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B. A. Copeland

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Everything posted by B. A. Copeland

  1. VERY interesting topic going on here. Thanks a ton guys for the research and sharing. I remember learning how close Bush and Crichton were and of course Crichton serving under Whitmayer.
  2. Well JFK did have C. Douglas Dillon on his staff, so that isn't such a wise move if Jack was anti-banksters. G.W Griffin gives a nice logical response to most who claim JFK was anti-fed, but I suppose there is much info out there I may not be aware of.
  3. I see. I was wondering if any corroboration exists for some of the information on the site. I can't imagine much of the info the site presents would be easy to find. When it comes to History (especially U.S History) I find that one day you know this, the next day you learn something else....Oh and thanks Mr. Kelly but I just wanted to know if anyone else had any information regarding that bit about the BSC and the Dulles wiretap. It's probably safe to say FDR knew full well who really ran/run things in the U.S according to a quote attributed to him and his dealings with them. My point is, instead of looking at the evidence as shaky or the site's content as shaky, as seekers of truth (for those who are) and/or Historians, we're obliged then to either seek to see if the information contained is either corroborated or false. I would assume that the info on that site is probably not so easily spread (hence the title of the site) and not something that the PTB would want to be so easily found. For example, the site says that one of the main reasons for the revolutionary war is that England was apparently banning slavery on their end and made attempts to protect the Native Americans' land from the settlers here from abroad. Obviously if slave master's wanted to own slaves (IF the site's info is accurate) then you break away from England. I guess that is the short version. Len I agree with your comment concerning some kind of citation or more source material, but at the same time, I simply cannot read this and say (not true!) because sources aren't listed. It could very well be that the info IS true. This is where the work comes in in making contacts, reading and ultimately making it a goal to corroborate the site's content. For most of what I have read, I know of no evidence to the contrary, so I can't rule it out completely. I'll post a few more links for reading: 1620: Lie Number One: The Pilgrims 1763-1783: Lie Number Two, The American Revolution 1783-1799: Lie Number Three, The Miracle of Democracy
  4. Anyone have any further info or corroboration for the below claims? (from the website http://mtwsfh.blogspot.com/2008/12/1941-1942.html):
  5. Read all about it and for the love of St. Peter, if anyone cannot honestly see a red flag on this one, shame on you lol... http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=68028#68028 Also quoting Fintan Dunne's analysis: For the record: John Wheeler (aka Jack Parsons Wheeler III) is extensively profiled in the book Long Gray Line: Early stages in the investigation.... Not much so far... This is an interesting focus of Wheeler's on cyber warfare: Which might just connect to this:
  6. You guys really, really have to be careful of this entire WikiLeaks soap opera. It is designed to waste people's time and the fact that the woman was supposedly involved (indirectly) with the Bay of Pigs incident is even further proof that something very fishy is going on. You could say that there lies the "approved by the CIA" stamp lol. This entire incident is designed to lead you nowhere. WikiLeaks = PsyOp, Assange = either a useful idiot or an operative. Careful where you tread guys.
  7. Interesting Dave. There seems to be some resemblance to Lansdale, but that is pure speculation on my part.
  8. I believe that the JFK hit was also a very huge piece of Psychological Warfare with specific aims and goals that would last or stretch over many years to the current day even. Also, Evidence of Revision Part.6 (the MLK Murder) is also pretty good for obtaining truth "nuggets".
  9. Chomsky, Hersh, incredible. They have always smelled like rats to me. These are people who are generally "looked up to" as well. I feel the same way about Prof. Stephen Jones and his smearing of Cold Fusion, which logically necessitates concern when he shows up in 9/11 "scholar" circles.
  10. Well I cannot say that the famous Dealey Plaza photo has Lansdale in it, but it does have a strong resemblance to Lansdale (well not too strong but at least from the back view). Anyone ever find out who that was? I often wonder about what MacNamara may have known, if anything.
  11. Ah of course he shows up on AJ's show lol....Just a bit discomforting considering Alex Jones' CIA role lol. I am not too keen on Groden's situation, maybe something to look into. I'd like to know more concerning Groden's takes on the JFK hit in order to have a more informed opinion of him, considering he's been on the JFK case for a long time. Usually if most well known researchers believe (for example) that Oswald did it, etc, I find that very unattractive in terms of their work.
  12. I won't go on to say that the source posted below is THE definitive source for knowing how to notice or understand a disinfo operative however, I do believe it is an imperative source in having some idea of how they usually behave, especially concerning "big events". It's simply a good source to own. http://breakfornews.com/TheCIAInternetFakes.htm P.S - Also, please people, do NOT waste your time being sucked into the latest Wikileaks Op. It is all or mostly disinfo designed to distract and confound.
  13. I am just so tired of "Oswald acted alone" my gosh, give it up lol...I am cautious of ANYTHING pushing that theory out in the current day.
