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B. A. Copeland

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Everything posted by B. A. Copeland

  1. Yes but...WHICH Oswald are we talking about in Mexico City lol...?
  2. I've never believed Sturgis was a tramp, it simply does not look like him.
  3. Why the Nixon element is even more interesting, is that he did seem very interested in the BOP files post-election. Also, he was heavily backed (financially) by this man: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolae_Malaxa. Veeery interesting twists and turns...
  4. So let me get this straight and John Judge has an interesting story (if anything) connected to this. The B&W Footage we have of "Oswald" being transferred, the "I didn't shoot anybody sir", "I'm just a patsy!", etc, etc. That person is not Lee Harvey Oswald? (the person who was at Atsuki, grew up in La.?) I definitely feel as though this could be used as almost a diversionary issue, but I suppose the truth should always be sought out no matter the avenue. Also, love the video, Sturgis is/was endorsing his handlers' lines lol. There could be tidbits of info but ultimately way to go Frank......
  5. Interestingly, I am currently reading Baker's book and he has very good information (and questions at best) as to Moore's involvement with the entire case given his shady background and connections.
  6. Very well put. The order most likely came from somewhere above, but it was indeed carried out by the CIA. The forewoman of the jury in the case Hunt v. Liberty Lobby Leslie Armstrong , stated that "Mr. Lane was asking us to do something very difficult. He was asking us to believe that John Kennedy was killed by our own government. Yet when we examined the evidence, we were compelled to conclude that the CIA, had indeed killed President Kennedy." Thank you kindly Mr. Maguire, I am humbled and definitely consider myself and observer. Thanks again.
  7. I think it is safe to assume that the CIA were basically the "guns" of the operation. It seems to me that they are owned and dominated by the Eastern Establishment Ruling Class anyway. The CIA certainly does not seem to be the cause (per se) of the hit, but definitely the a "murdering arm" of the planners themselves and an essential component of the National Security State. This is probably too simplistic an explanation but I hope the general idea is clear.
  8. Interesting connection to this topic Mr. Kelly is an audio done by Fintan Dunne titled "9/11 & The 4th Reich Phoenix", I can definitely see possible parallels between the JFK Hit and The 3 and/or '4th Reich'. Audio: http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=63111#63111
  9. Reminds me of Kant, Mr. White, if you know that much, then surely you can (or would be able to) tell us if a creator exists or not. No sarcasm intended in that statement. I think there is decent evidence (at the least) to support the claims of Jesus of Nazareth. As for the question of macroevolutionists and/or christians, well for one "Out of nothing, nothing comes". Something cannot possibly come from nothing. The evidence that the universe came from something is astounding. The Kalam Cosmological Argument comes to mind. In other words, you have to know (theoretically) an awful lot to know that ultimate reality is unknowable. Just take a look at the very well reasoned answers from reknowned theologian William Lane Craig, in a Q&A he usually answers weekly, to get an understanding of the defense of the christian worldview: Anyway, I won't stay off topic here lol, just food for thought. You had best have a blasted excellent defense for "hard agnosticism" (ultimate reality is unknowable) as opposed to soft agnosticism (no one knows at the moment (which is a questionable claim), but we may/will someday).
  10. What a CIA fake (Posner), how about he tell us how much the CIA has paid him in the intervening years for his pathetic work, not to mention his "analysis" of William Pepper's MLK work.......sheesh How on earth anyone can be convinced that "Oswald did it" in light of the volumes of evidence of Intelligence Services and Govt./Extra-Govt. involvement is beyond me. Posner knows well Oswald did not even fire a weapon that day among so many other things....Sigh, as for Mr. Lane, my only hope (or actually, the one thing I do know well), regardless of his choice in defending Posner, is that he continues to do what he has ALWAYS done: critical, honest analysis and defense.
  11. http://www.dentonrc.com/sharedcontent/dws/...tkinsletter.pdf whose track record isn't much better having lost the negative of the Wink photo, Kennedy's brain, the AF1 tapes and other relevant records. BK Yeah....they've "lost" them alright lol...
  12. Specter is a "safe pair of hands" and has been probably since his "feat" in the JFK hit, he will do whatever his handlers want him to do.
  13. Interesting, considering Prouty's exceptional work on how the Intelligence Apparatus works (as well as his hinting that Ellsberg was CIA, if you connect some dots in the passage).
  14. Wouldn't surprise me if the Spooks planted a bomb on that plane lol.
  15. Onward and upward. Judyth does not lend much credible information as to what happened to JFK. I believe this topic can seriously divide and conquer the movement for truth regarding the JFK Assassination.
  16. Let us not forget about Operation 'Bloodstone'. The Gehlen were actually sold to the U.S alongside their Islamic Terrorist Brotherhood by the British. The OSS acquired the TOP notch Nazi's, which of course were used in 1953 in Iran. Back on topic lol.
  17. Hmm...I will not divert this topic but Fetzer...you're a real piece of work. I do wonder how many here on the EduForum know of your oddball act on the GCN a couple years back with Fintan Dunne lol....I simply see topics like this and it makes me wonder.....this from the same guy who lended credibility to Judy Wood's 'space beam' or directed energy weapon theory regarding 9/11....Actually...there are a couple of topics there concerning "Is Fetzer CIA?" at BreakForNews.com's Forum, which are pretty interesting reading or food for thought if anything.
  18. There you have it folks, that statement there sums it up for me. THIS is one important reason why Ventura is allowed to run about in the mainstream, he believes the Govt. LET it happen on purpose lol....I personally believe that the Show is possibly part of a PsyOp campaign designed to shift public opinion and train of thought away from the actual perps and honestly good questions, the REAL questions (like....Wall St's possible involvement?, Neil Levin's death on 9/11 for example, as stated in the book "The Partnership"). Now this does not mean that I believe all working on the show are shadowy, Govt. agents/operatives, etc etc lol. Yes, it will get people speaking on Conspiracy, etc. But the presenter of the show will once again look "nutty" and I see that as no coincidence. People have been speaking of conspiracies for decades. the timing of Ventura's running about and popularity is questionable as well, I think people are catching on (especially with the financial crisis), and they need someone out there to perform in such a specific way, whether that performer knows/realizes it or not. If its mainstream, always take it with a grain of salt and with caution, always.
  19. I love the old "JFK backed out of his promise" line lol...what a load of....
  20. Strangely, I was about to ask why on earth there is no major topic under "controversial issues in history" thread. There should be asap. 9/11 is about as controversial as any of the most questionable events in history, especially U.S History. I think one topic thats incredibly important is 9/11 Motive. Mush disinfo has been spread to avoid that question in honesty but of course we've been fed the "company line".
  21. I could not have said this better myself. A Psyop designed to "confound and confuse" the movement into oblivion. Not to mention some of the idiocy spit out by these supposed "experts" in the public arena, thus creating or causing much morwe prudent investigators to look foolish. Sometime I still cannot believe to this very day that people are still debating in favor of the Lone Nut Theory...my good god. We have to move on and get to the meat, which is getting "rotten" by the day. (40+ years of running in circles and disinfo. agents can do that to "good meat")
  22. I have ALWAYS been interested in the "quizzical look" comment by Jackie. He most likely was hit with something non-conventional if you know what I mean. I have always, always found that statement odd or deeply interesting at best. P.S - Cliff those were awesome defenses, wow lol. (no sarcasm intended, but definitely a compliment) Love the logical discourses when used in argumentation.
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