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Chris Newton

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Everything posted by Chris Newton

  1. That's very convenient. Congressman McDonald was killed on KAL007 ten years earlier, in 1983. So these alleged conspiracy tapes would have been given to him before that (sometime between '75 and '83) - which I assume was way back in the dark ages of tape technology before "copies" were invented. Also, just for the record McDonald was a "John Bircher" so if this had really occurred where did Stich believe this was going to go? Sorry to take this off thread off track - CN
  2. A trailer is not the "a movie" and I hate being sucked in by a trailer only to find out the flick is trash, pardon the innuendo. Impressions - The director doesn't seem to have a need to portray events as they really occurred - example: Zappy is all alone on the pedestal. There is some suggestion that there is possibly some conspiracy/conflict involving Billy Bob Thornton who portrays Forrest Sorrels. I'm sure it'll have some entertainment value - if it's all lone nutter all the time, I'll be disappointed.
  3. If I were a betting man, I'd say the Mockingbird OP was still alive and well. Why cancel something that works? I'd also speculate that for it to be truly a White OP the perps would appear to be conspiracy theorists and not lone nutters. Also, I don't remember ever having to show any ID when I was invited to participate by John back when this forum began - who's to say "Chris Newton" isn't an alias?
  4. Possible match, first name is Cheryl (and there are not many "Cheryl"s by the way) Only appears in Freshman and Junior years Let me know what you all think...
  5. Just speculation, but this might match the site described... using maps.google.com and the descriptions: 27524-27532 Pontchartrain Rd, Lacombe, LA 70445 The same address is also called: 27524-27532 St Louis St, Lacombe, LA 70445 1. Near the beginning of Pontchartrain Rd. 2. has a stream running through entire property 3. pond/pool maybe spring fed 4. has at least one older large outbuilding 5. large enough property that people could "train" there. 6. If you look at the street using the "street view" option you will be able to imagine it as a seldom used dirt road in the 60's. 7. Pontchartrain Rd. runs generally east/west but with enough of an angle that you could call this property "the west side" I can't make out what the ranch style sign says at the entrance maybe someone could decipher it. Just an educated guess..
  6. The entire acronym "CI/OA" represents the "Counter Intelligence /Operation Approval Branch". My understanding of this is when a subject/person is desired to be used as a CIA asset for an operation, a form (1050 - Personal Record Questionnaire) is submitted to the CI/OA for approval.
  7. Tommy, I'm not convinced yet that it isn't the same guy.
  8. Not to muddy the waters here or anything... but this may be the source of the confusion, see item 53 on the second document I posted, this is excerpted pages (I've included the first and last page for citation reasons only) from a G. Robert Blakey memo to the CIA: (Note red underline mine - CN) And to further Identify who this guy might have been (again red underline mine) :
  9. Or it's possible that McKinnon wasn't her last name when she witnessed the assassination because she married later on. I saw it noted that she was a SMU journalism major somewhere although she never says that in her article. She simply states she was a journalism major and that she was a teenager. I searched all the SMU yearbooks from 1961 to 1966 and came up with nothing on McKinnon. I didn't look for every instance of the name "Cheryl" to see if I could find a match. I suppose that could be my next project. SMU Yearbooks digitized: http://memories.smu.edu/launch.aspx?eid=9ca06fb2-e87e-4c53-9512-3ed172dfa1af&skip=true
  10. Is this just a coincidence or could this be the same person (or a relation)?: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/marysdb/showRec.do?id=9734 A Record from Mary Ferrell's Database Record: VASQUEZ, ANTONIO SOTO Sources: New Orleans Times Picayune, 8/1/63; HSCA Reel 56, Box 32, Folder C, D (AMKW 32) Mary's Comments: Cuban "sponsored" by Mike McLaney when he entered United States. He was picked up by FBI in LaCombe raid on McLaney property. See Antonio SOTO Vasquez.
  11. Len, I read your statement very carefully. As far as haggling over the amount paid, the only first hand knowledge I have is that when I was in Armor in West Germany and we caused maneuver damage an Army paymaster would reimburse the property owner with cash on the spot. I know that a payment scheduled had been created because of the enormous amount of "haggling" that had occurred in the past. I may even have a copy of it in my files. Why had past Army personnel haggled if they had a pile of cash that wasn't theirs? Either they were directed to or they thought it was the right thing to do I suppose. edit** fixed one spelling and one grammar error -CN
  12. I found 1 record for a Cheryl L McKinnon on the San Diego County Clerk's site that seems to be a lawsuit from 1988. The paper she wrote the article for, "The San Diego Star News" is likely a "for free" local circulation paper that may be published once a week. Calling her a "reporter" for that paper might be a stretch - more than likely she wrote just that story. I did a few searches for the name Cheryl L Mckinnon and though I get several hits for that name, no one that would seem to be in the right age bracket. I assume she'd be in her late 60's or early 70's. (edit: She stated in the article that she was a teenager so that would put her in the 63 to 69 bracket.) ** I have a little more information that may point to Cheryl L McKinnon and if interested please send me a personal message. I'm hesitant to post details in the forum because I'm not 100% certain and I don't want to subject a person to incessant contacts from researchers if they are not the party we are looking for. The woman I found has an associated past address in Chula Vista (a suburb of San Diego); she's 69 years old and her last name has changed (presumably married) but an associated alias is Cheryl L Mckinnon.
