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Jonathan Cohen

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  1. If you can't handle a new theory researched for over 10 years by a respectable author, maybe you should step away from the forum. Frankly I'm shocked that some of the researchers on this site don't stand up for a man who has offered his life to bring a powerful conclusion to the JFK assassination. As for you Jonathan stop waving around threats of litigation before you end up in trouble yourself.

    1. Peter Sattler

      Peter Sattler

      No one is pointing a finger at Jim DiEugenio or any other researcher. We are simply asking for dialogue on a forum about the JFK Assassination. We dont belive there is a ridiculous cabal. If there is one I'm sure they would'nt choose a nat like you to represent. You seem to be a looking to cause trouble not only with us but many others who are looking for answers . As far as I can see you bring nothing to the table. Only frustration and discontent.

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