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Bernice Moore

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Posts posted by Bernice Moore

  1. Here is another comparison of the crosswalk people. The only person

    I can find common to both images is the white socks lady in the green

    dress. Can you find any other matches?



    I have not been able to access the forum for about 4 or 5 hours. I finally

    was able to just now log back on, but this message still would not accept

    the image I tried to post, so I am asking Bernice to try.


    Jack :

    I have found also the F to be extremely slow, and when I do get in and try

    to open a thread, it is the same, I have found it this way since last


    This time it has worked fine, ??? it did not an hour ago.....

    Perhaps it needed a time out....



    Sources: CD 87, pp. 1-8 SS 336, SS 443, SS 477, SS 523, SS 626; HSCA Reel 52, Box 29, Folder F (AMKW 29) re Homer Samuel ECHEVARRIA Valdivia; FBI JFK 124- 10027-10044, Lifton's pp. 43-44


    Comments: White, male Cuban. 32, 3' 9", 160 lbs, black hair, mustache, olive complexion. In Chicago, he maintained steady employment as Chicago transit authority bus driver. Son of Ebelia Echevarria, a "source" for the Chicago office of the FBI. Born at Jatibonico, Camaguay, Cuba. Employed by C. J. Simpson Drilling Co., resided briefly in Dallas at 10353 Denton Drive. Fled Castro's Cuba. Resided in Anniston, Ala 6 months. Had entered United States on July 6, 1960 at Miami, FL, via Cuvano Airlines flight No. 808. I&NS Alien Number is A-12 236 480 (201-767409)

    Homer Echevarria - Taking Care of Kennedy



    Bernice ,

    Thanks for that. (The Mary Ferrell database has listed HE's height as 3'9", btw.)

    Hi Mark :

    I noticed that.....so went looking,...and further within the documentation ,it states 5' 9"...in

    several reports..........typing blooper..I imagine......


  3. Thanks Bernice. Do you know how old he was in these photos? Or when they were taken?

    Hi Maggie:

    The photos of Larry were taken from the Warren Commission...so 64 ish.. ....off hand no idea how old he was, but does

    appears to be in his 20's ??

    He is another from the W/C.....


  4. Just throwing a name out there as I have never seen a picture of him. Is it Curtis (Larry) Crafard?

    He resided at the Carousel Club but disappeared immediately after the assassination. Knew Tippett. Was 22 years old. Ruby introduced him to others as 'Oswald'. According to his brother, Edward, he was heavily involved in the assassination. Crafard himself admitted to researcher Peter Whitmey that he was a 'hitman' in the 60's. He had a 'special Army discharge' Garrison was interested in him but due to lack or resources and the lack of a direct New Orleans link he never followed through. He thought he may have been Tippets killer. He is mentioned in Joan Mellon's book page 260. No photo though.


    Hi Maggie:

    Here is Larry Crafard and ?....for you to compare.........



  5. Bernice posted this:

    The Tenth Batch....from Fair Play.........further information within this article........

    Document # 180-10087-10136 is a seven page report from the Chicago Field Office of the Secret Service on Thomas Mosley and Homer S. Echevarria. Information is supplied by an informant still unknown, the symbol number for this informant is 2-1-266.




    It turned out that Informant #2-1-266 is actually Thomaz Mosley, himself. Besedes Homer Echeverria, I would like more info about Mosley. There are descrepencies as to who and what he realy was. What happened to him later and did he have a differnt name.



    Hi Dixie:

    That informations you mention about Mosley appearing to be the informant, is within the above Tenth Batch article ....I posted...by Joe Backus ...........

    he states.....

    "Okay, Mosley appears to be the informant 2-1-266 because he is instructed to contact Homer Echevarria, who is a co-worker with the informant as a driver of a Chicago Transit Authority city bus. Both the informant and the suspect work out of Keeler Station, 4221 West Diversey Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. "


    Yes it would be interesting to know where he disappeared to, he could have been operating under an alias, as well as perhaps many others within, and then resumed, his own or another later.....the game of playing to two or more masters perhaps.......

    As James refers to also.......

    The information about Mosley calling himself Art Rickoften is also from the same Joe Backus article......but "Blackfoot" is a new one, tx ...James.

    "A check of the Chicago Police Department files on suspect Thomas Mosley revealed a record for Mosley under the alias Art Rickoften where in 1959 he was arrested for possession of fictitious license plates. A search of his car found machine guns. He was turned over to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division of the Internal Revenue Service. "

    see link.....


  6. For sale on eBay is a documentary done by Mark Oakes - sounds very interesting. Among other things, it seems as if Oakes was able to confirm the ID of the mystery individual seem with Buddy Walthers in the area of the furrow, as Robert Barrett of the FBI. (Lee Forman)


    I was always under the impression it was Barrett. I seem to remember reading a report that identified him.