  13. From Stasi: The Untold Story of The East German Secret Police by John O. Koehler: "Between 1963 and 1989, West Germany paid DM5 billion [nearly US$3 billion] to the communist regime for the release of 34,000 political prisoners. The price per head varied according to the importance of the person or the length of the sentence. In some cases the ransom amounted to more than US$56,000." (bold text mine- CN) "Such ransoms were fully controlled by the Stasi."
  14. Len, You're math is full of assumptions and innuendo, hence my statement that it's dangerous to base your "BS theory" on feelings. For example, you compare the crew of the Essex with statistics based on the general population, is the data set really similar? Another thing is that I served in Germany during the cold war. I've heard all kinds of crazy stories, some were true, some were myths but they were crazy stories nonetheless. Some of those stories involved the purchasing of people from East Germany. Your "feeling" that this wouldn't happen doesn't jive with my own personal experiences. The Bundesgrenzschutz, Spetsnaz and SMLM were always playing cat and mouse. I, also, crossed checkpoint charlie and spent a day in East Berlin while I was in the Military. Your posts that cast doubts on this subject seem to be based on your "feelings" and not reality. It would have been extremely simple for Mr. Rothstein and his companions to enter East Berlin before August of 1961 and it was still pretty easy for me to do so in 1985.
  15. Len, I think it's dangerous to label a person a BS artist because of a "feeling" or because their story doesn't match your expectations. What is the criteria that someone must meet to be credible? Everyone who has ever had any first hand knowledge of this case has been vilified in some way, at some time, by some "researcher". My take on Rothstein is that he doesn't care a bit what other people think and that his story hasn't changed. I only posted this because it was made available to me by Scott Kaiser and there are some tidbits of information in this ostensibly "private" conversation that are quite interesting. Scott Kaiser thinks his father was murdered by the CIA/Sturgis and that could be true and maybe it's not. He doesn't believe his father, Edwin Kaiser, had any involvement in the Assassination of JFK but believes that he may have stolen some papers and photographs related to the Assassination which led to his demise. Because of his father's legacy, Scott has extraordinary access to the Cuban community in Miami and it'll be interesting to see what that reveals. My own opinion of the whole "Bay of Pigs Thing" is that the Anti-Catro Cubans were set up from the get go, that the C.I.A. knew that the invasion couldn't succeed as planned and that the hopes at the C.I.A.'s top echelon was that the failed C.I.A. incursion would be a pre-cursor to a full fledged invasion by the US Military. That having failed, plan B was to have the President Assassinated and pin the deed on Cuba/Fidel hoping that would propel the conflict. It's popular, even today, in the Cuban community, to insist that "Fidel did it", and why not? If it was revealed that anti-Castro Cubans participated in the killing of an American President that fact wouldn't help extend their current agenda at all.
  16. Scott Kaiser phone conversation with Jim Rothstein. Subjects: Sturgis, Marita Lorenz, Alex Rourke, Watergate, Edwin Kaiser, Anti - Castro Cubans https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20673422/My%20conversation%20with%20Jim%20Rothinstein.MP3
  17. Scott Kaiser has authorized me to post this youtube slideshow he made of mostly original images and documents belonging to his father, Edwin Kaiser. Scott is working on a project that may be released in November.
  18. Jose Pujol claims on video that George Bush handed out Fathom Force rings in 1964 to participants in his BOP unit. <Video Removed by Request> Note that the poster also has a very interesting series of video's showing Mr. Pujol's private memorabilia wall and a home video featuring Frank Sturgis. I don't know if anyone else is interested but there could be some photos and documents (see the slideshow) here not available anywhere else. Note: Youtube settings are completely editable by the owner of the account. - I just posted a "link". I have no control over the account. I have my own youtube account - the account owner can remove and make "private" whatever they wish.
  19. Mr McBride, Thank you for the reply re:Badge Man. I suppose another possibility is that Tippit was simply tasked by Ruby to "take out" Oswald and that his failure to do so meant that Ruby had to carry out the deed himself. Is it known if Officer Tippit wore a small white cross within a circle on the left sleeve of his uniform? Chris
  20. Mr. McBride, Have you ever speculated that Officer J.D. Tipitt may have been badgeman and, if so, could that have been the impetus for his frantic search and subsequent death?
  21. Jim, From the the museum's own site: http://www.jfk.org/c...loor-museum.pdf I don't have the actual "Oral History" but I'm sure Briggs was well versed in "trade craft" and revealed nothing juicy. Involving the person who was (at one time) the #3 guy in the CIA in the research and design of the exhibits speaks for itself.
  22. Exactly my thoughts when I read this article. The "we may never know" crowd has to be rubbing their hands with glee. I think the "Sixth Floor Museum" is a disinfo OP. It's perfect. What better way to try to cement the notion that "Oswald did it" than to enshrine his perch in a glass box (ensuring that people won't be able to stand at that spot and form their own opinions as to the plausibility). Meanwhile, scarf up every piece of evidence and control when, where and how they are disseminated to the public. I wrote Gary concerning Charles A. Briggs and his involvement with the designers of the exhibits of the museum. His reply, verbatim: "I don't know what he did, nor does that matter". Mr. Briggs was Acting Inspector General of the CIA. Briggs' name is all over the "family Jewels", the HSCA and he wrote the memo that sent Wilson "up the river". Not that that matters... according to Gary.
  23. Is this the same Francois Schirm mentioned above, I wonder? http://coolopolis.bl...s-among-us.html The brief article also states he was originally Hungarian.
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