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B. A. Copeland

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Everything posted by B. A. Copeland

  1. I'd definitely agree Tom but at the same time, I am quite crucial of such 'clubs'. I believe that many of the bonds and trusts are formed in such clubs. In this age of Psych. Warfare it isn't surprising that you have the entire "Bush vs Kerry" concoction (they are both Bonesman and as they BOTH responded "its a secret" regarding their ties however they definitely trust one another to the extent that they both could care less about the American People, which is why none of them revealed such ties. Sadly that episode alone should have been more than enough to get people thinking and trying to understand what "politics" truly is this day and age)), alongside that fake video "Don't Tase me Bro!" Definitely a good point though I don't think these clubs, social or whatever should never be totally ignored. After all, we really, really don't know in general what goes on inside of them unless we are members. I think that at the end of the day we can rightfully judge given their secrecy as well as the actions of members who have joined public service and have a good idea of what they are "about".
  2. John Woods writes: HI Bill, Per the thread on the death of deMohnrenschildt at The Education Forum. I was able to obtain copies of the photographs, cassette tape, corner'sinquest, toxicolgy report along with the few extra unofficial photographs. Since I'm unable to post at forum please pass on this information to themembers. I obtained his file back in the early 1980's without the objectionsof his wife. George was murdered. All the best to you. johnw Mr Kelly, any chance we may get to examine the items? Thanks in advance. Jimmy D is working on it. I'm sure he will share. BK Sounds good and thanks Mr K.
  3. John Kerry's allegiances are to Skull & Bones, not the U.S Citizens. He simply told Tim Russert that it is a secret regarding his ties/membership, etc. I found that most disturbing. Actually Mr Simkin, John Hankey points out a few key S&B members in his Dark Legacy Documentary, including (but not limited to) F. Trubee Davidson and his own son Endicott, who was a Bonesman alongside GHWB.
  4. Whoa......I thought I'd check up on this topic to see if David Mack would have responded....blast. The paper clearly said that Mack examined those color transparencies. I'd love to know what happened to them, especially considering that the 6th Floor Museum is supposed to archive and take special care of such items.
  5. Hey there Scott. I think you have to challenge yourself to understand the vested interests in such agencies and the nexus of power/s that exist in 'democratic' societies. I mean just think of it, the JFK/MLK/RFK, etc, issues are relatively newer issues than say....WW1-2, creation of the US Federal Reserve, etc. For example and the tragic conspiracies of those events. There are many, many more hidden atrocities that we have yet to uncover and a part of me believes that, say, what if the JFK issue comes to light in its entirety, well then I believe it would open a Pandora's Box. The citizens of the US (and perhaps the world over?) would demand many more previous atrocities and investigations to be opened immediately. No reason to simply stop with the assassinations of the 60's.
  6. And this is from the guy who believes that conspirators would find it simpler and more desriable to steal the President's body and create false wounds, use multiple caskets, alter home movies and everything else that goes along with his stupid theory than to just put a gunman behind the limo? Gimmee a break. Well when you look at the range of events on the day in question......if you have a team of mult. assassins, accessories before and after the fact......you then know, in advance, that Kennedy will be shot from mult. directions, which directly results in mult. wounds......well, once the operation is completed, why not include a team to make sure the wounds are "worked on" to ensure that the results will fit with the official line which is also created by the same 'party'? (I actually hope that in my lifetime JFK's body could possibly be exhumed and examined by honest (lol....I know) historians, doctors, etc.) While evidence and proofs may constitute one thing, it is not "off the cliff" to hypothesize that wounds would be altered by those who in effect, have the power to do so, in order to create a kind of coherent result, that is, wounds resulting from "Oswald's shot at the president" Just as it isn't off the cliff to speculate that the z-film may have indeed been altered. Its not crazy to think of such a thing and most thinking people, especially those who study the JFK event to some extent, have good reasons to "think up" such things. Think about it, if it is easier to put a gunman behind the limo, but in actuality you have shooters from the front of the vehicle....well what happens when autopsy time comes? You have a wound inconsistent with a shot solely from behind (or the official explanation). Therefore what do you do? Well, the perps. figured they'd attempt to alter wounds, edit photos, etc. Certainly power existed to do just that. Is that really a wild, incoherent theory? Personally I never thought so.
  7. I wonder where Roger Craig's series of events fit in Chronologically (he said that he saw the spent shells as well if I remember correctly). Thanks for the info at any rate.
  8. John Woods writes: HI Bill, Per the thread on the death of deMohnrenschildt at The Education Forum. I was able to obtain copies of the photographs, cassette tape, corner'sinquest, toxicolgy report along with the few extra unofficial photographs. Since I'm unable to post at forum please pass on this information to themembers. I obtained his file back in the early 1980's without the objectionsof his wife. George was murdered. All the best to you. johnw Mr Kelly, any chance we may get to examine the items? Thanks in advance.