  14. Thanks Mr Hogan. I think I should truly aim for clarification here as far as 9/11, Fetzer, etc. BreakForNews some years ago "ousted" so to speak, more than 100 websites (still counting to this day) that were either willingly or unwillingly part of a vast deception operation initiated by the perpetrators/planners of 9/11. For further reading, check out: http://breakfornews.com/TheCIAInternetFakes.htm Many may not agree with those accused but the point is that the deception behind 9/11 is/was big, even connecting quite well with the crash of 2008 onto the present day, all of it is connected and honestly that isn't too difficult to believe. They've learned an awful lot since 1963 and even since before that tragedy. Psychological warfare is the name of the game and keeping the public inside the box so to speak is the methodology used. Arguing about space beams, thermite, thermate, etc etc etc has gotten the movement absolutely nowhere. many "luminaries" of 9/11 have gone totally "nuts" and that is by design. It is/was designed to give 9/11 a "face", a face of being full of lunatics who cannot figure anything out ultimately and thus its worthless to even try learning what happened on 9/11 and the years leading up to it. I like BFN's use of the term "orgy of evidence" as used by Fintan Dunne to describe a particular methodology of covering up the 9/11 event. Why not simply BE the "opposition"? You have guys like Alex Jones (I'd rather not go there with this guy, who has proven himself capable of misleading and deception), Fetzer with his "space beams" theory and the entire debacle with the Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Judy Wood, Stephen "CIA" Jones (thanks for helping destroy the growth of Cold Fusion Mr. Jones), George Galloway, Jimmy Walters, etc. The list goes on and on and on....9/11 was NEVER meant to get "out of the box" because the territory of the internet, which they KNEW would be FULL of researchers, etc, was well taken over before the towers even fell. I urge anyone to take a listen to the Audio regarding "The CIA Just Blinked!" audio at BreakForNews to get an idea of how the Fetzer Show went with Fintan Dunne. It was totally strange and honestly just reeked of an Op.
  15. Fetzer is doing more to promote 911 truth than any other single person. Jack I have to humbly disagree, especially when the methodology of the 9/11 attacks and its psychological operation has been discussed in great detail. You should check out BreakForNews Mr. White.
  16. Fetzer was in an excellent position to drive the 9/11 movement into the ground just as Alex Jones, and many, many others are. It makes me sick.
  17. I'd sure love to know what was discussed at the Bilderberg meetings in 1963.....or 2001 for that matter...
  18. Bill: If Lee Oswald was a spy, as you seem to be suggesting, there would be some evidence. In Norman Mailer's book, which I am sure you have read, the KGB who monitored his every move were constantly amazed by his wanderings around Minsk. He would stop at a shop window, then turn around, then turn around again, with no apparent destination in mind. He was not evading the KGB, because they were easily able to keep track of him, but he was a peripatetic individual. If he was a spy, he would have been paid for his work. I am not a Warren Commission defender, but I do believe that David Lifton's friend Wesley Liebeler was an honest man, and Liebeler tracked down every dime that Oz made & spent, and found no evidence that Oz had income that was unaccounted for. THe idea that was a secret agent for anyone is simply unsupported by any credible evidence. His meanderings were no more suspicious than my own. I honestly cannot believe such beliefs are still floating around. I mean I figured with the writers DiEugenio mentioned....it takes much GREATER faith to believe Oswald was not in some way, shape or form, some kind of operative. One cannot honestly look at the entire JFK Murder (with an intellectually honest mindset) and conclude honestly that Oswald was not some kind of spy or operative. With Garrison's investigations, he probably had good reason to believe Oswald was an agent. We shouldn't dismiss it as crazy.
