mentioned:
  10. This might be the missing youtube. I don't expect many links to last 7-8 years:
  11. In theory, an impersonation would have more impact if the target (of the impersonation), could be placed in the same vicinity during the same time frame.
  12. Sandy, Thanks for the link. I'm sure that the lazy researcher will appreciate that Ed Lopez makes his point in the first minute and a half but I recommend investing the full 9 minutes because there is a lot of good stuff packed in that short time frame.
  13. continued… Mr. Jenner. But it was a few days later? Mrs Paine. Yes: a few days later. And the first visit I understood to be a visit to convey to Marina that if any blackmail pressure was being put upon her, because of relatives back home, that she was invited, if she wished, to talk about this with the FBI. This is a far cry from being told she could defect from the Soviet Union, very strong words and false both. [This is a curious statement, it touches on subjects that Ruth had no knowledge of, nor could she have knowledge of, and reeks of witness tampering and collusion between herself and the FBI which seems to have occurred over a significant period after the assassination] [We also know that all mail between the US and the USSR was opened, translated and examined by the CIA so if there had been an attempt to blackmail Marina for some purpose I assume Hosty would be notified] [In later years, Hosty would claim that Marina was of great interest to him as a potential SOBIR candidate. SOBIR was a Soviet program to install sleeper agents within the US and according to Hosty, Marina fit the profile to a “T”.] [The other issue is the deflection of the purpose of the visit. Ruth is trying to state, in this passage, that Marina was the focus and purpose of the first visit despite the fact that for the first 15 minutes, Marina was not part of the conversation at all and no effort was made to include her. Ruth expressed that she and Hosty were both “surprised” when Marina finally came out of her bedroom to join them. As previously noted in this thread, Ruth claims they made smalltalk but Hosty will claim otherwise, that he was, in fact, questioning Ruth about Oswald] Mr. Jenner. Did you ever hear anything at all insofar as the FBI is concerned reported to you by Marina or Lee Harvey Oswald during all of your acquaintance with either of them of any suggestions by the FBI or anybody else that Marina defect in that context to the United States? Mrs. Paine. No, absolutely not. Mr. Jenner. Or anything else of similar import? Mrs. Paine. Nothing of similar import. Mr Jenner. I limited it to the FBI. Any Agency of the Government of the Unit States? Mrs. Paine. Nothing of the sort. [Curious again. What other US Govt. Agency could offer Marina an opportunity to defect in the presence of Ruth Paine?] to be continued…
  14. Andre, There's also some interesting correspondence between Earle Cabell and Alan Dulles in the Dulles archives at Princeton University concerning the Dulles trip to Dallas shortly before the assassination. No smoking guns, but "interesting" nonetheless and maybe more interesting after this reveal.
  15. yup. I have a hard copy and I'll be sharing sometime soon. I'm not convinced Ruth didn't write it. I'm also not convinced that Oswald didn't write the draft attributed to him. I do think that the provenance, the origins of both handwritten drafts, is not what has been testified to. There are a number of possible scenarios. It's curious that Hosty, when finally asked, related being told an entirely different set of circumstances surrounding the discovery of the Oswald draft by Ruth than the story she told the WC.
  16. I always thought it curious that a group of five high ranking AF Officers met with JEH in his office exactly one week before the assassination. The names are in his daily appt. book which is online somewhere (maybe in FBI's archive online?).
  17. In his defense, the handwriting on both letters is surprisingly similar. Ruth's copy was not accepted as evidence and was never given a WC exhibit number and you cannot find an image of it online. Oswald's alleged draft of his letter was given an exhibit number but it is not in the National Archives. It was returned to Ruth Paine along with her copy. Why was the alleged Oswald draft returned to Ruth Paine?
  18. there are a number of questionable statements in the article above but where do they get this (bold mine- CN):
  19. Thanks Ron. I've got more of her testimony coming up. There was part of her testimony that confused me for years. In that portion, Mr. Jenner mentions there is no sidewalk in front of the Paine home and Ruth corrects him and said yes there is a sidewalk. A Secret Service Agent, John Joe Howlett, then measures off the distance from the front door to the street. Even WC Exhibit #430 has a sidewalk (despite it's other flaws), as do any photos taken of the house, ever. How then does Mr. Jenner not see the sidewalk? The deposition started at 7 p.m. it was getting dark, and then it got dark. And then I realized that there is, you know.... a bunch of other testimony, ...afterward in this same deposition about what could be seen outside from different places inside and visa versa... Most of the deposition at the Paine residence could be read in the style of a farce, acted out by SNL. It's hilarious. My favorite quote from that session: Mr Jenner. That light switch then John Joe! Let us locate it! Agent Howlett. It is 4 feet 6 inches from the floor.
  20. Oh the irony. "I made nothing up" while making stuff up. I've participated on this forum since it's inception and no matter how bad the posts, I've never put anyone on "ignore". Congratulations for making the grade. Your "fake news" cycle has finally broke me and I'm no longer going to read or respond your bullsh(i)t.
  21. I'm astounded at how much information you simply make up. The testimony of Ruth Paine is that he borrowed her typewriter early Saturday morning, shortly after breakfast and that he was done by mid morning that same day when both families (less Michael) left for the local Drivers License Test Facility. The facility was closed so they all went shopping instead.
  22. Hey Sandy, I have some questions about the envelope as well. I can't find the reference at the moment but either Carol Hewitt or the La Fontaines had examined either the "original" envelope or the "original" image of the envelope and stated that the "1" was not readily visible on that "original" document (in the archives). My second question pertains to the provenance of the envelope image (hence my "quotes" above). The FBI allegedly intercepted the letter as part of the HTLINGUAL Operation directed at the Embassy of the USSR in D.C.. I assume they retained images of both the letter and the envelope. The Russian Government subsequent to the assassination turned the original Oswald letter over to the Warren Commission. I don't know if it's explicitly stated if the envelope was returned. Is the extant Warren Commission Exhibit an image from HTLINGUAL or an image of the envelope after it was returned?
  23. I'm really not asking you for your opinions about my commentary. I could give a rats __s. Your statement above is especially egregious though. Ruth claims that the fact that he had lied about all these things that she read about on Sunday morning the 10th of November, 1963 infuriated her. She was angry because he had typed these lies on her typewriter. Do you get the timeline here?
  24. Ha Ha Ha Ha. I've read probably a thousand depositions and court transcripts and no one with the same experience would ever describe any of her testimonies as "crystal clear". Thanks for the comedy.
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