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Jonathan Cohen

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Everything posted by Jonathan Cohen

  1. Larry - I urge you to be as contrarian and curmudgeonly as you like! Your critical eye is sorely needed here to help weed out the total nonsense peddled by far too many.
  2. Thanks David. Much appreciated. One more follow-up: in your view, how does this jive both timing- and logistics-wise with Oswald's visit to Mexico City?
  3. David, for those of us who were unable to see your presentation, would you be willing to summarize who you think these men were?
  4. Oh no! You've discovered my playbook! My days as a paid disinformation specialist sent specifically to bother you will be numbered!
  5. Your poor spelling notwithstanding, I’m not going anywhere, pal. I look forward to commenting on all of your posts and calling out your absurd claims.
  6. No, just someone who has researched this case for more than 30 years, collaborated with some of the top thinkers in the field and spoken as an invited guest at numerous JFK conferences. There's not a shred of disinformation in my posts. Did I hurt your feelings by questioning your theories on film and photo alteration?
  7. Hardly. I'm offering suggestions to at least make your posts more readable, but there's not much to say in terms of you repeating the same film and photo alteration nonsense over and over.
  8. You do realize people here can read, right? So why do you keep repeatedly posting the full text of articles in forum threads? And why are all of your posts in bold?
  9. As always, thanks for the laugh, Jeremy. I met Jack in person on a couple of occasions, and he was a lovely guy. Unfortunately, his loony ravings are still taken seriously by people in 2024.
  10. A laughable post in multiple ways, not least of which is the absurd attempt to paint Pat as the only researcher who rejects the massive and completely unproven photo fakery you allege. Of all the forum members who should be denounced, you are far and away at the top of the list.
  11. Absolute, complete nonsense, but not surprising coming from someone who relies on Harrison Livingstone for primary source material ...
  12. Uhh, no.. Jack has been dead since 2012. The link you provided is to Bill Kelly's blog.
  13. And it would be beneficial for you to stop implying that people haven't read "the works of others" when you personally have no clue whatsoever what anybody here has done.
  14. Jack White did post here, but sadly it was almost 100% nonsense fueled by his terrible photo analysis and belief in every possible conspiratorial angle in this case. It seems pretty convenient to claim you have knowledge of a witness being made to destroy evidence but couch it in "well, I can't say anything else until 25 years after the witness dies" ...
  15. Not only has he proved absolutely nothing of the kind, his work has been taken apart once again right here on this forum within the past several weeks.
  16. Miles, I wish you wouldn't leave, but I don't blame you one bit. Serious question: is there a means by which a moderator can be replaced?
  17. Well, let's see. For starters, he lied about: - owning a rifle - being in Mexico City - telling Wesley Frazier that his package contained curtain rods - the backyard photographs taken at Neely Street - living at Neely Street
  18. There's nothing to figure out, your attempts to change the subject notwithstanding.
  19. Huh? My previous comment to you was about the alleged datebook which forms the basis for "Coup in Dallas." It had absolutely nothing to do with Haverstick's book or thesis.
  20. I'm not "attempting" any kind of "charade." Just merely pointing out, for the umpteenth time, that there is no means by which researchers can examine the "physical document." Thus, your claims about it are completely unverified and are rightfully treated as such.
  21. Uh-huh... so, because Greg doesn't believe in nonsense such as "Harvey and Lee" and massive fakery of the assassination photo record, and because he writes long posts, you have simply thrown up your hands and declared "that he'll never figure the assassination out" ? Gee, what a thoughtful, logical and reasoned response...
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