  19. It's probably safe to say that Dunne believes that either Fetzer is a operative/fake or simply not up to speed, specifically as it concerns issues on 9/11. Why not just take a listen to the audio? TJ comes in as some sort of advance man, he is already connected to another shady personality (Sibel Edmonds, who is connected to Daniel "CIA" Ellsberg, etc.). A forum member fortold that the GCN will probably have "technical difficulties" which they did, in order to sort of 'trap' Dunne. It was a pretty seemingly slick Op. Its not so simply laid out. Ultimately, and especially when one considers the deep penetration and preparation for the 9/11 event, its not "out there" to take a step back and look at the entire event with BFN as it happened. The entire 9/11 movement has been severely compromised and that was prepared for in advance. This is not difficult to see. http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=17857#17857
  20. Sorry Jack, that's not even a matter of opinion. 19 out of 20 who voted Fetzer out of the 9/11 organisation do not agree. I doubt this would have had anything to do with them considering him "the foremost authority..". I strongly believe it was quite the opposite. There's no way to get around that, Fetzer was thrown out. Period. Glenn For once Fetzer is sorta right. Since he found Scholars for Truth and had the rights to the name those who didn't like the way he was doing things decided to pull up stakes and started Scholars for Truth and Justice, a rival group. If it is my understanding that most of the active members joined the exodus, the loony fringe Reynolds, Woods, Tarpley, Madsen stayed or joined. A miniscule number supported Fetzer and who could be surprised by this outcome? Not even within the obscure organisations started by himself with himself in charge does he get support. Instead people are turning their back on him and his methods, which was the point. After having seen how he treats people here, indeed perfectly understandable. Just look in this thread, Mark Knight - a "disinformation agent". Fetzer had no qualms in labeling me "a spy", "an insider", "having stolen secret information" etc, etc. No wonder people stand up against this lunacy. Edit. This is what I was talking about: http://911research.wtc7.net/essays/patriots_question/index.html#fetzer "By the end of about one year, the situation had gotten so dire that some of the members, including Steven Jones, decided they could no longer allow Fetzer to control the website, and decided to take a vote on what to do, since Fetzer refused to remove the offending posts. Eventually, after several weeks involving hundreds of emails attempting to resolve the situation, a poll and subsequent vote was taken of the membership via email. All but ten of the more than two hundred members who participated in the vote voted to leave Fetzer's original group and form a new group. Thirty people, including the ten, voted to join both groups. ( For more information on the split, please see: Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice: FAQ )" The article leaves no doubts as to how they look upon Fetzer, in case anyone thought so. Steven Jones and his group pinned all of their hopes on THERMITE/THERMATE, and quit researching. THERMITE/THERMATE was not the answer. It may have been used, but could not be responsible for the top down explosions and free fall. Fetzer saw that and pressed ahead toward answers which fit the TOTAL evidence. It matters not a whit that a FEW on this forum side wrongly with Jones. Jack That was my point Mr. White, earlier. Where has these foolish discussions on Thermate/Thermite gotten us over the years? I am of the belief that being that 9/11 was planned WELL in advance, the perps also made SURE that the internet would be chock FULL of their operatives and main traffic sites would be handled by them. The main idea is to divide and conquer, to keep people going in complete circles concerning 9/11 to the point where it becomes tiresome. To have agents like Galloway stand up in congress spitting garbage, and then go onto the "Big Brother" show in England and make an idiotic fool of himself. To have agents like Jimmy Walter say one thing with clarity concerning 9/11 at one moment, then become a degenerate "lunatic" later on (ALL the passengers were still alive and working for the Govt..???!?...come on now) in order to make the ENTIRE 9/11 movement look dumb and waste of time. Dont even get me started on Mr. CIA Fake Stephen Jones and his "beautiful" history concerning Cold Fusion Technology. Many of these "luminaries" have been placed there for a very specific purpose. To make sure the 9/11 truth movement gains absolutely no momentum whatsoever. Unfortunately they've succeeded VERY well..... I might add, that you honestly need to carefully study my words concerning Fetzer and the entire BreakForNews affair. It's just weird and smells fishy.
  21. My observation is that Fetzer, at best, is an interesting character. There are a couple of topics regarding "is Fetzer CIA/fake"? at breakfornews.com and the entire scenario of how Fetzer actually was involved in an interview with Fintan Dunne is very, very fishy, not to mention how the audio interview went throughout. I actually think many here at the EduForum are not really aware of the complexity of the deception operations aimed at the general populace (left, right, etc) and especially those who truly know what is going on. BreakForNews topic: http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2049&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 Odd thing is, Fintan's radio interview was actually cut short by "technical problems" which was called long before it happened by a forum member. Fetzer even had an advance man (T.J Mattingly) prop up on the forums to tell the members what a good guy Fetzer was. The entire affair was just weird and smelled fishy...What do I think of Fetzer and his theories?....well lets just say I am severely cautious, especially given his takes on 9/11 and his position in the 9-11 truth movement.
  22. Looks like good Ol' Joe Kennedy Sr. was also well aware of the crash of '29 well before it happened, at least according to one economist who's father knew Joe.
  23. Beware of the CIApedi..I mean Wikipedia's any mentioning of the circumstances surrounding the JFK Murder. You may have to dig deeper just to be sure of the contents posted on Wiki's site.
  24. In some ways they have gone public. Remember that Jackie and Bobby went to the U.S.S.R after the murder to let them know what they themselves knew. That is public (if one is willing to seek it out). Also, imagine the Kennedy's position.......I am of the mindset that they actually know what happened. I do not believe they're that naive or unawares. If Bobby knew who was behind it, then I would naturally assume others in the family knew. Also, we cannot forget what message JFK Jr shot out to the world by having Oliver Stone in George Magazine and saying what he said in the article. It would also help if some corroboration could be made regarding A. True Ott's (if this is even his true name) story regarding his interaction with JFK Jr. regarding the murder of JFK Sr. I think this is crucial.
  25. Johnson was a stooge IF anything lol. He was NOT pulling ANY strings other than those that he was ORDERED to pull. He was a "lowly" southern politician, a corrupt one. We have to look at the much bigger picture when analyzing the JFK hit. I am suspect of theories that propose Johnson was a "big wig" who pulled the murder off. I do not believe it for a second.
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