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Steve Duffy

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Everything posted by Steve Duffy

  1. Jim, I will pass this on, see if we can't fix you up with all 45... at one time all 45 questions appeared here on the Ed Forum. 2-3 years ago... do share these, if you are possible, David. I'd be interested to read this through, also. Appreciate your work. And Jim...you have the patience of 100 men...I've linked to this thread from my page so people can see what good research and thoughtful analysis (and DVP...must include those Authors you cite..) can do to destroy a constant annoyance (EDIT). They should also get a kick with one of his standard replies to this post...roiling eyes, a sigh...whatever he chooses...)..Thank you.
  2. Some guy named John McAdams... pure unknown, did a hell of a job! lol....showing of the size of his 6 ft curtain rods...man, that was a big box....
  3. You think the neck should have been torn open to dissect the wound, right Jim? We all do...that's the point of an autopsy..like the use of the word torn Isn't there....some "mutilating" of the body during an autopsy?....I'm sure it has a medical term. R F K: Yes, you can saw open his skull and slice his brain into pieces..but no mutilating the neck!..... Christsakes....
  4. Thank, you Barry. Always look forward to it's release.
  5. David, always admire your post's...I'd like to see some more come from this.. I'm currently compiling a massive name-base (updating-or trying to, follow in Mary Ferrell's elegant footsteps..and was very surprised when I saw this Belcher Oil connection...with all the batting away with each other in the other threads, maybe this important lead has been lost to others...I hope I've bumped this to where it need to be...
  6. Sent a private pm to you, Steve...
  7. Thanks Greg, I've been copying these for personal use for a week or so...lots to wade through...
  8. It isn't held in as much acclaim now, Thomas...remember...there have always been the "book that is the final word"...Posner has given way to Bugloisi...I wonder how carefully those that laud these works actually read and carefully review..? Those on the Amazon post are nothing but rabid LN...they are there to obstruct and deny, deny, deny...better to spend time here...at most, they are selling there garbage to what?...20 odd people?... Anderson has been caught out many times...ask him about Steve Anderson at AllExperts...and why he denies he is the same person...even Von Pein referred to S V as "Steve"...and this charlatan denies it....if they want a real debate..plenty of room here for them...watch them back out of that offer...(Anderson has claimed he left here...he also claimed he was removed...it's a take your pick type story...)... Hope your reading is coming along...it's a fascinating subject.
  9. Armstrong's chapter, or notes now available: (Box 5 for Tippit) http://www.baylor.edu/lib/poage/jfk/index.php?id=73168 Meagher's chapter in "Accessories"....or any work you can find by Larry Harris...avoid Morningstar and Myers..though the Myers book has great documents and material..etc...
  10. It appears to me, and from speaking with Thomas, that he is trying to look at all angles of the assassination. For that reason, I would suggest doing what I did, if one has the time and inclination. I would read, choosing from some of the lists presented here and elsewhere, everything you can, and in chronological order...to get an idea of the unfolding information that has come to light over the years. You can narrow this down to a select number of books...but reading the WR and the HSCA is essential, I feel. I wouldn't skip Posner, personally, but, when Thomas does read it..it is necessary to compliment it with Weisberg's valuable counter claims. Understanding Gerald Posner himself, is essential to understanding the book and it's reason for being. This is enlightening as it gives one a much broader sense of the disinformation lengths the MM has and continues to go to.
  11. Thomas, Harold Weisberg has a booked called "Case Open", which critically attacks Posner's work and methods. "Reclaiming History", is, of course, the LN bible. Bugliosi says a few things about Posner. Read both. Then read the on-line criticism of RH, there are many..the best being CTKA's in depth review.
  12. Brilliant thread, Mike..Garrison was corrupt....that's it....brilliant analysis, richly annotated, filled with disturbing factoids...Oh Wait..you haven't done anything but started a provocative thread title. Never came across you before..be sure to ignore your posts in the future, so, something came outta this..
  13. I would also be interested in this. I've noticed Thomas in your posts you seem to have the same interests in certain ares I do. The AFT and Ellsworth have become a major area of reading for me..hope someone can answer this...
  14. Glad to see this in paperback, Barry. Ordered mine today. Looking forward to it.
  15. Let us just thank each other for, once again, wasting each others time and energy and go our separate ways, Dave. I suppose the world I live in is far bleaker than yours? I suppose my mental illness where my own government, and yours over there, has been filled with crooks, cheats and liars for a long, long time is just something that I will have to learn to live with and hope there is a cure for one day? I suppose that things like the Patriot Act and Patriot Act II have been signed in to help your Republic and democratic principles of government? I suppose the legislation that was created to stop me protesting within a mile of the Houses of Parliament was done to help save us from terrorism? I suppose these government reports we get given from time to time I really just need to accept as being the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? If there are any glaring untruths jumping out at me I need to just remind myself that it is simply the "kook" wanting to get out again? I obviously don't think rationally? If I only reminded myself more often "We KNOW XYZ because we KNOW Oswald killed Kennedy." Now that really is a deduction technique that will really help create a better future world for my daughters. "We KNOW Saddam Hussein had WMD because WE KNOW he hated our freedoms." Okay? I think I'm ready to be interviewed by O'Brien now. Great post Lee...really admire your work, and reasons.
  16. 3 pages so far....Correct me if I'm wrong..but wasn't this, really, about David saying he still has a firm belief in the WC..and has a new pal that does, too? If so, that's great, David...be like having a conversation with yourself... I'm with Dean, let you're friend come read for himself.... David causes another circus, and the hoops are jumped through again... Meanwhile, if anyone can answer my actual, real interested question that's been pushed back a page or two now for this pointless thread...let me know..
  17. I can see this thread getting multiple replies.... and for what, exactly?
  18. Good cause...Joseph..have added it to my FB page, will help in anyway to spread this...
  19. Thanks for the reply, Peter...I'm sure George did know...hard to prove, but is the world really that small a place?...Ordinary Family...I have the Adamson books, I'll plunge ahead...
  20. I have the Moore/ DeMohrenschildt meeting....which led to Oswald...but when did George become aware of the Paines'?..In "I'm Patsy" her refers to her as Ruth Payne,...so what was the earliest familiar relationship? Anyone?...
  21. Was just wondering, when did DeMohrenschildt first meet the Paines'? Am I correct that it was through Edward Glover...in Jan 63? It seems the first time was when George and his wife were showing the film of their Panama movie, as depicted it "I'm A Patsy" Does anyone have other information....are there allusions to earlier meetings?...or a continuing friendship after the initial meeting?
  22. So, John f Kennedy Assassination A Mafia conspiracy.....By Jim Gatewood...first, I really need to find out more about this Dallas County Assassination Review board....second....Lee fired 3 shots..A mafia contract by the Mafia Kingpin Sam Giancana...3 shots hit (yes the magic bullet is true), the second struck JFK in the head...the third went wild, while Lee was drawing a bead on Jacqueline (his second intended victim)...Because of the Heroics of DS Harry Weatherford, from the top of the county records building. He was late for the first 2 shots, but fired at the snipers perch so Oswald missed his 3 rd shot, which went wild and hit the curb...wounding Mr Tague. The DCARB is trying to get the city of Dallas to recognize Weatherford's extraordinary heroics, in saving the first lady's life...some information was provided by a 90 year old mole the authors have chosen to call...the mole...all in 150 neat pages
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