    Hi James :

    You and Lee may have read the information here....a link to my work on this subect

    last year on.......jfkresearch......

    There is no positive proof it was Barrett but it is a close..

    Dallas' Finest




    Sources: CD 87, pp. 1-8 SS 336, SS 443, SS 477, SS 523, SS 626; HSCA Reel 52, Box 29, Folder F (AMKW 29) re Homer Samuel ECHEVARRIA Valdivia; FBI JFK 124- 10027-10044, Lifton's pp. 43-44


    Comments: White, male Cuban. 32, 3' 9", 160 lbs, black hair, mustache, olive complexion. In Chicago, he maintained steady employment as Chicago transit authority bus driver. Son of Ebelia Echevarria, a "source" for the Chicago office of the FBI. Born at Jatibonico, Camaguay, Cuba. Employed by C. J. Simpson Drilling Co., resided briefly in Dallas at 10353 Denton Drive. Fled Castro's Cuba. Resided in Anniston, Ala 6 months. Had entered United States on July 6, 1960 at Miami, FL, via Cuvano Airlines flight No. 808. I&NS Alien Number is A-12 236 480 (201-767409)

    Homer Echevarria - Taking Care of Kennedy



  8. The Tenth Batch....from Fair Play.........further information within this article........

    Document # 180-10087-10136 is a seven page report from the Chicago Field Office of the Secret Service on Thomas Mosley and Homer S. Echevarria. Information is supplied by an informant still unknown, the symbol number for this informant is 2-1-266. Investigation was made by SS agents Edward X. Tucker, Joseph E. Noonan, Gary M. McLeod and James S. Griffiths. It covered a period between November 29-December 10, 1963. It was previously numbered as CO-2-34,030. It was previously titled Lee Harvey Oswald Assassination of President Kennedy. It is now numbered CO-2-34, 104. It is now titled Homer S. Echevarria.

    The informant told of meetings between Echevarria and Mosley and between Mosley and a man named "Mannie" (last name unknown), who allegedly is a leader of all Cuban groups in Chicago. "Mannie" expressed an interest in obtaining automatic weapons, detonators and explosives. These items were to be paid in cash for an action to take place in 90 days.



  9. In the initial posting on this thread I presented a comparison of "Altgens5" and a Zapruder frame

    asking if anyone could match any of the spectators in the Elm crosswalk on Houston. I specified

    that the views were approximately 90 degrees apart and that the differing viewpoints made

    locations difficult. I said that I could find no spectators who matched. Since then I have found

    several possible matches (see graphic).

    I made one basic mistake. I mistook the white line by the policeman's feet as a car lane stripe on

    Elm. Further study shows it is the PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK LINE on Houston, a difference of

    at least 25 feet. This proves important in locating the policeman, which I had believed was not

    shown in Zapruder. Instead of his being in the middle of Elm, as I had thought, it moves him

    to the pedestrian crosswalk area on Houston; as some have pointed out, it appears that he

    is man #20 on my Zapruder image.

    My previous graphic was NOT a study...just a comparison of two images asking whether

    anyone could match up any persons in the two images. There were only a few responses, so

    I decided to undertake a person by person analysis. Making the policeman man #20 and

    counting to the north person by person, #13 is a man with his arms folded across his chest.

    Altgens has such a man, so that is a possible match. Farther north, #8 is a woman in white

    sox. Just behind the policeman in Altgens is a woman in white sox, another likely match.

    Number 5 is a lady in a long black coat, who also may be behind the cop in Altgens. Tall man

    #4 is possibly behind the cop also, but not enough to be sure.

    Even more troublesome are people seen in Altgens who should be in Zapruder but are not seen.

    Starting at left, just one person north of the lady in the black coat, is a soldier with four brass

    buttons, service ribbons and corporal's stripes. He and the two women with him should be in

    Zapruder. Zapruder's #6 man is a freak with FOUR LEGS, two of them suspended in air, but he

    is not seen in Altlgens. Altgen's little black boy is not seen in Zapruder unless he is #11. The #10

    man in short sleeve light shirt and dark pants is not seen, though a man with short sleeves and

    light pants is seen in Altgens. A black man in white shirt and dark pants, #12, is beside the man

    with folded arms but not seen in Altgens. Number 14 is a tall man in white shirt, not seen in

    Alltgens. Number 17 is a woman in a long red dress standing next to a shorter woman in a

    white blouse, and number 18, a small boy; this group is not in Altgens. The cop, #20, in Altgens

    is south of the crosswalk, but in Altgens is north of the crosswalk.

    I believe these discrepancies prove that both images cannot be genuine, since they depict

    the same moment in time within a few seconds.

    Please tell me if any of these observations are incorrect.








