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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. I'd like to read the Wilson draft and gauge how much more of a political film it might have been. Is the draft available online? The Lean film plays like psychobiography contained within an adventure story with fantastic characters. The latter aspect is evident in the types of film Lawrence most influenced: Raiders of the Lost Ark and other Spielberg; various films in the Star Wars series; Ridley Scott's Prometheus; and other shades of these types. I suspect that the aphoristic style of the dialogue is the Robert Bolt we hear in Doctor Zhivago, but it would be interesting to see which lines originated with Wilson. I still regard Lawrence as a political film (especially in comparison with Zhivago and Bridge on the River Kwai), and the aphorisms are part of what keeps it rooted in the political, despite the adventurist flourishes, and the historical compressions, omissions, and fictionalizations.
  2. Were there ever any other installments made in the video series "Rethinking the World"/"Spies and Crime" other than Gene Wheaton 1 and 2, and Bradley Ayers 1 and 2? http://www.worldcat.org/identities/nc-ground zero minnesota/ Maybe we should be looking at their "Intolerance and Domestic Fascism" opus.
  3. I take your delicately made point, Kathy, but the Trump dialogue ventures as far into alienation from the JFKA as the 9/11 fits and spurts do. Also, with regret, I note that the 11 September 2001 Attacks section discussions petered out in about 2016. Responding with all respect.
  4. For the public review, here's exactly what the architectural renovation of lower Manhattan cost:
  5. Oh, to return to those thrilling days of yesteryear, when a divorced man couldn't be president, and the opposition would nip his candidacy in the bud using his current wife's soft-core porn shoots. See link: https://images.askmen.com/1080x540/2016/08/01-110416-new_york_post_uncovers_melania_trump_nude_photoshoot.jpg Don't open the link, kids. The First Lady's been indelicate.
  6. At this point, it's the Nixon syndrome. He'll be re-elected, but conceivably could face impeachment afterward. The thing is, he has more money and influence and popular support than Nixon ever had. And the Democrats don't even have a George McGovern to throw against him. The only bright spot is that the chances for a Dem win in 2024 are better. One thing I've noticed: I haven't read every piece of impeachment journalism, but the ones I have read bring up the spook-house spectres of Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, yet studiously avoid analyzing the Trump affair(s) in comparison to Nixon. Why is that? Nobody wants to get that serious about it, or nobody wants to make Trump mad?
  7. What do you, and any others, make of the criticisms of Trento's work leveled in the Muckrock article, some of which have been around for some time?
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2020/feb/13/netflix-documentary-leads-to-review-of-malcolm-x-murder New documentary on Malcolm X killing may cause authorities to reopen the case.
  9. Like I said, you just know he's going to have a second reality show after the White House. May that come in 2021.
  10. Con Edison as plaintiff in the WTC 7 collapse: 00147102.DOC
  11. It was alleged that WTC 7 was built over a Con Edison substation, hence the generators. I don't know how that allegation played out for later purposes.
  12. Yer playin' me song, boyo. At link below, here's video of 9/11 local news alerts for: A fire on the "Washington Mall" (National Mall?) A car bomb outside the State Department Plane crash near Camp David Extra plane hijacked out of Pittsburgh "Car bomb" (not plane/missile) at the Pentagon https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=DX5OO9RAX7SN I have also been reading about WTC North Tower Floor 22 being targeted by an elevator bomb that blew the doors down into the shaft (not outward, as would be expected) and helped disrupt the security communications center on that floor, cutting off victims' access to the roof. Careful with this site, as not all that glitters... http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=16488#16488
  13. You know what Nixon's problem was? He didn't have enough money. Prosecutors quit over "corrupt" DoJ: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/feb/11/trump-roger-stone-sentencing-reaction-criticism
  14. "It was the wave of the future." In Catch-22 (1961), Joseph Heller had the Germans pay us to bomb our own airfield as a cost-saving measure.
  15. Sibel Edmonds claims Osama Bin Laden is The Last Gladio: http://911blogger.com/news/2013-05-03/us-govt-worked-bin-laden-after-9-1-1-believe-it-or-not With apologies to Anthony for piggybacking.
  16. Lawrence says it to Allenby in the film after he's made it to Allenby's headquarters with his boy servant. It's after the capture of Aqaba, and just ahead of the Intermission.
  17. Sometimes I look at how much of the London skyline was refashioned after 2001, and consider that the New York skyline was "due" for an architectural revamping as per Silverstein's shanted monotower. Smart moves come in cultural waves.
  18. It's probably not too late for that John Goodman casting. Too bad Roseanne's unavailable.
  19. I've seen The Servant, thanks. Parasite manages to do class distinctions with pathos and comedy instead of the kind of tony sadism that inspired a film like the Cammel-Roeg-Jagger Performance. When you've seen enough film, and studied screenwriting, you can see the plot points coming. It's been a long time for me since Lawrence rescued Gasim, and then I had to go, "Oh, no! Now he has to execute him!" In Parasite, the whole structure is meant to give the Kims, who live half underground, the hope of an aboveground life through the wiles available to the poor, and then to condemn Mr. Kim to a life underground that it would take his son hundreds of years of paychecks to redeem. You're right -- the housekeeper's return is the key to that. Otherwise we would never know that in the cellar of the dream home is a worse fate for the Kims than being flooded out. We wouldn't have that plot turn if the housekeeper had gone quietly like the chauffeur. Parasite relates a class-consciousness fable in a way that can be understood universally, even overcoming the violence of the climactic scene. You think it's pandering now? Wait till they remake it with Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson as the rich couple, and convince Bong that it's in his best interests to direct. Thank God it's not the early 1990s, or we'd see it with white-bread artifacts like Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen as the rich couple, John Goodman as Mr. Kim, and Kathy Bates as the housekeeper.
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