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B. A. Copeland

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Everything posted by B. A. Copeland

  1. I'm sure Clinton has a basic understanding of what happened considering his 'friendships' and shady past. He is probably as truly interested in who killed JFK as say.....GHWB. Clinton is and has been in cahoots with the Ruling Class Establishment in any event. I thought his little ads with GHWB made that clear (and that was late in the game lol)
  2. We're actually arguing logic and basic, basic physics now lol...? My word, the things the PTB will have people arguing over for the next 5 or so decades truly, truly amazes me. JFK head snaps back/left = projectile hitting JFK originated front/right (with more than 90% certainty that it was at the very least from the front). I have every scientific and logical reason to believe that period (I did not even consider eyewitness testimony). Onward and upward.
  3. Thanks a super ton Mr Krusch. Greatly appreciated.
  4. I smell a dis/misinfo rat in such an article lol...
  5. This would seem to be related to the fact that the Limo was 'sanitized' but this is speculation on my part.
  6. Ah lol...one of the most loyal Spooks to ever live and how "surprising" it is to find him pinning the entire JFK hit on LBJ lol. Talk about Disinfo. to literally the very last breath. Never uttered a Bush last name or Harriman at all, funny.
  7. I've always assumed it was obvious that Photo #1 & #2 may be the same man but obviously different from photos 4~6 (beginning from upper left). I am convinced 1-2 are of a different man than 4-6 and that is quite clear personally.
  8. My only nagging thought concerning the head wound for some time is the proof of the where the wounds were as it relates to the shot/trajectory. I simply have never understood how there could be a shot from the knoll given the head wound location. As an example, I've posted a quick diagram below I whipped up in PS.Perhaps with all of the factors considered in (strong possible alteration to the film, which results in missing frames, movement of the vehicle (position & speed) location of the gunmen, firearm ballistics, etc probably answer the question already lol. In any event, just a nagging thought of mine and has been for years. So in other words, could a shot have come from a spot beyond (and further down, in the direction the motorcade was heading)? I honestly do not mean to cause any fierce arguments or confusion as I do not even take my own hypothesis as gospel or concrete and prefer to obviously stick with the hard facts (or "more possible than their negation" evidences/theories). (*Note: The 'black trajectory' isn't meant to be a trajectory per se, but more of an 'arrow indicator' to point to the statement above the resulting wound I theorize from the pink trajectory.)
  9. For the "official" record: The exit wound determination by the autopsy surgeons was in the vicinity of the right temple. This, when coupled with the EOP entry, makes a "left-to-right" passage of the projectile. Yet, Dr. Boswell clearly indicated that the EOP entry and bullet pasaage was found to be from "right-to-left". HMMMMMMM? Another of those enigma's! Secondly, the Z313 impact merely removed the top portion of the skull of JFK as well as the "blowout" of an area of the temporal bone, as is observed in the Z-film. The third/last/final impact in the EOP area is what completed the fracture and fragmentation (of the already weakened/compromised) skull, and this is what caused the large "blowout" in the back rear of the head as well as completion of separation of the large skull fragment which Clint Hill observed on the seat of the limo after he had made it aboard. Tom. P.S. Might want to read up on when Clint states that the separation of the skull bone occurred. If recalled correctly, it was something like the time frame from when he first got a foot onto the bumper of the limo, until the time that he managed to fully mount onto the rear of the limo. P.S. Forgot to mention, there were only three shots fires, all three shots were fired from the sixth floor window of the TSDB, and all three shots struck JFK. Plus! The Z313 impact is/was/and will always remain, Shot#2. You cannot be absolutely certain there were only 3 shots lol. I am personally inclined to believe there were far more.
  10. You wasted your money, IMO. I'm 99.9% positive Cheney was not in a position to know what Deep Throat knew. It boggles my mind that people are always looking beyond Felt. Having the number 2 man in the FBI conspire against a sitting President is a HUGE story, but just not juicy enough for some, I guess. Come on Pat lol....It "boggles" my mind how many people don't connect dots in this world and look beyond old tired Mark Felt. I'm shocked people would even dare not to look beyond felt considering Deepthroat's role. I'd definitely look at Haig, Cheney, Woodward, etc before Felt. Firstly, the public's 'red flags' should have went up the moment JFK people were involved., that = CIA lol. Look at Cheney lol.....you honestly believe he is a man that knows nothing? Take a glance, hell take a quick glance at his political life (public and not public) and tell me you don't get the slightest hint that Cheney is perhaps a man who knows more than the public think he does, especially considering how long he has been a "public" servant? Connect the dots. If he knows something of the JFK murder, I for one would never put it past him. Its not about "juicyness" its about common sense. Unless Felt is/will be proven to be CIA deep cover, etc etc. then he was basically "low level" (relatively speaking) compared to the real power players at that time. Woodward is definitely "CIA" (ONI perhaps?) and, to me, was a smelly rat throughout that entire saga up until today even. I also suppose you think nothing of....uh oh, guess who?, Cheney AND Rumsfield again during the Frank Olsen affair as well? Connecting dots?, well thats not terribly difficult, placing the dots in this or that part of the 'grand chessboard' well...that is another challenge in itself.
