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B. A. Copeland

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Everything posted by B. A. Copeland

  1. Just be careful guys....and "show me the money". I just hope he copies the film for petes sake......someone, make tons of copies. The last we need (if this story is even slightly authentic) is for it to somehow end up in the 6th Floor Museum, suppressed, damaged or anything suspicious of that nature....Sadly I don't even get excited about these kinds of stories anymore. I know the 'unspeakable' we're dealing with.... DiEugenio (Hankey or any other LA based researchers/students of the JFK Presidency) should definitely go see this and give some feedback/thoughts here on the forum.
  2. If I were a person who leaned more towards the lone nut theory, I would not dare even attempt to answer these...
  3. When I saw "Aynesworth", I disregarded the topic, all due respect.
  4. I think that some of these aspects of the case being left out is rather unfortunate....still looking forward to what is explored and analyzed however.
  5. This is a great place to start Pat. There are similarities but nothing concrete in my mind. With Howard's Bermudez comment we could be onto something as well. Too bad we can't get honest and accurate info from Felix Rodriguez or, say, Bernardo De Torres lol...
  6. Because they aren't interested in the truth, only in selling papers and advertising. Blakey says he was misquoted too, though it appears they at least talked to him. There were two or three presentations at the Wecht conference on the media and how journalism has failed the assassination. Normally such misquotes as those in National Enquirer would go unchallenged, but Tony and Robbyn immediately put out a disclaimer and have periodic updates on their blog and Facebook, so the truth isn't hard to find if you look. And guess what, the truth, the REAL story about these guys, as Larry Hancock has demonstrated here by trying to figure it out - the REAL story is even better than the National Enquirer's sensationalized yellow journalism, I think they call it. There were two or three presentations at the Wecht conference on the media and how journalism has failed the assassination On Thursday night in Pittsburgh, the Heinz History Center sponsored a very interesting program on the media and the assassination with a panel that consisted of Jeff Morley, Lisa Pease, Russ Baker, Jerry Policoff, David Talbot and Oliver Stone, and the video of this program should be available on line. Since they had all been loosened up some of the interactions are interesting and what they discuss important, even though it was discussed in a loose and lightweight fashion. Then on Saturday, Lisa Pease gave a lesson on how everyone must adapt the standards of real journalists and historians - and always check sources and confirm it elsewhere before accepting it, and listed the usual disinformation suspects as ones to beware of - including two - McAdams and Holland, who were there. So you have muckrakers like National Enquirer that will say anything - dizinfo who will give you propaganda, and then real journalists like Tony Summers and few others who try to keep an open mind, research the hell out of it, interview everybody, confirm everything from first hand sources and report that truth as best you can in a style that people will want to read. Tony was upset about the wrong photo caption and moved to correct it right away, and I'm sure he will correct any other such mistakes, in fact we can depend on it. Well said Mr Kelly. Couldn't agree more.
  7. I have a feeling this article will be "taken in" by everyone who reads it in general, right before the 50th, mainstream, leftist, liberal alike....there will be no fact checking and Tony's important word on the article will go unnoticed once guys like Alex Jones take hold of the article... If the writers of said article could have easily contacted Summers for clarification and did not, then I find the origins of its publication dubious....Why do that? Here is more 'sludge' concerning JFK's brain and RFK: http://nypost.com/2013/10/20/jfks-brain-went-missing-and-rfk-may-have-swiped-it/ 'It' certainly begins as we near the 50th but I digress.
  8. Well remember the influx of high traffic sites post-9/11. That is networking 'real estate' that is most definitely purchased and controlled to a significant degree. I've been on quite a few forums where Wiki is jokingly called 'CIApedia' and probably for good reason lol...
  9. With her and Michael's Eastern Establishment and CIA ties I highly doubt she was unwitting but no harm in trying is certainly true. I just can't imagine such a loyal asset giving up much unless pressured under oath and without any 'secret' help (if you know what I mean).
  10. I have to honestly ask you guys, given that I personally believe the Paine's were CIA, what do you believe you will extract from her today? I honestly believe it is worth it but when i think of this I think of 'iceskating uphill'. I wish she were in a legal position (without absolutely any help from the agencies whatsoever) to tell the truth and be skillfully cross examined...though she'd probably play the age/fading memory card.....which, while possible I am sure she knows all too well and still some very dirty secrets.
  11. Robert, the fact that no one else on the steps for the motorcade had noticed Oswald while JFK was passing the building. Hey Sean, do you believe that, if anyone had actually seen Oswald himself in the front that they would've remained silent about such 'guilty knowledge'?
  12. Is it just me or is anyone else frustrated at the absolute lack of photographic records for this very significant building today? I mean come on....just scattered images here and there? Is there not an entire structural, photographci record of this building from the time period? Maybe there is genuine excuse for the lack of such material.
  13. Great topic Paul and yet....Allman cannot recall at any time his encounter with Oswald (perhaps he honestly can't recall who helped him w/phone but its odd given that the alleged Assassin of the President helped him and he couldn't recall that it was possibly Oswald at any time later).....given the evidence posted here, I am beginning to understand that is is logical and consistent that he "never saw" Oswald....Of course this is suspicion on my part given my own studies.
  14. Is anyone actually surprised that this happened? I mean I naturally assumed that the 50th would not go smoothly, allowing just anyone with interest in the event to go forward. Not a chance. Of course there had to be something that happens. It is irritating.