  10. Like I said before ... I am reminded of a post Ed made whereas he cropped a portion of the sunlit fence in Moorman's photo - enlarged it to ridiculous proportions - posted that it was proof of a cop taking pictures - while refusing to say what assassination photo or film it had come out of. Yes, Ed may be entitled to his or her opinion, but Ed has also earned to have his opinion questioned in a snide way because of his past post. You see, posting a crop out of an image and claiming it to be something is OK ... even if wrong it is unintentional. Refusing to post the image source which would expose the absurdity of the claim doesn't seem so unintentional. So 'snide' remarks could be viewed as holding back compared to what could be said.

    Bill Miller

    And I am reminded of a post in the past made about finding a shooter in a tree......and not by Ed..

    So you are saying in effect that snide remarks about such as well as meds and bottles are to be allowed,

    Why any snide remarks, what do they prove, ? nada.......that perhaps some have problems.

    Some always seem to have to say something, good bad or indifferent.

    B........carry on snideys....

  11. Agree or not, Ed does have the right to his opinion, does he not ??

    So are any snide references to anyones meds, or bottles, called for ??

    Not imo.....

    but that also is your right....to do so....

    No one is forcing anyone to open this thread...

    Thanks Ed...for your opinion.....

    Take care B.......

  12. Nix Gif showing a man in a brown shirt running into the shadows.

    It also shows Clint hill jump up on to the limo, his foot then slipping of the step and hitting the ground.

    Then still holding on to the grab rail with his arms at full stretch, he had to run very fast to catch up to the limo.


    Hi Robin:

    I did the study of the third man who runs up the steps, in Nix, and posted the Gifs, photos etc, it on here as well as on JFKresearch

    which does show the movement in the shadows was this man......

    If you want to maybe have a look see..........Best B.....

  13. Bernice,

    I must say that is by far,the best image I have ever seen regarding the condition of the head at the time of the shooting (specifically the back of the head) and now I can honestly say that,I am no longer convinced that there was something sinister about the area that this "black area" appears.I do however remain skeptical.

    Thank you so much for the kind gesture.

    Hi Mike :

    Skeptical, BTW that is my middle name at times, in all this..... :hotorwot In the copies, of the Zap, we had up to a few years ago,

    the blow out was not seen, just big black blotch......in that you are correct, relates to what copy you watch today...

    Did you happen to notice you can see Jackies shoulder through his head, no, that was not blown away, go to

    Parkland......le Cartoon......


  14. I`m pretty sure that this must have been brought up & discussed before sometime on this forum but,it seems like everytime I see an image of frame 313 (give or take a few frames) there always seems to be a "black area" in the back of the Presidents head that prevents us from seeing the damage done in that area.

    Is there any images out there enhanced or not,that gives us a clear view of the condition that the Presidents head was at that time?

    Any information or opinions is encouraged & appreciated.


    Hi Michael:

    These are Zapruder frame, #337......the close up is from Groden's TKOAP......


  15. I notice for the first time Jackie brings her right arm up to and around JFK's shoulder AFTER the headshot....


    I know this foward motion has been discussed before in the past many times, but note also how Jackie is not thrown forward,

    as the front four are.......

    Here are two gifs on Greers looking back twice and the 4 being thrown forward...and one showing the blow out

    to the back of FK's head........no matter what is else is shown and or not.....imo......



  16. Lee:

    There are many well, differences seen within this area as we are aware, down through the years...

    some manipulated ?, others perhaps cleaned up, filled in, who knows now..?

    Below is the Altgens that was printed in " The Patriot : Harrisburg :PA. Nov.23. 1963"..

    also two different takings of the close up.....??

    The bottom one is Trasks...FWTW


    Thanks John........

  17. Small movie i created using 10-Frames:

    Robin, Duncan

    See post # 656 above.

    Any thoughts?

    Not sure Miles.

    I will have to take a closer look at it.

    Weren't the lightposts moved at some point. ?


    Yes Robin:

    You are correct , Miles is in error, his underlying photo of Dealey was taken some time later,

    when the lamp posts were moved..onto the grass.........

    The day of the assn.....the lamp posts were on the other side of the sidewalk, in cement,

    next to the road.....a given.....not on the grass...

    Duncan, Bill........just wanted to get that out of the way before it took off....

    Carry on...... B.....

  18. Hi Jack :

    If you go into Sylvia Meagher's book.."Accessories After the Fact ".....she and Tink did see the Zapruder film, not too long after, she speaks of seeing it several times ....

    Now she was not into the photos as we know now, but I would have thought they, meaning she and Tink within their books, would have hopefully described what they saw....neither did...

    I have in the past searched high and wide for eithers descriptions, and it simply is not there......though she stated it was horrendous, or some such wording....