  11. I find it extremely odd that Thompson would even dare say that claim that no witness in Dealey Plaza showed such a wound......I mean the evidence of what many saw that day is astounding as far as the head wound. It honestly does not take any kind of rocket science to quickly conclude that those "patches" on JFK's head are just that, graphical additions to hide what many know as obvious and what many witnesses saw that day. If you have a grand coverup and official story painted up the wounds must agree, not the other way around. Not to the perps anyway. I must also say, one thing I have always found odd (or off even lol) is the fact that I have never seen parts of JFK's head on the back of the vehicle at the moment he was shot. I mean the film seems clear enough to show (or indicate) if it were to take place, which it did (he was shot). You would think with the clarity of the film, one would see parts of JFK's head on the back of the vehicle, where Jackie went to pick up parts, etc. You seen nothing at the moment of impact or afterwards, as far as I can see anyway.
  12. What was the name of the work crew that did the flooring etc?
  13. Honestly Paul, to a careful, specially trained eye and/or specialist in photography (as well as digital photography these days), I do not believe it was possible. They obviously (no sarcasm intended) tried very hard and failed ultimately. These days given the entire digital era, etc, it may be possible but then again, to the specialist who knows exactly what to look for, etc, perhaps it still is impossible ultimately.
  14. Just for the record (and with absolutely no sarcasm intended but more or less to be mindful of what this topic may uncover or attempt to prove) why is this fold issue relevant? Thanks guys.
  15. Very interesting video. Richardson seems to have his head on his shoulders regarding state sposored mafia lol. Source/s: The Corporation Nation BreakForNews: The Next Level
  16. I'd love to know about that as well. Also, was the Bringuier & Oswald altercation videotaped?
  17. Hey there Tom and Mr K. Honestly I landed on this photo while browsing for some MK Ultra related materials just to read and past time. I hit images on google and a plethora of this exact image came up. I am not sure at all where it originated. In any event thanks a ton for the responses. Hopefully this is a fluke.
  18. I assumed the footstep sounds are quite suspicious. They do not necessarily (given the context of the murder itself) have to have belonged to DeM.
  19. The issue I see is that Hill said she ran to the edge of street to say to JFK that she wished to take a photo. This calls into question frames that are quite possibly missing because we do not see her as close as she testified in the film at all whatsoever.
  20. Thanks. I am interested in what may have happened to her since then. This is tragic. Thanks in advance.
  21. I could not find a "James Jesus Angleton" topic s figured I'd post here. (Apologies if I made a mistake and please move to where you see fit Mods) but I learned of this interesting connection between Angleton and Dick Cheney just today regarding Cheney's Memoir "In My Time": I would have loved to know what Angleton had to say to Cheney. Definitely nothing more to do with this story now.
  22. The music is by Thomas Newman. I can't think offhand what movie soundtrack's the scores he uses are from. Newman is the cousin of Randy Newman (from Toy Story musical fame). If I was to hazard a couple of guesses as to the movie soundtracks used it would be: American Beauty, Meet Joe Black and Pay it Forward Actually Lee he is the brother of Randy Newman. Their father was Mr Mega Composer himself "Alfred Newman (20th Century Fox theme among many others): I do know that the 1st film/documentary used Newman's Score from "Meet Joe Black: Whisper of a Thrill & Everywhere Freesia" but could not figure out what themes were used possibly by him on the MLK Documentary. In any event, some of the greatest music for a documentary ever heard personally and not only that but the incredible editing using the themes in such the way they are ultimately used for the films.
  23. If the CIA was a weapon in this case used to fire the "shots" then it takes someone to shoot the weapon. This is where Dulles (as one of MANY) fits in. The Dulles' has always, always been a servant of the ruling class. When you learn the honest nature of the CIA (its origins, etc) then it makes perfect sense why the CIA was used for such a task. According to Fintan Dunne at BreakForNews, I'd rather use "CIA" as more of a 'shorthand': Therefore, if the CIA is a kind of Patsy, then in some sense, I can see how but I would think that it depends on what the CIA truly is. Is it an or something more? If the former, then it was used, like so many others in order to serve the ends of a very sinister cartel. But, if is the latter, then perhaps it comes as no surprise that the CIA was doing exactly what it was created to do.
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