  15. I had just read about this guy on a few websites and his connection to JFKs trip to Dallas. Also it is mentioned that Elisabeth Forsling Harris, who was Gloria Steinem's first Publisher, planned the Dallas trip along with Peuterbaugh. Would have to read up more on this however. Interesting indeed if true.
  16. The interesting aspect of the Allman-Oswald encounter is this: Why or how on earth did not Allman recognize Oswald later once it became official that Oswald did the shooting, akin to Odio's reaction when seeing Oswald on the news?
  17. I was wondering....being that I learned this tonight, who exactly was Jonathan Banks' Mother?, do we know anything else (specifically) about her? According to a Rolling Stone article: This is interesting considering this was the Cold War-era. Otherwise probably not so big of a news flash. Thanks in advance.
  18. I agree Dave. I find many of the "striking resemblance" comments odd, especially given Masen's appearance and now, Webster's. I'm afraid there is literally no "striking appearance" between either of the 3.
  19. Certainly this and of course the very day where the majority of US Citizens recognizes the planning and execution of JFK for what it truly is/was is the day I believe this Republic will not be what it is currently. You cannot accept (via majority opinion of the masses) what happened without radically reforming the very Govt. that not only took part but planned the tragedy. This would produce, in effect, a domino effect as well as I believe there would be a revolution in knowledge and understanding about what has happened since the US' inception with the line of reasoning that "my god...if this is the truth, what of the rest of our "history?" The people would literally 'flip' the US over and begin a 'Reinvention of the Republic'. There would be a total reevaluating of its History as a nation, Political, Financial, etc. It would be both appalling and yet refreshing, tragic and joyful all at once..... I guess the image I have in mind or though is that which was shown in the film "Fight Club" where, at the conclusion o the film the Credit Card Companies were destroyed, essentially putting everyone "on equal terms" financially (or at least that was the idea expressed by the writers of the film.) You simply cannot have a "JFK Assassination" in the way in which it happened and not do some "destroying" something somewhere in the heart of the Republic itself....
  20. I truly look forward to that response from Gary Sean, great defense of your studies.
  21. It is a pure defiance of absolute and basic logic and physics to look at the fatal headshot in the Zfilm and tell anyone......and I mean anyone that that headshot came from the TBSD....The beginning of any discourse concerning the murder begins there. The most simplest of observation, physics & logic are attacked viciously and we find ourselves discussing what, in any possible world, should be accepted and assumed scientifically and rationally. I will never give into such kinds of discussion. This line of reasoning is clearly related to Salandria's masterful writing "False Mystery" and it is as relevant as ever.
  22. Excellent questions Dave. The more I research (or anyone honestly for that matter) the more I truly wonder about those who take DVP's position when you come across facts such as the FBI deliberately neglecting to document eyewitness testimony or altering it to fit (Dodd, Simmons, Mercer et al.) what many of us today, consider the 'official story' or the WC intentionally neglecting to call a myriad of witnesses to testify who's testomony would have been utterly damaging to the official line. It is unfathomable the crazy and confusing (or lack thereof) amount of evidence to suggest (at the very least) an "uncertain" response on whether or not Oswald did it, whether or not he even ordered the rifle given the absolutely insane chain of custody (the mileage he allgedly walked which makes absolutely no sense, missing financial instrument numbers) and this is dealing with the rifle order alone. You choose a scenario in this complex plot and it has its oddities and complexities and yet, we're told so damned quickly "yeah he did it, beyond a reasonable doubt" and frankly, it is not...in fact it is far from reasonable to accuse Oswald when there is so much that is not clear. Evidence has been most likely destroyed, apprehended (FBI's quick acquisition of his School records in LA is just one example of many) and so on, so forth. My point is, it is terribly difficult to say "Oswald did it" when, with proper and very careful research of this vast case, one is at least left with a verdict of "not guilty" if anything. I believe it also takes far greater research work to conclude that Oswald is guilty for just a few reasons stated above. Botched autopsy (illegal I might add) ballistics evidence was very poor, the WC's handling of witnesses was very poor (some of the WC's senior members are absolutely questionable beyond a reasonble doubt firstly), disappeared or planted evidence, etc. One would have to credibly and rationally make sense of what seems to be so many errors or inconsistencies. If Oswald was innocent until proven guilty, and evidence today seems to circumstantially exonerate him, then he's most likely not guilty and the killers are/were still at large but with that statement I digress into darker, more complex territory.
  23. Well it probably caused a "controversy" to, what I believe based on evidence, 'confuse & confound' the issue. The "LBJ did it!" issue simply is a talking point that serves that keeps relevant discussion and analysis at bay. So you basically spend another 50 years talking about how one lowly (by virtue of his position relting to the conspiracy before and after the fact), compromised, corrupt southern politician caused one of the most complex black operations in the history of the U.S....
  24. Interesting tidbit: The Xbox One will be released on 11/22/2013. While I don't believe any conspiracy took place (and I don't believe that it is impossible either) I do find it.......I don't know, almost tasteless that Microsoft would put their video gaming console up for sale and release that day...talk about attention distraction away from the more relevant issue. It will be crazy coverage of the new games console rather than something as "dull and boring" as the death of an American president 50 years ago......
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