    So some did see it, early, they did have not a copy but did have access to viewing, through Life, yet for some reason there was no further information given......


    Thanks...I did not recall that. But I assume they saw only a projected movie, not individual frames.



    Here it is Jack :

    Apparently the did see the frames and the recoil was apparently noted but ignored...

    I had posted this in the long past on JFKresearch found it in my files........FWIW......to you....

    "Sylvia Meagher stated in her book Accessories After The Fact 1967.. about the film..

    Subsequently, other researchers have viewed the Zapruder films ( thanks to the courtesy of Mr.Edward Kern of Life magazine...I was able to view 25 screenings of the film and excellent color transparencies of the individual frames )...clip....Vincent Salandria and Gaeton Fonzi

    conclusively demonstrated the backward recoil by tracing the position of the body in successive frames, using two projectors and projecting one slide upon the other. clip...(some 6 months after that diagram was published no spokeman for the Warren Commission has

    challenged the data or the accompanying conclusion that the fatal shot came from somewhere on the grassy knoll."".(printed in The Greater Philadelphia Magazine, Aug.66.p44)


  19. Hi Jack :

    If you go into Sylvia Meagher's book.."Accessories After the Fact ".....she and Tink did see the Zapruder film, not too long after, she speaks of seeing it several times ....

    Now she was not into the photos as we know now, but I would have thought they, meaning she and Tink within their books, would have hopefully described what they saw....neither did...

    I have in the past searched high and wide for eithers descriptions, and it simply is not there......though she stated it was horrendous, or some such wording....

    So some did see it, early, they did have not a copy but did have access to viewing, through Life, yet for some reason there was no further information given......


  20. John Kelin :"I am especially interested in the earliest of Mary Ferrell's material, specifically the index cards she began creating almost right after the assassination. I need to find out what happened to this stuff. I hope it still exists, but she told a newspaper, sometime around 2000/2001, that she wanted some of her stuff destroyed upon her death."

    Hi John :

    Enjoyed your book, the first researchers have as well as their invaluable information, long been ignored..by I feel the many

    ...My choice has always been the first day evidence as well as the original studies and first books, etc, though not ignoring the new information as it has become available.....but learning to question all .... it seems for years the many were more interested in the newer books, and research, which at times has been wanting and at others misinformative..until shown.....mo..

    I cannot aid you in where exactly all of Mary's information is stored, though Rex Bradford did post at that time that Charles mentioned, and did assure all they were stored high, dry and safe..and that he was in the process of the immense job of downloading...such ..on the site....for..the rest ?? of the information you would have to approach him...and perhaps you can find out further information for all....But I will say I have and do see since the site came onboard, that there is an on going updating of information and downloading of her vast information...

    At the Mary Ferrell site, there are her Chronologies as well as her data base.....Below is the information from the site in reference to what you questioned and called her index files, which are now called...the Mary Ferrell Database.....but to access one must subscribe and visit with some regularity...to see what is constantly new, and to read...to try to stay up..to date...to some degree.

    ""The Mary Ferrell Database is an extensive reference system, containing over 10,000 entries for names and organizations relevant to researchers of the JFK assassination. Mary developed the database over many years, starting with index cards and eventually developing a DOS-based electronic database. The MFF has taken this electronic database and made it available and searchable on the internet.

    You can browse the database or search it. To browse, select the first letter of the name you're looking for (for persons, use their last name). Or just enter a name or phase into the search box for quicker access.

    Each database entry includes the name, notes written by Mary Ferrell, and source references for those notes. You may add your own comments to an entry.""

    Take care .......am a waiting a second book....??


  21. My own research on Oswald's whereabouts convinces me that at the time of the JFK shooting he was standing on the front steps of the Texas Depository. He is the man at the extreme left at the top of the front steps that we see in Altgen's famous photo. Oswald in the man in the doorway, not Billy Lovelady.

    Professor McKnight, thanks for your research which culminated in publishing Breach of Trust.

    In your book you cite the accounts of Viola Adams, Carolyn Arnold, Pierce Allman and Terrance Ford. You also describe the conflicting testimonies of Lovelady and Shelley.

    My question: Is there evidence not contained in Breach of Trust that helped you conclude that it was Oswald in Altgen's photo?

    I keep wondering why Oswald said he was on the first floor during the assassination instead of in the doorway where a perfect alibi would await if one of his co-workers had happened to notice him there. I wonder how his framers could have allowed him to be in such a crowded and visible place, where a positive identification could have ruined all their plans.


    Hello Professor McNight , and it's good to see you here posting.....



    Hello Mike.....

    Re the Captain Fritz notes....that Walt Brown found...Fritz states he, LHO, said he was "out with Bill Shelley in front"...

    Just posting the one, all are available....as well as the history....of the find.



    The Best to all for the News Years,....


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