  9. I think a main point is, is it impossible to consider (given all of the evidence and some manuals we have from CIA field OPs) that a suicide can be staged? That DeM was a VERY crucial witness and that, while it is always preferred to carefully examine evidence that we, after many years of excellent research and investigations carried out by honest and trained individuals, we have good reasons to assume DeM more than likely was murdered? I remember Lane's commentary on the matter when he basically (paraphrasing) said that a woman heard the recording of the "suicide" and recognized the "beep, beep.." sound because she too had the same kind of alarm system at that time or another. It basically meant that if DeM was sitting doing whatever he was doing, the alarm apparently went off, it means that there was an intruder. Given that time, DeM ties, the JFK Murder itself, investigations, etc etc etc. I can personally and logically conclude that moreso than not, DeM was silenced. He was an obvious threat to the investigation because of his very sensitive ties to Oswald and various other key figures. It does not take any kind of rocket science to conclude this.
  10. I think this is a very crucial point and have always wondered if Oswald himself somehow ever claimed (even with the 'non disclosed' interrogation perhaps by Fritz?) that he was in the doorway but he definitely claimed he was in the lunchroom. I mean you have Oswald's admission vs speculative theory. If I had to lean on anything, it would probably be Oswald's admission. The Lovelady/TSBD Doorway issue is an interesting lead but so are many in the JFK tragedy.
  11. This absolutely is NO surprise and should definitely not be considering the "wacky" discussions that go on on this forum, whic, oddly, still doesn't have a topic/thread dedicated to one of the largest PsyOps in modern times: 9/11. Secondly, as reported wonderfully by Fintan Dunne, 9/11 connects directly with why the internet may indeed be filled with so much disinfo, CIA "rats" etc. It was rather clear and obvious to me long ago after much study that Wiki is definitely "CIA". Tom has hit it RIGHT on the head that most MAJOR traffic sites havebeen basically "bought out". Consider disinfo sites as well (prison planet, etc). Here is the article from Dunne posted years ago regarding the "The Rats Nest of 9/11) and careful folks, you'll also learn how quite possibly, how good old Dan Ellsberg is indeed an intelligence asset as well (F. Prouty even lightly hinted at this I believe as well) and mind you, this IS indeed intelligent analysis: http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=26 It is indeed a lengthy read but well, well worth it. Some key points from the article (again, forgive me for the length): In any event, this is a very important reality Mr SImkin and I think its great that you've brought it to the forum's attention. "It's the information age" is a very serious statement indeed. Our way of thinking has been a victim of PsyWar for decades now and obviously continues well into today.
  12. This is very, very interesting. If I had to wager any kind of money, I'd definitely lean in the direction of TJM handing something off to the latino (he definitely looks latino). The height difference makes the persons behind TJM look like children/teens, etc but who knows. I can only hope severely that more development will come from and for this.
  13. Grabbed from the twitter feed at BreakForNews.com: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfWe8qVabsE&feature=related
  14. I have always, always wondered about Agee and the JFK Murder. Has he ever said anything concerning it? Any possible involvement?
  15. If and when the film becomes a part of the Kennedy Archives, will we not then have a right to view it in its entirety? I wonder if it has ever been molested over the years and if the public will get a chance to view it...
  16. Could you give the source for this comment by JFK? I have never seen it before and is quite profound if true.
  17. No problem guys and Mr DiEugenio, if you are mindful of the score/music for the Doc. You should definitely check out Evidence of Revision 6: MLK Conspiratus, where they focus a great deal on William Pepper's findings (the music, let alone the doc. itself, is very good). I do wish they would have focused also on Kilgallen's possible killer, the so called "crooner", but I guess you can't have everything lol.
  18. Haven't had time to digest this material but i figured it's worth a look for seasoned and dedicated researchers: As always, tread lightly and carefully with the information provided. I did make to the part of the film where Mr. CIA Asset/Agent himself Hugh Aynesworth's face pops up but that was it lol...The video seems to put solid weight on Ricky White's testimony. I am not sure how reliable White's testimony is but I guess thats for you guys to devour.
  19. Anyone ever check these out? What are the chances lol? (this is old news but I have never seen this article before) http://www.kens5.com/news/Priceless-photos-of-JFK-Bush-found-dumped-under-Fort-Worth-bridge-71636967.html
  20. BlackOps would have no problem whatsoever making sure Baker does not talk, which begs the question......
  21. Interesting considering its possible involvement in the JFK murder.
  22. Mya your suspicions are well founded. I would probably lean more towards the direction that he is indeed an asset. It doesn't take too long to figure out that could at least be a possibility given a good political historical analysis. I take what he says with a grain of salt in any event.
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